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Ex. 7 Translate the following texts from English into Russian.


PR at the forefront of lead generation in the digital age

The convergence of media content, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and sales engagement is the new hotspot for PR. Now for the first time, PR can be used as a real driver for lead generation across all business environments and demonstrate […]

by Aspectus PR

The convergence of media content, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and sales engagement is the new hotspot for PR. Now for the first time, PR can be used as a real driver for lead generation across all business environments and demonstrate a clear return on investment.

Bottom line is that PR agencies have often struggled to demonstrate real value to sceptical Finance Directors. Coverage by the column inch has never really cut it as a serious form of measurement because too many questions remain unanswered. Chief among them has always been: so, when it comes down to it, as a business, what do we really get from all this coverage?

In response, PR has tended to lay dubious claim to misty areas such as brand building, profile raising and long-term attitudinal or behavioural change as essential elements of the PR value proposition. The problem has always been that, at best, PR can only really claim a partial role in any of these; and secondly, there is no reliable way of attaching any kind of measurement of its precise contribution to them.

On the other hand, mention the idea of associating an investment in PR with anything as down-to-earth and clearly measurable as generation of sales leads and agency account directors tend to go all wobbly and call for the smelling salts.

But at Aspectus PR, with our new model for integrating PR-led media content with search optimised websites and the creation of traffic to key sales engagement pages and opportunities, we are more than happy to hang our value-for-money hat on lead generation.

Our Search Integrated Communications (SINCOM) model, which is now used by more than half of Aspectus PR’s clients, is a process and method for creating a direct link between PR content and lead generation. It has been perfected over the last 12 months and we now have a substantial body of success stories and case studies.

The SINCOM process is detailed and rigorous rather than complex. It starts with an agreement on key messages: the things a client really wants to get into the ears of decision makers in their target markets. These can be quite raw; but they must be arresting, original and clear.

The next stage is developing these core messages into PR storylines to create platforms for all outbound media content, perhaps over a six or 12 month period. This leads on to a complete review of a client’s target keywords and the creation of a new keywords tree, starting with the top search terms and working down to longer tailed, more complex phrases at the bottom of the tree.

At this point, under the SINCOM process, we conduct a complete review of a client’s website. We focus on structure, content and how well engineered the site is for PR-driven sales engagement. Through our work in this area, we have developed a detailed knowledge of what works and what doesn’t and – more importantly – the best way of pushing new PR-driven visitors into sales engagement.

After any structural changes that are needed have been made to the client’s website, development of the PR content can begin in earnest alongside strategies for mainstream media and social media. We try and encourage clients who are inexperienced with, or nervous about, social media not to get too hung up about it. In terms of SINCOM, engagement with social media is simply a means to an end; the Google robots like it, so it helps improve search performance and drives quality traffic to the target website.

Benchmarking is important at the start of a campaign. This means looking in detail, not just at the volume of current web traffic, but analysing how long visitors stay, what pages they look at, what files they open, what videos they watch and so on. Examining and learning from these patterns of visitor behaviour are crucially important in this process.

As the campaign progresses, Google Analytics will reveal a great deal about how well it is working and what needs to be adjusted. Indeed, being flexible and prepared to change elements of the content and keywords in response to traffic data are key characteristics of SINCOM.

SINCOM is like an engine: all the component parts need to be working for it to fire properly. And since we designed and built SINCOM, we know exactly how to engineer and maintain it.

But if there is one element of SINCOM that has to be spot on for the whole thing to work, it’s the quality of the content. One of the great things about SINCOM – and indeed the crossover between the web and mainstream media – is that fantastic ideas and compelling copy are still what really count in PR.

The fact that you can get so much more value out of PR content and, using Aspectus PR’s SINCOM model, use it to drive sales in a way that has never been possible before, makes this profession more exciting and relevant today than it ever has been before.

Generate Publicity with the World's #1 News Release.

It’s simple. You write an announcement about your organization – a new product launch, current promotion, a local team sponsorship - whatever. We get your news distributed to every major news site and search engine on the web, and in front of consumers and journalists.

