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Автономная некоммерческая профессиональная образовательная организация "Национальный социально-педагогический колледж"

Задание 1

Ответ на задание:

Студенты – это будущее каждой страны. Это молодые граждане нашего общества, полные безграничной энергии и прогрессивных идей, фантастических планов и благородных амбиций, надежд и мечтаний. Студенческая жизнь – самый яркий период нашей жизни. Это смесь учебы и большого удовольствия. Я знаю, что мои родители (бывшие студенты) скучают по тем добрым временам своей студенческой жизни.

Студент должен выполнять определенные обязанности. Само собой разумеется, что основной обязанностью студента является усердная учеба и приобретение необходимых знаний для будущей карьеры. Он должен посещать все занятия в колледже, выполнять всю работу в нужное время, быть пунктуальным и дисциплинированным. Это может помочь ученику достичь своих целей и стать прилежным и настойчивым. Если он не будет пренебрегать учебой, он получит богатые дивиденды в своей будущей работе.

Экзаменационное время в конце каждого семестра является довольно тяжелым для студентов. Они тратят бесконечные дни и ночи на учебу и зубрежку. Хотя некоторые из них используют списывание, копирование чьих-то рефератов или курсовых работ. И вам повезет, если вы не попадетесь учителю, потому что он может наказать вас двойкой или даже исключением из колледжа.

Задание 2

Ответ на задание:

Students are the future of each of our countries. These are young people full of energy, plans, ambitions and dreams. Student life is a bright period in the life of any person.

The student has certain responsibilities. He must be punctual and disciplined, and also complete all work on time. The most difficult time for a student is exam time. They spend endless days and nights on studying and cramming. Tuition and tuition fees are very high, so some students also work in addition to studying. Also, students go in for sports, participate in extracurricular activities, broaden their horizons.

Being a student is great.

Задание 3

Ответ на задание:
Holiday dedicated to the day of autumn

"Autumn leaf fall".

1. Preparing the hall and class for the holiday

2. Distribution of invitations

3. The beginning of the holiday (the performance of the teacher)

4. Performance of children (poems, songs, dances)

5. Congratulatory stage - rewarding children

6. Children are sent to the classroom for a festive table.

7. Treats, tea drinking

8. Games (from which tree is the leaf?

what grows in the garden, hide from the rain, mush roomer)

9. Disco

10. The final stage, leaving home.

Before the start of the event, it is necessary to discuss safety measures with the children. There must be a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in the venues of the festival. The windows may not be opened during the event. Do not allow students to walk around the building. Make sure that parents know about the end time of the holiday.

Задание 4

Ответ на задание:
Good evening. My name is Tatyana Olegovna. I am a teacher. The profession of a teacher is my dream, so this is a responsible and balanced decision to get such an education. I always knew that I would teach. The path of a teacher is continuous improvement, spiritual and creative development. I believe that a significant part of this profession is an individual approach to each child. It is also important to comply with all sanitary rules and regulations in the educational process. This applies to the conduct of lessons, nutrition of children, the state of educational material, hygiene and the like. As a teacher, I am sure that the efforts I expended will turn into the success of my pupils.

Задание 5

Ответ на задание:
Biography of Anna German

  1. My childhood

  2. Education

  3. My appearance and character traits

  4. Homesickness

  5. Traveling is my hobby

Задание 6

Ответ на задание:
Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
Lev Semyonovich was born in the city of Orsha, in the family of a successful financier. Soon after his birth, the family moved to Gomel, where Vygotsky's father opened the first public library. Lev received an excellent education: until the 6th grade he was brought up in family education, then he entered the men's gymnasium, where he studied ancient and foreign languages \u200b\u200bwith private teachers.

The young scientist was noticed and in 1924 he was invited to work at the new Moscow Experimental Institute of Psychology. Being a versatile person, Vygotsky was equally interested in physiology, psychology and culture. For example, in his literary works, works of art are considered as living beings with their own anatomy and features of development. Vygotsky approached all areas of science in a comprehensive manner, so he can be called a researcher of life in general.

In the mid-1920s, Lev Semyonovich became interested in correctional pedagogy - in fact, he opened this direction: for the first time he spoke about the fact that children with developmental disabilities can and should be socialized. From 1929 until his death, Vygotsky worked as the scientific director of the psychological laboratory at the Experimental Defectological Institute. He developed the theory on which all modern corrective practices are based.

Lev Vygotsky died at the age of 37 from tuberculosis, but in his short life he managed to make a number of discoveries that turned the idea of pedagogy and child psychology upside down.

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