Файл: 1. 1 There is a set of words related to the word manage. Each word has a different use. Match the.docx

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1.1 There is a set of words related to the word manage. Each word has a different use. Match thewords with their definitions:

1) to manage;

b) to be in charge (of); to administer;

2) a manager;

d) a person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop, etc;

3) management;

c) the members of the executive or administration of an organization or business;

4) manageable;

a) able to be managed or controlled;

5) managerial

e) relating to the work of a manager.

1.2. Translate the following collocations into Russian:

line management линейное руководство, middle management среднее руководство, top management высшее руководство, executive management исполнительное руководство, risk management управление рисками, manageable company управляемая компания, manageable proportion управляемая доля, unmanageable size неуправляемый размер, managerial career управленческая карьера, managerial decisions управленческие решения, managerial levels управленческие уровни, managerial role управленческая роль, managerial skills управленческие навыки, managerial status управленческий статус, managerial staff управленческий персонал.

1.3. Fill each space in the sentences below with the correct form of the word derived from manage:


1.Management is the control and organizing of a business or other organization.

2. Something that is manageable is of a size, quantity, or level of difficulty that people are able to deal with.

3. If you manage an organization, business, or system, or the people who work in it, you are responsible for controlling them.

4. You can refer to the people who control and organize a business or other organization as the management.

5. Managerial means relating to a manager or to the functions, responsibilities, or position of management.


1. I’d like to pursue a manager career after I graduate from PRUE.

2. A change of management would help to improve the company’s economy and performance in the crisis time.

3. The chef, staff and manager are all Chinese in this restaurant.

4. The trade union dispute is about wages, working conditions and the managerial of the mining industry.

5. He is so capable that I believe that within two years he will manage the store.

6. He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.

7. His managerial skills were enough to run a small shop.

8. Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions.

9. The risk-management team are doing their best to improve the situation in the company.

10. There is a lack of confidence in the government’s ability to manage the economy.

11. A manager is a person who is responsible for running part of or the whole of a business organization.

12. The present flow of refugees was managerial because there was not enough food for all.

13. Naughty children are notoriously difficult to manage.

14. Some people see themselves as the providers of ideas, while others view their role as essentially managers.

15. We need to get more women into top management.

16. The zoo needed better management rather than more money.

1.4. The text below summarizes some of Peter Drucker’s views on management and describes the work of a manager. In this text the last sentence of almost each paragraph is missing. As you read through the text, choose from the sentences (A-G) below and write the correct letter in each space

The first one has been done for you as an example:

A. But entrepreneurship is not the same as management, and most managers are

not entrepreneurs.

B. Outstanding managers are rather rare.

C. They select people and delegate responsibility to them to manage these units

and perform the jobs.

D. An exception was Jean-Baptiste Say, who invented the term “entrepreneur”,

the person who sees opportunities to use resources in more productive ways.

E. Top managers are appointed and supervised and advised (and dismissed) by a

company’s board of directors.

F. This involves developing strategies, plans and precise tactics, and allocating

resources of people and money.

G. As well as organizing and supervising the work of their subordinates, they

have to work with people in other areas.


Management as we understand it today is a fairly recent idea. Most economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, for example, wrote about factors of production such as land, labour and capital, and about supply and demand, as if these were impersonal and objective economic forces which left no room for human action. 1 D.

Entrepreneurs are people who are alert to so far undiscovered profit opportunities. They perceive opportunities to commercialise new technologies and products that will serve the market better than it is currently being served by the competitors. They are happy to risk their own or other people’s capital. They are frequently unconventional, innovative people. 2 A.

So, what is management? Peter Drucker, the well-known American business professor and consultant, suggests that the work of a manager can be divided into planning (setting objectives), organizing, integrating (motivating and communicating), measuring, and developing people.

• First of all, managers (especially senior managers such as company chairmen – and women – and directors) set objectives, and decide how their organization can achieve them. 3 F.

• Secondly, managers organize. They analyse and classify the activities of the organization and the relations among them. They divide the work into manageable activities and then into individual jobs. 4 C.

• Thirdly, managers practice the social skills of motivation and communication. They also have to communicate objectives to the people responsible for attaining them. They have to make the people who are responsible for performing individual jobs form teams. They make decisions about pay and promotion. 5 G.

• Fourthly, managers have to measure the performance of their staff, to see whether

the objectives set for the organization as a whole and for each individual member of it are being achieved.