Create Your News. Generate Publicity With News Releases. Every organization has news that will interest potential customers. With PRWeb, you can quickly and painlessly share your news.  Plus, we're here to help. We'll give you  tons of tricks, tips and tools to help you create the perfect announcement in minutes. Never written a release before? No problem. We make it easy for you to create a fully interactive news release by adding images, video and more so your news will be found quicker and easier. Never written a release before? No problem. We’re here to help with editorial services to ensure you're publishing news-worthy content. With our intuitive template, what you see is what you get. PRWeb provides step-by-step instructions about the best way to write a headline, the ideal length of your text, how to link videos to your release, and just about everything else you might need to know. 

See how your release will look as you write it.

Tons of support to help along the way.

Seach Visibility Made Easy

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of increasing traffic to your Web site through "natural" or unpaid searches.  PRWeb provides an SEO-optimized press release package, tools and expertise to help you get your news in all the right places.

Improve your search engine results by optimizing your news

Unique URLs For More Impact

Using a unique URL or web address helps readers make the connection between your news and one or two critical keywords that describe your business.  And it sets your news apart from your competitors.

Help readers connect your business to the topic of your news

Set your organization apart from your competitors

More Awareness With Multimedia

One of the best ways to connect to your audiences is with multimedia. Embed videos, podcasts, photos and graphics into your news release. It puts a face to a name, gets attention fast, is easily shared, and it makes you stand out. 

Interact with your audience

Get more attention

II .Distribute Your News. As the world’s number one news release service1, we send your news to major search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing. We send it to 30,000+ journalists and bloggers. We deliver it to 250,000+ PRWeb opt-in news subscribers.  And we host your news release on PRWeb.com, which receives over 3 million visitors each month. PRWeb is the world's number one news release service1, with an unprecedented ability to reach journalists, bloggers, and potential customers.  Each release is optimized to help your news get the best organic visibility possible. PRWeb also distributes your news to premium online outlets, and is sent directly to journalists and bloggers so you can be found all around the web - critical in achieving greater visibility, generating publicity and driving potential buyers back to your business.

Reach Local, Regional, National Press and Prospects

With PRWeb, your news will be sent within the US and around the world. So, in addition to getting your information picked up by news outlets, you can also align it to the industries and regions that matter most to your business. We've got a package that will fit your needs.

Select the distribution options that are right for your business

Optimize Your Release For The Web.

PRWeb is committed to staying current with search marketing best practices so your news can reach a wider audience.  Your release will be submitted to search engines and is equipped with social sharing features to help your news spread across the social web.

Industry-specific news distribution

Go Social. Go Viral. Go Far.

PRWeb can help get your news onto to social networks, where customers share stories about the businesses they buy from. As the most socially-shared release service in the industry3, PRWeb is your first stop for generating extra reach and going viral through social media. 

Get More Publicity With Top Media Outlets.

If securing press coverage is your aim, PRWeb’s your game. Depending on the package you choose, you can reach top media outlets like the Associated Press and leading publications like the New York Times. Our list covers everything from local to global, business press to trades, and even your hometown newspaper. With PRWeb, you can build a recognizable brand and attract new customers all while securing unbiased, third-party press coverage.

Track Your News

Detailed analytics let you see the immediate impact of your online news release. You’ll learn how many people read your release, where it was picked up, how many times it was shared, and where your prospects learned about your business. Best of all, you can see it all in an instant.  Want to see a sample report?

News used to be measured in clippings. Today, the value of news is measured in impressions, shares, reads, traffic and engagement. PRWeb provides the tools you need to measure the real impact of your news. It's powerful. And it's simple.


See how many times your release has been read per day. You can use this information to see what's grabbing attention and easily correlate that back to your website visitors.


Check out the total amount of headline impressions your release receives each day. Headline impressions may include how often your headline was displayed on the PRWeb websites, Javascript and RSS feeds.


Get a bird's eye view of all your news release activity including information on who read the entire release, who skimmed the headline, or who is interacting with your release.

Media Deliveries

Keep tabs on which media outlets have received your news. You can use this information when following up with key reporters to make sure they've received your announcement before you call. 

