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4. Mount McKinley, Alaska.

A large part of Alaska is very beautiful. There are snow-capped peaks, lakes, glaciers, rocky islets, forests and river scenery of great variety and beauty. North America's highest peak Mount McKinley rises 6193 m high in the Cordilleras just south of Alaska's Arctic Circle. It is a huge block of granite.


1. Mount McKinley (Alaska) rises 6193 m high … .

a)in the Cordilleras just south of Alaska's Arctic Circle

b)in the Cordilleras just north of Alaska's Arctic Circle 2. Mount McKinley is … .

a)a huge block of granite

b)a huge block of sandstone

5. California's big trees – the sequoias and redwoods.

Along the Pacific coast in the Sierra Nevada mountains these giant trees reach 3,000 years of age and more than 300 feet in height.

Calaveras Big Trees State Park, located 4 miles (6.4 km) northeast of Arnold, California in the middle altitudes of the Sierra Nevada in Calaveras County, became a state park in 1931 to preserve the North Calaveras Grove of Giant Sequoias. It has been a major tourist attraction since 1852, when the existence of the trees was first widely reported, and is considered the longest continuously operated tourist facility in California.

The Redwood National and State Parks (RNSP) are located in the United States, along the coast of northern California. The parks consist of a combined area of 131,983 acres (534.12 km2) and they protect 45% of all remaining Coastal Redwood. These trees are the tallest and one of the most massive tree species on Earth. In addition to the redwood forests, the parks preserve other indigenous flora, fauna, grassland prairie, cultural resources, portions of rivers and other streams, and 37 miles (60 km) of pristine coastline.


1. California's big trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains are … . a) giant trees 3,000 years of age and more than 300 feet in height

b). not very big trees 100 years of age and not more than 50 feet in



2.Calaveras Big Trees State Park became a state park … . a) in 1931

b) in 1852

3.The Redwood National and State Parks preserve … . a) only the redwood forests

b) other indigenous flora, fauna, grassland prairie, cultural re-

sources, portions of rivers and other streams, and 37 miles (60 km) of pristine coastline

6. The Volcanoes of Hawaii. The Island of Hawaii is built from five separate shield volcanoes that erupted somewhat sequentially, one overlapping the other. These are (from oldest to youngest): Kohala (extinct), Mauna Kea (dormant), Hualālai (dormant), Mauna Loa (active, partly within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park), Kīlauea (very active; part of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park).

Kohala is the oldest of five volcanoes that make up the island of Hawaii. It is believed to have last erupted 120,000 years ago. It is 5,400 feet (1,670 meters) high. and it travels 130 km (81 mi) across the sea.

Mauna Kea. The peak of Mauna Kea is 13,803 feet (4,207 m) above mean sea level but 33,476 feet (10,203 m) above its base on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. It is the world's tallest mountain by this measure, taller than Mount Everest which is the highest mountain above sea level. Mauna kea means "white mountain" in the Hawaiian language, a reference to its summit being regularly covered by snow in winter.

Hualālai is the third most historically active shield volcano on the Island of Hawaii in the Hawaiian Islands. Its peak is at 8,271 ft (2,521 m) above sea level. Hualālai lies more or less due west of the saddle between the much taller Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa mountains. The town of Kailua-Kona is built on the southwestern slope of this mountain, where most of the world famous Kona coffee is grown.

Mauna Loa (7,100 ft or 2,160 m) is the largest volcano on earth in terms of area covered and one of five volcanoes that form the Island of Hawaii in the U.S. state of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. But its peak is about 120 feet (37 m) lower than that of its neighbor, Mauna Kea. The Hawaiian name "Mauna Loa" means "Long Mountain". Lava eruptions from Mauna Loa are silica-poor, thus very fluid: and as a result eruptions


tend to be non-explosive and the volcano has extremely shallow slopes. Kīlauea (it is 4,091 ft. or 1,247 m. high) In Hawaiian, the word kīla-

uea means "spewing" or "much spreading", in reference to the mountain's frequent outpouring of lava. Issuing lava continuously since January 1983, Kīlauea is currently the most active volcano on the Earth, an invaluable resource for volcanologists, and also the planet's most visited active volcano. The volume of erupted material could pave a road across the world 3 times. Lava less than 1000 yrs old covers 90% of Kilauea.

