Файл: Особенности учета и анализа товаров на предприятиях оптовой торговли (ООО «Зона Звука»).pdf

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pare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
December 2015
Will continue the campaign in the Central mass media plan on hosting another 3 articles. At this stage, informational articles will be a supporting character in addition to those special events that will be held in LLC "oldie Plus. Article (approximately 1/8 of a newspaper pages A2-A3) will be placed in the following media specialist press: the newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda", "Today", "night club".
In the middle of planning the advertising campaign will be held a General audit of all activities carried out and evaluated their effectiveness.

  1. Балабанов И. Т. Анализ и планирование финансов хозяйствующего субъекта. - М.: Финансы и статистика, 2009. – 371 с.
  2. Бланк И.А. Управление оптовым предприятием. – М.: ЭКМОС, 2008. – 416 с.
  3. Бабаев Ю.А., Петров А.М. Теория бухгалтерского учета. – М.: Проспект, 2012. – 240 с.
  4. Бабченко Т.Н., Галанина Е.Н. Бухгалтерский учет и налогообложение. – М.: КноРус, 2013. – 456 с.
  5. Бирюков М.В. О взаимосвязи учета затрат на производство и калькулирования себестоимости продукции (работ, услуг). //Проблемы механизации агрохимического обслуживания сельского хозяйства. – 2012 – С. 206-209
  6. Боброва Н.А. Аналитические процедуры в аудите затрат на производство и выпуск продукции. //Управленческий учет. – 2012 - №4 – С. 83-91
  7. Богаченко В.М., Кириллова Н.А. Основы бухгалтерского учета, налогообложения и аудита. – Ростов-н/Д.: Феникс, 2012. – 288 с.
  8. Бухгалтерский учет. /под ред. Богомолец С.Р. – М.: Маркет ДС, 2013. – 752 с.
  9. Вещунова Н.Л., Фомина Л.Ф. Бухгалтерский учет. – М.: Рид Групп, 2014. – 608 с.
  10. Виткалова А.П., Миллер Д.П. Бюджетирование и контроль затрат в организации. – М.: Дашков и Ко, 2014. – 128 с.
  11. Ерохина Л. Бухгалтерский учет и анализ. – М.: Форум, 2012. – 496 с.
  12. Жуков В.Н. Основы бухгалтерского учета. – СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 336 с.
  13. Иванова Ж.А. Сущность затрат, их классификация для целей управленческого учета. //Вестник экономической интеграции. – 2013 – Т.1, №5 – С. 51-65
  14. Касьянова Г.Ю. Расходы. Бухгалтерские и налоговые. – М.: АБАК, 2012. – 360 с.
  15. Касьянова Г.Ю. Учет-2013: бухгалтерский и налоговый. – М.: АБАК, 2013. – 880 с.
  16. Керимов В.Э. Учет затрат, калькулирвоание и бюджетирование в отдельных отраслях производственной сферы. – М.: Дашков и Ко, 2014. – 476 с.
  17. Колесникова Е.Н. Современные подходы к организации учета затрат на производство. //Известия Оренбургского государственного аграрного университета. – 2013 – Т.3, №27-1 – С. 177-179
  18. Колин Друри. Управленческий и производственный учет. – М.: Юнити-Дана, 2013. – 1424 с.
  19. Кравченко Л.И. Анализ хозяйственной деятельности в торговле. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2008. – 431 с.
  20. Кузьмина М.С. Учет затрат, калькулирование и бюджетирование в отраслях производственной сферы. – М.: КноРус, 2013. – 248 с.
  21. Лебедев В.Г., Дроздова Т.Г., Кустарев В.П. Управление затратами на предприятии. – М.: КноРус, 2012. – 592 с.
  22. Нечитайло А.И., Панкова Л.В., Нечитайло И.А. Методология и концепции бухгалтерского учета. – Ростов-н/Д.: Феникс, 2013. – 224 с.