• Lastly, managers develop people – both their subordinates and themselves. Obviously, objectives occasionally have to be modified or changed. It is generally the job of a company’s top managers to consider the needs of the future, and to take responsibility for innovation, without which any organization can only expect a limited life. Top managers also have to manage a business’s relations with customers, suppliers, distributors, bankers, investors, neighbouring communities, public authorities, and so on, as well as deal with any major crises which arise. 6 E.

Although the tasks of a manager can be analysed and classified in this fashion, management is not entirely scientific. It is a human skill. Business professors obviously believe that intuition and ‘instinct’ are not enough; there are management skills that have to be learnt. Drucker, for example, wrote over 20 years ago that “altogether this entire book is based on the proposition that the days of the "intuitive" manager are numbered,” meaning that they were coming to an end. But some people are clearly good at management, and others are not. Some people will be unable to put management techniques into practice. Others will have lots of technique, but few good ideas. 7 B.

1.5. Now match the Russian equivalents below with the words and expressions in bold type in the text:

1) предпринимательство; entrepreneurship

2) передавать полномочия; delegate responsibility

3) выполнять разные виды работ; perform the jobs

4) распределять ресурсы; allocating resources

5) руководить работой своих подчиненных; supervising the work of their subordinates

6) факторы производства; factors of production

7) труд и капитал; labour and capital

8) предложение и спрос; supply and demand

9) пространство для деятельности; room for human action

10) проявлять бдительность; are alert

11) использовать в коммерческих целях; commercialise

12) конкуренты; competitors

13) нестандартный, новаторский; unconventional, innovative

14) состоять из; be divided into

15) поставить цели; set objectives

16) сообщить о поставленных задачах; communicate objectives

17) добиваться; attaining

18) выполнять индивидуальную работу; performing individual jobs

19) измерять показатели деятельности; measure the performance

20) брать на себя ответственность за нововведения; take responsibility for innovation

21) справляться с чем-либо; deal with

22) «пересчитать по пальцам»; are numbered

1.6. Mark the following statements T (True) or F (False) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information:

1. Most economists in the 18th and 19th centuries did not consider management a factor of production. F

2. The role of an entrepreneur is different from that of a manager. T

3. It is impossible to categorise manager’s areas of responsibility. F

4. It is the middle manager who is responsible for setting company’s objectives and

modifying them if the necessity arises. F

5. Managers have to have good interpersonal skills. T

6. Staff development is one the managers’ tasks. T

7. Peter Drucker’s definition of management needs to be modernized. F

8. The job of a company’s top managers is concentrated in the internal company’s

environment. T

9. Managers should believe only in themselves and shouldn’t delegate work to others. F

10.Top managers are responsible to the company’s board of directors. T

11.Management is an instinct and management skill cannot be learnt. F

12.All people are good at management techniques and all of them have good ideas. F

1.7. Match the words from Text 1 with their definitions:

1)innovative; c) using new ideas and methods;

2)senior manager; g) someone who has a higher position in the company.

3)objective; e) a goal or aim;

4) allocate; f) to decide officially that a particular amount of time, money or other resources should be used for a particular purpose;

5) attain; b) to achieve or accomplish tasks, aims, results;

6)supervise; a) to watch over someone’s work to make sure that it is done correctly;

7) appoint. d) to give someone a position or responsibility;

1.8. Text 1 contains a number of common verb-noun combinations (e.g. achieve objectives, take responsibility, and so on). Match up the verbs and nouns below to make common phrases:

allocate resources

communicate information

develop strategies

make decisions

measure performance

motivate subordinates

perform jobs

set objectives

supervise people

1.9. Complete the following sentences with these words:

1. Managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital resources available to them.

2. Managers, logically, have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subordinates are manageable.

3. There is no point in setting objectives if you don’t communicate them to your staff.

4. Managers have to supervise their subordinates, and to measure, and try to improve their performance.

5. Managers have to check whether objectives and targets are being achieved.

6. A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by the

company’s board of directors.

7. Top managers are responsible for innovations the that will allow a company to adapt to a changing world.

8. Managers who like power find it difficult to delegate responsibility.

1.10 There is a set of words related to the word economics. Each word has a different use. Put the right word in the blanks in these sentences:

