Файл: 1. 1 There is a set of words related to the word manage. Each word has a different use. Match the.docx

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11. Three-engine jet now is produced in an upgraded version.

12. Allen worked to develop some of Microsoft’s most innovative and popular products, including Windows.

13. Apple abandoned its plans to release a major innovation of its operating system.

14. Flight plans are fed into computers and innovations as the flight progresses.

15. An accelerator card allows a user to upgrade a system to a faster microprocessor.

16. He was an experimenter and innovator in sculpture.

1.15. Translate the following sentences into English paying particular attention to the words and expressions in bold type:

1. The government has allocated $10 billion for the development of small businesses in the country.

entrepreneurship in the country.

2. Mr Boss appointed Jason as Assistant Sales Manager and gave him broad authority.

3. As a progressive project manager, you must assign responsibilities to your subordinates.

4. This department is responsible for overseeing the activities of all the branches.

5. A progressive manager must subordinate his desires to the interests of the group.

6. In an entrepreneurial business you have to have interpersonal and networking skills, because you can't run a business with only technically progressive ideas. only with technically progressive ideas.

7. Our boss cannot hold his staff accountable and cannot can't communicate with them about the tasks at hand.

8. He has excellent decision-making skills and has good communication skills, and he takes his employees very seriously.

9. My supervisor wants me to hand in my coursework on entrepreneurship by Monday.

10.The board wants the science and technology development and to showcase scientific advances and report on innovations and for the finance department to cut back on research.

1.16. The table shows four main roles of managers: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Below the table is a list of management functions. Write each function under the correct heading.



1. setting objectives

2. deciding strategy

3. motivation

4. putting systems in place

5 identifying needs


1. identifying change

2. managing resources

3. monitoring quality standards

4. taking on new staff


1. communicating with staff

2. empowering staff to take decisions

3. time management


1. team-building supervision

2 comparing results with targets

1.17. Read and translate the text


Все менеджеры, независимо от уровня в организации или должности - вице-президент маркетинга, директор бухгалтерской службы, мастер механического цеха или руководитель отдела технической поддержки, выполняют основные функции планирования, организации, комплектования штата, руководство и контроль.

Теперь нам нужно знать: Что делает менеджер для выполнения этих функций? Ответ заключается в том, что она или он должны выполнять различные роли.

Роль - это любая из нескольких моделей поведения, которые менеджер демонстрирует в процессе своей работы в организации. в организации. Когда менеджер пытается выполнить работу по управлению, он или она должны должен "носить разные шляпы" при взаимодействии с различными членами организации. На эти ролевые требования влияет формальная должностная инструкция менеджера
, а также вытекают из ценностей и ожиданий начальства, подчиненных и коллег менеджера. коллег.

Рассмотрите некоторые роли, необходимые менеджеру:

1. Роль руководителя.

Менеджер является главой своего подразделения - отдела, департамента, секции. Поскольку менеджер занимает позицию "ведущего лица", он должен регулярно выполнять определенные церемониальные обязанности. Например, от руководителя может потребоваться принимать посетителей, посещать Например, от руководителя могут потребовать принимать гостей, присутствовать на свадьбе подчиненного или участвовать в групповом обеде.

2. Роль лидера.

Менеджер является создателем среды. Она или он играет эту роль, работая над тем, чтобы улучшению работы сотрудников, снижению конфликтов, предоставлению обратной связи о и поощряя рост.

3. Роль связующего звена.

Менеджеры взаимодействуют с другими людьми, помимо начальников и подчиненных; они работают с руководителями других отделов, специалистами по персоналу, сотрудниками других отделов и внешними контактами (поставщиками, клиентами). В этой роли менеджер устанавливает контакты, через которые можно собирать информацию.

4. Роль монитора.

Менеджер постоянно следит за окружающей обстановкой, чтобы определить, что происходит что происходит. Эта информация собирается как напрямую, путем задавания вопросов, так и косвенно, через незапрошенную информацию.

5. Роль пресс-секретаря или представителя.

Менеджер - это человек, который выступает от имени своего рабочего подразделения перед людьми за его пределами. рабочего подразделения. Одна часть этой роли заключается в том, чтобы хорошо информировать начальство, а вторая - в том, чтобы общаться за пределами организации. это общение за пределами организации.

6. Роль предпринимателя.

По мере того, как менеджер знакомится с новыми идеями или методами, которые могут улучшить работу деятельности подразделения, она или он принимает на себя роль предпринимателя. В этой роли менеджер инициирует деятельность, которая позволит и поощрит рабочее подразделение использовать эти идеи или методы наиболее выгодным образом.

7. Роль обработчика возмущений.

Что происходит, когда часть рабочей среды - графики, оборудование, контракты - выходит из-под контроля? Менеджер должен справляться с этими кризисами по мере их развития.

8. Роль распределителя ресурсов.

Менеджер отвечает за определение того, кто в рабочем подразделении получает ресурсы, и сколько получает каждый человек. Эти ресурсы включают деньги, помещения, оборудование и доступ к времени руководителя.

9. Роль переговорщика.

Менеджерам приходится проводить значительную часть своего времени в роли переговорщика. Переговоры могут потребоваться при заключении контрактов с поставщиками или просто при обмене ресурсами внутри организации. Менеджер должен играть эту роль, потому что он или она - единственный в рабочем подразделении, кто обладает информацией и полномочиями, необходимыми для ведения переговоров. иметь.