  23. Парушина Н.В., Кыштымова Е.А. Аудит. Основы аудита, технология и методика проведения аудиторских проверок. – М.: Инфра-М, 2013. – 560 с.

he advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" to increase the competitiveness of LLC "oldie Plus" on the market.
The objectives of the advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus":
1. To raise awareness of target audiences about the basic qualities and benefits of products of LLC "oldie Plus.
2. To make an image of the LLC "oldie Plus recognizable by the target audience.
3. To influence consumer preferences and to secure stable selection of target audiences in favor of the company "oldie Plus.
Of the target audience. Existing and potential consumers of products and services of the company "oldie Plus.
Time frame:
The duration of the advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus is 8 months. The main advertising campaign will be conducted from October to December 2015.
Strategy advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus and the main information channels.
Advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" will be built by the system of interaction with target audiences through the organization of special events with the informational support through the Internet.
Thus, as the main information channels are the Internet resources and direct interaction with target audiences.
The complex of measures aimed at solving problems of an advertising campaign:
Plan an advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" will be constructed in such a way that the main event will be in October, November, December.
Meanwhile, when conducting such campaigns need to create and maintain a constant information support product on the market. In this regard, it is expected the implementation of the following regular events for 7 months:
the monitoring 10-15 leading Central and specialized publications. This press monitoring will allow you to track not only the image of LLC "oldie plus" in the Russian media, but the coverage and promotion of its main competitors.
the operational/crisis response to misleading or inaccurate information published in the media.
Based press monitoring will be carried out online tracking and responding to published materials if necessary.
Timely intervention and the refutation of false or distorted information play a key role in creating and maintaining brand image in the media.
the monthly seminars with representatives of business Advertising strategy of success". Necessarily part sales and marketing managers, as well as recognized experts in the field of advertising.
the monthly (placement of advertising materials in business journals of the city;
the monthly presentation of products and services LLC "oldie Plus";
October 2015.
Conduct sampling with business representatives. Demonstration of the production of LLC "oldie plus. Sampling - marketing campaign for the free distribution of the test products.
Interview with a marketing company on the radio "Russian Radio" in the morning program "Panorama" (the timing of material - 2-3 minutes).
November 2015.
the information campaign in the Internet.
Plan 4 press releases (approximate volume - 1 coffee stripe) in specialized mass media, namely, magazines in the "Business", "Promotional products", devoted to the benefits of the products and services of the company "oldie plus.
the conference "Problems of modern advertising market" for journalists writing on advertising with the involvement of recognized experts in the field of advertising. It is also recommended that the distribution of information packages about research and sponsorship activities of the company "oldie plus" and holding the reception.
is holding a "Day "oldie plus" from the Company.
Offered 2 alternatives of the "Day "oldie plus":
In the first embodiment, as the audience is planned to attract journalists. It is supposed to hire one V. I. P. - fitness center 4 hours.
Pre-made signature accompanying the products with brand LLC "oldie plus (towels, shower Slippers, soap, packages, and so on). Will be invited representatives of 15-20 media. It is supposed to prepare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
In the second embodiment, the event is aimed at a wide audience of potential consumers.
It is proposed to arrange a V. I. P. - SATURDAY - restoration of ecosystems (tree planting, restoration of trophic relations, release birds etc) one of the historical places of the city with the invitation of the First Persons of the City, known for creative people, representatives of leading companies, shops and the media, announcing it in advance through the media.
Before and after the event will be sent a press release to the media.
It is supposed to prepare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
December 2015
Will continue the campaign in the Central mass media plan on hosting another 3 articles. At this stage, informational articles will be a supporting character in addition to those special events that will be held in LLC "oldie Plus. Article (approximately 1/8 of a newspaper pages A2-A3) will be placed in the following media specialist press: the newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda", "Today", "night club".
In the middle of planning the advertising campaign will be held a General audit of all activities carried out and evaluated their effectiveness.

he advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" to increase the competitiveness of LLC "oldie Plus" on the market.
