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«Тольяттинский государственный университет»
«Институт инженерной и экологической безопасности»

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20.03.01 Техносферная безопасность

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Безопасность технологических процессов и производств

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Практическое задание №_1_
по учебному курсу «Иностранный язык 4»

(наименование учебного курса)


Р.А Чирков

(И.О. Фамилия)




(И.О. Фамилия)

Тольятти 2022
Проверяемые задания

Проверяемое задание 1

Тема “Work, rest and meeting people”.


Task 1. Read the letter to a friend:

Chrummwisstrasse 47

8702 Kuesnacht


17th September

Dear Mark,

Thanks so much for your card.

I really loved the party last week and I was quite sad at the end. I’m going to miss all the wonderful friends I made at the company. How are things without me?

I started work at my new place on Monday. The commute is a lot shorter. I catch a train near my house and I'm at work in fifteen minutes. It’s amazing! I have time to play with Maggie before she goes to bed!

The house is nice - see the pictures. But we’re really busy at the moment. A lot of things are still in boxes - including the computer - so I can’t email at the moment.

We’re enjoying learning a new language. The first time Maggie heard some children talking she cried. Then she said 'Daddy! What's wrong with them?' In fact, many of the Swiss speak English (and French and Italian!) so communicating in shops isn't difficult. Television is a bit harder! I watched the German "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' the other night. I think I got two questions correct, but I don't know!

Victoria sends her love – she’s cooking something Swiss at the moment. Remember: the flight is only 40 minutes! You, Таmsin and the children are always welcome.

Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. Look after yourself and keep in touch.

All the best,


PS I'm in London for a meeting at the end of October. Do you want to meet for dinner?

Imagine you have moved to another country. Decide what country / city you live in now. Do you live in a flat or in a house now? Why have you moved?

• Use your ideas

• Use the organisation of an informal letter in the given example

• Use the clichés:

a) Thanks so much for ... (or Thank you for your letter!);

b) How are things ... (or How is everything?);

c) Victoria sends her love ... (or She says hi to you and Victoria.);

d) Anyway, that’s about it for the moment. (or Anyway, that’s all the news for you.);

e) Look after yourself and keep in touch. (or Take care and write back soon.);

f) All the best. (or Best wishes).


20th September

Dear Rich,

I’m so happy to hear from you! Thanks for your letter. I’ve got some news for you!

I hope everything is ok in the company in London but I don’t know for sure because I’ve moved, too! Now I’m living in Italy in a small town.

I moved several days ago because I got a promotion in our partner’s company. I’m a manager now. I like my work and I live in a house. It’s quite big. There is a beautiful garden around it so I can walk in the evening there.

By the way, I’m glad you are settling down. How’s everything? How’s your new work? I imagine you’re pretty busy. We’ve got a lot to do too. Tamsin says hi to you and invites you in Italy. You should find a little time for us. I won’t be in London this year so why don’t you come here?

Anyway, that’s all I wanted to say.

Keep in touch!

All the best,


Проверяемое задание 2

Тема «Work, rest and meeting people»


Task 2. Write an essay on the following topic: The best way to find a job. (150–200 words).

“When there is a will, there is a way”, people say. It is true for any sphere in our life including searching for a job.

In my opinion, there are a lot of ways to find your occupation. Firstly, you should search for any vacancies on the Internet or in newspapers. If there is nothing interesting, choose the company where you would like to work and try to connect it.

Secondly, if you want to find a job you should weigh your weak and strong sides. Considering it, you are advised to write a CV where you reflect your education and work experience. Your CV should be brief and contain only important points. Besides, it is wise to fill in an application form or write an application letter attaching your CV.

Finally, the last step is going for a job interview. It would be a brilliant idea to read about the company beforehand on its website to see its policy clearly and show your interest in it. During the interview be confident and open, answer the questions politely but do not forget to request the information which interests you. Do not hesitate to ask about salary, work responsibilities, possible promotion and all the perks of the job. It will allow the employer to understand that you value your work.

All in all, the best way to find a job is to be consistent, confident and remember everything is achievable if we do not give up.

Проверяемое задание 3

Тема «Beginnings and start-ups»


Task 1. Read the email:

Dear Poppy,
How are you? Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails, but I only checked today. Last week was a busy and very exciting week.

Ollie and I went out for dinner on Friday. We were celebrating our anniversary – we started going out four years ago. Four years! I can't believe it. He wanted to surprise me and he did - we went to Fifteen - Jamie Oliver's new restaurant! The food was amazing. It's also cheaper than I thought. However, that's not the reason I'm writing ...

After the meal, we were having coffee and Ollie asked for the bill. When it came, he gave it to me. I laughed, but then I saw a lot of waiters looking at me. What's more, they were all smiling.

I didn't know what was happening. When I looked at the bill, I knew. It just said Will you marry me. Katy?' in Ollie's handwriting Then Ollie gave me a small box. It was a ring! I put it on and very nervously said yes. The waiters started clapping and I went very red!

