Файл: Нижнекамский химикотехнологический институт (филиал).docx

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Добавлен: 26.04.2024

Просмотров: 5

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

Skill.cast(Config.AttackSkill[3], 0, 15093, 5029);

return true;



case 6: // Assassin

if (Config.UseTraps) {

check = ClassAttack.checkTraps({x: 15093, y: 5029});

if (check) {

ClassAttack.placeTraps( {x: 15093, y: 5029}, 5);

return true;





return false;


The following reserved keywords are used here: Else, if, return, function, and break. To understand the identifiers used, it is enough to have an average level of knowledge of English. However, in order to understand what individual functions do, such as get Distance, Pather. move, you need to read the documentation that comes with the library you are using. A specialist who speaks English immediately intuitively understands what these functions do, but there is no detailed understanding of what is happening. A number of questions arise: what should be passed as parameters, does the function return any parameters? There is no Russian-language documentation for the library used, and such situations are found everywhere.

Proficiency in English is necessary for a programmer to extract the necessary information from a variety of sources, which is possible with the ability to read English technical texts. Various manuals, official documentation, message boxes, commands, tutorials, certification tests, license terms, correspondence with other developers, and others. Therefore, viewing, familiarization, search activity occupies an important place in the professional training of programmers.

The English language connects programmers all over the world. Proficiency in technical English gives an advantage to an IT specialist and is one of the components of his professional competence, as it provides the future programmer with the ease of learning and remembering programming languages; speed of solving problematic tasks and editing programs; understanding and awareness of the system's reaction to erroneous situations and other aspects of the programmer's activity. It is no coincidence that at one of the forums dedicated to the activities of a programmer, the idea was voiced, "English is the Latin of a modern person involved in computer science, and without mastering it is impossible to engage in professional technical sciences."

As you can see, along with such requirements for the professional activity of a programmer as developed cognitive abilities, a certain level of thinking, high motivation, interest in the profession, there is a need for knowledge of English as a leading language in programming. It follows that the issues of English teaching methodology, as well as teaching students of technical universities and faculties’ vocabulary, syntax and semantics, improving reading and writing skills are currently particularly significant and remain open for further research.


1) Программист – Programmer;

2) Язык программирования – Programming language;

3) Функция – Function;

4) Переменная – Variable;

5) Классы – Classes;

6) Алгоритм – Algorithm;

7) Бинарный код – Binary code;

8) Синтаксис – Syntax;

9) Семантика – Semantics;

10) Параметры – Options;

11) Консоль – Console;

12) Команда – Command;

13) Условия лицензионного соглашения – Terms of the license agreement;

14) Разработчик – Developer;

15) Ключевое слово – Keyword;

16) Среда разработки – Development environment;

17) Открытый исходный код – open source;

18) Отладка – Debugging;

19) Редактирование – Editing;

20) Условное обозначение – Symbol;

21) Документация – Documentation;

22) Исследование – Research;

23) Тип – Type;

24) Метод – Method;

25) Инструментарий – Tools;

26) Фундаментальные знания – Fundamental knowledge;

27) Информационная система – Information system;

28) Кастомизация – Customization;

29) Объектно-ориентированное программирование (ООП) – Object Oriented Programming