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The Dance Of The Testes


and prevent its circulating back down to lower centers.

A variant of the sitting position is to sit cross-legged, either in lotus position or American Indian style. We appreciate the esoteric virtues of the lotus position, but Chinese practice attributes to the lotus serious disadvantages. Some Buddhist monks have been crippled by lengthy meditation in lotus position. Also, turning the soles of the feet away from the ground prevents one from directly drawing in through the feet the earth's yin power. The human body is designed to absorb earth energy through the kidney (K-l point) and other meridians in the feet and filter it before passing it up to the coccyx and brain. Some people can develop problems if they absorb too much "raw" earth chi directly into their sacrum, as occurs in lotus position. Eventually they become allergic to this undigested energy and go crazy.

Nevertheless, the lotus may be used by those accustomed and devoted to it so long as they are comfortable and can apply their whole attention to the exercise. Few cross-legged positions afford such freedom of scrotal movement as sitting on the edge of a chair. If you sit cross-legged, you should wear very loose pants and remove your underpants to prevent resistance to full inflation of the scrotum.

Standing: Another good position is standing. The above instructions on raising tongue tip to palate and maintaining correct posture apply equally to this position. Standing is particularly favorable for scrotal breathing because the testes hang quite freely. Standing up straight in a relaxed manner encourages good posture. The hands are at the sides and the feet at shoulder width. Discipline yourself to relax if you get too tense, or the chi power may stick in the heart region and make you irritable.

Lying: Never lie flat on the back when performing these exercises. In this position the chest sits higher than the abdomen and receives too much energy. Nor should you lie on the left side. Both incorrect positions unduly stress the heart.

The proper lying position is on the right side. A pillow placed beneath the head should raise it about 3" to 4", so that the head sits squarely on the shoulders. The four fingers of the right hand area are placed immediately in front of the right ear, while the thumb sits behind the ear and folds it slightly forward to keep it open.


Taoist Secrets Of Love

The ear must stay open to permit air flow through the eustachian tube. The left hand rests on the outer left thigh. The right leg is straight; the left leg, which rests on the right one, is slightly bent. This position allows the scrotum to hang free of the thighs.


Lie on the right side so you do not press on the heart Curve the legs so the testicles hang freely

You may have noticed that lions often sleep in a similar posture. The animals are informed by wise instinct. The position frees the spinal column of the oppression of gravity and allows it to assume its natural curvature. Lying on the right side relieves the spine from stress.


1.Sit erect on the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the floor about shoulder width apart. Wear loose pants or wear nothing from your waist down, so it can literally all hang out.* Do not practice naked in a cold room, or you will lose a lot of chi. With the air circulating around your bottom you'll naturally become more aware of your "privates." Allow your attention to center around your scrotum between the two testicles and you might be surprised to discover that it really is cold, or yin, down there. Make sure you feel very relaxed. If you are tense, do some stretching exercises or take a walk first to disperse tension.

2.Inhale slowly and pull the testicles up. Hold for awhile, then exhale slowly and lower the testicles. As you inhale, think of the breath going down into the testes and filling them up. At the same time raise the testes with the breath. Gently continue inhaling and

*If a woman performs any of the exercises in this book, substituting her ovaries as the source of energy, she should keep her panties on to prevent any chi from draining out.

The Dance Of The Testes


exhaling with the testicles until you feel a lot of cold energy in the scrotum. You may do this in a round of 9, then rest and practice again 3-6 sets.

Draw the life-giving air to the very root of the body. Breathe out the accumulated wastes as the testes sink downwards. Generate a strong flow of energy to swiftly circulate the pelvic blood. Use the mind alone to cause the movement of the testes up and down—don't flex your penis or anus muscles.

After exercising for a week or two, you may observe the actual rise and fall of the testes during practice. This movement confirms that you are breathing properly. At a more proficient level, the lower abdomen will appear to move less: nearly all visible action will be in the scrotal sac itself. The dancing movements of the testes may be noted in the mirror and have a rather humorous aspect.

Unless specifically indicated otherwise, all breathing is to be done through the nose. Nasal breathing affords better control of the air inhaled. It filters and warms the air and supplies life force of well-balanced quality.

The whole body must relax. Allow all tension to flow out of you as if you were in meditation. Use the mind alone to raise and lower them. With practice you will learn to identify the cold ching chi stored in the scrotum area.


