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USMLE Step s • Anatomy

Atonicbladder, 268 Atresia

duodenal, 249 extrahepaticbiliary, 249

Atria, cardiac, 212-213,212f septation of, 199-200, 20lf

Atrialsepta!defect (ASD), 201-202, 20lf Atrioventricularvalves, 211, 217f Auditorysystem,400-401, 400f Auscultation

ofheartvalve sounds, 217, 217f, 218f ofheart valves, 217, 217f

Autonomicnervoussystem (ANS), 180, 180f, 339, 339f parasympathetic outflow, 182, 183f, 339, 340f sympathetic outflow, 180, 18lf-182f, 341, 34lf

Axillarynervelesion, 291, 292 Axon(s), 58, 6lf

compressed, 63, 346f, 355 myelinated, 58f

response to destructive lesions, 346, 346f severe, 63

severed, 346, 346f Axon hillock, 58

Axonal polyneuropathies, 336 Axonal transport, 59 Axoneme, ofcilium, 19f Azygos system ofveins, 207


B lymphocytes, 67 Babinskisign, 367 Bartholin glands, 273 Basal cells

bronchial, 80 tracheal epithelial, 79

Basal ganglia, 429, 430f, 431, 43lf, 432f diseases/lesionsof, 433

MRimage of, 43lf Basallamina, 15

collagen type IV in, 31, 32f Basement membrane, 15 Basilar artery, 41Of, 411

Basophil, immune system and, 66 Bellpalsy, 395

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, 134 Bicarbonate (HC03-), pancreatic, 107

Bilaminarembryo,formationof, 163-164, 163f Bile ducts, 251, 25lf

Bile formation, 109 Biliarysystem, 111 Bilirubin, 109

Bladder. SeeUrinarybladder Blood-airbarrier, 77

alveolus and, 83f Blood-brainbarrier,63, 352, 355 Blood-CSP barrier, 352, 355 Blood-testis barrier, 126, 129 Blood-thymus barrier, 74, 74f Bone

cell composition of, 37-38 forms of, 37, 39

growth sequence, 41-42

Bone formation endochondral, 39-40,40f hyaline cartilage in, 35, 36f intramembranous,39, 39f mechanism of,39-40

Bone remodeling,41-42 Bowel ischemia, 258

Bowman's capsule, 117, 118, 1 18f Brachia!plexus, 285, 285f

collateralnervesof,287 lesions in, 289-292

Brachiocephalic veins, 209 Brain

arterial supplyto, 460f

mid-sagittalsection and inferiorviewof,347f primary tumors of, 348

Brain stem

blood supply to, 410, 410f

cranialnerves in. SeeCranialnerve(s); individually named cranial nerves

divisions of,383 lesions of, 411-415, 417f

lesions studystrategyfor, 4l7f surface anatomy of, 384f

Breast, 185, 186f

Breastcancer, 148 Breath sounds, 193

Broad ligament, in female reproductive tract, 272, 272f Bronchi

cell types in, 80

foreign bodyaspirationand, 193 histologic features of, 78 structure of, 80

Bronchiolar secretorycells, 81-82 Bronchioles

celltypes in, 81-82, 82f histologic features of, 78 structure of, 80 terminal, 82

Brown-Sequard syndrome, 377f, 379, 379f

Brush cells. See Pulmonaryneuroendocrine (PNE) cells Bulbourethral glands, 273

Bullous pemphigoid, 16, 150


Cadherin, 15

Caloric test, for nystagmus, 404, 404f CanalofSchlemm,glaucomaand, 438 Canaliculi, osteocytes in, 37 Cancellous bone, 37, 39, 41


breast (female), 148 lung, 77 pancreatic, 252

penile, metastasis of, 236 prostatic, 134


Cardiac conduction system, 52 Cardiac muscle,49, 51-53 Cardiactamponade, 211 Carotid artery, 314f

