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Cultivating The Valley Orgasm


In truth, the entire body is one Tan Tien, or field of energy, but in practice it is easier to learn with smaller vortexes of energy until you can handle the greater power. The sequence of opening them is generally starting with the lower and moving up. If higher centers open before the lower ones the energy may be unstable and short lived. In that case the lovers should direct their higher energy into the lower centers to create a more grounded polarity. Filling the lower body with higher energies will lend greater fullness to the feeling of intimacy and create a greater foundation for future exploration of the spiritual world of the two lovers.

The opening of these energy centers is the actual process of transforming your sex essence into spirit. The valley orgasm actually is a fusion of ching, chi, and shien in the two lovers. All three are normally present in everyone, but in a divided and weakened state. The two lovers can supply energies missing in their partner and bring out recessive energies with the simple presence of the opposite subtle polar energy. When you open a new energy center your mind makes a leap in awareness by fusing these three in a spontaneous alchemical process. Your own spirit is purified and is one step closer to becoming centered in your body.

It's important to know that these centers cannot be "forced" open, any more than a child can suddenly be forced to grow up. There are natural stages. That is why you must relax to entice the Tan Tiens to open; then you will experience a valley orgasm as a spontaneous gift, a sparkling jewel bestowed upon you by the Tao. It has been described as a state of profound clarity and serenity, but even these phrases are insufficient to convey its deep beauty and truth.

The more deeply you learn to relax during the yin/yang exchange, the more deeply you can surrender yourself to your lover, the more likely you are to reach the balance of polar forces needed to open each center. This process happens in a split second but can take months or years of subtle fine tuning of energy between lovers. That is why a committment is usually needed to get to the higher levels of dual cultivation—it requires a great deal of time to understand the play of subtle forces and to refine your more gross physical and emotional energies.

Your nervous system must also be strong enough to handle the increased flow of chi experienced during a valley orgasm. That is one of the reasons I teach strengthening exercises like the Power


Taoist Secrets Of Love

Lock in chapter 6. Any Tai Chi, Yoga, Chi Kung or other purifying meditative work is invaluable in this respect as it speeds up and clarifies the process. Sensitive couples that want to have valley orgasms without any formal physical discipline could use the sexual cultivation practices taught in this book if their health is good and they do the Microcosmic and fusion meditations.


When lovers are in close embrace subtle yin & yang energies concentrate into vortexes from the aenitals to the hea

The Valley Orgasm can happen when both lovers have harmonized their will power and their breathing during the yin/yang exchange. The energy is flowing between the man and woman and they collectively focus their attention on each center. It helps to mentally spiral the energy in a three inch diameter circle (male clockwise, female counter clockwise) at a point about three inches inside the body near its center. You should experiment with the location of the point you focus on, as some people find the energy is more powerful a little closer to the spine.

Cultivating The Valley Orgasm


The chi energy likes to move in a spiralling motion, so by mentally spiralling at key points you may trigger the release of a far more powerful vortex of energy, the valley orgasm. This spiralling movement of the chi itself is caused by the interaction of male and female energies. This can be seen geometrically in the symbol of the female—the circle, and that of the male—a straight line with an arrowhead. The fusion of these two signs is a spiral which is a circular energy containing a linear energy moving towards the center of the circle. When a man and a woman make love the same thing happens—the yang chi enters the circle of the yin chi. The chi fuses, the circle of energy expands, and spirals upward through both their bodies.

The energy will naturally travel in this sequence, spiralling through:

1.The navel center, or lower Tan Tien is the joining of the many routes of the body. When the navel is opened, all routes in the body will be joined. You will regain something of the terrifying vitality of the new-born baby, for its energy has been fed to it by the mother through the navel,

2.Move the power to the solar plexus, which controls the digestive system, stomach, spleen and liver. This will greatly strengthen your health and will. At the solar plexus center the power is much stronger and purer and widespread. But you must open the navel first for the power to flow up.

3.Move the power into the heart center, which is so important to strengthen the heart and lungs and to amplify your power of love and sympathy. This is the center of the middle Tan Tien, and extends into the areas immediately above and below it,

4.Next move it up to the throat. The throat energy center is the thyroid gland and is the door of the energy between man and Heaven. As it controls speech, it is also known as the creative center.