Testicle Breathing. Inhale slowly. As you inhale, think the breath down into the testes

& raise the testes






Taoist Secrets Of Love

3.Guide that "cold" feeling from your scrotum to your perineum by inhaling and pulling up slightly on your testicles. At the same time feel it coolly flow the few inches to the perineum, an action induced by putting your mind at the perineum and holding it there. Inhale and exhale several times at the testes to build up more energy. The retention of the ching chi at the perineum is very important, for if you release your attention the cold energy will drop down to the scrotum or leak out. It is just like you are using a straw to draw up the fluid. When you are out of breath and pause for a while you need to keep the attention by holding your finger over the straw. If you release it it will drop down and you'll have to start again. Do this for several days or until you get it.

4.Begin to draw the sex energy from the testes up the back channel, as if sipping on a straw. Always start with testicle breathing, inhaling and exhaling till you feel the ching energy is ready. Inhale, draw the "cold" from your testicles to the perineum and then draw it up to your coccyx, the very bottom end of your spine. There's an area a little up from the tip of your spine, mostly bone, that's called the hiatus opening of the sacrum.

When you pull the cool ching up to the perineum and then to the sacrum, slightly arch your lower back outward, as if you were standing with your back against a wall and flattening it against it. Tilt the sacrum downward and hold it down in order to help activate the pump action, which will be further accentuated if you gently tighten the back of your neck and skull bones. Hold the energy at the sacrum for a while, then exhale but hold your attention at the sacrum.

Then let your sacrum and neck relax back to their normal positions, this will help to activate the two pumps, sacrum and cranial pump. At the same time do the testicle breathing. Bring the energy up to the sacrum again, hold it there till you can feel the sacrum open and the energy gradually move up. You can actually feel the cold energy move up a little at a time. If you're having trouble feeling this, try rocking your sacrum back and forth and then hold still and observe the effect of this pumping.

There's an indentation in the sacrum bone and that's where you draw your testes' "cold" energy. This particular area is usually a little difficult to work because sperm energy is denser than chi and has to be pumped up. So that's where that pump comes in.

The Dance Of The Testes


Some people experience pain, or tingling or pins and needles when the "cold" enters the hiatus, so don't be upset if it happens to you. You can help get through the coccyx if you're having trouble by gently massaging the area with a silk cloth from time to time.

5. If you've managed to go up through your coccyx, spend the next week drawing the cold to T-11 in your mid-back (the 11th thoracic vertebra). Do it in the same manner, with an inhale-exhale at the testes and sucking it up your spinal "straw" to the perineum, sacrum, T-11 (opposite your solar plexus, at the last "floating" rib). Pull up and retain at T-11 till it feels full and continues to open and move up by itself. Again, because sperm energy is denser than chi, you have to accomodate to it by flexing that part of your back in and out to straighten it. That loosens it for freer passage of the "cold" energy.

At the T-11 adrenal glands energy center, sitting atop your kidneys. In Taoist practice we regard this as a mini pump, where your arch will create a vacuum to push up the energy higher.

6.Your next stopping place is at your jade pillow. This is at the back of your head, between C-l and the base of the skull. Do it in the same manner as discribed by inhale-exhale at the testicle and keep on pumping up the energy up to perineum sacrum, T-11 and the base of skull. In this area is a place to store the energy for further use.

7.Your next stopping point is Pai Hui, at the crown of your head. Do it in the same manner only this time fill the straw to the top. Tilt the sacrum to the back in order to straighten the curve out a little bit to help activate the pump action. This gets the lower pumping going. At the same time you tuck in your chin a little and squeeze the back of your skull, it will activate the upper cranial pump. Keep on pulling up to the point dead center on top of the head.

8.When the energy finally goes up into your head, men will have the very distinct feeling that it's spinning and usually in a clockwise direction, as you look up. If you're alert you can count 36 revolutions. It should feel good and refreshing; the extra energy should help your creative power and improve your memory. You can think more clearly, and are at the beginning stage of controlling


Taoist Secrets Of Love

your sexual urges or frustrations. This sperm energy is later converted into chi, the original life force, in the spiritual levels of Taoist yoga. When people get older they've used up so much of their chi that the brain energy and spinal fluid gradually drain out and dry up, leaving a cavity. The testicle breathing transports the sexual energy to fill the cavity and vitalize the brain. Taoists regard the sexual energy as very close to the brain energy.

