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60 Taoist Secrets Of Love

woman is water and has the power to regulate man, who is fire. On a deeper level you would discover that man has both fire and water in his body and can achieve a perfect internal balance by harmonizing his fire (thinking mind) with his own water (sperm fluid, or sexual "waters").

These symbols of fire and water, often expressed as yin and yang are simple to identify with and work with once you are given the specific details of what to do—how to hold your seed in, how to move your energy in psychic channels, and exchange it with the woman, etc. Of course, the experience of more subtle levels of chi energy takes time and cultivation of physical and mental purity. Thats why practice of tai chi, chi kung, meditation, and virtuous living enhance the speed with you gain clarity, and thus compliment the sexual practices.


There are other methods of sexual intercourse which should not be confused with the Taoist practice. Most widely known is the simple act of coitus reservatus, which is making love without orgasm. While this conserves the valuable male seed, it does not teach how to circulate the sexual energy upward or store it in the body's higher centers so it can be exchanged with the woman or put to other creative use. Coitus reservatus can also create severe pressure on the prostate gland and lead to its eventual malfunction since the orgasmic tension in the prostate is never released inwardly (as in Taoist sex) or outwardly through ejaculation. I specifically recommend that you avoid coitus reservatus for this rea- son—too much heat builds up in the genital area without any means to cool it.

Karezza is a love-making technique said to have originated in Persia. It involves long periods of passive sexual intercourse— lying still for half an hour or more while waiting for the male and female energies to build up. The Taoist method differs in that it encourages as much loving physical movement that the couple can handle without genital orgasm. This dynamic aspect of sex is normally important to westerners raised on a romantic role model of passionate love. To a Taoist, movement is life, whether in the physical body or in the subtle energy, and should be thoroughly enjoyed for the good health it brings. Karezza also fails to provide

Sex In the Esoteric Traditions


a method for transforming the sexual energy upward into a transcendent internal orgasm, and is satisfied with simply increasing and prolonging physical pleasure. It was originally intended to help any royal male survive a long night of love-making with his harem. Later it was popularized in America in the Utopian Oneida colony in 1866 as a form of mandatory birth control. Certainly it is an improvement over hasty ejaculatory sex, but ultimately lacks true depth.





"If a man has intercourse once without spilling his seed, his vital essence is strengthened. If he does this twice, his hearing and vision are made clear. If three times, all his physical illness will disappear. The fourth time he will begin to feel inner peace. The fifth time his blood will circulate powerfully. The sixth time his genitals will gain new prowess. By the seventh his thighs and buttocks will become firm. The eighth time his entire body will radiate good health. The ninth time his lifespan will be increased."

—from the Canon of Taoist Wisdom collected by Emperor Tang

All of us are familiar with the shoot-out scene in which someone in danger pulls a gun which doesn't fire. If it's a good guy, he usually finds some heroic way out of his predicament. But when the "weapon" is the male penis, a "misfire"—a failure to erect—is a fiasco for the simple reason that no heroic alternative is easily found. Repeated and chronic misfire is impotence, the incarnation of male misery and the ruin of many relationships. In this chapter we study two excellent pelvic diaphragm exercises that build your urogenital and anus ring muscles and thus greatly strengthens your control of your erection and reduce the likelihood of misfire. Careful practice of these exercises will also prepare you for learning to retain the vital seed during intercourse.


Taoist Secrets Of Love

America is presently exercise-crazy. Yet, except for sexual activity, few exercises strengthen the crucial pelvic muscles. There exist pelvic exercises which greatly strengthen the reproductive organs and the complex network of tendons surrounding them. Strength in this department is of inestimable importance—it is the root of man's health. Leading into the pelvis are a vast number of nerve endings, and channels for your veins and arteries. Here terminate tissues communicating with every square inch of the body. All of the major acupuncture meridians carrying chi between the vital organs pass by this area. If it is blocked or weak, energy will dissipate and the organs and brain will suffer. This is what happens to most men in old age—their rectal and pelvic muscles become loose and their vital chi energy slowly drains out, leaving them weak and feeble.

