Файл: Программа среднего профессионального образования 44. 02. 01 Дошкольное образование Дисциплина Иностранный язык Практическое занятие 5.doc

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I immediately started talking about the weather, and it helped. I saw puzzled faces, trying to translate my questions about the weather. The English people were in a familiar situation!

From time to time I asked myself — well, from idleness of thoughts, I supposed ‘Hmm, why are English people so worried by the weather? Maybe, it’s because the weather changes several times a day?’ You can experience, in the course of one day, all the seasons of the year, depending on which sea the wind is blowing in from. The position of the sun in this does not play a significant role. It can be shining, and even brightly, but the wind from the North Sea brings to nothing all the sun’s efforts. Or in January, for example, you can get a tan and even sweat somewhere in a corner sheltered from the wind by the sea.

I think that the initial reason for the ‘passion’ for talking about the weather was precisely this bottom line. ‘No matter how you look at it’ the theme in discussion is broad; anyone and everyone can ‘blaze’ about it.

However, I came to the conclusion that there are also at least two more reasons for this chattiness.

One of them, I speculate, is hidden in the extraordinary / traditional / genetic politeness of the English. If they need to find something out then firstly they will cautiously utter one or two phrases about the weather and only after will present the question they crave to ask. Also, they consider it unbearably awkward to stand with ‘puffed out cheeks’ at the bus stop in the company of two or three people. And… they start to twitter about the weather.

The other reason again leaks from my observations — they tried to avoid gossip. They don’t like over-the-fence talk. Praise to you English! Likewise they don’t like to give advice and take upon themselves the heaviness

and responsibility of other people’s problems. In Russia, you just murmur your problem and you receive 33 happy answers and assurance that there are no unsolvable problems.

’ And so on… Like this arise a million conversations about various topics, starting

There are no friendly conversations about the weather with strangers at the bus stop

Another reason again follows from my observations — they tried to avoid gossip

no one has anything to do with strangers; everyone has ’disturbing deep thoughts' about tomorrow

Similarly, they do not like to give advice and take on the whole burdenЬ and responsibility for other people's problems.

In addition, it is unbearably awkward for them to stand with "puffed cheeks" at a bus stop in the company of two or three people.
Another reason, again stemming from my observations
However, I have come to the conclusion that there are at least two other reasons for such talkativeness

Задание 7. (максимальное количество баллов – 4 балла)

Составьте письменное высказывание на тему «Лондон-столица Великобритании» на английском языке. Высказывание должно содержать не менее 10-15 предложений

London is the capital not only of England, but also of the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

The history of London has about two thousand years, during which the city has experienced many changes, endured a huge number of troubles and became one of the largest cities in Europe and the world as a whole. However, London was not always the capital.

There are several versions of why London is called that way. According to the first version, the name of the city comes from the Latin name "Londinium" — a place belonging to a person whose name is Londinos. In the Saxon period, the name was changed to Ludenvik, and during the reign of King Alfred the Great to Lundenburg.

According to another version, the name comes from the word "Lond", meaning "wild place". There are also versions that "London" comes from the Celtic words "Llyn" and "Dun", which are translated as "lake" and "fortification".

Being the largest city in the British Isles with a population of 8 million, the area of London is one and a half thousand square kilometers, which is approximately 6/1000 of the area of the whole of Great Britain.

64 km from London is the mouth of the river Thames, which adorns the landscapes of the city. Thanks to this river, London is one of the largest ports in the UK and is the main industrial center.

London has a warm summer with a maritime climate, but with showers and thunderstorms. Winter is not cold, and the lowest temperatures are observed in January. Most of the population of the capital professes Christianity, but Muslims, Hindus, Jews and others also live here.

The formation of the capital of Great Britain

Around the 20th year AD, the British land was divided into seven kingdoms, in one of which, namely in Mercia, the city of Gainsborough was located, which was the capital of this kingdom.

In the XI century, the fragmented British Lands began to unite, and the then king Sven Forkbeard appointed the city of Gainsborough as the capital of all the united lands. But 40 days after Sven's coronation, he was killed, and the capital was moved to another city.

Currently, the city is called Lincolnshire and is a small settlement with small manufactories, shops and other small businesses. And although this is a small, unremarkable provincial town, officials are still trying to attract tourists with stories about the former power of Gainsborough.

The city of Winchester was the capital of the possessions of the Wessex dynasty, which was ruled by Scandinavian rulers. In 648, the famous Winchester Cathedral was built. During his reign, Knud the Great King of England (1016-1035) appointed Winchester the capital of all of England.

Now Winchester is part of the county of Hampshire and is the mecca of Christian Viking worshippers who brought a new civilization to the islands of Britain. There is a castle in Winchester, where King Arthur gathered the knights of the Round Table.

The next capital of England was Oxford. During the Civil War (1640-1660), King Charles I chose the city of Oxford as his personal residence. Now the city is known all over the world for Oxford University, a higher educational institution that many students dream of getting into.

Also, the capital of the Roman possessions on the territory of British lands was the city of Colchester, after which the capital was finally moved to everyone's beloved London. Since 1707, after the unification with Ireland, London has been the capital of the whole of Great Britain.

Development of London

However, since 43 AD, the current capital of Great Britain has already existed, but under the name "Londinium". Then the territory of the city occupied a plot of 142 hectares. In addition, the city was the capital of Roman Britain, which allows us to say that London has been the capital for almost 2000 years.

During the medieval period, London experienced two uprisings: in 1381, the peasants' revolt and in 1450, the Jack Cade uprising. And yet, in the XVI – XVII centuries, London began to develop, and in the Reformation era it was the center of Protestantism.

In 1666, there was a Big fire that destroyed almost the entire City of London, but Christopher Reno and his assistants rebuilt the city, and erected 50 more churches.

In the XVIII century, some parts of London began to develop rapidly, and the city's population grew 6 times. Soon the city began to fill with slums due to overpopulation. In the XX century, a car appeared in London for the first time, as well as electric trains, buses and the subway.

Currently, London is not only a cultural and economic center, but also a political one. For the entire existence of the city, it was from here that the state authorities managed their territory. The main administrative centers are located in London: the Parliament building, the Cabinet of Ministers and Ministries, the Supreme Court and others.

Since the form of government in the UK is represented by a constitutional monarchy, the country is governed by the Prime Minister, whose residence is located in Westminster - one of the districts of the capital.

Also in London is the official residence of Queen Elizabeth II – the current monarch of Great Britain. Many members of the royal family live in the palaces of the capital..

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