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Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Lesson plan

Unit:8 Creativity


Teacher name:


Grade: 5

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:


Learning objectives

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to : talk about their holidays using pictures and write sentences using if clauses; talk about their creativity describing place, objects and write some sentences;

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities



Beginning the lesson


Greeting: learners respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places.

Warming up: “I know …” activity. - Which artists, musicians and writes do you know? - Do you paint, draw or write?

How often do you go to the cinema or theatre? - How do you think what theme have we got for today?

Teacher introduces lesson objectives and Assessment Criteria to the learners.

Sts respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places

Answer the following questions.

Student’s book.

Main Activities

20 min

Main part.

Task 1. Exercise 1 Do the quiz on the page 98 about building in Astana. Then listen and check your answers.
Task 2. Ex 2 Match the places 1-6 with the things a-f

1.library a.shows

2.museum b.plays

3.art gallery c.books

4.theatre d.films

5.consert hall e.exhibits

6.cinema f.painting

AFL: Gallery- nomination “Best work”

Task 3 Ex 3. Put the verbs with the correct noun to make a collocations

Ex 4. In which places 1-6 in the quiz can you do the things in ex 3?

Study, borrow, listen to, go, look at, watch



A book

Some paintings

A film


Live music


You can borrow a book at the museum of the first president of Kazakhstan?

Task 4. Ex5. What do these famous Kazakh people do? Сomplete the sentences with the names for creative people.

Film director, playwright, poet, artist, pop band

1. Abay Qunanbayuli is a___________

2. Abilkhan Kasteev is an___________

3. Gulzat Omarova is a_____________

4. Oralkhan Bokeev is _____________

5. Urker Are _____________________
Task 5. Answer the questions. Pair work.

1. How many books do you read in a week?

2. What kind of films do you like?

3. Who is your favourite band or singer?

Sts give the title to the text. They check their answers with the partner.



1 Put the verbs with the correct noun 2 Make up sentences use the words in exercise 3


1 Check the meaning of the words

2 Read the names of creative people

3 Complete the sentences

1 Use of topical vocabulary 2 Answer the questions 3 Make up the dialogue



A table

End 10 min

Concluding the lesson «60 seconds» Choose a few students and give each 60 seconds to summarize important concepts that they have covered during the lesson

Home task :Students collect information about culture and make a report.

Feedback: Plus/Minus/Delta (+/-/∆)

Saying Good bye.

Sts reflect the lesson


Slips of paper

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Lesson plan

Unit:8 Creativity


Teacher name:


Grade: 5

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Astana famous landmarks

Learning objectives

5.5.3 Conduct practice in speech activity: monologic and dialogical, listening;

To be able to carry out an imaginary tour of Astana;

to carry out practical work in groups; to intensify known to students vocabulary on the topic “Capital”

5.6.3 to develop love and pride for his capital, friendship;to foster respect for the history of the capital.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Say some words and understand the meaning of new words

  • Ask simple questions

Most learners will be able to:

  • Use some short form answers correctly

Some learners will be able to:

  • Use adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives with support

  • Write short text according to the theme

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities



Beginning the lesson



Let’s begin the lesson. I want you to be more active and show your knowledge of English lesson

Today we’ll work on a very interesting theme.

Magic box”

Dividing learners into three groups by “Magic box” there will be some cards choose one of them. Who choose Kazakhstan sit to Kazakhstan group and who choose Great Britain sit to Great Britain, who choose USA sit to USA group.

Sts warm/greet the teacher

Answer the following questions.

Student’s book.

Main Activities

20 min

Main part.

“ Procedural question”

Answer the question about Astana

What is the capital of our country?

Where was EXPO-2017?