The objectives of the advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus":
1. To raise awareness of target audiences about the basic qualities and benefits of products of LLC "oldie Plus.
2. To make an image of the LLC "oldie Plus recognizable by the target audience.
3. To influence consumer preferences and to secure stable selection of target audiences in favor of the company "oldie Plus.
Of the target audience. Existing and potential consumers of products and services of the company "oldie Plus.
Time frame:
The duration of the advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus is 8 months. The main advertising campaign will be conducted from October to December 2015.
Strategy advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus and the main information channels.
Advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" will be built by the system of interaction with target audiences through the organization of special events with the informational support through the Internet.
Thus, as the main information channels are the Internet resources and direct interaction with target audiences.
The complex of measures aimed at solving problems of an advertising campaign:
Plan an advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" will be constructed in such a way that the main event will be in October, November, December.
Meanwhile, when conducting such campaigns need to create and maintain a constant information support product on the market. In this regard, it is expected the implementation of the following regular events for 7 months:
the monitoring 10-15 leading Central and specialized publications. This press monitoring will allow you to track not only the image of LLC "oldie plus" in the Russian media, but the coverage and promotion of its main competitors.
the operational/crisis response to misleading or inaccurate information published in the media.
Based press monitoring will be carried out online tracking and responding to published materials if necessary.
Timely intervention and the refutation of false or distorted information play a key role in creating and maintaining brand image in the media.
the monthly seminars with representatives of business Advertising strategy of success". Necessarily part sales and marketing managers, as well as recognized experts in the field of advertising.
the monthly (placement of advertising materials in business journals of the city;
the monthly presentation of products and services LLC "oldie Plus";
October 2015.
Conduct sampling with business representatives. Demonstration of the production of LLC "oldie plus. Sampling - marketing campaign for the free distribution of the test products.
Interview with a marketing company on the radio "Russian Radio" in the morning program "Panorama" (the timing of material - 2-3 minutes).
November 2015.
the information campaign in the Internet.
Plan 4 press releases (approximate volume - 1 coffee stripe) in specialized mass media, namely, magazines in the "Business", "Promotional products", devoted to the benefits of the products and services of the company "oldie plus.
the conference "Problems of modern advertising market" for journalists writing on advertising with the involvement of recognized experts in the field of advertising. It is also recommended that the distribution of information packages about research and sponsorship activities of the company "oldie plus" and holding the reception.
is holding a "Day "oldie plus" from the Company.
Offered 2 alternatives of the "Day "oldie plus":
In the first embodiment, as the audience is planned to attract journalists. It is supposed to hire one V. I. P. - fitness center 4 hours.
Pre-made signature accompanying the products with brand LLC "oldie plus (towels, shower Slippers, soap, packages, and so on). Will be invited representatives of 15-20 media. It is supposed to prepare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
In the second embodiment, the event is aimed at a wide audience of potential consumers.
It is proposed to arrange a V. I. P. - SATURDAY - restoration of ecosystems (tree planting, restoration of trophic relations, release birds etc) one of the historical places of the city with the invitation of the First Persons of the City, known for creative people, representatives of leading companies, shops and the media, announcing it in advance through the media.
Before and after the event will be sent a press release to the media.
It is supposed to pre he advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" to increase the competitiveness of LLC "oldie Plus" on the market.
The objectives of the advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus":
1. To raise awareness of target audiences about the basic qualities and benefits of products of LLC "oldie Plus.
2. To make an image of the LLC "oldie Plus recognizable by the target audience.
3. To influence consumer preferences and to secure stable selection of target audiences in favor of the company "oldie Plus.
Of the target audience. Existing and potential consumers of products and services of the company "oldie Plus.
Time frame:
The duration of the advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus is 8 months. The main advertising campaign will be conducted from October to December 2015.
Strategy advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus and the main information channels.
Advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" will be built by the system of interaction with target audiences through the organization of special events with the informational support through the Internet.
Thus, as the main information channels are the Internet resources and direct interaction with target audiences.