Referrals By Keyword

Learn which keywords are attracting the most attention for your business. Then, use that information to improve the effectiveness of both future releases and your Web site.

Referrals by Search Engine

Find out quickly where your audience found out about you. Combine this data with keyword referrals and see where your press and prospects are and what they're interested in.

Ex. 8 Translate the following texts from Russian into English.


Cегодня все больше бизнес-процессов переходит в режим онлайн, и отрасль PR не стала исключением. Онлайн PR-агентства дают предпринимателям возможность быстро донести информацию до представителей СМИ, позволяют оптимизировать новости под поисковые системы, благодаря чему информацию о товарах и услугах можно легко найти в сети.

Глобальная сеть в России стала неотъемлемой частью жизни общества, одним из важнейших рыночных инструментов. Наглядной иллюстрацией этого факта служит, прежде всего, число пользователей Интернета в России, которое постоянно растет. Каждый месяц Интернетом пользуется 13,2 млн. человек, за три месяца эта цифра увеличивается до 15 млн., а за полгода до 17,9 млн. Причем, отечественная аудитория Сети характеризуется достаточно высокими показателями «качества». Ведь ее составляют самые информационно активные, образованные и мобильные представители члены общества, чья платежеспособность позволяет им адекватно реагировать на процессы, происходящие на рынке потребления. Причем рост пользователей Интернета идет не только по экстенсивному вектору, то есть путем
простого увеличения численности аудитории, но и по интенсивному, когда увеличивается активность стабильных пользователей. Это подтверждают регулярные исследования специалистов ФОМ. Перспективность интернет-аудитории как активной участницы рыночных отношений стала очевидной всем, чья профессиональная деятельность связана с массовыми коммуникациями.


К сожалению, приходится констатировать, что при такой благоприятной тенденции Россия находится пока еще только на 62 месте в мире по степени распространения Интернета и других информационных технологий (данные Всемирного экономического форума «Глобальные информационные технологии» за 2004 г.). К тому же значительную часть ее аудитории составляют люди, не достигшие 20 лет (18% для полугодовой аудитории, данные ФОМ), платежеспособность которых весьма относительна. Оптимисты уверяют, что «у аудитории Интернета есть деньги». И они правы. Однако, многие потребительские бренды пока не используют Интернет как медиа-канал в силу недостаточности аудитории и специфики покупательской способности в России.

Вторым фундаментальным показателем значения Интернета является кривая роста рекламы. Рунет сегодня имеет ряд неоспоримых преимуществ перед другими медиа-каналами, что наглядно подтверждают статистические итоги прошлого года. Согласно данным АКАР в 2004 году объем рекламы вырос в Рунете на 67%, тогда как у телевидения этот показатель составил всего лишь 37%, у журналов и наружной рекламы - 34%, у других рекламных носителей - менее 30%.

Естественно, что столь бурный рост использования Интернета не остается без внимания представителей профессионального сообщества PR-специалистов. Высокая динамика развития Рунета и активность его пользователей подвигают пиар-компании к созданию и внедрению новых технологий. Многие серьезные PR-агентства имеют сегодня в своей структуре специальные подразделения, деятельность которых сконцентрирована исключительно на реализации проектов в Сети (например, Pro-Vision Communications, Rakours-PR). В ряде случаев PR-агентства идут создание принципиально новых структур, таких как самостоятельные аффилированные с материнской компанией образования. К ним относятся Imageland Interactive, подразделение Imageland; Интернет-подразделение компании InterSolar; компания Odnako.com в составе агентства PRP Group.

Широкомасштабное проникновение Интернета во все сферы жизнедеятельности приводит изменению соотношения объема оффлайн и онлайн-пиара, чья «нагрузка» и доля стабильно растет. Ситуация на рынке, агрессивные методы современного маркетинга все больше стимулирует заказчиков и пиарщиков отдавать предпочтение PR-online в противовес «классическому» PR. Это, прежде всего, относится к компаниям, представляющим различные рыночные сегменты. Вряд ли здесь можно говорить о моде на онлайн-пиар. Хотя если подходить к понятию «моды» с