Carpaltunnel, 295, 295f


Carpaltunnel syndrome, 295, 298 Cartilage, 35-36, 36f

Cavernous sinuses, 325f, 353, 354f Cecum, 254

Celiac artery, 255-256, 257f Cell adhesion, 15

molecules of, 14--15

Cell junctions, 15-17, 17f, 18f Cell surfacespecializations, 15-19

Central nervous system (CNS), 336, 339f-341f blood supplyto, stroke-related deficits and, 471 cytoplasmic inclusions and, 57

disorders of, microglia and, 60-61 glial and supporting cells in, 59-60 MR image of, 480f neurohistology, 345-348 structuresof, 336

tumors of, 348

ventricular system in, 351-354. Seealso Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Centralpontine myelinolysis (CPM), 334

Cerebellum, 421, 423f circuitry of, 424--425, 425f

cytoarchitecture of, 422-424, 423f lesions of, 426

Cerebral arteries, 459, 459f, 460f territories supplied by, 46lf Cerebral cortex, 455, 455f-457f

blood supplyto, 458

circulation in, stroke-related deficits and, 471 frontal lobe of, 463-464, 472

functional areas ofdominant hemisphere, 463f language and, 458

lesion study strategyfor,417f occipitallobe of, 467, 472 parietal lobe of, 465, 472 temporal lobe of, 469, 469f, 472

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) constituents of, 355

distribution, secretion, andcirculation of, 355 production of, 352

ventricular system and, 351, 35lf Cerebrovascular disorders,462 Chest wall, 185, 186f

radiological images of, 224f-227f Chiefcells, gastric, 92f

secretion from, 91, 92 Cholecystokinin (CCK), 94

pancreatic secretion and, 108 Chondroblasts, 28, 35 Chondrocytes, 28, 35 Chondroid precursor cells, 35 Chordoma, 166

Chorea, 433

Choroid plexus, CSF production and, 352 Chromaffin cells, 333

Chromatin complex, 4 Chromatolysis, ofneuron, 346f

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 82 Cilium/cilia, 14, 18, 18f

axonemeof, l9f Circle ofWillis

arterialsupplyto brain and, 460f brain stem and, 41Of


cis (forming) face, in Golgi apparatus, 8, 9f Clara cells, 81-82

Cleft lip, 319 Cleft palate, 319

Coarctation ofaorta, 210-211, 210f Cochlearduct, 400

Cochlear nuclei, 389 Colchicine, microtubules and, 14 Collagen, 29

bandingpattern in, 3If in cartilage formation, 35 synthesis of, 30f

types of, 31-33, 32f

Collateralligaments,tibial and fibular, 308-309 Collecting ducts, 121

Colon, 253-254 absorption in, 102 motility in, 101

Columnar cells bronchial, 80

tracheal epithelial, 79, 80 Columnar epithelium

pseudostratified, 21, 2lf simple, 20, 20f

Common hepatic artery, 256, 257f Communications (gap) junctions, 16-17, 17f Compartment syndromes, 306

Complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS), 277 Conduction aphasia, 466

Conduction system, cardiac, 52 Cones, 441, 44lf

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 223 Congenital heart abnormalities

cyanotic, 203, 204-205, 204f-205f non-cyanotic, 200f-202f, 202

Connective tissue collagen fibers in, 32

extracellular matrix and, 29, 30f-32f, 31-33 guest cellsin, 28-29, 28f

skeletal muscle, 45, 45f support cells in, 27-28 transient cells in, 29 types of, 27

Connexon, 17, 17f

Contractions,skeletal muscle, 46, 50 Cooper ligaments, 185, 186f

Cords ofBillroth, 71 Corpus luteum, 7f, 143 Corticalbone, 39

constituents of, 41

Corticobulbar innervation, 393-394, 396f Corticospinal tract, 363, 390

lesions of, 363 Cowper's glands, 273 Cranial fossae, 320f

Cranialmeninges, 322-323, 323f

Cranial nerve(s), 383, 385f, 386f-387f See also individually named cranial nerves

functional features of, 390 medullary nuclei of, 391

rnidbrain nuclei of, 393-394, 394f, 396f pontine nuclei of, 383

vestibular nuclei of, 389, 402


USMLE Step 1 • Anatomy

Craniopharyngioma, 348

Craniosacral (parasympathetic) outflow, 182, 1 83/, 340, 341/ Cremasteric reflex, 236

