Файл: Практикум для курсантов, обучающихся на многоуровневой основе в 2 частях Часть 1 3е издание, переработанное.doc

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1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________

b. Use the extra information in sentences 1-10 to guess the meanings of the words in bold. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. It’s very competitive. It’s difficult to find a good job.

  2. It’s very well-paid. He gets £60,000 a year as well as a bonus at the end of the year.

  3. It’s a quite rewarding. You really help people and that makes you feel good.

  4. It’s quite insecure. You are often self-employed or have a temporary contract and it’s quite badly-paid.

  5. You don’t have any responsibility. Once your day’s finished, you don’t have to worry about anything.

  6. You need to be quite creative. You have to think of a lot of new ideas and new ways of doing things.

  7. It’s very stressful. You’re under a lot of time pressure.

  8. It’s physically demanding. You have to be strong and fit.

  9. It’s very varied. You get to do lots of different things.

  10. There’s a lot of paperwork – writing reports, filling in forms, things like that.

c. Match the sentence halves.

1. It's not a bad job. I'm involved ….

2. I feel so fed up. I've applied …..

3. I've worked late every night this week. I've got ….

4. People often ask how I got …..

5. I know all jobs have their ….

6. It's such a relief to work shorter hours. In my old job I did ….

7. In the interview they asked if I could work under ….

a. pressure. Of course I said yes.

b. for hundreds of jobs but no luck yet.

с. an important deadline to meet.

d. boring moments, but I expected computing to be more fun than this.

e. in inspecting hotels for a travel company.

f. something like 50 hours a week.

g. into the film industry. I worked my way up from the bottom.

d. Complete the opinions below with the pairs of words in the box. Which of the jobs are the people talking about?

insecure / physically demanding responsibility / paperwork

stressful / rewarding creative / varied well paid / competitive

1. Of course, it's … because you have people's lives in your hands, but it's also incredibly … when someone's health improves.

2. We work on short contracts so it's quite … . It's also … - I spend the day lifting and carrying heavy weights.

3. It's hard coming up with new ideas all the time, but, after all, people pay me to be … . I'm self-employed and I have a wide range of clients, so my work is very … .

4. People think that because we deal with money that we are very … . You can earn a lot but only really in the top jobs and they are difficult to find. It's a very … industry.

5. It's a big … when we have to prepare a case for court, but one of the worst things is the … . Working with each client involves hundreds of documents, letters and emails.

e. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

  • Are the jobs in Ex. 5. a. good jobs to have in your country at the moment? Would you do any of them?

  • Do you know anyone who does any of these jobs? Who do they work for? Do they enjoy it?

  • What jobs do you find boring / competitive / rewarding / well-paid / stressful/ creative? Why?

  • What professions are very popular in Russia among young people? Why?

Track 1. Ex. 6 a. You are going to hear two people, Ivan and Amanda, talking about work. Listen and answer the questions.

  1. What do they do now?

  2. What jobs have they done in the past?

  3. What are Ivan’s plans for the future? Why?

  4. How old are they both now?

b. Decide which words in italics you heard. Then listen again and check.

  1. I’m involved in / on designing what you see on the screen.

  2. How did you getting / get into that?

  3. Vodafone were recruiting people so I applied / replied and I got a job.

  4. It’s like any job. It has its boring moments / minutes.

  5. It depends if we have a deadline to complete / meet.

  6. I do something / anything like fifty or sixty hours a week.

  7. That must be stressed / stressful.

  8. I sometimes work better under / in pressure.

c. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions:

  1. Would you ever work for no money? Why? / Why not?

  2. Are there any jobs for life in your country? Do you think it is good? Why? / Why not?

Note. work + preposition

work in + place / area of work, e.g. I work in a factory. / Kim works in publishing.

work for + name of company, e.g. I'd like to work for Vodafone.

work as + job, e.g. How long have you worked as a teacher?

work on + a project, e.g. We've been working on a new design.

work with + person / equipment, e.g. Did you work with Leo on the sales figures? / We have to work with dangerous chemicals.
Ex. 7. Write responses using the adjectives in the box.

disappointing stressful tiring fascinating rewarding fun

1 A: I have such a lot on my plate - recruitment, contracts, training and all the admin. B: That must be- stressful.

2 A: I work with children with learning difficulties. It's amazing to see the progress they can make.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

3 A: I really thought I was going to get my promotion, but my boss said maybe next year.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

4 A: I work such long hours and I never take my full holiday entitlement.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

5 A: I'm the head of research into the use of robots in medicine.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

6 A: Basically, my hobby has become my job. I design computer games.

B: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Note. Rep is a short for representative. You can be a sales rep, a holiday rep, a class rep, etc. We also use admin instead of administration and HR instead of human resources.
Ex. 8. a. Match 1-5 with the specific job descriptions a-e.

  1. I work in the warehouse.

  2. I’m in the accounts department.

  3. I work in human resources.

  4. I’m in sales.

  5. I’m part of the marketing team.

  1. I am mainly involved in planning the campaigns.

  2. I’m the rep for the whole of the south of Italy.

  3. I am responsible for packing all the orders and doing all the admin for the delivery.

  4. I am responsible for recruitment contracts and working conditions.

  5. I deal with all the pay and finances.

b. Work in pairs. Use the words and phrases in ex. a. to have conversations like this:

A: What do you do?

B: I work for a ….. company.

A: Oh yeah? Doing what?

B: I’m in sales. I’m the rep for the whole of the south.

Track 2. Ex. 9. Listen to a man, talking about his job. Make notes for more details. Retell the story ‘I hate my job!”
Ex. 10. a. You are going to hear three conversations about rules at work. Before you listen, discuss these questions.

  • Why do you think companies have the rules below?