Kīlauea is the most recent of a series of volcanoes that have created the Hawaiian Archipelago, as the Pacific Plate has moved and is moving over the Hawaii hotspot. An eruption that started in 1983 is ongoing. Thir- ty-three eruptions have taken place since 1952 not including the current episode.


1.The highest volcano of Hawaii is … . a) Hualālai

b) Mauna Kea

2.The oldest of five volcanoes is … . a) Kīlauea

b) Kohala

7.The Yosemite National Park.

The Yosemite national Park lies in the west of Sierra Nevada Moun-

tains in California. Yosemite Valley is formed by glaciers of the Merced River Canyon. Its rocks are covered with pine woods, cedar trees, sequoias. There are also many picturesque waterfalls.

COMPREHENSION TEST 1. The Yosemite National Park lies … .

a)in the east of Sierra Nevada Mountains in California

b)in Florida

c)in the west of Sierra Nevada Mountains in California 2. Yosemite Valley is formed by … .

a)glaciers of the Mersey River Canyon.

b)glaciers of the Mississippi River Canyon

3. Rocks of Yosemite Valley are covered with … .

a)pine woods, cedar trees and sequoias


b) palm and banana trees

4. In Yosemite Valley there are … .

a)many picturesque waterfalls

b)many picturesque lakes

Among the runners-up with numerous votes were Carlsbad Caverns, the Great Lakes, Alaska's Glacier Bay, Mammoth Cave and the Mississippi River. For travelers more interested in man-made wonders the poll chose the following:

1.Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco;

2.Mount Rushmore National Museum;

3.Astrodome in Houston;

4.Statue of Liberty;

5.Hoover Dam;

6.Walt Disney World in Florida;

7.Gateway Arch in St. Louis.


1. Among the runners-up with numerous votes were … .

a)Carlsbad Caverns, the Great Lakes, Alaska's Glacier Bay, Mammoth Cave and the Mississippi River

b)the Great Lakes and Alaska's Glacier Bay

2.For travelers moreinterestedinman-madewonders the poll chose … .

a)Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Mount Rushmore National Museum, Astrodome in Houston, Statue of Liberty, Hoover Dam, Walt Disney World in Florida, Gateway Arch in St. Louis

b) Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Statue of Liberty and Gateway Arch in St. Louis



Memorize the words:

exciting – захватывающий, волнующий excitement – волнение

show – зрелище flame – пламя


spark – искра smell – запах sulfur – сера

tо еscаре – yлeтучивaться

In 1979 Europe's most active volcano gave an exciting show. Red hot lava, rocks and flames came out of Mount Etna. There were sparks of light and loud bangs. They surprised everybody, even the experts who study the volcano.

Mount Etna is in Eastern Sicily. The land around the volcano was covered in ash. There was a strong smell of sulfur in the air. The farmers who live near Mount Etna were afraid. Fortunately the lava stopped and became hard before it reached a nearby village, but it only stopped a few meters away from the village. Some experts knew that there was still a lot of gas in the volcano. They wanted to bomb it to let the gas escape. But then it was decided to do nothing. And the danger passed.

Tourists from all over the world came to see the volcano; they liked the excitement and the danger. But people who live near Mount Etna were glad when the show was over!


Choose the correct variant:

1.In 1979 Europe's ... volcano gave an exciting show.


b)most active

c)most beautiful

2.Mount Etna's activity ... .

a)was expected

b)was prevented

c)surprised everybody

3.The land around the volcano was covered in ... .




