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Тольяттинский государственный университет

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Кафедра /департамент /центр1 ____ Финансовый контроль и экономическая безопасность организаций__

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38.03.01 Экономика

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Практическое задание №
по учебному курсу «______Иностранный язык 4 ______»

(наименование учебного курса)
Вариант ____ (при наличии)


Петренко Екатерина Сергеевна

(И.О. Фамилия)




Якушева Татьяна Сергеевна

(И.О. Фамилия)

Тольятти 2022

Machinistov 4

450095 Ufa. Russai

15th September

Dear Alina,

Hi! Thank you for your letter ! How is everything?

Sorry that I haven’t written you for so long but I was busy all this time.

I have a great news! My parents allowed me to go to Italy for two weeks! It was a great time. Let me tell you how I spent that amazing journey.

My sister and I stayed in a nice hotel in the centre of Rome. The room was convenient and there was a great view from the windows. Every day we enjoyed tasty cuisine, had fun at discos and swam in the large pool. During ten days we visited a lot of wonderful places such as Colosseum, Pantheon, Triton Fountain. You can’t even imagine how many photos I took! We really appreciated being there because of all the amazing sights and experiences we had.

Victoria sends her love.

Anyway, that’s all the news for you.

I could write more but I really need to go. Hope we will meet soon. Take care and write back soon.

Best wishes,


Проверяемое_задание__3__Тема__«Beginnings_and_start-ups»'>Проверяемое_задание__2_Тема__«Work,_rest_and_meeting_people»'>Проверяемое задание 2

Тема «Work, rest and meeting people»
Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. Many professions need to be developed and justified over a period of time.

When looking for a job, make sure that you are confident. If you show that you can do the job, you most likely will. Do not limit yourself to only one field of jobs, but try out for many jobs, and fill out as many applications as you can. Again, do not limit yourself.

Finding the job is the most important part, and we will all come to face this fact eventually. A few things to help you find a job is this: Go through the local newspapers, go through all of the adds, circle the ones that interest you and then fax in your resume, or give them a call as soon as possible. Do not delay this, for if you do, you may miss out on the chance of a lifetime. A few places to find a job are on the Internet, also known as the world wide web. Go on the world wide web and type in jobs in any major search engine, or the specific job that you are looking for, and you will come up with many results.

When you are applying for a job in the paper, or the sign in the window, there are a few simple guidelines to remember.

Keep your resume short and neat [четкий, ясный, точный], a one page resume is more than enough. If they look too long and gaudy [цветистый, витиеватый] looking, the employers will not give it their full attention. Again, be confident, be confident that you can and will do the job. List as many references that you have, attach them as well to your resume.

Dress for Success. Yes, I know you have heard that before, but it is the truth. Dress nicely and appropriately for the job. Always smile. At the end of an interview, shake hands firmly.

Проверяемое_задание__5__Тема__«The_world_of_work»'>Проверяемое задание 3

Тема «Beginnings and start-ups»

Dear, Petr.

How are you? Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails, but I only checked today. Last week was a busy and very exciting week.

Last Sunday my daddy and I went fishing. The day was very warm. So when we came to the river, we began to prepare our fishing rods and baits for fishing. Early in the morning we dug some worms and put them into a little pot. So we started fishing. There was no any success, unfortunately. In half an hour we felt ourselves hungry and decided to have a bite. While we were eating, our worms crawled away as I forgot to close the pot. And when I tried to fish out my little carp, I dropped my fishing rod into the water. So when we came back home we showed our mom a pail full of good fish, bought at the market. Of course, it was secret for her.

I'm waiting for your arrival. Let's go fishing. I hope we catch a huge fish.


Проверяемое задание 4

Тема «Beginnings and start-ups»
- How do you know Maria?

- We met at Mark's party.
- Do you live near the embankment?

- We have a beautiful view from the window.
- Are you a friend of my friend Peter?

- Peter is my faithful and reliable friend.
- Where did you meet your wife?

- my wife and I met at a friend's party.
- Did you hear how her fiance proposed to get married?

- it's so romantic.
- How did you surprise your girlfriend?