  • Do you think they are sensible and fair?

Track 3. b. Listen and decide which of the rules they talk about in each conversation.

  1. Women have to wear skirts or dresses at work.

  2. We have to go outside to smoke.

  3. We have to agree holidays with our boss. We can’t take time off when we want.

  4. We have to ask the admin assistant to make photocopies for us. We can’t just do them ourselves.

  5. We have to take our breaks at set times.

  6. We have to wear a hard hat at all times.

  7. We can’t surf the web on company computers.

  8. We can’t call mobile phones from the office.

  9. We can’t talk to each other while we’re working.

c. Work in pairs. Match the words used in the conversations. Then listen to check your answers.





a law



a school


work in

a quick



the whole

dress code





at short


perform in

a strict



a computer


d. Discuss the following questions:

  • Do you think the rules are fair in ex. b.? Why? / Why not?

  • Are there any rules where you are going to work? Are you going to follow them?

Ex. 11. Decide which answer best fits each space.

Choosing a Job

One of the most difficult decisions is choosing what to do for a 1) … . For example, do you want to follow a definite 2) …, and 3) … a low 4) … at the beginning, but have good 5) … in a company that trains its 6) …? Or are you more interested in taking any kind of work, because you need a(n) 7) …? You may have to face up to the fact that a good 8) … can be difficult to find. In that case, why not take a temporary one? You will gain some useful 9) … . Remember that even if you have the right 10) …, you may have to 11) … lots of application forms before you are asked to 12) … in an interview. But don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to 13) … exactly. You’ll enjoy finding out!

1. a) salary b) living c) employee d) work

2. a) company b) training c) business d) career

3. a) earn b) gain c) win d) take

4. a) money b) profit c) cheque d) salary

5. a) hopes b) prospects c) futures d) promotions

6. a) employers b) crew c) staff d) persons

7. a) money b) cash c) account d) income

8. a) work b) labour c) job d) seat

9. a) experiences b) experienced c) experience d) experiencing

10. a) qualifications b) exams c) letters d) degrees

11. a) fall through b) get on c) turn down d) fill in

12. a) be b) attend c) make d) advertise

13. a) work b) job c) do d) make
Ex. 12. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.

The Job Interview

It is important to make a good 1) IMPRESS when going for a job interview. Interviewers usually ask a 2) VARIUOS of questions, many of which concern 3) QUALIFY. However, they also usually like to ask questions about previous 4) OCCUPY as well as 5) AHIEVE not connected to the workplace. Often, the 6) SUCCESS candidate is not the one with the most impressive 7) EDUCATE but the one who shows that he or she has made the most 8) EFFECT use of their time. Few employers want employees who are 9) ABILITY to think for themselves. The 10) POSSIBLE of advancement in any job rarely depends on the 11) ACCURATE of work but more on the enthusiasm and dedication of the employee.
Ex. 13. a. Read the article quickly. Write the missing headings in the correct place.

Be accurate Be concise Give the full story Send a covering letter Be honest


A good curriculum vitae (CV), with information about you and your qualifications and experience, will boost your chances of getting an interview for a job, but a poor CV could ruin everything before you even start. On average, a recruiter will spend just 15 to 20 seconds reviewing a CV, so it's important to get it right.


Remember that your CV is only a way of getting your foot in the door, so keep it short. Most successful CVs include the following sections: Profile, Achievements, Experience, Special skills (languages / computers), Education, Training, and Interests (this is optional). Use no more than two sides of A4 paper and save the real detail for your interview.

√ Make it look good

Make sure the key points of your CV are clear. Use bullet points and relatively short sentences for the key information. Leaving a border of white space around the text also makes the information stand out and makes the CV easier to read.

√ ……………………………………………………………………………………

Give information about your work history in date order. Start with the most recent job first and don't leave any gaps. If you have been out of work for a time, give reasons, but don't go into details about jobs you did more than 10 years ago.

√ Include relevant facts, not lists

List your duties, achievements, and responsibilities under each job. Use a separate section in your CV for specific skills, such as languages, administrative or computing skills. There's no need to include them for every job you've done. This makes dull reading for the recruiter.

√ ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Although you want to present yourself well, don't bend the truth. You are likely to be caught out and your application rejected. Many companies employ people to check the facts that candidates supply, including qualifications.

√ ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Always check for errors. Use the spellchecker on your computer to deal with basic errors of spelling and grammar, but also get someone else to read your CV and tell you what they think.

√ Adapt it

Take the time to adapt your CV for each job you apply for. Research the company and use the job advert to assess what they are looking for. Link your skills and experience to the requirements of each job. If you are sending your CV to a recruitment website, look at the jobs and employers on the site and adapt your CV accordingly.

√ ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Use this to highlight information from your CV that is most relevant to the job you are applying for. It isn't good practice to send your CV to an employer on its own without this.

b. Read the article again. Identify the following statements as T (true) or F (false) and correct the false ones. Prove your ideas.

  1. People in recruitment don't spend long reading each CV.

  2. An employer never reads a CV that is longer than two pages.

  3. You should put information about your oldest job first.

  4. It's essential to give information about every job you have done.

  5. Employers hardly ever check information in a CV.

  6. You shouldn't send CVs with the same content to a range of employers.

  7. An employer won't read a CV without a covering letter.

c. Replace the underlined words in these sentences with the phrases in bold in the article.

  1. Sending your CV to a recruitment website can give you more opportunities of getting a job.

  2. A website with clear headings makes the key information easy to see.

  3. If you go into a lot of detail about every job you've ever done, it is boring for the reader.

  4. I don't have a problem with interviews. The hard part is gaining a first introduction to the company.

  5. You want to make a good impression but it's madness to not be completely honest on your CV. If they catch you out, you won't even get an interview.