4.The lava ... .

a)killed the farmers

b)stopped before it reached a nearby village


c)hardened at once

5.Some experts wanted ... .

a)to bomb the volcano

b)to study its eruption

c)to use its force for peaceful purposes



Memorize the words:

would be scientist – будущий ученый unconventional – необычный

tо gain admission – поступить (добиться приема) competitor – конкурент, соперник

the last try – последняя попытка

to be similar to – напоминать, быть схожим instructor – преподаватель

Science begins with man. Its level depends largely on the ideas that are born in mind.

Would be scientists are trained by unconventional methods in Novosibirsk. A special physics and mathematics school is attached to Novosibirsk University. There are three such schools in Russia: in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Leningrad. Young talents must pass three tests to gain admission to them, these tests are held at three levels: first at town or village level, secondary at regional or republican level and at last at national level. Competitors are tested in three basic subjects – physics, mathematics and chemistry. 15,000 youngsters enter the first round, 5,000 remain for the second while their number decreases to 600 for the last try.

Methods of instruction are similar to those applied at higher school. The academic year is divided into 2 terms, pupils take university-type examinations, attend lectures, seminars and colloquiums, do lab work. Classes are held five days a week. Thursday is library day. Lectures at the school are delivered by the most qualified instructors. The school does not lose touch with its graduates. They become students of Novosibirsk University. After graduating most of them stay in Siberia.



Choose the correct answer:

1.Would-be scientists are taught by ... .

a)traditional methods

b)unconventional methods

c)the most advanced methods

2.There are 3 special physics andmathematicsschoolsinourcountry....

a)in Moscow, Perm and Samara

b)all in Yakut region

c)in Leningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk

3.Competitors are tested in ... .

a)physical culture, history

b)astronomy, literature

c)chemistry, physics, mathematics

4.Methods of instruction are ... .

a)like those applied at a higher school

b)the same as in any ordinary school

c)like those applied at a secondary specialized school

5.Classes are held ... .

a)twice a week

b)every day

c)On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

6.Lectures at the school are delivered by ... .

a)practicing scientists


c)the most qualified instructors

7.Graduates become students of ... .

a)The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

b)Novosibirsk University

c)higher educational establishments in Moscow



Memorize the words:

at its disposal – в его распоряжении cover – занимать, покрывать


swimming pool – плавательный бассейн

Moscow State University was founded in 1755. Firstly it included only 3 faculties: faculty of Law and psychological and medical faculties. Now it contains 9 research institutes, 40 faculties, more than 300 chairs. Now it has at its disposal more than 600 buildings and structures. The main building of Moscow State University in Lenin (Vorobjovi) hills was built in 1949 – 1953. The University campus covers an area of about 200 hectares, and includes some forty teaching blocks and research facilities. There are also Botanical gardens, a sports stadium, and a big park. The architects of the main building, the centre of the architectural ensemble, were Lev Rudnev, Sergei Chernyshev and Pavel Abrosimov. The 32storey main tower is more than 380 meters high.

The buildings contain a fine great hall seating 1,500, a student club, 19 lecture theaters and 140 lecture-rooms, dozens of teaching and research laboratories, a Museum of the Earth Sciences, a large library, hostels, a swimming pool, and sports facilities.

Today Moscow State University’s departments have more than 31 thousand students and about 7 thousand post-graduate students from Russia and many other countries. The university is one of the oldest universities of Russia, a leading research educational and cultural centre of Moscow.


I. Answer the following questions:

1.When was Moscow State University founded?

2.What where its first faculties?

3.How many chairs and faculties does it contain?

4.What event took place in 1949 – 1953?

5.What is the territory of the University campus?

6.How high is the 32-storey main tower of the University?

7.What facilities do the buildings of the campus contain?

8.How many students and post-graduate students study at the Uni-




Memorize the words: shaft – колонна

to commemorate –служить напоминанием, отмечать (событие)