Файл: Диплом жобасын (жмысын) орындауа тапсырма закирова Шахло ( атыжні).docx
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Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті
Филология факультеті
Педагогикалық шетел тілдері кафедрасы
5В011900-Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі (ағылшын және түрік тілдері) мамандығы
Диплом жобасын (жұмысын) орындауға
Закирова Шахло
( аты-жөні)
Жобаның (жұмыстың) тақырыбы: Development of students listening skills using technology assisted English language learning (TALL).»
жоғары оқу орны бойынша "12" 10. 2022 ж. № СБ-86 бұйрықпен бекітілген
Аяқталған жобаны (жұмысты) тапсыру мерзімі ___
Жобаның (жұмыстың) негізгі деректері
As technology improves, such trends as technology-assisted language learning (TALL) have dominated the field of foreign language teaching in the new millennium. This chapter aims to review research studies incorporating different aspects of computer and mobile-assisted foreign language learning to enable English as a foreign language (EFL) learners to improve their listening skills. The literature review is based on studies of experimental research design in which the experimental group was exposed to computers or mobile devices to increase EFL learners' listening skills. Additionally, attitudinal studies dealing with EFL learners' perceptions about the integration of technology into EFL listening instruction were reviewed. From the literature review, it was realized that TALL helps EFL learners to improve their listening performance, and students hold favorable attitudes towards its use. At the end of the chapter, two useful mobile applications with the potential to enhance EFL learners' listening skills are introduced, and some recommendations are made.
Listening is one of the major skills in English language acquisition. However, mastering listening in acquiring the language can be challenging. Failure to listen well may cause misunderstanding and unnecessary conflicts. Realizing the importance of listening and how difficult it is, the paper focuses on listening issues experienced by 210 Part 1, Diploma students of UiTM Kelantan Branch. The objectives are to identify the perceived level of listening proficiency among students, ascertain listening problems faced by them and determine students’ need for Technology Assisted Language Learning (TALL) to enhance listening skills. Thus, a survey on listening problems and the need for TALL was conducted. 150 students responded and the majority identified physical setting as the main listening problem thus, leading to a conclusive need for technology to help improve their listening ability. Based on the findings, a technological language tool in the form of multimedia application is innovated to fulfil the students’ needs. The application is designed to be easily accessible, user-interactive, user-friendly and affordable. The features are customized to be as ‘friendly’ as possible of which they include local and Malaysian-based contents, familiar accents and slangs as well as relevant vocabulary, listening practices and quizzes.
Диплом жобасында көрсетілген мәселелердің тізімі немесе диплом жұмысының қысқаша мазмұны:
The aim of current diplom paper: investigate the possibilities of modernization of English teaching process through «Augmentative reality» technologies.The aim promoted the contribution of following tasks:
to make the theoretical overview of issues on using technologies in teaching foreign language -
to identify types of Augment Reality -
to explore affordances and constraints of Augment Reality -
to learn about impact of Augment Reality on Language Skills -
to investigate EFL teachers perceptions about the use of augmented reality technology for teaching English
Ұсынылатын негізгі әдебиет
Howatt, A. & Dakin, J. (1974). Language laboratory materials. ed. J. P. B. Allen, S. P. B. Allen, and S. P. Corder. -
Warschauer, M. (1995). E. Mail for English Teaching. Alexandra, VA: TESOL Publications. apud Seham Al-Smadi The role of using Facebook in improving English, TOJSAT : The Online Journal of Science and Technology- July 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1 -
Nadar, R. (1996) Digital democracy in action, Forbes. 2 December: 49 apud Seham AlSmadi, The role of using Facebook in improving English TOJSAT : The Online Journal of Science and Technology- July 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1 -
Hadfield, J. 2000. Intermediate Communication Games. Harlow: Longman. -
Gowon, R. (2009). Effects of Television and Radio on Speaking and Writing Skills of Senior Secondary School Students in Jos Metropolis. An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, 2(3), 92-108. -
Khan, M. (2010). Growth and Development of Electronic Media in Pakistan: How it can enhance national Cohesion and Integration?. NATIONAL MANAGEMENT COLLEGE. -
Hossain, D. (2013). The Impact of English Language on the Lifestyle and Behavior of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh: Case Study Jahangirnagar University. Global Journal Of HUMAN SOCIAL SCIENCE Linguistics & Education, 13(10), 1-14. -
Adger, C.T. (2002). What teachers need to know about language. McHenry, IL: Center for Applied Linguistics. -
Zwiers .J. (2008). Building academic language. Newark International Reading Association. -
Taylor, L. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. Herefordshire, UK: Prentice Hall international. -
Herrel. A.L. (2004). Fifty strategies for teaching English language learners. An ESL teacher‘s tool kit. 2 nd ed. Winnipeg. Canada. Penguin Publishers. -
Aitchison, Jean. 2001. New Media Language. London and New York: Routledge. -
Hadfield, J. 2000. Intermediate Vocabulary Games. Harlow: Longman. -
Read, J. (2000). Assessing vocabulary. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. -
Zimmerman, C. B. (2014). Teaching and learning vocabulary for second language learners. In Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D., Snow, M. (Eds.), Teaching English as a second or foreign language (pp. 288-302). Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning.
Тарау | Кеңесші | Мерзімі | Қолы |
Literature review | A.Meyrbekov | | |
Experimental part | A.Meyrbekov | | |
Диплом жобасын (жұмысын) дайындау кестесі
№ | Тараулардың аттары, зерттелген мәселелердің тізімі | Ғылыми жетекшіге ұсыну мерзімі | Ескерту |
1 | Plan,Introduction | | |
2 | Literature review | | |
3 | Experimental part | | |
4 | Findings, discussion and conclusion | | |
Тапсырма берілген күні “ ____”________________ 2022ж.
Кафедра меңгерушісі ___ PhD, доцент, м.а. Сейтова М.Е.
(қолы) (ғылыми атағы, аты-жөні)
Жоба (жұмыс) жетекшісі ______ PhD, доцент м.а Мейрбеков А.К
(қолы) (ғылыми атағы, аты-жөні)
Студент тапсырманы орындауға
қабылдады ________Закирова Шахло