It is important to remember that the foundation of penis strength is seminal retention. Without this nothing permanent may be accomplished, even with exercise. Spending the semen brings about premature impotence and decay. No one, no matter how strong or brutish, can ejaculate often without ultimately paying a stiff price. These exercises massage and stimulate the pelvic region. Life energy is driven down into the testes, filling them with extraordinary vitality. These exercises, combined with the "Big Draw" method of semen retention in Chapter Seven, will allow you to create a permanent store of sexual essence in your body. Only then can you begin to refine it into a higher state and combine it with your chi and spirit to regain wholeness.


The body possesses not one but several diaphragms. Everyone is familiar with the thoracic diaphragm in the chest that causes it to expand on inhalation. Lesser known is the pelvic diaphragm and the urogenital diaphragm which separates the pelvis from the perineum. To practice Sexual Kung Fu properly you must use not only the chest diaphragm but also the pelvic one. Real deep breathing issues from this lower diaphragm. They are exceedingly important in transmitting energy during love-making in the Taoist practice of dual cultivation.

The pelvic diaphragm is a muscular wall that extends across the lower part of the torso. It is suspended concavely downward

The Dance Of The Testes


from the level of the symphysis pubis in front and the sacrum in back. There are several organs that penetrate this muscular partition that lies between the pelvic cavity and the perineum. These organs are the urethra, the vagina and the rectum and they are supported by the pelvic diaphragm and allow you greater control over them. In fact, the pelvic diaphragm is the floor of the pelvic cavity which contains large intestine, small intestine, bladder, and kidney. It lifts up and helps shape these vital organs.


Pelvic & Urogenital diaphragms are the main lower seals to prevent the vital energy from leaking out lower openings in the penis & anus





Chest Diaphragm


But in the perineum, which is a point midway between the anus and genitals below the pelvic diaphragm, is another muscular diaphragm called the urogenital diaphragm. This is penetrated by the urethra, and to its underside is attached the root of the penis. The pudendal nerve in the penis controls the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm, which in turn holds up the prostate gland, seminal vas deferens, cowper's gland, penis and the anus. Part of this lower-most diaphragm comes forward to engulf the scrotum (which also contains muscle) and the penis and then joins to the abdominal wall.


Taoist Secrets Of Love












Pelvic Diaphragm






Tip of Coccyx -" " ) Y


These two diaphragms are the lower seals to hold the life force—the chi energies—from escaping out through the lower openings in the body. When tightly sealed they will increase the chi pressure in the abdomen. When chi pressure strengthens, it will invigorate the vital organs and move the chi and blood flow better. The importance of these anatomical structures will become apparent as you study the larger system of Taoist Yoga. The Iron Shirt Chi Kung exercises also help develop power and strength in these areas, and are a perfect complement to anyone seeking a daily regimen that will aid the practice of Sexual Kung Fu. (See Chapter 18 for a course description)


Taoists regard the scrotum as the lowest diaphragm, one that functions like a pump. The scrotum is tight during youth and after a refreshing sleep. It is loose in old age or after fatigue. Strong flow of life energy tightens the skin. Scrotal breathing floods the region with energy, and the scrotum begins to tighten almost immediately.

The Dance Of The Testes


The scrotum is the factory that produces the sexual energy, sperm, and male hormones. So there is a tremendous store of "yin" chi (cold life force energy) in this area. All sexual energy, whether male or female, is "yin" in its latent or resting state. Sexual fluids belong to the water element in the Chinese system of classifying the qualities of different types of chi. Water-rivers, lakes, and oceans are yin. However, yin energy can rapidly change its nature and become more "yang", or hot, when sexually aroused. This can only happen if the sperm is already manufactured while the testicles are still cool. In fact, western scientists have determined the male sperm count goes up dramatically when the testicles are put on ice and several companies are already selling special devices like a "freeze-pak" jock strap to aid infertile men. The cold quality of sperm energy means it must be circulated upward to harmonize with the hot mental energy in the head and the chest area and vice versa.

The testicles are constantly involved in producing sperm, hormones and, though it might presently be debated, or even denied by scientists, in creating ching chi, the life-force essence. The ancient Taoists, who had extraordinarily astute powers of empirical observation, noted that the energy of the sperm cells are of prime importance in that all of the vital organs must contribute some of their own reserves to create and maintain the potency of the sperm. Amongst those organs is the brain. The vernacular expression, "I screwed my brains out last night," suggests a common wisdom that bears out this connection between the balls and the brain.