Эти многочисленные роли - то, что менеджеры фактически делают, выполняя свои управленческие функции.

1.18. Find in the text answers to these questions:

1. What are the major managerial functions?

All managers perform the major functions of planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling.

2. Why do managers have to fill various roles?

As a manager attempts to perform the management job, he or she must «wear different hats» in interactions with various members of the organisation.

3. What is a role in management?

A role is any one of several behaviours a manager displays as he or she functions in the organisation.

4. What is a role influenced by?

Role requirements are influenced by a manager’s formal job description.

5. What do management roles arise from?

It arises from the values and expectations of the manager’s superiors, subordinates and peers.

6. When does a manager assume the figurehead role?

A manager is the head of his or her unit – division, department, section. Because of

this «lead person» position, the manager must routinely perform certain ceremonial


7. How does a manager play the leadership role?

Manager plays this role by working to improve employees’ performance, reducing conflict, providing feedback on performance, and encouraging growth.

8. What is the liaison role related to?

Managers interact with others besides superiors and subordinates; they work with peer level managers in other departments, staff specialists, other departments’ employees, and outside contacts (suppliers, clients).

9. Why does a manager play the monitor role?

The manager is constantly monitoring the environment to determine what is going on.

10.What is the idea of the representative role?

The manager is the person who speaks for his or her work unit to people outside the work unit. One part of this role is to keep superiors well informed and a second aspect is to communicate outside the organisation.

11.When does a manager assume the entrepreneur role?

As the manager is exposed to new ideas or methods that may improve the work unit’s operations, she or he assumes the entrepreneur role.

12.Why does a manager have to play the disturbance handler role?

What happens when parts of the work environment – schedules, equipment, contracts get out of control? The manager must handle these crises as they develop.

13.What is the resource allocator role connected with?

The manager is responsible for determining who in the work unit gets the resources, and how much each person gets.

14.Why do managers spend much time in the negotiator role?

Because negotiating may be required on contracts with suppliers or simply on trading off resources inside the organisation.

15.What does a negotiator need to have?

The manager must play this role because he or she is the only one in the work unit with both the information and authority negotiators need to have.

1.19. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word from the box:

1. Because of the leading position, the manager must routinely perform certain roles.

2. When a manager has to entertain visitors, he or she performs the figurehead role.

3. The leadership role is an essential part of every day’s work for a manager, because every manager should be a leader.

4. The liaison role of a manger enables him to interact with other companies and groups besides his own team. Liaison role helps a manager to build outside contacts.

5. A spokesperson is the person who assumes his work unit to people outside the team.

6. The manager represents the entrepreneur role when he initiates activities to improve the performance of his team.

7. The manager must handle the crises when they appear. In this case he assumes the disturbance handler role.

8. Negotiating is very important in a manager’s job because only the manager has both the information and authority to be an effective negotiator.

1.20. Translate into English:

1. To be successful in their role, managers have to act in in a variety of roles. A role, then, is one of behaviour in a particular situation. a particular situation.

2. For example, he has to deal with visitors, allocate resources, deal with conflicts and disruptions in work, liaise with other departments and partners, act as an entrepreneur, negotiate, etc. (and the like).

3. In each of his roles, the manager should meet the expectations of his superiors, subordinates and colleagues. His or her behaviour should be consistent with his or her status and job description.

4. When acting as a spokesperson for his or her team and organisation, the manager contributes to public perceptions and the image of his or her company.

5. He communicates information about people and their work not only to his management, but also to the public.

6. Because every manager must be a leader in his or her team, he or she must create an appropriate working climate. In the role of a leader a manager tries to encourage his subordinates to work better by providing them with everything they need and reducing the likelihood of conflict.

7. In the event of any disruptions in work, the manager must resolve them. He often has to negotiate both with members of his team and with external partners, suppliers and members of the public. The manager is equipped with the necessary power to conduct negotiations. for negotiations, the manager has the necessary authority and information.

1.21. Look through the text again and discuss the following questions:

1. Speak about what you’ve learned from the text about various management roles. Describe each role a manager has to assume.

2. Why is the ability to «wear different hats» so important in the job of a manager?

3. In what way are role requirements influenced by a manager’s formal job description?

4. What is the most important role for a manager in your opinion? Why?

5. What do you think is the most difficult role for a manager? Why?

6. Which of the roles needs specific training? Why do you think so?

7. What role seems most attractive to you?

1.22. Before you read:

1. Do you think men’s and women’s attitudes to jobs are different?

2. What is your attitude to female managers?

3. Do you think the attitudes to women in management are changing in the modern world? Give your reasons and examples.

1.23. Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs of the text below.

1. Better Communicators D

2. The Glass Ceiling Syndrome A

3. The New Achievers E

4. The Roddick Phenomenon B

5. More Sensitive C

1.24. Match each of the words in the left column with a word from the right column to make nine word partnerships from the text.

1) senior f) positions

2) career d) progress

3) forward h) planning

4) tight a) budgeting

5) risk- c) taking

6) high i) fliers

7) hierarchical b) structures

8) flexible e) organizations

9) communication g) skills

1.25. Which of the following points support the ideas expressed in the text?

1. Women are as entrepreneurial as men.