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Taoist Secrets Of Love

produce life is a much more difficult task. It is the life in the seed which we seek to conserve and transform.

The main use of this method is for beginning and intermediate practitioners of Sexual Kung Fu who have not yet mastered the Big Draw method of retaining semen yet want to continue love making without losing their seed. In short, it is an external crutch that should be thrown away when you have thoroughly learned the more internal practices. You may experience a little discomfort after the first few times after you try this method. This is normal and no more cause for alarm than stiffness in long-unused muscles after a good workout.


1.Don't overdo it at first. For the first few weeks, use this powerful practice no more than once every two or three days. The elderly and sick should use the method not more than twice per week at the beginning of practice.

2.After using the method, the vital heat may so increase that you will feel quite thirsty. Simply drink more water.

3.After practicing External Locking for one to three months, and in some cases sooner, the sexual drive will be appreciably heightened. Erections will be more frequent. Increase your sexual activities at a moderate pace. Don't abuse your newfound power.

4.The practice requires strong fingertip pressure. If you are too weak to do it do several fingertip pushups every day. Use five, then four, then three fingers and increase the number of pushups as your strength develops.

5.Since a small amount of seed will remain in the urethra, some semen may leak out when erection is lost. Thus, to use this practice for birth control, you must withdraw from the vagina before erection falls. For contraceptive purposes urinate before entering the woman for a second act of intercourse. To be 100% safe use this method in conjunction with a spermicidal foam or other contraceptive of your choice.

The Secrets of Semen Retention


6.At first you may experience light fatigue after sexual activity. However, the body's vital reserves will rapidly increase so that all fatigue will disappear despite a minor loss of power.

7.Some vital energy is lost in this method. Loss is avoided with the more perfect Internal Locking Method described later in this chapter. The energy loss of External Locking is usually 40 to 60% of the power of the seed. Nevertheless, this is greatly preferable to indiscriminate ejaculation of the fluid. The External Locking very appreciably improves strength and virility. It is an excellent beginner's method and prelude to the Internal Locking.


After using the External Locking, you must massage two key acupuncture points of the body. The first of these points is called the Hui-Yin or perineum. It is the midpoint between the anus and scrotum. You pressed this point to lock in the seed. The other point is the Chang-Chiang, midway between the coccyx and the anus.



The Chang-Chiang point lies between the coccyx tip & the anus.

The perineum lies midway between the anus & the scrotum.

Gently massage the perineum & coccyx areas to facilitate reabsorption of the seminal fluid & to prevent congestion

of energy in the prostate gland.

124 Taoist Secrets Of Love

Hui-Yin: This is the starting point of the energy path running up the front of the trunk. It is the bottom of the trunk. The Hui-Yin links the highest point, the "Crown" of the head of Pai-Hui, with the lowest point on the sole of the foot, the Yung Ch'uan.

From the Pai-Hui (the crown of the head) the power of the heavens is drawn into the body. From the Yung-Ch'uan (sole of the foot) the power of the earth is absorbed into the body's web of etheric energy. The Hui-Yin (perineum) is thus the central point between the crown and the sole. It is a crucial midway juncture of energy transmission.

Through the Hui-Yin (perineum) the Yin energy, the energy of the earth, enters the trunk. The energy of the testes also enters and leaves the body through this door. In other words, when the door of the Hui-Yin is closed, it retains the life energy. But when ejaculation opens the Hui-Yin, vital power can spill out with dire consequences. Slowly flowing blood settles and stagnates in the Hui-Yin. When the blood lingers there due to weak flow of the chi and gravitational influence, many health problems arise. Hemorrhoids may develop. The veins bloat with blood when chi constantly leaks out through the lower body energy door.

Chang-Chiang: The point lies between the coccyx tip and the anus. Through this point the power flows up to the head. From the head energy will radiate forth to the entire body.

At the Chang-Chiang many major nerves terminate. It is never the beginning of the second main route of electrical energy in the body known as the Governor Meridian. This route runs from the Chang-Chiang to the Pai-Hui to the palate of the mouth roof.

Massage the Hui-Yin and Chang-Chiang vigorously with 27 to 81 circular rotations on the point with two thicknesses of folded silk cloth. Massage with the middle three fingers. The use of silk cloth helps prevent irritation in these sensitive areas. It also increases the flow of power by generating electricity.

The massage helps release muscular tension and facilitates reabsorption of the seminal fluid. It is essential in preventing any prostrate problems. Most importantly, it stimulates the power flow up to the Pai-Hui Crown of the head.


The power which you have begun to generate with retention of the

The Secrets of Semen Retention


seed is enormous. It has the force to crack massive bone. For this reason the sutures atop the skull of advanced adepts often loosen. The power can drill through the plates of the skull, increasing cranial capacity and opening direct access to higher energies.