The records amongst the Taoists on the subject of sex were surprisingly consistent over long stretches of time, which in China meant not hundreds but thousands of years. This is significant because many groups didn't even know of each others abilities or whereabouts or even existence, because these esoteric practices were very hidden. Their records point out that when the energy in the testicles is cold or mostly yin, that this is a sign of strong and youthful sperm energy. This experience of cold gives way to what has been described as a mildly warm quality when the sperm is moved into the body from its exterior scrotal sac and stored in the epidedymis and vas deferens.

The (cold) yin sperm ching chi is more dense than the hot (yang) ching or sexual energy. Most people experience their sexual energy only when aroused and the ching chi is hot, although cer-


Taoist Secrets Of Love

tainly it is always present. This means the cold energy, since it is thicker and slower to move, needs all the help it can get on its path up to the higher center. If you can open the Microcosmic Orbit first it will make it much easier. This channel, which loops up the spine to the head and down the front to the navel, genitals and perineum, is recognized by acupuncturists as the main energy channel in the body linking the various organs, glands, and brain.



Seminal Vesicle


Ductus Deferent





The testicle breathing exercise that follows will also help you to open these channels and complete the microcosmic orbit, a process more fully described in Chapter Seven.

In the "testicle breathing" exercise you use your mind to draw the "cold" (yin), youthful sperm energy up the spine to your head. You draw not the sperm itself, but the energy generated by the sperm. At first it's slow going, but the energy is easy to deal with since it's still cool. Later just a thought will send a refreshingly delightful cool wave of energy up your back to your head.

The Dance Of The Testes


The second exercise, "scrotal compression," trains you to build up "warm" ching energy in the scrotal sac and move this energy safely upward. The third exercise, the "Power Lock," shows you how to deal with the ching when it is sexually aroused and very "hot." It is like a wild mare, and the most difficult to control. It is recommended you practice this alone (using selfarousal) before attempting to tame your sex energy at its most explosive, during love-making with a woman.


Contained and protected within your spinal column and head is the very heart of your nervous system. Cushioning it is the cerebrospinal fluid, cerebro for head and spinal for the vertebrae. This fluid, as it turns out, is circulated by two pumps. One is in the sacrum, and is known as the sacral pump. The other is in the region of your upper neck and head, the cranial pump. Many people who got these pumps working have reported feeling a "big bubble" of energy travel up their spine during testicle breathing.


Cranial Cavity-Storage Place of sexual energy to

revitalize the brain cells which are 90% unused.

, Emerald Pillow (Cranial ^ Pump) Controls the

breathing process &

is the first storage place for sexual energy.

I \

72 Taoist Secrets Of Love

Taoists regard the sacrum as a pump which will help to hold the sexual energy coming from the scrotum and transform the energy at the same time it gives it a push upward. It's like a way station that refines the ching chi as circulates in the body. If the opening of sacrum, the Hiatus, is blocked, the life force cannot enter and flow back to the higher center.

The cranium of the skull has long been regarded by Taoists as a major pump for the circulation of energy from the lower to the higher centers. Medical research has recently confirmed that minute movements at the joints of the eight cranial bones occurs during breathing. Cranial movement is responsible for the production and function of the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord and this is necessary for normal nerve and energy patterns in the entire body. Strengthening the cranial joints can increase energy and alleviate symptoms, such as headaches, sinus problems, visual disturbances and neck problems. In Taoist cultivation the pelvis, scrotum urogenital diaphragm, sacrum and cranial pump are very important to help move the sexual energy up to the higher center.



Sitting: I generally recommend sitting on a chair. I prefer this position for its simplicity and comfort. Sitting lends ease to a practice that favors relaxation and good concentration.

Sit on the edge of a chair with the buttocks and legs supporting your weight. The scrotum hangs free in the air. This point is important because the testes must be freely suspended in order for you to push a maximum of air energy down into them. Raise the tongue to the roof of the mouth as this is essential in circulating the chi, completing the loop between the front and back channels of the microcosmic orbit.

The feet are firmly planted on the floor with hands resting palm down on the knees. The back should be quite straight at the waist but slightly round at the shoulders and neck. This very minor forward curvature of the upper back tends to relax the chest and helps the power flow through the neck, chest, and abdomen. Keep the chin slightly tucked in. Military posture, with shoulders thrown back and head held high, tends to lodge power in the upper body