Listen and read,translate

Now pupils look at the blackboard and listеn to the text then read and translate

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The capital of Kazakhstan is in the center of Eurasia. Astana is situated in Central Kazakhstan, on the river Ishim, within Akmola Oblast. It was renamed several times, until 10 January 1997 it was called Akmola, and in 1998 was renamed into Astana It is big and modern. The population of the city is over 800 thousand people. Astana is a centre for business and for tourism. It's a very big and beautiful city. There are so many interesting and wonderful showplaces! A lot of people visit Astana for sightseeing. Baiterek is the symbol of the city, and from it you can see the whole city. There are also a lot of theatres, cinemas and stores. Astana is a young city, but it's very developing city... Astana has a continental climate with cold winters and warm summers. January is the coldest month. July is the hottest.

Ok pupils we finished the text and now we doing tasks
True (T) or False ( F)




  • Astana is situated in Central Kazakhstan

  • The population of the city is over 600 thousand people

  • It's a very big and beautiful city

  • July is the hottest month in Astana

  • January is the warmest month in Astana

Do you know them?(work with pictures)

The monument of Baiterek, the Akhorda,The Knan Shatyr, Nur-Astana mosque, Independence Palace. Astana-Arena stadium


Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.

1. I … fine.

2. You … from England.

3. He … very strong.

4. My sister … busy.

5. I have a cat. It … fat.

6. Trees … green in spring.

7. My brother … good at school.

8. They … not good friends.

9. I … in class five.

Sts give the title to the text.

They answer the questions

Read the text

Write T and F statements


Filling the missing words




A table



End 10 min

Home task :

Astana famous landmarks presentation

Saying Good bye.

Sts reflect the lesson


Slips of paper

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Lesson plan

Unit:8 Creativity


Teacher name:


Grade: 5

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Planning a visit to Astana 

Learning objectives

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( p.98)

5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic information about Astana

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics (Tours of Astana p.98)

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

. read about tours of Astana

-spell most high –frequency words

Most learners will be able to

.Read the texts and write True and False.

.Complete the text with the verbs using to be going to

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities



Beginning the lesson


Greeting: learners respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places.

Warming up: To show video about Astana city.

3. [ I ] Ask questions after the video

1 .What have you seen at video ?

2. Are there any famous landmarks in your country ?

3. What are their names ?

4. Do you know who built ?

Divide the pupils in two groups ‘’Kazakhstan stamp’’ and ‘’England stamp’’

Teacher introduces lesson objectives and Assessment Criteria to the learners.

Sts respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places

Answer the following questions.

Student’s book.

Main Activities

20 min

Main part.

Jigsaw “

1. Reading the text Ex .1,p98 . Samat ’s friends from England are going to visit him next month. Read their text messages and the text about places in Astana .Where do you think Samat is going to take them.

Feedback for correct reading ‘’excellent’’

for one &two wrong words ‘’try to remember the words

For much wrong words reading ‘’you should read more and work on your vocabulary ‘’

2 . Ex 3 Read the texts again and write True & False

Assess with smiles

‘’ Play games ‘’Spelling and find ‘

3.Build your vocabulary and translate into Kazakh.

Find these words in the texts.

Feedback found all the words ‘’firework ‘’

Teacher / Focus Rules ‘’to be going to’’ affirmative and negative .In negative sentences we put not before/after going to

4. .Work in groups. Ex 3 Read and complete the text with the verbs .Use going to Visit ,eat ‘walk, take, watch

Sts read the text

Descriptor A learner

read and complete the text with the verbs

use going to correctly

make up your sentences



End 10 min

Home task : Pupils write e-mail Tomorrow we are going to go boating in Khan Shatyr.

Feedback: Plus/Minus/Delta (+/-/∆)

Saying Good bye.

Sts reflect the lesson


Slips of paper

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Lesson plan

Unit:8 Creativity


Teacher name:


Grade: 5

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Plans and intentions

Learning objectives

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.UE1 use a structure to be going to

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to

-spell most high –frequency words

Most learners will be able to

.Read the texts and write True and False.

.Complete the text with the verbs using to be going to

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities



Beginning the lesson


Greeting: learners respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places.

