Файл: Kaplan USMLE-1 (2013) - Anatomy.pdf

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Sertoli cells and, 126, 129 spermatogenesis and, 127, 128f spermiogenesis and, 127, 128f undescended, 277

Tetralogy ofFallot, 204, 204f Thalamic pain syndrome,448 Thalamus, 447

nuclei of,448 Thiamine deficiency, 447 Thoracic aorta, 207 Thoracic cavity, 188, 188f

serousmembranes of, 189 Thoracic duct, 207, 209 Thoracic outlet, 313

Thoracic outlet syndrome, 192, 313

Thoracolumbar (sympathetic) outflow, 180, 18lf-182f, 342, 342f Thorax

cavity. See Thoracic cavity chest wall, 185, 186f diaphragm in, 222-223, 223f

heart embryology, 195. See also Fetal circulatory system; Heart tube

heart in. See Heart

lower respiratorysystem embryology, 186, 187f lungs. See Lung(s)

mediastinum, 206-212

pleura and pleural cavity, 190--192, 19lf Thrombosis, cavernous sinus, 325 Thymus, 73, 74f, 209

ectopic, 320

Thyroglossal duct cyst/fistula, 320 Thyroid gland

development of, 318 ectopic, 320

Tight junctions, 16, 18f freeze-fracture of, 17f

Tongue development, 317, 318f Tourette syndrome,433 Trabecularbone, 37, 39 Trachea, 78, 209

epithelial cell types in, 79, 79f

structure and composition of, 77-78, 78f Tracheoesophageal fistula, 187[, 188f

trans (maturing) face, in Golgi apparatus, 8, 9f Transcortical apraxia, 466, 470f

Transient cells, 29

Transitional epithelium, 21, 22f Transposition of the great vessels, 204, 205f Transtentorial herniation, 440

Treacher Collins syndrome, 320 Trigeminal nerve (CNV), 386[, 393

nuclei of, 388

regions innervated by, 394f Trochlear nerve (CN N), 385[, 393 Tropomyosin, 50

Troponins, 50

Truncus arteriosus septation, 203-205, 203f-204f T-tubule system, 51, 5lf


Ulnar nerve lesion, 291 effects of, 292

Uncal herniation, 440


Undescended testis, 277 Unicellular glands, 23

Upper limb(s). SeealsoBrachia! plexus arterial supply to, 293, 294f carpal tunnel and, 295, 295f collateral circulation of, 295 muscle innervation of, 286-287 nerve injuries in, 288

radiological images of, 297f-298f rotator cuffand, 296, 296f sensory innervation of, 287, 288f terminal nervesof, 286

Upper motoneurons (UMNs), 362, 363[, 364f lesions of, 367, 368f

Ureter, 266 double, 266

embryology of, 263, 264f in female pelvis, 272

posterior abdominal wall and, 266 Urethra, 268

distal spongy, 268 embryology of, 265, 265f

Urinarybladder, 267-268 embryology of, 265, 265f

Urinaryincontinence, 268 Urinary system

blood circulation in, 1 17 components of, 115 development of, 263-264, 264f functions of, 1 16-117

kidney in, 115, 115f nephron in, 117 organization of, 117

Uriniferous tubule, l16f Urogenital diaphragm, 269, 270f Urogenital triangle, 273

Uterus, 144-145, 145[, 272, 272f


Vagina, 145, 146f Vagus nerve (CN X), 209

dorsal motor nucleus of, 389 Valsalva maneuver, defecation and, 102 Varicocele, 236

Vas deferens, 131, 132f Veins, azygos systemof, 207 Ventral horn, 359 Ventricles, ofheart, 216, 216f

Ventricular septa! defect (VSD), 202 Ventricular septation, 202, 202f

Ventricular system, 351-354. See also Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Vermal region lesions, 426

Vertebrae, 171, 173, l73f

and spinal nerve relationship, 179 Vertebral artery, brain stem and, 410, 410f Vertebral canal, 176, l76f

spinal cord in. See Spinal cord Vertebral column, 171, 173f

important levels in, 177, l77f ligaments of, 174

Vertebral venous plexus, 177 Vertigo, 404

Vestibular fibers, 402


USMLE Step 1 • Anatomy

Vestibular system, 403 Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII), 393

lesion of, 403 nuclei of, 389, 402

Vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), 403f Visual agnosia, 468

Visual association cortex, 467-468 Visual cortex, 467

Visual field defects, 442-443, 442f causes, 444

Visual pathways

eyeball and optic nerve, 437-438, 437f lesions of, 444

optic chiasm in, 441, 442f reflexes in, 438-440

visual field defects in, 442-443, 442f Visual reflexes, 438-440

Vitamin A deficiency,vision effects of,437 Vitelline fistula, 249

Vitiligo, 150 Volkmann's canals, 42


Waiter's tip syndrome, 289 Wallenberg syndrome, 413 Wallerian degeneration, 63, 346 Water loss, large intestinal, 103 Weber syndrome, 416

Weber test, 402 Wernicke area, 465 Wharton's ducts, 106

White pulp, splenic, 70, 7lf, 72, 72f White rami, 182

Wilson disease, 433 Wound healing, 31

Wrist, radiological view of, 298f


Z line, skeletal muscle, 49 during contraction, 46

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 94

Zone ofhypertrophy, in bone growth, 40, 40f, 41 Zone ofproliferation, in bone formation, 40, 40f, 41 Zonula adherens, 16, 18f

Zonula occludens. SeeTight junctions Zymogen granules, 106