Файл: To be в прошедшем времени и ing.docx

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Excuse me, have you

got size thirty seven in theseshoes?

Shop keeper:                                                                                  This is a continental

size. It must correspond toBritish size five. Just a minute I'll have a look if we   have size five in these shoes.

Shop assistant:                                                                               Can I help you?

Participant:                                                                                    Thank    you.                                                                                                      Being


Shop keeper:                                                                                  Here   is   your                                                                                                      size...

How does that feel?

Participant:                                                                                    A bit tight. Can I try

the next size up?

Shop keeper:                                                                                  Here is five and a half.






better. Thank you. I'm buying this






Words and expressions

shop (Br.)                                     магазин

store (Am.)                                   магазин

to open                                         открывать (ся)

a. m.                                             до полудня

p. m.                                             после полудня

Monday                                       понедельник

Tuesday                                       вторник

Wednesday                                  среда

Thursday                                     четверг

Friday                                          пятница

Saturday                                      суббота

Sunday                                        воскресенье

to stay                                          оставаться, находиться

to stay open                                 быть открытым

muchlater                                    намного позже

town                                             город (небольшой), употребляется с артиклем

village                                          поселок, городок (в сель ской местности)

to close                                         закрывать (ся)

early                                             рано

Eurocheque                                 еврочек

Foyle's                                          Фойлз Крупнейший книжный магазин в Лондоне, называется по имени


его владельца

bookshop                                     книжный магазин

to choose (chose, chosen)             выбирать

poster                                           плакат

postcard                                       почтовая открытка

stamp                                           марка

postoffice                                     почтовое отделение

corner                                          угол

round the corner                         за углом

clothes                                          одежда

department                                  отдел

department store                         универсальный магазин

dress                                             платье

to try                                            

anywhere                                     где-либо

Fitting room                                примерочная

to fit                                             годиться, быть в пору

cashier's desk                               касса

end                                               конец

at the end of                                в конце

aisle                                              проход (между рядами,

стойками и т д )

size                                               размер

to correspond                              соответствовать

to serve                                         обслуживать

being served.                                Мною уже занимаются

to feel (felt, felt)                           чувствовать

tight                                             тесный

a bit tight                                     немного тесно

half                                              половина

much better                                 намного лучше

pair                                              пара





to go shopping                    fitting room

to pay cash                            cashier's desk

to accept plastic cards           shop keeper


department stores                 shop assistant

book shops                           to buy — tosell

shoe shops                            to try on

2. Underline the answers true to the text:

  • Are most shops open on Sundays in England?

  • Are most shops open till late at night on working days?

  • Yes, they are. No, they are not.

  • Only in London most shops are open on Sundays.

  • Yes, they are.

  • No, they are not. Only in London most shops are open till midnight.

  • What money do shops ac- cept from customers?

  • Only cash.

  • Cash and Eurocheques only.

  • Cash, plastic cards and Eurocheques.

3. Complete as in the text:

In England most shops open... on Monday to Saturday, although some stay open much later... In small towns and villages... Not many... on Sundays. Besides cash a lot of shops... Some... Eurocheques.

 4. Sum up what the text said about English shops.


  1. Read the following:

  • this book this poster

  • these postcards these shoes

  • Where is the nearest post office? round the corner

  • at the end of the aisle

  • Can I try the next size up?

6. Insert articles:


... book,... poster and... cards come to 10.20. You have to get stamps at... post office.

Where is... nearest post office?

7. Use the verbs in the right form:

The fitting room (to be) over there. It (to fit) me well and I (to like) it.

The cashier's desk (to be) just at the end of the aisle.

8. Insert prepositions:

Have you got size thirty seven... these shoes? I'll have a look if we have size... these shoes. It must correspond... British size five.

The nearest post office is just... the corner. The cashier's desk is... the end... the aisle.

 9. Complete and act out similar dialogues:

—  Can I have... book... poster... And these postcards and two... America.

—  The book... 10.20. But... stamps.

—  Where can I...

—  You have to get...

—  Where... nearest...

—  Just...

—  Thank...

—  Excuse me, may I... anywhere...

—  Yes, certainly. The fitting...

—  Thank you. It fits... and... like... Where... pay?

—  The cashier's... aisle.

—  Cash or...

—  Cash...

—  Excuse me, have you got... shoes?