- It's a long story.
- What do you do?

- I'm looking for a job.
-Do you like to dance?

-I really love tango.
- Where did you learn to dance ?

- My best dance teacher is my dad.
-What is your hobby?

- I like to fish.
- What's the biggest fish you've caught in your life?

- It was my wife.
-Where's your wife?

-She and her friends went dancing
- What a beautiful melody is playing.

- I totally agree with you.
- What is the weather like in Russia?

- Winter is already approaching.
- Is it cold in winter ?

-I really like it when there is a lot of snow

Проверяемое задание 5

Тема «The world of work»
Nikolai Alexeev.
450095, Machinistov 4 Street,
Ufa? Russia,
(123)-456 7890.

To Seek the Position of Hotel Manager

Summary of Qualifications

  • Total eight years experience.

  • Complete knowledge of hotels operations.

  • Training position in busy UK Hotel.

  • I know English, French, German, Chinese.

  • Outstanding oral, written and training communication skills

  • Unparalleled guest relations skills especially in creating “special touches” and resolving Guest requests and concerns.

  • Strong analytical skills including trend analysis and the ability to develop innovative tactics to resolve problems.

  • Excellent eye for details, can carry out actions to improve the appearance of the property, and employees as well as establish relevant actions that meet guest’s expectations.

  • Positive and upbeat approach to employee relations and guest complaints.

  • Strong computer skills especially word processing, hotel operating systems and spreadsheet creation.

  • Remarkable ability to ensure proper selection, training, motivation and counseling of all employees.

Professional Experience

Excellence Hotels & Towers, Minneapolis, MN 2002 – Present

  • Plan the accommodation, catering along with other hotel services.

  • Promote and market the business.

  • Assume authority for the hotel in the absence of the General Manager and serve as Assistant General Manager for all operations within the hotel.

  • Ensure that every department head is aware of operational goals and hence is made aware of the necessary tools.

  • Manage budgets as well as financial plans.

  • Maintain statistical-financial records.

  • Recruit and monitor relevant staff for their specific operations.

  • Plan work schedules as per requirement.

  • Deal with customer queries and complaints.

  • Address customer problems as well as troubleshoot.

  • Ensure events and conferences run without interruption.

  • Supervise the supplies and furnishings.

  • Deal with the contractors and suppliers.


Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management

State University of New York, Bufallo (1998)
Проверяемое задание №6

Тема «The world of work»
There is no need to explain the meaning of the term "unemployment" – the term "speaker", besides – a strange thing! – there is still no foreign equivalent to it.

The economic development of any country cannot remain stable for a long period. Sooner or later, crises are almost inevitable. The factors that lead to them may be a change in the political system, the depreciation of the national currency, the impoverishment of the subsoil, etc. On the example of our new and recent history, many of these trends are clearly visible.

However, the situation has been paradoxical lately, of course. A person works and does not work at the same time. He is on maternity leave, but in fact he is "chained" to a laptop, torn between him and the child. What, consider him (or rather, her) as unemployed? Absolutely not. But she is not officially listed anywhere. This is the so–called remote work (this is its official name), and in fact - copywriting or freelancing. In this case, the employment record of a particular citizen is at home, he himself does not work anywhere in the usual sense of the word, but he always has a certain stable income, provided that he is properly "promoted", self-promotion, diligence and perseverance.

States help people who have lost their jobs. In Russia, as in many other countries, there are so-called labor exchanges where people who have lost their jobs are registered. Such temporary unemployed are entitled to benefits.

It seems to me that the problem of unemployment can be solved only by combining the efforts of the state, business and the people themselves looking for work. The State should guarantee the opportunity for citizens to obtain qualifications and decent working conditions. A business must have acceptable conditions to legally carry out commercial activities and hire competent specialists, respecting the rights of its employees, fulfilling its part of social obligations to them. A person should have the opportunity to get an education, a profession, the right to fair wages that guarantee a decent standard of living, and to choose a place of work. In turn, the employee must work in good faith, thus benefiting the employer, and strengthen the country's economy by paying taxes honestly.

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