Divide the pupils in two groups ‘’Baiterek’’ and ‘’Akorda’’

Teacher introduces lesson objectives and Assessment Criteria to the learners.

Sts respond to greeting of the teacher and take their places


Main Activities

20 min

Main part.


Apartment- пәтер

Barbecue- кәуап

Beach- жағажай

Boat- қайық

Camp- лагерь

Car- машина

Cycle- велосипед тебу

Dangerous- қауіпті

Death- өлім Eat- жеу

Fly- ұшу

Holiday –демалыс, мейрам

Task . Complete the words.

1.Ulan and Assylbek are in the sea. They__________________ .

2 Bibigul is on her bike. She___________ to the café.

3 Kairat and Aman are at the sports centre.They______________ basketball.

4 Gulmira is at the supermarket. She______________________ .

5 Rustam and Batyr are in front of the TV. They____________ a film.

6 My dad is on a train.He__________ to Shchuchinsk.

Individual work. Choose the correct form or the verbs.

1 They______ (celebrate) their birthday.

2 She________ (dance).

3 We________ (not camp).

4 I __________ (eat) chicken.

5 He______ (not walk) to the beach.

6 I ______ (not wear) a black T-shirt.

Sts match the words.

Descriptor A learner

complete the text with the verbs

use going to correctly

make up your sentences



End 10 min

Home task : WB p 59

Feedback: Plus/Minus/Delta (+/-/∆)

Saying Good bye.

Sts reflect the lesson


Slips of paper

Қысқа мерзімді жоспар Lesson plan



Teacher name:


Grade: 5

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

Films and stories

Learning objectives

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.UE1 use a structure to be going to express intention and plan on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ( Ex.1 - 2 p.99)

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects to visit and activities (Ex.3-4 p.99)

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics (p.100)

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts , ideas, experiences and feelings describing a film (Film review)

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: To make simple sentences about films and name the types of films

Some learners will be able to express their opinion about films and to make sentences

Most of learners will be able to: Understand specific vocabulary and to make the sentences

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities



Beginning the lesson


1.Greeting. Organization moment

Greetings, Good morning pupils! Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

Teacher introduces lesson objectives and Assessment Criteria to the learners.

Sts warm/greet the teacher

Main Activities


Task 1. Match the types of films 1-8 with the descriptions a-h

1a fantasy film a) has a lot of fights and car chases 2A horror film b) makes people laugh

3A historical film c) has lots of aliens and spaceship 4an action film d) has a boy and girl falling in love 5a musical e ) is about ghosts and monsters

6 a science fiction f) has lots of knights and sword fights

7a romance g) has lots of dancing and singing

8a comedy h) is about wizards and magic

Task 2. Think of examples of each type of film in exercise1 Test your partner with your ideas

Task 3 .Do the film Quiz. Then listen and check your answer .

What are the names of films?

A fish looks for his son and has lots of adventures

A) Losing Nemo B) Finding Nemo
A young wizard fights a dark wizard

A) Harold Porter B) Harry Potter
A prince is turned into a beast and a princess helps save him

A)The prince and the Beast B) Beauty And the Beast

A man from another planet who has special powers to stop lots of criminals

A) Batman B) Superman

A lonely Kazakh teenager called Aslan is bullied at his new school

A)Hard lessons B) Harmony lessons

Task 5 you are going to plan a film project at school. Answer the questions with 4 sentences about your plans for the film.

What sort of film is it going to be?

What is the story going to be?

Who is going to be the main actor?

Who is going to direct the film?

Teacher will say: You are perfect, Good job, Great work, Well done, Excellent, Great improvement, I knew you could it, I am proud of you, You are incredible.

Sts match the types of films

Answer the questions and check your answer with your partner.



Last 10min

Open the “Magic box” and take one of the stickers. If you make up the sentences, you’ll have the ticket to the cities.

Home task: Film review

Saying goodbye

Sts reflect the lesson

