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Добавлен: 11.03.2024

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innocent – невинный custom – обычай originally – первоначально strict – строгий

to forbid – запрещать

to afford – позволять себе

The story of Cambridge University begins in 1209 when several hundred students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge from Oxford. These students were all churchmen and had been studying in Oxford at that city's well-known schools. It was a hard life at Oxford for there was constant trouble between the town's inhabitants and students. Then one day a student accidentally killed a man of the town. The Mayor arrested three other students, who were innocent, and by order of King John they were put to death. In protest all the students moved elsewhere, some coming to Cambridge and so the new university began. As was the custom then, they had united into a "Universitas" or Society: the word "University", like the word "College", meant originally a society of people with a common employment; only later it came to be associated with learning.

Life in Cambridge and Oxford was strict, students were forbidden to play games, to sing (except church music), to hunt or fish or even dance. Books were very rare and all the TEXTs were in the Latin language. The students studied Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. These two universities are well-known not only because they are the oldest universities in the United Kingdom, but because the standard of teaching there is very high.

Oxford and Cambridge are most highly thought of. But the cost of education at these universities is very high. If young people cannot enter Oxford or Cambridge, they try London and after it the new universities.


Answer the questions:

1.When does the story of Cambridge University begin?

a)in 1208

b)in 1209

2.What happened one day in Oxford?

a)a boat race took place

b)a man of the town was killed by a student


c)a religious society was formed

3.What did all the students do in protest?

a)they were on strike

b)they did nothing

c)they moved to Cambridge

4.What was life in Cambridge and Oxford like?

a)very strict

b)the students could do everything they wanted to

c)very interesting

II. Point out what information is given in the text and which is not.

1. The entrance exams at the universities are very strict. 2. It was a hard life at Oxford well-known schools.

3. Students were not allowed to play games.

4.Many great men studied at Cambridge, among them Bacon – the philosopher, Milton – the poet, Cromwell – the soldier, and Newton – the scientist.

5.Oxford and Cambridge universities are well-known because the standard of teaching is very high there and they are the oldest universities in the United Kingdom.



Memorize the words:

Royal Society – королевское общество scientific affairs – научная жизнь purely – чисто

statutes – устав council – совет

to order – приводить в порядок

The Royal Society was founded in 1660. It occupies a special place in the country's scientific affairs. It consists of 300 outstanding scientists and 50 foreign members. The Royal Society has its own library. There are 140,000 books of a purely scientific nature. The Royal Society also holds conferences which are attended by scientists from all countries. Besides, it publishes a large number of publications. The government gives a certain sum of money to the Society. This money is used for publications, con-


gresses, researches, award of medals and in many other ways. The Royal Society has its Statutes. The Statutes was adopted by the Council in 1915. The Council consists of eleven Council members and ten outstanding nonscientists. The work of the Society is to order, to read, to discuss letters, reports and other papers, containing philosophical matters. The scientific and historical manuscript collections of the Society are preserved in Archives. They are available for consultations and study.


Choose the correct variant:

1.The Royal Society was founded ... .

a)in 1660

b)in the 20-th century

c)50 years ago

8.The Royal Society consists of ... .

a)500 outstanding scientists and 50 foreign members

b)one hundred musicians

c)500 writers and painters

3.The Society has a library of ... .

a)140,000 scientific books

b)a collection of paintings

c)some four thousand scientific books

4.The Royal Society ... .

a)was founded at the end of the 19th century

b)holds conferences

o)does not hold conferences

5.The British Government ... .

a)does not support the Society

b)gives a certain sum of money to the Society

c)controls the Society's work

6.The Royal Society ... .

a)uses money for publications and researches

b)does not use money at all

c)supports schools and Universities

7.The work of Society is ... .

a)to organize parties

b)to discuss letters, reports and other papers


c) to publish books



Memorize the words: once – однажды

to reach – достигать remains – останки lizard – ящерица

latitude – географическая широта flat – плоский

average – средний

Australia is the fifth and the smallest of the continents, three quarters the size of Europe, a quarter the size of Africa and a sixths the size of Asia or the Americas. On the other hand, it is by far the largest island in the world with a coastline of 12,200 miles.

Geologically Australia dates back at least 2,000 million years. Some people believe it was once part of the Antarctic continent. There is also a theory that until a few million years ago it was part of a great land which reached north to Asia and east as far as New Zealand. Skeletal remains indicate that at one time Australia was inhabited by giant land fauna, for example, kangaroos and emus up to three times their present size, and lizards up to twenty feet long. The country's vegetation in those days was very much as it is now. In its present shape more than a third of Australia lies within the tropics. Cape York, its northern tip, is in mоrе or lees the same latitude as the far south of India and the central islands of Philippines.

The southern tip of Tasmania has the same latitude as the Black Sea and Vladivostok. Because of this there is much variety in physical character and climate. It is a rather flat country with not very high mountain ranges near the eastern coast. Much of the country's interior is almost rainless, and as a result most of the people live on the east and south-east coasts. Large cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are crowded with people but the average number of inhabitants to the square mile in Australia is only four.