The practices advocated herein may allow one to regain part of the prodigious learning and regenerative powers of the child. The only humans with loose skull sutures are the evolved adept and the infant. The meditational practices taught in the books and courses at the Taoist Esoteric Yoga Centers allow one to replicate another aspect of the child's life processes. They allow one to direct energy along the passages of electrical respiration used by the foetus in the womb. The foetus uses energy far more efficiently than the human being at any other stage in his/her existence.

The vastness of this accomplishment in the womb makes other works of human creation seem comparatively insignificant. The meditational process acts to renew the fountains of creative energy that flowed when we were in metamorphosis from a single microscopic dot to a quadrillion-celled human being.

After one to three months of practice the beginner at seminal retention may experience a certain feeling of pressure in the head. For some this feeling will be very unpleasant; for others, it will be not only tolerable but rather pleasurable. This feeling of pressure is the vital power rising to the top of the head with unaccustomed intensity. It is a sign of progress: the body has far exceeded its usual capacity of life force.

Those born for the practice of esoteric loving enjoy this life intensity. This feeling is an early sign of the development of a super-chemistry of the body. It has been popularized by Hindubased yoga teachings in the west as the Kundalini force. With this chemistry energy normally lost is retained and transformed into higher states of health and consciousness. A gradual heightening of this vital force poses no danger to your health. However, if the power surges too strongly or grows very uncomfortable, it may be released or vented to other parts of the body. Physical labor, massaging the feet, and a heavy grain or meat diet will also help to ground this energy.

If you don't wish to perform the venting exercise (see chapter six) or to advance further on this path at this time you may simply ejaculate once or twice to release the excess power. Then once again carefully harbor the seed for superior health and pleasure


Taoist Secrets Of Love

until the pressure builds to too great a point. Again, you ejaculate if you wish. Even this practice of ejaculating once or twice every one to three months will result in a substantial economizing of energies lost in the ordinary way of life. You can enjoy tremendous advantages if you hold on to the seed regularly in this way without advancing to higher levels in the practice.


Rotation of the sexual energy upward is a most important practice after External Locking. The three finger method keeps much of the power from escaping but it does not, by itself, drive the energy upward. Thus a special technique has been evolved for this important removal of the power.

This method removes sex power from the lower centers to the reservoirs of power in the head. When the head is charged to capacity with energy, high quality energy overflows to the entire frame. The method is similar to Testicle Breathing (chapter 5), with the difference that there is a reservoir of ching chi amassed during love-making and held inside the lower trunk of the body. Because the energy is already removed from the testicles and is warmed (but in the process of cooling) after love-making, this rotation of energy to the head is far more potent than Testicle Breathing.

Basic Technique: After intercourse using the External Locking, wash and massage the Hui-Yin and Chang-Chiang points with a silken cloth, or your fingers if none is available. Then assume a lying position on the right side. Draw power from the penis, testes and Hui-Yin up to the head. The tongue must be pressed against the palate, as in all exercises where the energy is circulated.

Draw up the power from sexual organs as in the testicle breathing. Don't use too much force as you inhale the air. Upon exhalation, fix the power at the highest point to which it has flowed. Do not let the power fall from its highest point when you exhale. Then draw up the power anew from the three lower centers on the next inhalation.

To understand this process, you need only think of filling a very long straw with water. The bottom of the straw is at your penis/testicle and the top of the straw is the crown of your head. The straw is too long to fill with one breath, so you must inhale and then stop the end while exhaling. Otherwise, the fluid will run out,

The Secrets of Semen Retention


and you will have to start all over again. Fix the power at the level to which it has been drawn, then exhale; then inhale the fluid still higher. You will feel a cool energy (or warm if still sexually aroused) leave your groin and pass up your spine.

Keep driving the power higher and higher up the spine into the skull and Pai-Hui. It may take one or two months for the power to pass the coccyx, but once it passes this difficult bridgehead, it will leap up to the middle of the back. Then it will jump to the nape of the neck and from there up to the Pai-Hui.

After some weeks or months of practice (depending on the individual's body and frequency of practice) the head reservoir will fill and the power will run down the front of the body with relative ease. It travels through the point between the brows, then down through the roof of the mouth to the tongue tip. It continues through the throat, chest, and navel. Collect the energy at your navel, when the chi is full in the navel (cauldron) it will overflow to the sex center and rejuvenate the sex organs, and complete the circuit at the Hui-Yin.

This technique will not be realized overnight. While you feel the lukewarm (the retained sperm) in the lower body within days or weeks, it may take a few months to bring it completely up the back and into the head. Don't be discouraged: if you persist the power will definitely flow. You will open a critically important route for the passage of vitality to all parts of the body.

When you have completed this circuit, you will feel a flow of cool energy, the Yin Energy, circulating the entire length of the route. This is a very important accomplishment and marks the completion of a cardinal step in your increasing power and health.


