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Тема Legoland

Образовательные: повторить и закрепить лексический материал по теме, тренировать учащихся в использовании Present Perfect, учить учащихся правильно употреблять его в предложениях, организовывать на уроке просмотровое чтение теста и чтение с полным пониманием содержания, образовывать антонимы, используя различные приставки

Развивающие: развивать языковую догадку, память, внимание, речевую реакцию, развивать готовность к коммуникации

Воспитательные: воспитывать интерес к стране изучаемого языка

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент

2. Aims

Have you ever played LEGO?

Raise your hands who has played LEGO (pupils raise their hands)

Who has never played LEGO?

Try to guess the topic of today’s lesson. What are we going to talk about? Open your books p.61. How do you think?

Учащиеся высказывают предположения о теме урока и цели урок

-I think we will talk about having fun.

-I think we will talk about parks.

Yes, today we are talking about parks and fun activities there.

You know there are a lot of ways of having fun and now we are going to discuss our new topic which is called ‘Legolend’.

2. Warming up

-What can you do at theme park?

at theme park…

II. Основная часть урока

1. Проверка домашнего задания

Ex. 1 p. 60 ex. 4 page 60

True of false

1. Janet has been at camp Pacibic for a week. +

2. She has made some new friends. +

3. Janet has done souvenir shopping. –

4. They visited Legoland, she famous theme park. +

5. She hasn’t taken a lot of pictures. -

6. Janet will come back in two weeks. +

7. She is writing to her parents. –


Pre- reading activity

-Look at the pictures and the title.

What is Legoland?

Which country is it in?

Legoland is a theme park in California, USA

Vocabulary (try to explain me meanings of word-comb.)

-did for dinosaur bones and tossils

-drive a fire truck

-a driving licence

- spectacular sights

- unforgettable


Post-reading activities

Ex. 2 p.61

1. +

2. -

3. -

4. +

5. +

6. +

7. -

8. +

9. +

Answer the questions

1) What can you build with LEGO bricks?

2) Name the attractions at Legoland?

3) What can you do at Fun Town?

4) Where can you go on an African safari trek?

5) Which is one of the most spectacular sights at Legoland?

3. writing

Ex. 5 p. 61

Form opposite adjectives. Check in your dictionary use them in sentences of your own.

Logical - логичный - illogical

Responsible – ответственный - irresponsible

Believable - вероятностный - unbelievable

Possible - активный - impossible

Active - - inactive

Balanced - уравновешенный - unbalanced

Forgettable - забывчивый - unforgettable

III. Заключительная часть урока

1. Summary

-What have you learned about Legoland?

-What can you do there? What do you like in Legoland?

- What are your impressions about it?

2. Home task

Thank for your good work. The lesson is over. Have fun during the break.