Choose the correct variant:

1. Australia is ... .

a)larger than Europe

b)twice smaller than Africa

c)the largest island in the world

2. There is a theory that Australia was ... .

a)a part of a great land

b)twice smaller than Asia

c)smaller than the British Isles 3. A few million years ago ... .

a)the only animals were kangaroos

b)Australia was inhabited by small rabbits

c)kangaroos and emus were bigger than today

4. There is much varietyinphysicalcharacter andclimateinAustralia ....

a)because the land is flat

b)because of the country's geographical position

c)because there are fertile lands on the east and south-east coasts 5. In Australia ... .

a)most of the population lives on the west coast

b)there are heavy rainfalls all the year round

c)much of the country's interior is almost rainless

6. Most of Australiansliveonthe east and south-east coasts because ... .

a)the country is rather flat

b)the central part of the continent is very dry

c)there are no wild animals



Memorize the words: poll – голосование masterpiece – шедевр

layered – наслоенный пластами set – назначенный, предписанный

plunge – круто спускаться (о дороге, реке)


drop – падение, понижение, перепад grandeur – грандиозность, великолепие fury – неистовство

queer – странный

rapid – порог (реки), стремнина islet – островок

pristine – чистый, нетронутый erupt – извергаться (о вулкане)

sequentially – последовательно, друг за другом extinct –потухший

dormant – спящий, дремлющий

Kohala [koˈhɐlә] – Кохала

Mauna Kea [mɔːnә ˈkeɪә] or [maʊnә ˈkeɪә] –Мауна Кеа Hualālai [huәˈlaːlei] – Хуалалаи

Mauna Loa [mɔːnә ˈloʊә] or [maʊnә ˈloʊә] –мауна Лоа Kīlauea [kiːlaʊˈeɪә] –Килауэа

cedar tree – кедр

runner-up – участник состязания, занявший второе место

The United States Travel Service conducted wide-ranging polls to determine the most popular tourist spots. The polls were conducted among travel officials, senior citizens, students and others. More than 60 natural and man-made wonders were nominated, stretching from Florida to Alaska and Hawaii.

The following leading beauty spots are the semi-official SEVEN NATURAL WONDERS of the USA. So, these outstanding natural attractions are the Grand Canyon, The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Niagara Falls, Mount McKinley, Volcanoes of Hawaii, The Yosemite national Park.


I. Choose the correct variant:

1.The United States Travel Service conducted wide-ranging polls … a) to nominate one leading beauty spot

b) to determine the most popular tourist spots

c) to discuss the outstanding natural attractions of the USA

2.More than … .

a) 60 man-made wonders were nominated, stretching from Florida to


Alaska and Hawaii

b)60 natural and man-made wonders were nominated, stretching from Florida to Alaska and Hawaii

c)60 natural wonders were nominated, stretching from Florida to Alaska and Hawaii

3. The semi-official SEVEN NATURAL WONDERS of the USA are …

.a). the Grand Canyon, Arizona; Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming; Niagara Falls, New York; Carlsbad Caverns, the Great Lakes, Alaska's Glacier Bay, Mammoth Cave and the Mississippi River

b)Mount McKinley, Alaska; California's big trees; The Volcanoes of Hawaii; the Yosemite National Park; Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco; Mount Rushmore National Museum; Astrodome in Houston; Statue of Liberty; Hoover Dam; Walt Disney World in Florida; Gateway Arch in St. Louis

1. The Grand Canyon. Arizona

Top choice on the list is generally considered to be one of nature's greatest masterpieces in the world. The Colorado River cuts through the Colorado plateau (tableland) at the length of 320 km. Its width at the plateau level is 8 – 25 m, the depth – 1,800 m. The width of the river bed is 90-100 m, the depth 10-15 m, the speed of the current 25 km an hour. Students of geology can trace the history of centuries in its layered rock walls. Its plant and animal life ranges from sub-arctic to desert forms.


1. The Grand Canyon (Arizona ) is generally considered to be… .

a)not of great interest

b)one of nature's greatest masterpieces in the world

c)one of man-made wonders

2. The Grand Canyon’s plant and animal life … .

a)ranges from sub-arctic to desert forms

b)is rather poor

c)is subtropical

2. Yellowstone National Park. Wyoming.

Yellowstone National Park in the Rocky Mountains in 1872 became the first US area set for man's enjoyment of nature. Among its beauty spots are 85 geysers. Geyser "The Old Faithful" sends out fountains of hot water every 67 minutes. The temperature of the water is 90° C and the height of


the fountain is 42 m.


1.Among Yellowstone National Park’s beauty sports are … . a) its sculptures

b) its 85 geysers c) its glaciers

2.Yellowstone National Park in the Rocky Mountains in 1872 became the first US area set … .

a) for man's enjoyment of nature b) for sale

3.Niagara Falls. New York.

Niagara Falls was first seen by Frenchmen in 1613. The River Niagara flows from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, and in its course plunges more than 150 feet over the cliffs of the Niagara Falls, the Falls are separated into two parts by the Goat Island. On the US side the drop is 51 m, on the Canadian side – 48 m. The Falls pass more than 6 million cubic feet (168,000 m3) of water every minute in high flaw and almost 4 million cubic (110,000 m3) feet, i.e. nearly a million tons of water every five minutes. It is impossible to describe the grandeur, the fury and the beauty of the falls. The falls freeze in winter and then the ice builds up into queer towers and hanging columns, while the rapids below look like whipped cream. The falls produce a great amount of electric power. The power station is situated at Queenstown.


1.Niagara Falls (New York) was first seen by ... .

a) Englishmen in 1660 b) Frenchmen in 1613 c) Spanish in 1690

2.The River Niagara flows … .

a)from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario

b)into the Pacific Ocean

c)from Lake Superior into Lake Erie 3. The Niagara Falls … .

a)freeze in winter

b)don’t freeze in winter