Файл: Практикум по основам делового общения на английском языке учебное пособие.doc

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Добавлен: 05.02.2024

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

Right, those are the basic facts.

Let me add a few figures. We have an annual turnover of about €260 million. Our net profits last year were approximately €16 million. We have a workforce of just over 2,000 employees. So those are the numbers. Now about our overseas stores. We have 4 large stores in France and another 10 in other European countries. We are planning to open 5 new stores next year.

What are our strengths? We keep up with fashion trends. If we spot a trend, we can bring out a new design in 15 days. And we get it to the stores very quickly. We deliver to stores twice a week. And we sell our designs at the right price.

OK, now what about career opportunities? It’s quite simple. If you are ambitious and fashion-conscious, we have opportunities in all areas of our business. We will welcome you with open arms.

Finally, a few words about our new project. We are planning to open a new store in New York next year on Fifth Avenue. This will give us a foothold in the US market. We’re very excited about this new development.

Well, thanks very much for listening to my talk. Are there any questions?

(From Market Leader Business English)

  1. What’s Marta Rodriguez’s position in the company?

  2. What is Marta’s presentation about?

  3. When did the company start?

  4. Is Tara Fashions a joint-stock company?

  5. Where is the company’s head office situated?

  6. What does Tara Fashions sell?

  7. Who are the company’s customers?

  8. What is the company’s annual turnover?

  9. What are the company’s net profits?

  10. How many people work for Tara Fashions?

  11. How many stores does Tara Fashions have in Spain? In other European cities?

  12. What are the company’s strengths?

  13. What are the company’s future plans?

6. Three human resources directors make presentations about their companies at a business school recruitment day. You are one of the HR directors. Use the notes below to make a presentation about your company.

Futuropolis Parks

Austro Insurance

Smart-mart Stores

Head office

Toulouse, France

Vienna, Austria

Atlanta, Georgia


Theme parks about the future

All insurance products: life, property, car, etc.

Everything from food to clothing and furniture


Europeans, mainly middle class families with children aged 5 to 15

Businesses and consumers around the world

Consumers of all classes, all incomes

Annual turnover

€ 1 billion

€11 billion

€ 250 billion

Annual net profits

€ 250 million

€1.5 billion

€7 billion


2 parks in France, 1 each in Spain, Italy and Germany

Thousands of brokers (= independent insurance sellers) in Europe, the US and Asia

200 stores in the USA, 55 in Europe, 30 in Latin America, 20 in Asia


Good future for leisure industry in general, especially theme parks

Insurance has seen 10% growth a year over last 10 years. Growth set to continue

Very low prices – other stores find it very hard to compete. 10-15% annual growth expected to continue

Future plans

Opening a park in Florida next year - English-speaking managers needed.

Great career prospects!

Developing Latin American activities – Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking managers required.

Great career prospects!

Developing further in Asia, especially China.

Chinese- and English-speaking managers required.

Great career prospects!

7. Trade Conference.

There going to be an Annual World Trade Conference in London next week. The CEO of your company wants you to attend the conference and attract potential investors from abroad to your company. Prepare a presentation about your company and give it to your fellow students (who act as investors). At the end of ‘the conference’ ‘investors’ are to choose a company they would like to invest in. ‘Investors’ should justify their choice.

Y ou can make a presentation about the company you really work in or choose any existing company you like.

During a negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leave personalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities more objectively.’

Brian Koslow, prominent American businessman
1. Study the information below and answer the questions which follow it.
One of the most important skills anyone can hold in daily life is the ability to negotiate. In general terms, a negotiation is a resolution of conflict. We enter negotiations in order to start or continue a relationship and resolve an issue. Even before we accept our first jobs, or begin our careers, we all learn how to negotiate. For one person it begins with the negotiation of an allowance with a parent. For another it involves negotiating a television schedule with a sibling. Some people are naturally stronger negotiators, and are capable of getting their needs met more easily than others. Without the ability to negotiate, people break off relationships, quit jobs, or deliberately avoid conflict and uncomfortable situations. In the world of business, negotiating skills are used for a variety of reasons, such as to negotiate a salary or a promotion, to secure a sale, or to form a new partnership.

  • Have you ever had to negotiate for anything in your life?

  • Did you get what your wanted or did you agree on a compromise?

  • How did you feel when negotiating?

Negotiating Across Cultures
2. Work in groups of four. You are each going to read an article (taken from the FINANCIAL TIMES) about a different negotiating style. Choose either Article A or B, or Article C or D below.

Before you read, match the words from your article with their definitions.

Then, as one group, answer the questions in ex. 3.
Article A

  1. tactics

  1. be flexible

  1. make compromises

  1. not changing your opinion or attitude

  1. consistency

  1. the methods you use to get what you want

Negotiations are demanding and may become emotional. You may find your Russian negotiator banging his or her fist on the table or leaving the room. Accept such tactics with patience and calmness. They are designed to make it difficult for you to concentrate.

Russian negotiating teams are often made up of experienced managers whose style can be like a game of chess, with moves planned in advance. Wanting to make compromises may be seen as a sign of weakness.

Distinguish between your behaviour inside and outside the negotiations. Impatience, toughness and emotion during the negotiations should be met with calmness, patience and consistency. Outside the negotiating process you can show affection and personal sympathy.

Article B

  1. small talk

  1. style of behaviour

  1. protocol

  1. polite or social conversation

  1. manner

  1. the way things are done on official occasions

Communicating is a natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humour that is more direct than it is in the UK. Informality is the rule. Business partners do not use their academic titles on their business cards. Sandwiches and drinks in plastic boxes are served during conferences.