The complex of measures aimed at solving problems of an advertising campaign:
Plan an advertising campaign LLC "oldie Plus" will be constructed in such a way that the main event will be in October, November, December.
Meanwhile, when conducting such campaigns need to create and maintain a constant information support product on the market. In this regard, it is expected the implementation of the following regular events for 7 months:
the monitoring 10-15 leading Central and specialized publications. This press monitoring will allow you to track not only the image of LLC "oldie plus" in the Russian media, but the coverage and promotion of its main competitors.
the operational/crisis response to misleading or inaccurate information published in the media.
Based press monitoring will be carried out online tracking and responding to published materials if necessary.
Timely intervention and the refutation of false or distorted information play a key role in creating and maintaining brand image in the media.
the monthly seminars with representatives of business Advertising strategy of success". Necessarily part sales and marketing managers, as well as recognized experts in the field of advertising.
the monthly (placement of advertising materials in business journals of the city;
the monthly presentation of products and services LLC "oldie Plus";
October 2015.
Conduct sampling with business representatives. Demonstration of the production of LLC "oldie plus. Sampling - marketing campaign for the free distribution of the test products.
Interview with a marketing company on the radio "Russian Radio" in the morning program "Panorama" (the timing of material - 2-3 minutes).
November 2015.
the information campaign in the Internet.
Plan 4 press releases (approximate volume - 1 coffee stripe) in specialized mass media, namely, magazines in the "Business", "Promotional products", devoted to the benefits of the products and services of the company "oldie plus.
the conference "Problems of modern advertising market" for journalists writing on advertising with the involvement of recognized experts in the field of advertising. It is also recommended that the distribution of information packages about research and sponsorship activities of the company "oldie plus" and holding the reception.
is holding a "Day "oldie plus" from the Company.
Offered 2 alternatives of the "Day "oldie plus":
In the first embodiment, as the audience is planned to attract journalists. It is supposed to hire one V. I. P. - fitness center 4 hours.
Pre-made signature accompanying the products with brand LLC "oldie plus (towels, shower Slippers, soap, packages, and so on). Will be invited representatives of 15-20 media. It is supposed to prepare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
In the second embodiment, the event is aimed at a wide audience of potential consumers.
It is proposed to arrange a V. I. P. - SATURDAY - restoration of ecosystems (tree planting, restoration of trophic relations, release birds etc) one of the historical places of the city with the invitation of the First Persons of the City, known for creative people, representatives of leading companies, shops and the media, announcing it in advance through the media.
Before and after the event will be sent a press release to the media.
It is supposed to prepare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
December 2015
Will continue the campaign in the Central mass media plan on hosting another 3 articles. At this stage, informational articles will be a supporting character in addition to those special events that will be held in LLC "oldie Plus. Article (approximately 1/8 of a newspaper pages A2-A3) will be placed in the following media specialist press: the newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda", "Today", "night club".
In the middle of planning the advertising campaign will be held a General audit of all activities carried out and evaluated their effectiveness.

pare some entertaining quizzes and competitions with prizes from LLC "oldie plus", and also provide soft drinks and snacks.
December 2015
Will continue the campaign in the Central mass media plan on hosting another 3 articles. At this stage, informational articles will be a supporting character in addition to those special events that will be held in LLC "oldie Plus. Article (approximately 1/8 of a newspaper pages A2-A3) will be placed in the following media specialist press: the newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda", "Today", "night club".
In the middle of planning the advertising campaign will be held a General audit of all activities carried out and evaluated their effectiveness.

  1. Петров А.М., Басалаева Е.В., Мельникова Л.А. Учет и анализ. – М.: Инфра-М, 2013. – 512 с.
  2. Сорокина М.В. Товароведение : Учебное пособие / М.В. Сорокина. – М.: Бизнес-пресса, 2010. – 590 с.
  3. Смирнова Л. Каждый третий – продавец, но каждый - покупатель. – М.: Дашков и К, 2010. – 330 с.