Файл: Контрольная работа 1 Choose the right variant Ms. Spared very beautiful when she was young a. was to be.docx

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Добавлен: 03.05.2024

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Содержание письменных зачетных контрольных работ

Пример контрольной работы:

Контрольная работа 1:

1.Choose the right variant:

1. Ms.Spared ………… very beautiful when she was young.

a. was to be

b. must have been

c .must be

2. Something……….. .He …………. at seven.

a. must happen must come

b. must have happened, had to come

c. must have happened, was to come

3. There……….. a garden once.

a. was to be

b. must have been

c. must be

4. The line is busy; somebody ……….on the phone now.

a. should be speaking

b. should have been speaking

c. must be speaking

5. We……….. in. The weather is changing.

a. must go

b. must have gone

c. are to go

2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. We were at a loss what to do when the jewels were stolen.

2. The house had long been unoccupied.

3. The two boys fought until one surrendered.

4. Buying a bathing suit in winter is reasonable and wise if the price is very low.

5. She quickly responds to the needs of others.

6. I had dinner and watched a movie later.

7. The opening of a new school is always a special event.

8. He has a very frank and sincere personal way of behavior.

9. His words disagree his actions.

10. We get letters from her from time to time.

11. Man looks at the outward qualities and God looks at the heart.

12. He paused before entering the car.

13. His new book is receiving a lot of expression of admiration.

3. Translate from Russian into English:

1.Этот вопрос поставил меня в тупик.

2. Ваши действия противоречат вашим словам.

3. Министр намекнул на досрочные выборы, но не назвал дату.

4. Рассказ поразил меня своей нелепостью.

5. Было разумно с ее стороны отложить поездку.

6. Я наткнулся на эту старую фотографию недавно.

7. У нее десятилетний опыт на этой работе.

8. У меня не было случая поговорить с ним.

9. Они похвалили его речь за ясность и чувство юмора.

10. Страна должна пробудиться от нежелания трудиться.

I семестр

1. Перевести текст по широкому профилю специальности с иностранного языка на русский с использованием словаря (800 печатных знаков за 30 минут). Передать его содержание.