This pleasant attitude continues in the negotiation itself. US negotiators usually attach little importance to status, title, formalities and protocol. They communicate in an informal and direct manner on a first-name basis. Their manner is relaxed and casual.

The attitude ‘time is money’ has more influence on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else. Developing a personal relationship with the business partner is not as important as getting results.

Article C

  1. speak your mind

  1. when you find out what the other side wants

  1. place great weight on

  1. say what you think

  1. exploratory phases

  1. consider very important

As well as being formal, negotiations are direct. German managers speak their mind. They place great weight on the clarity of the subject matter and get to the point quickly.

Excessive enthusiasm or compliments are rare in German business. You should give a thorough and detailed presentation, with an emphasis on objective information, such as your company’s history, rather than on clever visuals or marketing tricks.

Prepare thoroughly before the negotiation and be sure to make your position clear during the opening stage of the talks, as well as during their exploratory phases. Avoid interrupting, unless you have an urgent question about the presentation.
Article D

  1. counterparts

  1. unplanned thoughts

  1. spontaneous ideas

  1. give your opinion

  1. put your point across

  1. the people on the other negotiating team

At the start of the negotiations you might want to decide whether you need interpreters. You should have documentation available in Spanish. Business cards should carry details in Spanish and English.

During the negotiations your counterparts may interrupt each other, or even you. It is quite common in Spain for this to happen in the middle of a sentence. For several people to talk at the same time is accepted in Latin cultures, but is considered rather unusual in Northern Europe.

The discussion is likely to be lively. In negotiations, Spanish business people rely on quick thinking and spontaneous ideas rather than careful preparation. It may appear that everybody is trying to put his or her point across at once. That can make negotiations in Spain intense and lengthy, but also enjoyably creative.
3. Work in your groups to answer these questions.

A) In which country (Russia, the USA, Germany or Spain):

  1. should you start a negotiation with general conversation?

  2. do negotiators show strong emotions?

  3. is it common for there to be several conversations at the same time during a negotiation?

  4. do negotiators focus on results rather than developing relationships?

  5. do negotiators plan their tactics carefully?

  6. should you not stop someone while they are talking?

  7. is it usual for the atmosphere to be relaxed and friendly?

  8. do negotiators prefer to think of ideas during a negotiation rather than before it starts?

  9. do negotiators like to talk about business immediately?

  10. should you not give the other side too much as they will not respect you?

B) 1. Do you agree with what the articles say?

2.Which of the countries is the nearest to your own country in terms of
negotiating behaviour? Why?
4. Study the information about the process of negotiating and summarize it in English or in Russian.

Art of Negotiating
N egotiating is often referred to as an ‘art’. While some people may be naturally more skillful as negotiators, everyone can learn to negotiate. And, as they often say in business, everything is negotiable. Some techniques and skills that aid people in the negotiating process include:

  • aiming high;

  • visualizing the end results;

  • treating one’s opponent with respect and honesty;

  • preparing ahead of time;

  • exhibiting confidence.

Types of negotiating
In business, the goal of negotiating parties should always be for mutual gain. This type of win-win negotiation is often called collaborative negotiating. The opposite of collaborative negotiating is called competitive negotiating. The goal of competitive negotiating is for one party to win and the other to lose. Dishonest practices, such as lying, manipulation, intimidation, and bribery are often used in this type of negotiation.

Main Principles of Collaborative Negotiating:

  • Resolve previous conflicts ahead of time;

  • Deal with issues, not personalities;

  • Commit to listening more than speaking: the more you know about your counterpart, the more likely you will achieve your goals. You cannot convince someone of something when you do not know anything about them, or what their own needs are. A common mistake is to prepare one’s next question or point while the opponent is speaking.

  • Establish trust in the onset (=beginning);

  • Develop a common goal;

  • Discuss a common enemy;

  • Take opponent’s views/needs into careful consideration: not only do you want to win this negotiation, you want your opponent to win as well, so that he or she will negotiate with you again in the future.

The Negotiation Process
Here are a few golden rules to successful negotiations:

1) Always try to negotiate for at least 15 minutes. Any less than that and it is unlikely that either party has had enough time to fairly consider the other side. Generally, the size or seriousness of the negotiation determines the amount of time needed to negotiate it. Setting a time limit is a good idea. Approximately 90% of negotiations get settled in the last 10% of the discussion.
2 ) Always offer to let the other party speak first. This is especially important if you are the one making a request for something such as a raise. The other party may have overestimated what you are going to ask for and may actually offer more than what you were going to request.
3) Always respect and listen to what your opponent has to say. This is important even if he or she does not extend the same courtesy to you. Do your best to remain calm and pleasant even if the other party is displaying frustration or anger. Remember some people will do anything to intimidate you.
4) Acknowledge what the other party says. Everyone likes to know that what they say is important. If the other party opens first, use it to your advantage, by paraphrasing what you have heard. Repeat their important ideas before you introduce your own stronger ones.
5) Pay attention to your own and your counterpartner’s body language.  Make sure that you aren’t conveying any negative body language. Review the chart below to learn how to interpret body language during the negotiations.

Body Language

Possible meaning

Avoiding Eye Contact


Not interested

Not telling the whole truth

Serious Eye Contact

Trying to intimidate

Showing anger

Touching the face/fidgeting


Lack of confidence




Willing to compromise

Shaking the head / turning away


In disbelief

Disagreeing with a point