Файл: 1. James Bond is considered to be (Джеймса Бонда считают) brave because he deals with many dangerous people.docx

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Задание 1

A) SEAN CONNERY clever, brave Sean Connery is famous for his role as James Bond in the early 007 movies. James Bond is brave because he deals with many dangerous people. He is also clever. He always thinks of a way to get out of difficult situation and is always the one who wins.

B) WHITNEY HOUSTON stubborn, selfish, determined Whitney Houston plays the role of Rachel Marron in the film The Bodyguard. Rachel is selfish; she doesn't think of anyone but herself. She is determined because she wants to be the best, but this also makes her stubborn. She never listens to other people when they give her advice.

C) DAVID DUCHOVNY mysterious, suspicious David Duchovny is famous for playing Agent Mulder in the TV series The Xfiles. Mulder is a suspicious person; he doesn't trust other people. He is also mysterious and even those who close to him don't know everything about him.

D) GILLIAN ANDERSON independent, sensible Gillian Anderson plays the role of Agent Scully in the X-files. Scully is a(n) independent woman, who thinks for herself and makes her own decisions. Scully is very sensible. She doesn't like taking dangerous risks.


А) Шон Кеннери знаменит своей ролью Джеймса Бонда в первых фильмах об агенте 007. Джеймс Бонд смелый, потому что он боролся со многими опасными людьми. Он также умен. Он всегда обдумывает, как выйти из сложных ситуаций и всегда тот, кто побеждает.

В) Уитни Хьюстон играет роль Рэйчел Мэррон в фильме «Телохранитель». Рэйчел эгоистична, она ни о ком не думает, кроме себя. Она решительная, потому что хочет быть самой лучшей и это так же делает ее упрямой. Она никогда не слушает советы других людей.

Задание 3

 1. James Bond is considered to be (Джеймса Бонда считают) brave because he deals with many dangerous people.

2. Rachel Marron is considered to be selfish because she doesn't think of anyone but herself

3. Agent Mulder is considered to be suspicious because he doesn't trust other people 

4. Scully is considered to be independent because she thinks for herself and makes her own decisions.

Задание 4. Опишите внешность и характер одного из актеров или киногероев (Шона Коннери, Уитни Хьюстон, Дэвида Духовны и Джиллиан Андерсон) по плану данному ниже.

1.                height

2.                build

3.                face

4.                nose

5.                eyes

6.                hair

7.                character

WHITNEY HOUSTON is rather tall – 173 cm. She is well-built and slim. Her face is oval and very impressive. She has a straight, aristocratic and elegant nose. Whitney’s eyes are almond-shaped , green -colored and very keen. Huston’s hair is abundant, curly, thick and scraggly. In general , she is very charming and pretty. Her main characterter traits are friendliness, kindness, creativity. She is also generous, hard-working, helpful and easy-going.

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски словами из списка.

Jealous, rude, talkative, shy, mean, honest.

1. Sally is a very honest person. She never tells lies.

2. Bill is a quite boy. He is quite shy.

3. Robert always wants what other people have. He is a very jealous person.

4. Susan is a talkative person. She is rarely quite.

5. Jack never spends any money. He's mean.

6. Phil has bad manners. He's very rude.