5.From the throat send the power to the Yin-Tang (or third eye) between the brows which controls the nervous system and soul. Its development calms one and lessens the influence of stress and fear. The head is the upper "field of energy" or tan tien.

6.Finally direct the power to the Pai-Hui, the crown, the center of spiritual knowledge and the doorway to higher spiritual evolution.


Taoist Secrets Of Love


1.First make love actively, using 3 or 6 shallow strokes for each deep one, or 9 shallow and 1 deep.

2.Stop thrusting when you feel near orgasm. Use the Big Draw to bring power up to the Pai-Hui.

3.Embrace and synchronize the breathing. Get in a comfortable position with no undue stress on the limbs.

4.Open the Microcosmic Orbit by directing your chi around the circuit with the power of thought.

5.Exchange power by circulating your energy in and around your entwined bodies using meditation. Focus your attention on the polar balance of energy in your lower Tan Tien. When the power builds move it upward in a wave towards your middle and upper tan tien.

6.When your energy has been transformed up, or you feel the loss of 50% of your erection, start to thrust again if you wish and build up more energy, keeping the urogenital diaphragm closed, and stopping before ejaculation.

7.Exchange power several times. Each time try to bring the energy up to increasingly higher centers, meditating on each Tan Tien for as long as you feel comfortable.

8.Women should also perform the Big Draw during the act of love. It will help her to tighten the vagina, stimulate hormonal production, and it offers the same benefits of longevity and spiritual development, just as the man's practice does. Remember the Big Draw is a muscular and mental practice; whereas the exchanging practice is a mental and spiritual operation. The higher energy in women is different from men. This study merits a complete work of its own which is projected for a later volume.

In the true Taoist dual cultivation both man and woman are regenerated in the practice, and neither is harmed. It is highly important the practice is not used for selfish interests. I recommend that neither partner have genital orgasm in the higher stages of the practice, although it may not be as great a loss for a woman and might even stimulate her to higher levels sometimes. When one partner approaches too near the orgasmic abyss, the overheating partner must signal the other to stop motion. Either may lessen the urge of orgasm by immediately doing the Big Draw to vent the power away from the genitals.

Cultivating The Valley Orgasm


In the Taoist practice of "single cultivation", a man alone can also induce a kind of inner valley orgasm by learning to balance the exchange of yin/yang energies between his different Tan Tiens. There is a method of "self-intercourse" induced by reversing the polarity between certain organs which is quite wonderful. This is meditation experienced as lovemaking and is a higher practice that ultimately the individual lovers in a couple should learn to master. This is part of the "Lesser Enlightenment of Kan and Li" described in chapter 19.


Taoist cultivation of sexual energy can aid you in creating the healthiest and most organic contraceptive ever devised. I personally did not ejaculate for ten years using this method, and never had any unwanted pregnancy. When my wife and I decided to have a child, I ejaculated twice. The first ejaculation was solo, to clear any weakened sperm cells out of my body, cells that were weakened because I had drawn their chi up to my higher centers during meditation. Then my body responded by vigorously producing new sperm cells to replace those lost in the first ejaculation, and I focused my intention and energy on making them as powerful and healthy as possible.

I ejaculated only once in my wife in order to get her pregnant. Of course, we were careful to choose the beginning of her ovulation, so my sperm had several days to swim around chasing after her egg. Our child, Max, is the result, and as any of my students can testify he is a living dynamo. I believe we gave him the best start in life possible by guarding my seed and cultivating it to maximum health by cultivating the health of my body, which produced the seed.

However, there is a warning in all this. Because your seed becomes stronger as a result of these practices, it is much easier to impregnate a woman should you slip and lose it. Even though you are one hundred percent confident of your mastery of your seed I would recommend using a backup artificial contraceptive. Don't meddle with the body; avoid vasectomy or sterilization. Condoms prevent absorption of female yin fluids and may slow or weaken your sensitivity to the passage of chi energy through the penis.