Crossbridge cycle, in skeletal muscle, 47/ Cryptorchidism, 236, 277

Cuboidal epithelium, 22, 23f Cyst

branchial, 317 lateral cervical, 317 pharyngeal, 320 thyroglossal duct, 320

Cystic fibrosis, 81 Cytoplasm, 4-1 3, Sf

inclusions in neurons, 57 Cytoskeleton, 14, 57-59, 58f


Dandy-Walker malformation, 337 Defecation, 102

Demyclinating diseases, 334 Dendrites, 58

immune system and, 66, 67 Dense connective tissue, 27, 27f

collagen fibers in, 32 Dermis, 150

Dermis-epidermoid junction, 150 Descending hypothalamic fibers, 390 Desmin intermediate filaments, 49 Dcsmosomes, 16, !Sf Diaphragm(s)

pelvic and urogenital, 268, 269f thoracic, 222-223, 223/

Dicncephalon, 447. See also Hypothalamus; Thalamus DiGeorge sequence, 317, 320

Disconnect syndromes, 469 Dislocations

humeral head, 298 lunate, 298

Distal convoluted tubule (DCT), 121 Distal spongy urethra, 268 Diuretics, 121

DNA, in chromatin complex, 4

ONES (diffuse neuroendocrine system) cells. See Pulmonary neuroendocrine (PNE) cells

Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system, 371, 37lf Dorsal horn, 359, 359f

Dorsal midbrain (Parinaud) syndrome, 416, 418 Double ureter, 266

Drug addiction, blood-brain barrier and, 63 Duct ofWirsung, 108

Ductal cells, I07 Ductus arteriosus

patent, 203, 203/ persistent, 205, 205f

Ductus (vas) deferens, 131, 132f Duodenum, 253

atresia of, 249

histologic characteristics of, 98, 98f Dura mater, spinal meninges and, 176, l76f

Dural venous sinuses, 323-325, 324/, 325/, 353 cranial meninges and, 323/

Dust cells, 85

Dynein deficiency, 79

Dysdiadochokinesia, 426

Dysmetria, 426

Dystonia, 433


Ear, 398, 399f

Eccrine sweat glands, 151 Ectopic pregnancy, 144, 162

Ectopic thyroid/parathyroid/thymus, 320 Efferent ductules, 130, 130/ Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 30f Ejaculation, 136, 274

Elastic cartilage, 36, 36f Elastin fibers, 32

Elbow, radiological image of, 297f Embryo

week 1 development, 161-162, 161/ week 2 development, 163-164, 163/ weeks 3-8 development, 165, 165[

Emission, in male reproductive physiology, 275 Endochondral bone formation, 39-40, 40/ Endoderm, 186

Endolymph distribution, in inner ear, 398, 400/ Endometrium, 144

Endomysium, skeletal muscle, 45, 49 Endoplasmic reticulum, 6-7 Enterocytes, 99

Enteroendocrine cells, 93 small intestinal, 99 Enzymes, pancreatic, 107

Eosin staining, in epithelial cells, 19-20, l9f Eosinophi!, immune system and, 66 Ependymal cells, 61

Ependymoma, 348

Epidermis, 149, l50f cells of, 149 layers of, 149

Epididymis, 131, 13lf Epidural hematoma, 326, 327/ Epidural space, 1 77

lumbar puncture and, 179, l79f Epimysium, skeletal muscle, 45, 49 Epiphyseal growth plate, 40

bone growth sequence in, 41-42, 42/ Epiploic foramen (ofWinslow), 246, 246/ Epispadias, 277