A.During love-making

1.When you feel ejaculation is imminent, use the three fingers to stop the flow of the seminal fluid.

B.After love-making

1.Wash and gently massage the Hui-Yin (perineum) and ChangChiang (coccyx) with a folded silk cloth.

2.Lying on the right side, draw the power up to the head from the penis, testes and Hui-Yin. When full let it flow down to the palate,


Taoist Secrets Of Love

throat, heart center, solar plexus and collect the energy in the navel. Finally recirculate the sexual energy back to strengthen the sexual organs.



More than any other part of the book this method requires close study. It explains in detail the essential practice of semen retention, transformation, and exchange of male and female energies. You will do well at first to adhere closely to the technique as I describe it. When you attain a fundamental mastery, you may experiment and make suitable changes. You will find certain techniques consistently effective. Everybody is different, so use what works best. Remember that seminal retention is a means to an end and not itself the ultimate goal. We save seed to gather energy so that we may more deeply delight in love and life.

True esoteric methods are not complicated. If only a genius can do it, it is probably no great practice. The simplicity of esoteric love is itself the real secret. I explain everything in fine detail so there will be no lingering questions or risk of misguiding you. But once you get it, its simple. For brevity's sake I will refer to the practice of "Draw Nectar Up to the Golden Flower" as simply "The Big Draw." This is the abbreviated term my English speaking students use in place of the more ancient Chinese name, and describes the process most succinctly.

For the sake of clarity I have broken down the Big Draw method into its component parts. When practiced properly it is a single action performed by your unified body, mind, and soul. If you feel these three aspects of your person are not well integrated, work on mastering the Big Draw on the physical level and meditate everyday on the microcosmic orbit to aid in evenly distributing your energy. You may go through a rough period if you have a lot of blocks or impurities that your newly heightened chi is attempting to clean out. With continued practice you will feel the chi of your physical body become more integrated with the subtle sexual essence and spirit of your person. You will know this by the way your life begins to flow more smoothly and lovingly.

The Secrets of Semen Retention




To resist the urge to ejaculate you must block the nerve impulse that causes ejaculation. The basic technique for interrupting the impulse is strong, rapid clenching of the under trunk muscles, teeth and fists. You do this nerve-blocking after you have finished the first round of thrusting.

Step 1: Stop Thrusting, Squeeze Tightly and Retreat.

As a thrusting technique for the beginner I suggested three slow, shallow thrusts followed by one deep thrust to the bottom of the vagina. The most sensitive part of the vagina lies at the outermost two inches. This region is thickly covered with nerves and corresponds to the first two inches of a man's penis. Deeper inside, the web of nerves grows less dense.



When ejaculation approaches retreat to 1 inch penetration of the vagina,

in the area of the G-spot


Taoist Secrets Of Love

As you dive deeper she grows tighter. Consequently, seminal retention becomes more difficult. In terms of our "battle of the sexes" metaphor, plunging deeply too often is like repeatedly entering too far into enemy territory. There the encircling enemy overcomes you. Retreat from deep penetration is treacherous. To do it successfully requires great discipline and little movement.

With practice you build up first to six shallow, and later nine shallow, alternated with one deep thrust. If you are a novice at seminal retention, or if you encounter a new or exciting partner, you may find it difficult to go 81 shallow (and 9 deep) strokes before resting.

When you first sense ejaculation approaching, no matter what the number of strokes, stop thrusting and tightly close the urogenital diaphragm. When you stop thrusting do not pull out altogether. Retreat to about one inch of penetration in the vagina. Remain there until you've regained control. Thrusting itself generates a great deal of electricity. Still more electromagnetic energy is produced during the sex act because the hundreds of millions of sperm swim more quickly than usual. As energy accumulates in the genital system, local nerves shoot stimulation up the spinal column to the brain, which gives the order to fire. In this sense even genital orgasm really occurs in your mind. You are just training your mind to have a higher, more mentally and spiritually integrated orgasm.

If your partner tries to wrap her body around you and pull you in deeply, retreat to the point where she can no longer follow you. When she lowers her arched back, follow her down, staying near the mouth of her vagina. Teach the woman to rest when you need to recover your composure: never forget that she is your supreme ally when you gain her loving cooperation.

Step 2: Do 9 Rapid Hard Contractions While Holding The Breath.

After inhaling through the nose, quickly perform 9 very hard contractions of the entire undertrunk musculature, teeth and fists. This is a variation of the form you have been practicing as the Power Lock exercise in 36 repetitions. In that exercise you did one long muscle contraction for each deep breath. For the Big Draw you do 9 rapid muscular contractions for each breath. These contractions are very hard and absorb so much power that little energy remains in the nerves to trigger ejaculation. Do up to six sets of 9 contractions, until the urge to ejaculate leaves you.