To be safe, use a backup contraceptive even if you can prevent


Taoist Secrets Of Love

orgasmic ejaculation of your seed. You can still leak some of the clear "water" or semen which lubricates the passageway for the sperm out of the penis during the plateau phase of exchanging energy. This watery seminal fluid may carry a few invisible sperm eager to meet some lonely egg. This is also a caution against sleeping with women whom you do not love—an unwanted child will cost everyone far more dearly than the momentary sexual pleasure is worth. Remember that you are not only cultivating your sexual energy, you are cultivating the Tao in everything you do and think. Try to do it wisely—avoid big problems by taking the correct small measures.

Cultivating The Valley Orgasm



Michael Winn conducted this interview with a 35 year old dancer, teacher, psychotherapist, housewife, and mother of one child.

MW: Did you find it difficult to learn the female half of dual cultivation, Ovarian Kung Fu?

Student: I've been practicing it for about 2 years. The concept was simple, the physical part was fairly simple, but it has taken me time to find my own needs and balances in sex. It was more difficult to help my partner to not have orgasms than to turn my own orgasm back. The question of whether or not to have an orgasm, whether or not it gives me energy or depletes me of energy seems to change. It depends on a couple of things. It depends on the type of orgasm, the type of energy between myself and my partner and where my energy is during that sexual encounter during that day or time or emotion.

MW: So, if your energy is at a low place, does your orgasm take you to a high place? Or if you're at a high place, does the orgasm drain you?

Student: I think if I'm in a low place, stirring up the sexual energy will increase my energy. But going all the way and having an ordinary orgasm will deplete me. If my energy is high, stirring up the sexual energy will make it higher and clearer and having an orgasm won't deplete me. It sometimes can give me more energy. When my partner gets more energy from my orgasm he's learned how to transfer it back to me so I don't lose energy from an orgasm, unless I'm depleted to start with. Then I tend to want to really conserve and do the Big Draw.

MW: Do you think this has radically changed sex for you? Student: Definitely. Without a doubt. It's very special. I

would say the ability to tune in to each other is really heightened. The harmony is far beyond what sex I had before. It's turned the sexual act into a really high art form of communication. Sex was great for me before, but this is much deeper. It has to do with the ability to communicate physically and psychically which I have gotten to at other times in my life, but this is a consistent path of getting there.

MW: So, let's break this down, is it just more physically intense?

Student: It's more intense, it's warmer, it's longer. And I

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think longer is a big part of it. I can have a whole body orgasm, and sexual excitement all over my body. I had that before a few times, but it happens much more often now. I can sustain the orgasm a long time. They last longer, a couple of minutes sometimes. Before it was only a few seconds. I'm really tuned into different types of orgasms now which I hadn't been before.

MW: What are the different types of orgasms?

Student: Each one is different. There are real gentle, mellow ones, there are intense ones, there are really driving forceful ones. They can happen in different parts and happen in the brain. It can happen in the genitals. I have used it for healing and it works. A couple of times I had an orgasm I've directed it to the weak organ to be healed, but I find it more useful to hold back on the orgasm and send the energy there. I have found one trick that really seems to intensify and lengthen an orgasm and that's to go into it about Vi way and then begin to hold back on it.

MW: So when you are already into an orgasm you can do the ovarian kung fu.

Student: Yes. It's as if you would withdraw from it but since you are already into it, it continues it and lengthens it and makes it last for a real long time. What it does is instead of turning off the orgasm if I'm already into it, it makes it last for a real long time. I send the energy up my spine. I'm not actually doing the Big Draw clenching contractions. I'm just tightening the vagina muscles and tilting the pelvis back. It's a slight arching of the spine out so the back is rounded.

MW: And that prolongs your orgasm. Student: Yes, tremendously.

MW: Is it because the spine is aligned that the energy can travel up easily?

Student: Probably. I'm not sure how it's pulling energy up, I found out about it trying to keep an orgasm from happening in my partner. When I start to have an orgasm it will trigger him to orgasm and I don't want that to happen. So if I start to have an orgasm and I feel his orgasm coming on, I'll pull back. I pull his penis out of my vagina and start to send my energy up. And what I found often happens is that just prolongs the orgasm in me.