Epithalamus, 449, 453

Epithelium/epithelia gastrointestinal, 87 glands and, 23, 23f staining of, 19-20, l9f thymic, 73

types of, 20-23, 20f-23f Erb-Duchenne palsy, 289 Erythropoietin, cells producing, 121 Esophageal hiatal hernia, 223 Esophagus, 89, 90, 90f, 208, 209 Euchromatin, 4

Exocrine pancreas. See Pancreas Expressive aphasia, 464 External genitalia

in female, 276 in male, 274


Extracellular matrix, 29, 30f-32f, 31-33 in bone.SeeBone; Osteoid

Extrahepatic biliary atresia, 249 Eye

muscles of. See Eye muscles pharmacologyof,439

Eye movements, 405--409,408f-409f lesions affecting, 407

Eye muscles

innervation of, 327, 328f radiologicalimageof, 328f

Eyeball, 437-438, 437[



development of, 319, 319f paralysis of, 394

Facial nerve (CN VII), 386f, 393

corticobulbar innervation of, 393-394, 397f motor nucleusof, 389

F-actin, 50

Fallopian tube (oviduct), 143-144, 144f Fascia, ofanterior abdominal wall

abdominopelvic, 234, 235f superficial, 233

Feces, 102

Female reproductive system broad ligament in, 272, 272f external genitaliain, 276 mammaryglands in, 147 ovaryin, 139-145

oviducts in, 143-144 uterus in, 145 vagina in, 145

Femoral hernia, 240, 240f

Femoral nerve injury, 304 Femoral triangle, 306f, 307 Fertilization, ofovum, 161, 16lf Fetal circulatory system, 197, 198f

adult vestiges derived from, 197 postnatal circulation and, 197 shunts in, 197, 198f

Fetal heart

postnatal circulation and, 199 venous systems associated with, 197

Fetus, postnatal circulation in, 199 Fibroblasts, 27

Fibrocartilage, 36

Fibronectin, 32

Fibular nerve injury, 304-305 First arch syndrome, 320 Fissures, oflung, 193, 193f Fistula

pharyngeal, 320 thyroglossal duct, 320 tracheoesophageal, 187 vitelline, 249

5a-reductase 2 deficiency, 277 Flaccid paralysis, 367 Flagella, 14

Flexor withdrawal reflex, 366 Follicles, lymph node, 68 Folliculogenesis, l40f-142f


Foot, sensory innervation of, 305 Forarnina

base ofskull, 32lf cranial fossae, 320f front ofskull, 323f

Forearm, sensory innervation of, 287, 288f Foregut development and rotation, 243, 243f Foreign body aspiration, 193


cribriform plate, 321 femoral neck, 304 hook ofthe hamate, 298 humeral, 297 scaphoid, 298

tibial shaft, 306 Frontal eye field lesion, 464

Frontal lobe, cerebral cortex, 464


G cells, 91

Gait abnormalities, 304-305 Gallbladder, 112, 251, 25lf Gap junctions, 16-17, 17f osteocytes and, 37

Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), 94 Gastric pits, 91, 92f

Gastrin, 91, 94 Gastrocolic reflex, 102 Gastroileal reflex, 98 Gastrointestinal system

embryology of, 240, 243f glands of, 103-111 hormones of, 94 immune functionsof, 88 innervation of, 88 regional histology of, 89 structure of, 87-88

Gastroschisis, 249 Gastrulation, 165, 165f

Gaze, horizontalconjugate. See Horizontal conjugate gaze Gaze dysfunction, 426

Genital ducts, 130-132, 130f-131f Genitalia, external

in female, 276 in male, 274

Germ cells, primordial, 155 Germ layer derivatives

in embryonic period, 167 in nervous system, 338

Germinal centers, lymph node, 68, 70f Gerstmann syndrome, 466


accessory, ofmale reproductive system, 132-135 epithelium and, 23, 23f

gallbladder, 1 12, 112f liver, 109-110, 109f mammary, 147, 149f pancreas, 106-108, 108f salivary, 103-105, 104, 106f sebaceous, 151

