Файл: 1министерство науки и высшего образования российской федерации.docx

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федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Тольяттинский государственный университет»
«Институт инженерной и экологической безопасности»

(наименование института полностью)

20.03.01 Техносферная безопасность

(код и наименование направления подготовки / специальности)

Безопасность технологических процессов и производств

(направленность (профиль) / специализация)

Практическое задание №_1_
по учебному курсу «Иностранный язык 3»

(наименование учебного курса)


Р.А Чирков

(И.О. Фамилия)




(И.О. Фамилия)

Тольятти 2022

Проверяемое задание 1

Тема “A sound mind in a sound body”.
Task 1. Read the post from the website for teenagers:

I’ve just finished school and now I have to choose my way in life. I’m really interested in design and I want to be a designer.

But my parents want me to choose a different profession. They are doctors and want me to continue the tradition. I can't imagine my life without design and hate everything connected with medicine. Can you give me some advice?
Helen, Northampton

Write your advice to Helen (80-120 words).

  • Use your ideas

  • Use “You should”, “You shouldn’t”, “Why don’t you?”

Hi, Helen!

I know how difficult it is to find your way in life but I can give you some advice. I hope they’ll be helpful!

Firstly, you should think what really interests you because without your enthusiasm for work it is impossible to succeed in any sphere. Secondly, it would be great if you explain your point of view to your parents and give reasons why you can’t work in medicine. I’m sure they’ll understand you and support you because every parent wants only the best for their children.

However, you shouldn’t be too stubborn. Why don’t you read some information about perspectives of your job beforehand? If it’s not so beneficial you can have it as a hobby.

Anyway, you should think of all pros and cons of your future profession and then make a final decision.

Проверяемое_задание_2_Тема_“A_sound_mind_in_a_sound_body”_Задание'>Проверяемое задание 2

Тема “A sound mind in a sound body”
Task 2. Describe an appearance and a character of your friend or relative (80–100 words).

My friend has got dark hair and a dark beard. He is tall and fit. He’s got brown eyes. He’s very responsible because he is not afraid to be in charge of something. He’s loyal and friendly. He always supports me and helps me. He’s outgoing. He always tells jokes and cheers me up. He has got a good sense of humour. He is very sociable and always in the centre of our company. He is clever and gives helpful advice when I need it. Sometimes he is hot-tempered, a bit impulsive and stubborn but he always makes right decisions and I value him for that.

Проверяемое задание 3

Тема “Future plans”
Task 1. Read the letter from a friend:

Imagine you are Paola. Write an answer to Marry and tell about your plans (80–120 words).

Dear Marry!

I’m glad to hear from you! Thank you for your letter! You asked me how I am. I can say that everything is fine! I’m looking forward to the coming New Year and already feel this magic atmosphere. I’m so happy that you’ve got so many resolutions for the coming year! I’ve got a lot of plans too.

Well, I’m also going to go to the gym to be fit and strong. Besides, I’m going to study harder at university to pass all my exams. Finally, I’m going to pass a driving test to get a driving license because it is more convenient to drive your own car and it saves our time. Anyway, that’s all news I’ve got for now.

By the way, how is your preparation for your winter exams? How is your family? Are you going to celebrate the New Year together?

Take care of yourself and keep in touch!

Best wishes,


Проверяемое задание 4

Тема “Future plans”
Task 2. Imagine you are studying in a different country now. Write an e-mail to your parents and tell them about your studying (80–120 words).

Dear Mum and Dad!

I’ve got your email and I’m happy to hear from you! How are you doing? I’ve got some news for you.

Firstly, I like the country. Its architecture is awesome. The language is difficult but people are very friendly. Secondly, my apartment isn’t so far from the university so it takes me only ten minutes to get to it. As for studying, it’s very difficult but interesting. I do my best and study very hard to get a degree in the future. Next week I’ll take an English exam so today I’m going to study for it and revise all the material. I hope I’ll pass my exam!

By the way, how are you going to spend your vacation? Will you visit our aunt this summer?

Write back soon!



Проверяемое задание 5

Тема “Life experiences”

Task 1. Describe the most beautiful place you’ve been to (80–120 words). Write where the place is, when you were there, why you think it’s the most beautiful place in the world.

I’ve recently been to the most beautiful place. This is a park near my house. I was there during my winter holidays. I like it because it’s very atmospheric. It’s not very crowded and touristy. It’s very quiet and peaceful.

There is a narrow path between the trees. Under the trees there are cozy benches where you can have a rest and enjoy the view. The park is located near the river so in summer you can easily go swimming there. Also there are small corner shops where you can buy hot coffee or cocoa in winter and tasty ice cream in summer. This park is very cozy that’s why I’ve been there for so many times and I’ve always enjoyed its welcoming atmosphere!

Проверяемое задание 6

Тема “Life experiences
Task 2. Make up a dialogue between an airport personnel and a person who is flying to different country and wants to check in (the dialogue should contain 15 phrases).

  • Good Morning! Can I check-in?

  • Good Morning! Yes, you can! Can I have your passport and your ticket, please?

  • Sure! Here you are!

  • How many bags have you got?

  • I’ve got only hand luggage.

  • Have you got any sharp items in your hand luggage?

  • No, I haven’t.

  • Alright, everything is OK. Would you like an aisle seat or a window one?

  • A window one, please.

  • Good! Your gate is 12.

  • Thank you! Is the flight on time?

  • Yes, it leaves at 11:30.

  • Thank you! Have I got spare time for duty free shopping?

  • Yes, sure! You’ve got plenty of time before the flight.

  • Ok, good bye!

  • Enjoy your flight!