MW: So you'll have an orgasm withdrawn from him; you'll have the orgasm more privately.

Student: Yes, I'm trying not to pull him into it. At other times

Cultivating The Valley Orgasm


we stay together if he's feeling totally in control, and that's wonderful.

MW: What's the response amongst other women doing Ovarian Kung Fu?

Student: Generally it's good, they like doing it. Most women I talk to tend to think they had it all together before.

MW: I've heard that a lot also. Is that a common reaction? Student: To tell you the truth, there are only a few women that I think who have really been practicing with partners. Some of the

women are doing the exercises, but I know only one other woman who has been doing it with a partner. It's pretty much my own isolated experience, there just aren't enough women doing it.

MW: Have you ever felt, in terms of the quality of your sex, the quality of the energy, a high vibrational level?

Student: Yes. Sometimes I have a sense that I'm under water after an orgasm is over. I see things differently, and there is a buzzing in my ear. I've also had this happen after an intense meditation.

MW: How has Ovarian Kung Fu practice affected your daily


Student: It's made me more sensitive to my partner and more sensitive to my own energy. There is a deeper level of tenderness and I think from this there is the impetus to conserve one's energy. To hold and cultivate it is precious. I think when you do that you create a certain type of presence in the world, and other people respond to you in a like manner.

MW: In terms of your energy and sharing it with your lover, what's the difference between energy and love? Is just having more energy in physical intensity the same as having more love?

Student: It's not just physical; it feels psychic. You're creating a loving relationship. The sex is a vehicle in creating harmony. The Taoist methods put more power into your emotions, into everything. There have been times in the middle of love making that we've both just cried, it is so powerful. That quality of tenderness, that connection. So it's definitely more than physical.

MW: On any level, do you feel you can distinguish between yin and yang energies?

Student: I don't think of it as yin and yang, but I do feel his heat going up my spine, and it transforms me. I feel more like a woman. But I couldn't define it as feelings. I would just define it

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more as a special energy. It's like fanning the fire inside yourself and then allowing yourself to melt into it.

MW: So what's the difference between this chi exchange and love?

Student: It's one way of exchanging love. It's one way of sharing energy. It creates more polarity. I feel fed, it's like a food. I get yang energy, and hot yang energy allows me to then create more yin. I become more balanced. I'd felt it before but I couldn't always get to it. And it wasn't as intense.

MW: Has this increased your appetite for making love? Student: Yes. It's increased my appetite but I'm okay without

it. I feel so satisfied so that it's not an absolute requirement. And also the Ovarian Kung Fu allows me to transform my sexual energy up so I don't get crazy if I'm horny and he's not. But when the opportunity is there I like to take advantage of it.

MW: Did you ever feel that your partner was more concerned with conserving his energy than in actually making love? Did you ever feel it got in the way of love making?

Student: No, never. It has only enhanced it. Sometimes it is frustrating when it doesn't work. But I look forward to getting better and better at it.



In the practice of exchanging sexual power with one's partner or absorbing one's own seminal power there are many ways of proceeding. Each individual must develop himself using his current stage of evolution as the starting point. There are higher, more purely spiritual levels of transforming human consciousness than the beginning techniques of sexual cultivation taught in this book. But it is impossible to fully comprehend them and attain lasting benfit from them until a man is able to exert positive control over his sexual drive.

Many yogis, gurus and masters from the East have arrived in America thinking themselves fully enlightened, but soon discovered they had not achieved control over their sexuality. They had merely repressed their sexual desires while developing their higher spiritual centers. Some may have been genuinely accomplished but were trapped by their religious or cultural taboos against sex. This imbalance is made possible by the strong local taboos against free sex in the orient.

The Eastern culture is still tightly controlled by religious or family pressures that greatly reduce the temptation to have extramarital sex. The penalty for being discovered is too great and would ruin the "career" of an aspiring yogi or other spiritual teacher who is assumed to have transcended the sexual urge. In the climate of unbridled sexual freedom that exists in America, their