sweat, 151

Glial cells, in CNS and PNS, 59-60 Glialfibrillaryacidic protein (GFAP), 59


Hypothalamus, 450 appetite and, 104 descending fibers of, 390

regions and their nuclei of, 450-452, 45lf Hypotonia, 426


I band, skeletalmuscle,48f, 49 during contraction, 49

I-cell disease, 10

Ilea! (Meckel) diverticulum, 249 Ileum, 253

Immotile cilia syndrome. SeeKartagener's syndrome Immune cells, 66

Incontinence, rectal and urinary, 268 Indifferent gonad, 155

Inferior colliculus, 389-401, 40lf

Inferiormesentericartery (SMA), 258, 259f Inferior venacava (IVC), 259-260, 260f Inguinalcanal, 234

boundariesof, 236 in female, 236

in male, 236

Inguinal hernias, 238, 240f Innerear, 399, 399f Integrins, 15

Integument, 149, 150f


Intercalated discs, cardiacmuscle,52, 52f-53f Intercostal spaces, 188, 188f

Interlaminar space, lumbarpuncturevia, 179, 179f Intermediate filaments, 14

Intermediate zone, spinal cord, 362 Internal capsule

arterialsupplyto, 469

lesions of,studystrategyfor, 417f Internalcarotidartery (ICA), 460, 460f anteroposterior view of, 46lf

Internal (interstitial) growth, ofcartilage, 35 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO), 407 Intervertebral disks, 173, l75f

herniation of, 175, l75f Intervertebral foramen, 175, l75f Intracranial hemorrhage, 326---327 Intramembranous bone formation, 39, 39f Intraperitoneal organs, 245

Inversemuscle stretch reflex, 365, 366f Islets ofLangerhans, 107, 108f

JIto (stellate) cells, 109

Jaundice, 252 Jejunum, 89, 98, 253

Jugular foramen syndrome, 321 Juxtaglomerular complex, 122, 122f


K (Kulchitsky) cells. SeePulmonaryneuroendocrine (PNE) cells Kartagener's syndrome, 18, 79, 144

Kidney, 266. Seealso Renal entries congenital abnormalities of, 266 embryology of, 263-264, 263f


nephron in, 117, 1 19f, 122f organization of, 1 15f

posteriorabdominalwalland, 266 Kinesin, 59

Klumpke's paralysis, 289 Kluver-Bucy syndrome, 478 Kneejoint, 308, 308f

common injuries to, 310 ligaments of, 308-309, 309f menisci of, 309 radiologicalimages of, 31lf

Kohn, pores of, 84 Korsakoffsyndrome, 450, 478 Kupffer cells, 28, 109


Lactiferous ducts, 147 Lamellar bone, 39

constituents of, 41

Lamina IX, motor neurons in, 36lf Laminapropria

gastrointestinal, 87 small intestinal, 100

Language, dominant hemisphere and, 458 Large intestine, 101-102, 103f

histologiccharacteristicsof,89 motilityin, 102

Laryngeal nerve, left recurrent, 209, 210f Lateralmedullary (Wallenberg) syndrome, 413 Lateral pontine syndrome, 415

Left gastric artery, 256, 257f Leftrenalveincompression, 259 Lewybodies, 57


ofknee joint, 308-310, 309f ofvertebral column, 174

Limbic system, 475 connectionswith, 477 functions of, 475

Papez circuit in, 477, 477f structures andfunctionof,477

Lipids, Golgi apparatus and, 9 Lithiasis, 109

Liver, 109-110, 109f, 250. See also Hepatic and Hepato- entries development of, 243f, 247

visceral surface of, 25lf Liverlobule, 109, 109f Lobes, oflung, 193, 193f

lymphatic drainage and, 193 Lobule(s)

hepatic, 109, 109f portal, 109, 109f Locus caeruleus, 418

Long bone, 42

Long thoracic nerve lesion, 291 Loop ofHenle, 121

Loose connective tissue,27,27f collagen fibers in, 32

Lower leg, sensory innervationof,305 Lower limb(s)

anklejoint and, 310, 310f arterialsupplyto, 305-306, 306f collateralnervesof, 303