—  This... continental... It must correspond... Just a minute, I'll have a look if...

—  Can I help you?

—... served.

—  Here is... How... feel?

—... tight. Can I try...

—  Here is...

—  Oh, this is much... Thank you. I'm...


Modal Verbs

Модальные глаголы 

Основные модальные глаголы:

may can must

shall should

May 1 try on this dress?                   Можно померить это платье?

Can 1 helpyou?                                Чем могу вам помочь?

It must correspond to size 5.             Он должно быть соот-

ветствует размеру 5.

Where shall I pay?                           Где я должна заплатить?

You should go to the post office.      Вам следует пойти на почту.

10. Make sentences:

  • You should

  • What shall we

  • Shall I

  • May I

  • visit London one day visit Madame Tussaud's speak English

  • as much as you can learn English

  • as long as you can

  • do for our next session (lesson) do for tomorrow

  • read the text

  • translate the text repeat it

  • put it down put down these words do Exercise 1

  • speak to Mr. ...

  • see this book try on...

  • He They

  • It must

  • can

  • speakEnglish drive a car

  • read balances heets discuss taxation

  • be late

  • be open be closed

  • be somewhere nearby

  • be far away be too big be too small

  • be 5 o'clock now

11. Answer the following questions:

  • What time is it now?

  • On what days and at what time do you usually go shopping?

  • When did you last go shopping and what did you buy?

  • Say a few words about shops of the city you live in.

The British pub


One day David Hill invited a few participants to a pub. The participants were happy to satisfy their curiosity and they accepted the invitation willingly. In the evening they went to the nearest pub.

Pubs are "typically English". Most pubs are friendly and relaxed places where visitors can have some beer and, usually, a simple meal. These days one can also get wine in most pubs. Many also serve coffee, but not tea. You go to the bar to order and pay for your drink. A typical lunch in a pub is a "ploughmans" — bread, cheese and pickle, and sometimes a little salad.

Pubs are not open all day. The owners themselves can decide when to open. Most open for 3 or 4 hours at lunchtime and again from about 6 p. m. to about 11 p. m. In busy areas, pubs may stay open from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.

Here is the talk between David and Sergei:

Sergei: This looks nice.

David: I like it too. 1 sometimes come here with my friends   Let me buy you a few drinks.

What would you like to have?

Sergei: Thank you. Just a minute. Well, two halves of bitter and one half of lager, if you


David (to Two halves of bitter and two halves of lager, please.

Barman): And four packs of crisp.

Seven pounds ninety.

David: Here you are... Thank you... Let's go to that table over there.     Cheers!

Sergei: Cheers! Ah, very good beer, indeed.

David: I'm not a beer addict but I like it.... Would you like the game of darts? It's very popular in our pubs.

Sergei: Yes, but I don't know how to play. Can you show me?

David: Certainly, come on.... You take three darts...


Words and expressions


pub                                         пивная (сокр. от public house)

happy                                     счастливый

to be happy                            быть счастливым; радоваться

to satisfy                                 удовлетворять

will                                          воля, желание

willing                                    готовый (сделать что-либо)

willingly                                 охотно, с готовностью

friendly                                  дружеский, по-дружески

to relax                                   расслабляться

relaxed place                          место отдыха

beer                                        пиво

simple                                     простой

wine                                        вино

to order                                  заказывагь

ploughman                            пахарь

bread                                      xлeб

cheese                                     сыр

pickle                                      соленье; соленые или маринованные огурцы

themselves                              (они)сами

bitter                                       горькое (темное) пиво

lager                                       легкое (светлое) пиво

pack                                       упаковка

crisp                                        хрустящий картофель

Cheers!                                   Ваше здоровье!

addict                                     увлекающийся; наркоман

beer addict                             любитель пива

game                                       игра

darts                                       стрелы (как игра)



 1. Translate into Russian:

  • Pubs are frendly and relaxed places. a simple meal

  • in most pubs many serve coffee

  • bread, cheese and pickle the owners of pubs

  • at lunchtime in busy areas

2. Underline the answers true to the text:

  • Are pubs very popular places in Britain?

  • What is the most popular drink in pubs?

  • Can visitors also have a meal in a pub?

  • Yes, they are. No, they are not.

  • It's not quite clear from the text. Beer.

  • Wine. Tea.

  • Yes, they can. No, they cannot.

  • It's not clear from the text.