Someone in the restaurant gave us a bottle of champagne. We didn't drink it, though. We can have it when you next come to London. And we can also go shopping! I need a wedding dress and someone to help me choose it!



Imagine you have some exciting news about an event in your family / private life. Write an informal letter (230-250 words) to a good friend about your news:

  • Use your ideas

  • Use the organization of an informal letter in the given example

  • Use the words in bold that help to link ideas in the text:

Last week was a busy and very exciting week.

Last week was a busy week. It was also exciting.

Last week was a busy week. What’smore, it was very exciting.

Sorry I didn‘t reply to any of your emails, but I only cheeked today.

Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails. However, I only checked today.

Sorry I didn't reply to any of your emails I only checked today, though.

TIP! • We always put a comma (,) after What’s more and However.

Dear Katy!

I’m happy to hear from you! The news’s amazing! Congratulations! You can completely rely on me, I’ll visit you and we’ll go shopping to buy everything for your wedding.

As for me, I’m doing pretty well! Yesterday went to walk Jessie, my dog. Everything was fine but then Jessie saw a small rabbit and ran after it. Of course, I ran after Jessie. I was worried and confused. Suddenly I bumped into a boy and fell down. He stood in front of me holding the rabbit and Jessie was sitting next to him. I stood up and thanked him. He offered me some help but I was too embarrassed to say a word.

A few days later I met him again in our school. He smiled at me and asked my name. We chatted a bit and he asked me out. I was so happy! We went to the cinema, walked in the park and also ate some snacks together. Well, now we are going out and I think I’ve fallen in love with him. He’s a nice guy and I hope I’ll introduce you to him.

However, I’ve got some homework to do so that’s all news for now.

Write me back!



Проверяемое задание 4

Тема «Beginnings and start-ups»


Task 2. Write a conversation at a party (15 phrases).

Use such phrases as:

  • How do you know…?;

  • Do you live near hear?;

  • Are you a friend of…?;

  • Where did you meet…?;

  • What do you do? etc.

    • Hi! It’s so nice to see you here! How are you?

    • Hi, I’m cool! I’m here because of Jane.

    • Jane? How do you know her?

    • Well, she’s my younger sister. She asked me to go with her to the party. Are you a friend of her?

    • I’d like to but she hardly even talks to me.

    • Where did you meet?

    • At school, she’s my classmate and we go to the swimming pool together.

    • Do you live near the swimming pool?

    • Yes, I do. I’d like to be a professional swimmer. And what do you do?

    • I study at university.

    • Oh, so you’re a student.

    • Okay, Jack, I have to go. Enjoy the party!

    • Thanks! It was nice to see you again!

    • Me too! Let’s keep in touch!

    • See you!

    • Bye!

Проверяемое задание 5

Тема «The world of work»


Task 1

Secretary with languages. Computer skills needed.

Curriculum Vitae

General Information_______________________________________________



Date of birth:



Phone number:

Roman Chirkov


28th July, 1999

75 Leningradskaya St., Arkhangelsk


+7 (996) 503 54 65


Bachelor’s Degree in economics 2019 - currently

HSE University – St. Petersburg

Work Experience__________________________________________________


Insurance Company RGS, part-time 2018-2019

The scope of work – work with the company documents, work with clients, insuring of people’s property and personal belongings

Manager’s Assistant 2019 - 2022

The language School “ABC”, part-time

The scope of work – work with the school documents, work with the staff, organization of meetings for the school staff, making timetables for the workers



Computer Skills

Personal qualities

Russian (mother tongue)

English (fluent)

German (beginner)

Excel, MS Word, 1C

Responsible, disciplined, punctual, organized, sociable, friendly, aimed at results, flexible


Available upon request


Friendly colleagues, opportunities for promotion, on-the-job training, sick pay, flexible working hours (part-time job), job security

Проверяемое задание №6

Тема «The world of work»


Task 2. Write an essay on the topic: Unemployment in my country (150–200 words).

Answer the following questions:

    • Is unemployment a problem in your country?

    • What measures can be taken to solve this problem?

    • What does the government do to solve this problem?

Nowadays there is a tendency to optimize a working process. The same results of work are required but with less effort and fewer workers. That is why a lot of people face a reduction in staff and become unemployed.

Unfortunately, unemployment is also a problem in Russia both because of optimization of work and sanctions against Russian economy. However, each problem has its solution. That is why unemployment can be solved even in the current circumstances.

Firstly, we should take any opportunity for further education. A professional who is able to do qualified work is always in demand. Secondly, it is necessary to have an access to fresh information about all new tendencies in our work sphere. It will allow us to be updated all the time. Finally, something innovative can be introduced to attract consumers. In each field of work something is produced for people and if we make it useful we will keep the job.

Moreover, the government provides some assistance for the unemployed. For example, it creates conditions for a private business and self-employment. It can insure job security, sick, holiday and unemployment pays. Besides, it gives a chance to be trained for a new job to find another place of work.

All in all, losing a job is a problem indeed but there are a lot of ways out of it.