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Unit 1.1 Information and information systems

Vocabulary development: #1–11.

Grammar development (Nouns, Adjectives): #12–14.

Test 1.1


#1. Read and translate the following words or word combinations. Try to identify the parts of speech.

  • capacity, medium, gossip, rumor, outcome, data, database

  • term, subset, activity, aid, recipient, value, significance

  • property, cost, price, relation, pattern, resource, procedure

  • current, effective, prior, numeric, internal, external, infinite

  • formal, informal, distinctive, certain, relevant, significant, urgent

  • subjective, valuable, since, embody, confirm, identify, attach

  • enable, judge, draw, guide, economize, disseminate, extend

  • record, lower, store, present, handle, acquire, require

  • involve, consist, run, clarify, refer, convey, extract

  • predispose, especially, dramatically, differently, successively

#2. Read the transcription, spell and translate the words.

# 3. Read the words following the rules of reading. Pronounce correctly. Practice aloud.

  • A – data, database, relation, enable, pattern, attach

  • A – handle, capacity, extract, clarify, value, dramatically

  • E – medium, procedure, effective, subjective, extend, present, identify

  • E – successively, numeric, disseminate, refer, term, internal, external, certain

  • I – price, prior, guide, acquire, require, infinite, distinctive, differently

  • I – since, consist, recipient, significance, activity, confirm

  • O – lower, predispose, cost, gossip, involve, property

  • O – economize, formal, informal, store, record

  • U – rumor, run, subset, judge, current, urgent

# 4. Look at the following pairs of words and think if the underlined letters are pronounced in the same way, or if they are pronounced differently.

  • data – enable, pattern – attach, clarify – value, handle – capacity

  • database – dramatically, effective – subjective, refer – term, extend – present

  • internal – external, certain – procedure, identify – numeric, price – prior

  • guide – consist, recipient – significance, since – infinite, acquire – require

  • confirm – recipient, lower – predispose, cost – gossip, formal – record

  • subset – judge, current – urgent, rumor – run

# 5. Read the international words, mind the stress.

  • Information, business, manager, system, organization

  • transaction, person, technology, trend, result

  • scheme, fact, procedure, symbol, computer, form

  • process, communication, colleague, element, context

  • factor, project, leader, department, program

  • supermarket, operation, student, professional

# 6. Provide the words which have similar meanings to the following words.






















# 7. Provide the words which have opposite meanings to the following words.













# 8. Match the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column B to form meaningful phrases and then identify them at the sentence level.

1. subjective

2. current

3. prior

4. relevant

5. numeric

6. external

7. infinite

8. informal

9. organizational

10. certain

a) experience

b) symbols

c) networks

d) context

e) sales

f) procedures

g) information

h) data

i) knowledge

j) communication

# 9. Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right and then identify the word combinations at the sentence level.

1. to clarify (g)

2. to refer to (c)

3. to convey (h)

4. to identify (j)

5. to attach (a)

6. to enable (e)

7. to extend (d)

8. to record (f)

9. to lower (b)

10. to run (i)

a) meaning

b) the cost

c) descriptions

d) the system

e) the capacity

f) data

g) concepts

h) information

i) people

j) patterns

# 10. Complete the sentences: change the word in capitals at the end of the sentence to form the word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. Data may refer to recorded descriptions of things. DESCRIBE

2. The information is subjective since a person sees it valuable or not. SUBJECT

3. Human societies have developed successively more powerful ways of communicating with one another over space and time. SUCCESS

4. Knowledge is a property of people that predisposes them to act in a particular way. KNOW

5. People will react differently to information and data if they have no prior experience. DIFFER

# 11. Insert the words at the sentence level: fill in the blanks with the missing words (the first letter of each word is given).

1. Information is a subjective of data that means something to the person receiving it.

2. People interpret some information about current sales.

3. Using relevant knowledge enables people to act in proper ways.

4. Information has meaning for the receiver.

5. Printing technology greatly extended the capacity of people to communicate.

6. People use electronic systems to record, transform, store and present information.

7. Organizations have infinite networks of informal communication.

8. An information system consists of hardware, software, people and procedure .

9. Data are raw, unanalyzed facts, figures and events.

10. Information comes from data that has been processed.


# 12. Explore the sentences from the grammatical point of view.

a) nouns (countable, uncountable)

1. They clarify some information about this database. Do they clarify any information about this database? They do not clarify any information about this database.

2. Today’s managers combine a few business skills with an understanding of information systems.

3. They have a little prior experience and learning to guide these resources.

4. Information systems produce much information.

5. Computer-based systems transform many different symbols into digital form.

b) adjectives (comparatives, superlatives).

1. Human societies have developed successively more powerful ways of communicating with one another over space and time.

2. The earliest humans communicated through sign language, painting, drawing and speech.

3. Persons with good knowledge of a market identify the most significant patterns or trends with better understanding than someone without relevant knowledge.

4. Using relevant knowledge supports more effective organizational working.

5. A computer-based information system is part of a wider system which we call the organizational context.

# 13. Identify countable and uncountable nouns; comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives, and provide the Russian equivalents.

1. For many tasks, people use a few electronic systems to record, transform, store and present information.

2. This organization has some networks of informal communication.

3. These technical factors are the most important ones for the best outcomes of the IS project.

4. MIS involves dealing not just with a few technical matters, but also with people, procedures and the organizational context.

5. Some points of introductory lecture will provide you with a little experience how to become a more successful MIS professional.

# 14. Make up sentences according to the models to practice the use of

a) countable and uncountable nouns

Model: Потребуется несколькодней, чтобы провести небольшое исследование этих информационных систем. – It will take a few days to do a little research of these information systems.

1. Потребуется несколько часов, чтобы найти немного информации по этой проблеме.

2.Потребуется несколько месяцев, чтобы приобрести немного опыта в этой профессиональной сфере.

3. Потребуется немного времени, чтобы получить несколько образцов этой продукции.

4. Потребуется много времени, чтобы предопределить некоторые результаты.

b) comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives

Model: Болееэффективные методы предопределяют самые лучшие результаты. – More effective methods predispose the best outcomes.

1. Более срочные виды деятельности необходимы для выполнения самых важных задач.

2.Самые ценные образцы необходимы для более успешного бизнеса.

3. Лучшее понимание процесса поможет достичь наилучших результатов.

4. Более высокие цены позволят нам достичь самых высоких показателей.