9.Finally you can bring the sexual energy from the testes up to the head in one sweet draw up the straw, a single clean inhale. In the beginning you can just go from station to station, till you feel the back channel (governor channel) is more open. Eventually you will be able to put your mind in the testicles and the crown of the head and just mentally move the sexual energy from the testicles up all the way to the brain.

10.Take your time to really feel the "cold" when you practice. Don't rush it, and always keep those pumps going as you breath in and out. Use more mind than physical pull when you do all this. Let the "cold" feeling be your guide. Work at it too hard and you'll heat up the "cold" ching. You won't be able to safely store this hot energy in your brain.




Cool tparm

M i i

Exhale, draw the Ching

up the spine Gently lower the testicles when you exhale Feel your life force vibrate

at the very root of your body

The Dance Of The Testes



When your head is filled with sperm energy the excess ching may spontaneously combust with the chi in your higher centers and spill over into the Microcosmic Orbit and flow down through your palate and down the tongue. This will taste different to different people. It's generally called the Golden Nectar but it can taste like champagne, honey, coconut juice, or fragrance of all kinds of things, or it can simply feel like a warm tingling sensation on your tongue.

This exercise, the "Dance of the Testes", may be performed anywhere: in the subway or car, at your desk or television, in bed, etc. The main consideration is that the back be properly straight, chest relaxed, and scrotum hanging freely.

It is highly desirable to use the testicle breathing to tone the pelvic diaphragm. The whole lower abdomen is deeply massaged each time the pelvic diaphragm flexes. Life force flows into the region through periodic waves of breath which stimulate the glands and vital organs.



Many benefits of the Testicle Breathing are magnified when performed in conjunction with the Scrotal Compression exercise. This exercise reduces the incidence of nocturnal emission and premature ejaculation. It lessens the chance of hernia. It helps you calm down when sexually over-excited by teaching you to consciously direct energy into and out of the pelvic region. It builds your sexual power dynamically by using the vital chi taken from air and packing its charge into your ching chi.

Of the three suggested positions, sitting or standing are preferable. Inhale a fairly large amount of air into the throat and swallow the air. Swallowing drives the air down to the solar plexus. From this center it will be driven down to the testes. This is accomplished by contracting the abdominal muscles downward in a slow wave.

From the solar plexus the air is rolled down into the pelvic region. From there it is compressed into the testes. When the air is driven into the testes you experience a flush of heat. The testes


Taoist Secrets Of Love

seem to expand, and after a short time the power driven into them flows up the spine to the head, which also becomes very warm.


1.Sit on the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the floor about a shoulder apart. Wear loose pants or wear nothing from your waist down, so your testicles literally hang out.

2.Inhale through the nostrils into the throat. From there swallow the air down to the solar plexus, midway between your heart and your navel. Imagine the air as a ball.

3.First the ball sits behind the solar plexus. From this point roll it down to the navel. Then into the pelvis and scrotum.

4.Forcibly compress the air into the scrotum for as long as you can do so. The minimum period for each compression should be 30 to

40seconds. Slowly work up to at least one minute. Every single scrotal compression shoots tremendous energy into the testes. With compression of an entire minute the exercise takes full effect. The anal sphincter and perineum muscle must be squeezed tight during this exercise to prevent leakage of energy.

5.When you have finished the compression, exhale and relax completely. If saliva accumulates in the mouth during compression, swallow it before exhaling.

6.After complete exhalation take a number of quick, short breaths to recover your wind. Dart the air in and out of the nostrils to quickly regain capacity for another compression. Remember to breath through the nose, and do not inhale unduly large quantities of air. This is called "Bellows Breathing", because you must pump your lower abdomen in and out quickly in order to do it.

This exercise quickly charges the whole body. If you feel ill or out of sorts, several scrotal compressions will restore you to good form. Perform the exercises in the following sequence: First do one scrotal compression. Then rotate the waist with the arms at shoulder level. Rest for a moment and repeat the exercise. Remember to keep the tongue up to the palate when compressing the air. Perform


The Dance Of The Testes


When you have grown stronger, you may do five compressions in succession and then rest with waist rotation. Then begin a second series of five compressions. Keep the breathing between compression short and shallow to not lodge power high in the body.





through the



nostrils into


the throat.

Swallow air



down to the



solar plexis.






Push air



down to



the navel. [


Then down to the lower abdomen.


Then press air down to the scrotum.