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Добавлен: 11.03.2024

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frame – каркас

The Space Obelisk is a silvery 96 m high shaft. It was designed by engineers M. Barshch and A. Kolchin, and sculptor A. FaidyshKrandiyevsky to commemorate the progress of the people of our country in conquering outer space. It was unveiled in 1964. The main shaft consists of a steel frame faced with sheets of polished titanium. On both sides of its granite base are sculptures depicting the people who made the first manned space flight possible and those who today are continuing exploration of outer space.

In 1967 a new Moscow sight rose in Ostankino, the concrete TV Tower, one of the world's tallest structures, 533 meters high and 50 meters in diameter at the base. At the 337 m level there is an observation platform to which visitors are taken by 4 fast lifts.

Near the TV Tower is the huge Television centre with studios, a concert hall and offices.


Choose the correct variant:

1.The Space Obelisk is a … 96 m high shaft.




2.It was unveiled in … to commemorate the progress of the people of our country in conquering outer space.



3. The concrete TV Tower, one of the world's tallest structures, rose in Ostankino in … .





Memorize the words: cannon – пушка


wing – крыло

In Moscow near the Triumphal Arch there is a monument to the Patriotic War of 1812 – the Panorama Museum of the Battle of Borodino. It is a large cylindrical building of glass and aluminum, designed by a group of architects headed by Alexander Korabelnikov, and erected in 1962. The building is more than 40 m in diameter. Along its walls there are 66 cannons captured from Napoleon's army during the Battle of Borodino. The facades of the wings are decorated with colored mosaics.

In the museum there is a remarkable panoramic painting of the Battle of Borodino by the Russian artist Franz Rubo. It is 115 m long.

Visitors see the panorama from an observation platform 6 m high. Between them and the painting is a relief reconstruction of the battle field 12 m wide, which gives them the impression of being in the midst of the battle that took place on August 26, 1812.

In the courtyard of the museum there is an obelisk marking the common grave of 300 officers and men of the Russian army, heroes of the 1812 Patriotic War.


Choose the correct variant:

1. In Moscow near the Triumphal Arch there is a monument to … .

a)the Patriotic War of 1812 – the Panorama Museum of the Battle of Borodino

b)the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

2.Visitors see the panorama from … . a) an observation platform 6 m high b) a tower 10 m high

3.In the courtyard of the museum there is an obelisk marking the common grave of 300 officers and men of the Russian army … .

a) heroes of the 1812 Patriotic War

b) heroes of the Crimean War of 1853–1856



Memorize the words: particularly – особенно


floodlight – прожектор transparency – прозрачность to glow – сверкать

The October cinema was built in 1967 and reconstructed in 2005. Now it has 11 auditoriums and seats 3,000. Its facade is decorated by a mosaic, made of natural stones. The 2,000 square m of the mosaic cover the whole of the facade above the ground floor. The building is particularly attractive at night, when the combination of interior lighting and floodlighting creates an impression of transparency, and the cinema seems to glow. Nowadays it can be used not only for showing fiction films, documentaries, etc., but for conducting festivals. The foyer can be converted into a large hall for dances, banquets, exhibitions and concerts.


Choose the correct variant:

1.The October cinema was reconstructed in … .



2.Now it has … .

a)11 auditoriums

b)2 auditoriums

3.The building is particularly attractive … .

a)at night

b)in the daytime

4.It can be used … .

a)only for showing fiction films

b)only for conducting festivals

c)for showing films and for conducting festivals



Memorize the words: bowl – чаша grandstand – трибуна


premises – помещения

The Luzhniki Stadium, a green park with dozens of sports facilities, was built in 15 months. The big bowl in the centre is the Large Sports Arena, seating 103,000 fans for football matches and athletics meetings. Under the grandstands there are about 1,000 premises – changing rooms, rooms for training and warming up, a hotel, 2 cinemas, a restaurant, cafes, and a unique Physical Training and Sports Museum.

To the right of the stadium there is the Swimming Pool, to the left is the small Sports Arena which seats some 15,000. Further to the left is the Palace of Sports, Moscow's largest indoor stadium which can seat to 17,000 spectators.

The Stadium is regularly used for international football matches and championships in every sport in the Olympic calendar. The Olympic Games of 1980 were held here. An immense Olympic village was specially built nearby – in the South -West in the Region of Vernadsky Prospect.