1. Marx and Keynes are two famous economists.

2. These people are studying the science of economics.

3. We sometimes call a person’s work his economical activity.

4. People should be very economic with the money they earn.

5. The economic system of a country is usually called the national economy.

6. The people in that town live very economically.

7. If we don’t economize on electricity, there will be power cuts.

8. My new car is more economical than the one I had before.

9. On my salary we have to live as economically as possible.

10. Economics is my favourite subject.

11. This is a very well-designed car that is also very economical to run.

12. The President’s economic reforms have put a lot of people out of work.

13. Germany, Great Britain and France are economically advanced countries.

14. Japan has one of the most successful economy in Asia.

15. We have a very economical heating system, so the bills aren’t too high.

16. Oka used to be the most economic car in Europe.

17. Many people think that economical situation in the world is improving.

18. Economic housewives use lots of ways of saving about the house.

19. Do you want to major in economy?

20. Economy of the countries of the Far East was in a crisis some years ago.

21. Adam Smith wrote about economics.

22. The study showed that Russian people don’t like economize on food.

23. The first Nobel prize in Economics was awarded in 1969.

1.11. Complete the following table with word families:

























1.12. Fill each space in the sentences below with the correct form of the word in bold print above it:

1) economy

a. We’re spending too much. We must economize.

b. This car uses a lot of petrol. It’s terribly uneconomical.

c. The Minister of Finance is responsible for economic affairs.

2) manage

a. Targets were agreed in consultation between management and staff.

b. The rate of inflation has been brought down to a more managerial level.

c. His job involved managing large investment funds.

d. German managers consider technical skill to be the most important part of

managerial expertise.

3) innovate

a. We must encourage innovation if the company is to remain competitive.

b. Innovative companies assume that all existing products, services

and technologies are aging and will have to be replaced as soon as they begin to decline.

c. Another possibility for large companies is to acquire small, newly-successful innovative firms which they often find cheaper than innovating themselves.

4) entrepreneur

a. The government needs to promote entrepreneurship and inventiveness, by ending high taxes and other disincentives.

b. He was one of the entrepreneurs of 1980s who made their money in property.

c. She’ll make money – she has got that entrepreneurial spirit.

5) responsible

a. The chief executive officer (CEO) is supported by various executive officers, each with clearly defined authority and responsibility.

b. The CEO is directly responsible for the efficient running of the office.

6) attain

a. We must ensure that we do not set ourselves goals that are not attainable.

b. The ability to clearly communicate objectives to subordinates was among his attainment.

c. He will try attain the highest grade in his Economics exams.

7) supervise

a. He worked under the Chief Engineer’s supervision.

b. A supervisory body has been set to monitor the activities of advertisers.

c. The sales assistant said that he needed to get his supervisor to authorize my refund.

d. Her job involves supervising the company’s operations in Japan.

8) skill

a. The skillful workers in the Production Department are well paid.

b. To be a good manager, you need many skills.

c. The unskillful workers in our company are the lowest paid because they need no training for their jobs.

9) delegate

a. A key factor in running a business is the delegtion of responsibility.

b. How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegate to less trained staff?

10) allocate

a. The 2015 federal budget allocates €7.3 billion for development programmes.

b. The allocation of funds for Research and Development department was still under review.

11) appoint

a. Mr Fay is to take up an appointee as a Financial Director with the Royal Society.

b. She was appointed a country’s delegate to the United Nations.

1.13. Some of the words in the box go in front of ‘labour’. Others go after. Find which go where and match the combinations to the definitions:

1. The willingness of people in the workforce to change jobs, or move to another part of the country to find work is called labor mobility.

2. Organizations designed to protect the interests of workers in the United States. These organizations are known in Britain by another name. What is this name? They are called labor unions.

3. Workers with specialist knowledge and abilities are called skilled labor.

4. A lack of workers in relation to the number required is called labor shortage.

5. People who work with their hands are called manual labor.

6. Workers who don’t cost much to employ are called cheap labor.

7. Disagreements between labour and management, for example, over pay are called labor disputes.

8. These labor relations can be good, or they can be bad and lead to a lot of disagreements with management.

1.14. Complete the following sentences with the verbs to innovate, to upgrade, to update and their derivatives:

innovation(s) innovative innovator(s) updated upgrade upgrading

1. African American developments in dance were accompanied by similar innovations in other arts.

2. To upgrade the highways, he asked the legislature to pass a package of tax increases.

3. Cars equipped with computers and cellular telephones can link to the Internet to obtain constantly updated traffic data.

4. Among the most important jazz innovators in the first half of the 20th century were Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Dizzy Gillespie.

5. In 1885 she participated in an innovative program of higher education for women.

6. In 1990 Telecom began a major program to update and expand the network.

7. Albert was an outstanding innovative scientist.

8. Her other works include a collection of short stories, upgrading fairy tales, and parodies.

9. Adapters are often used to permit upgrading to new hardware.

10. The school was regarded by the general public as a revolutionary innovation.