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Добавлен: 12.04.2024

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First Degree Burns, Second Degree Burns, Third Degree Burns.

  1. Second Degree Burns burn damages both layers of skin: the epidermis and the dermis. The skin is red and has blisters that may open and leak clear fluids making the skin appear wet. The burned skin may look patchy and is usually feels painful.

  2. First Degree Burns damages only the top layer of skin. The skin is red, dry, and painful. The area may swell.

  3. Third Degree Burns destroys both layers of skin as well as any or all of the underlying structures i.e. nerves, blood vessels, fat, muscles, and bones.

Read and translate the text in written form

First Aid for Burns

For First and Second Degree burns you should cool the area immediately with gently running cold water for about 10-15 minutes or until the burned area has cooled. This will help to remove the heat from the tissue so the burning will stop.

Do not apply ointments unless told to do so by a physician or pharmacist. Keep the area as clean as possible.

For Third Degree Burns do not put anything on the burn. Instead seek professional medical help immediately. Third degree burns are life threatening even when only a small body part is affected.

For electrical burns, check for an exit wound as well as treating for the entrance wound.

For chemical burns, flush the area with lots of water to get it off the person's skin. Never apply ointments,
butter, or other home remedies on burns, as this may make the burn worse or cause an infection.

При ожогах первой и второй степени следует немедленно промыть область слегка проточной холодной водой в течение примерно 10-15 минут или до тех пор, пока обожженный участок не остынет. Это поможет отводить тепло от ткани, чтобы жжение прекратилось.

Не наносите мази без указания врача или фармацевта. Содержите помещение в максимально возможной чистоте.

При ожогах третьей степени ничего не прикладывайте к ожогу. Вместо этого немедленно обратитесь за профессиональной медицинской помощью. Ожоги третьей степени опасны для жизни, даже если поражена лишь небольшая часть тела.

При ожогах электрическим током проверьте наличие выходного отверстия, а также обработайте входное отверстие.

При химических ожогах промойте область большим количеством воды, чтобы удалить ее с кожи человека. Никогда не наносите мази, масло или другие домашние средства на ожоги, так как это может привести к

  1. Look at the pictures and tell what should you do at every stage of a burn?

In case of minor burns of 1-2 degrees: Hold the burned area in cool water or apply a wet cold compress. The action of cold water helps to stop the process of damage to the skin and tissues. Cover the entire burn with a clean, dry cloth. Over-the-counter remedies can be used to relieve pain and irritation. Call your doctor if you notice any signs of infection in the burn area.

Аt stage 4, put a sterile napkin on the burned area of the skin and go to the hospital