Choose the correct variant:

1.The Luzhniki Stadium, a green park with dozens of sports facilities, was built in … .

a)15 months

b)a year


a)103,000 fans

b)1000 fans

3.The Swimming Pool is to … .

a)the left of the small Sports Arena

b)the left of the Palace of Sports

4.The Palace of Sports can seat … .

a)to 17,000 spectators

b)a lot of people

5.The immense Olympic village was specially built … .

a)in 1995

b)in 1980




Memorize the words: convenient – удобный appearance – облик spacious – просторный

The Moscow Metro is the best in the world. It is not only a convenient means of transport but also a unique engineering and architectural structure.The construction of Metro began in Moscow in 1932. The first train ran on May 5, 1935. This transport system now has about 200 stations and is some 300 km long. Thousands of trains are in operation every day. Nearly 25,000 people work there. Every day its trains carry about 9,000,000 passengers. Maximum train speeds are 90 km/hr.

Most of the stations are deep underground, but there are sections of the line and some stations that are situated on the surface. All the stations have an individual appearance and beautiful architectural and artistic design. They are light, spacious and clean.


Answer the questions:

1.When did the construction of Metro begin in Moscow?

2.How many stations does the transport system now have?

3.What are maximum train speeds?

4.All of the stations are deep underground, aren’t they?

5.How do the Metro stations look like?



Memorize the words:

to install – устанавливать exit – выход

depot – депо


route – маршрут

terminal – конечный пункт reliable – надежный

to keep in mind – помнить

Electronic clocks are installed in many streets of Moscow.

The "grandfathers" of present-day electronic street clocks appeared in Moscow in 1912. At that time they were installed only at the exits of tram depots and at the tram terminals. They were mainly used by tram drivers. Such clocks could be seen along the city transport routes until the end of the 1950s. Today there are more than 300 street clocks in Moscow and all of them show the correct time.

They are very large and so that they can be seen from afar. Many Muscovites check their time by these clocks because they are accurate and reliable. Their mechanisms are very good. The designers have kept in mind how cold Moscow winters can be, how hot Moscow summers can be, and how often there are rainfalls in Moscow.


Choose the correct variant:

1. ... clocks are installed in the streets of Moscow.




2.Until the end of the 1950s such clocks could be seen ... .

a)in the centre of Moscow

b)in factories

c)along the city transport routes

3.These clocks are ... .

a)accurate and reliable


c)often wrong

4.The designers have kept in mind ... .

a)temperature changes only

b)Moscow's weather

c)different kinds of climate




Memorize the words: to face – столкнуться

аt his disposal – в его распоряжении per capita – на 1 человека man-made – искусственный

figure – цифра subterranean – подземный mighty – мощный

to contaminate – загрязнять

The problem of water supply faces all the world's cities as the total population of the world is growing. And the demands for water are growing as wall. Moscow, however, does not experience particular difficulties with its water supply. Each of the capital's inhabitants has about 700 liters of water per day at his disposal, while, for example, London brought its per capita water supply up to 314 liters per day only 9 years ago, i.e.in the year 2000

More than 10 man-made lakes supply Moscow with water.Today the city is supplied with about 10 million cubic meters of water daily. Authorities are trying to increase the resources of water for the population of the capital.

The city of Tomsk is supplied with 200 million cubic meters of purest subterranean water from its unique water supply system.This water supply system was put into operation about thirty years ago. Its source is a mighty underground river. There is no problem of contaminated water as well as dirty and unsafe water supplies. Sand is a natural filter, cleaning the river water not only of chemical, but also of biological admixtures.

Deep wells of the Tom River daily pump water from out of the ground while the pumping station supplies this huge amount of pure water through one meter diameter pipes to the old Siberian city.


Choose the correct variant:

1.The problem of ... faces all the world's cities.


b)water supply


c)fuel supply

2.Moscow, however, does not experience ... with its water supply.

a)particular difficulties

b)a shortage

c)any problems

3.Each of the capital's inhabitants has about 700 liters of water ... at his disposal.


b)per day

c)per month

4.Authorities are trying ... .

a)to increase the resources of water

b)to harness the rivers

c)to collect the water

5.The city of Tomsk issuppliedwith200millioncubicmetersofpurest....

a)sea water

b)water from rivers

c)subterranean water

6.This water supply system was put into operation ... .

a)last year

b)about thirty years ago

c)not long ago

7.Its source is ... .

a)a pumping station

b)a man-made lake

c)a mighty underground river

8. ... is a natural filter.




9.Deep wells of the Tom River daily pump water from ... .

a)out of the ground

b)a natural lake

c)a man-made reservoir