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He is building the funds at the moment.

Walking to the counter, I saw a bank teller counting cash.

b. We use the -ing form as an adjective (called a present participle):

I need a console desk. - I need a trading desk.

c. We use the -ing form as a noun (called a gerund):

We had some training.

2. When do we use the Past Participle?

Past Participle has no tense forms, its action either precedes the action of the main verb or is simultaneous to it.

Exercise 1

Choose the correct form of the participles used as adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. Garcia is a middleman (represented / representing) a newly independent country.

  2. Explain the possible problems (associating / associated) with countertrade.

  3. It’s natural that Coburn will be reluctant to ship $400,000 worth of gears without first having some assurance they will actually get (paying / paid).

  4. You will agree this is a most (encouraging / encouraged) proposal.

  5. An export transaction usually requires a lot of (complicating complicated) documentation.

  6. The price (quoting / quoted) always indicates the terms of delivery.

  7. That position (establishing / established), he went on to check the bank’s reserves, long-term deposits, overseas commitments, and (estimating / estimated) oil revenues for the next five years.

  8. Numerous (specializing / specialized) committees and (working / worked) groups deal with the individual agreements and other areas.

  9. If you are spelling a word to an English-(speaking / spoken) person on the phone, use the official Post Office alphabetical code.

  10. 70 members concluded a deal (covering / covered) more than 95% of trade in banking, insurance, securities and financial information.

  11. When an investment is made, capital enters a country, enabling it to import (manufacturing / manufactured) materials to build a new (manufacturing / manufactured) plant and to pay workers to build it.

  12. (Imported / Importing) Japanese cars accounted for almost one-forth of all cars (selling / sold) in the United States in the early 80s.

  13. Mr. Thompson’s (approving / approved) smile let the agent know that he was one hundred per cent right when he presented the middleman with a (hand-making / hand-made) briefcase.

  14. The sales representative offered the (approving / approved) specs to the partner.

  15. A sentence in which some information is unnecessarily (repeating / repeated) is (calling / called) redundant.

  16. (Giving / given) here are some quotations that are always (sending / sent) first and thus should be (keeping / kept) ready.

  17. I am deeply honoured by the invitation (extending / extended) to me.

  18. (Contributing / contributed) to the view of (declining / declined) competitiveness is the United States deficit in merchandise trade, especially the imbalance in trade with Japan.

  19. Between sixty and fifty per cent of the gains in productivity (making / made) in the West in the last half-century spring from better (training / trained) minds, from more research, and more systematic use of the economy’s brain power.

  20. The secretary opened the door to find colonel Usman (standing / stood) to attention, (waiting / waited) to escort Eduardo to the bank.

2. What form of the participle should be used?

a. Participle I Non-perfect (Active and Passive) (working; being received) usually denotes an action simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb. It may refer to the present, past or future.

When holding a stock in a company you are part owner of it.

Владея акциями компании, вы являетесь ее совладельцем.

Not being sold at premium these stocks are called moderate-growth stocks.

Так как эти акции продаются по цене не выше номинала, они называются акциями умеренного роста.

b. Part I Perfect (Active and Passive) - (having liquidated; having been used) denotes an action prior to the action expressed by the finite verb.

Having required payment byan irrevocable letter of credit they insured themselves against the risk of currency exchange.

Потребовав, чтобы платеж был осуществлен безотзывным аккре-дитивом, они обезопасили себя на случай риска валютного обмена.

Having already been informed about the company profits the stockholders wished to receive their proportionate share.

Будучи проинформированными о прибылях компании, акционеры пожелали получить причитающуюся им долю.

Exercise 2.

Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using either a present or a perfect participle. Translate the new sentences into Russian.

Model: She hoped to find a will. She searched it everywhere.

Hoping to find the will, she searched it everywhere

  1. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his fare.

  2. He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his calculations again.

  3. She saw that she could trust him absolutely. She gave him a blank cheque.

  4. The government once tried to tax people according to the size of their houses. They put a tax on windows.

  5. She became tired of my complaints about the plan. She turned it off.

  6. She asked me to help. She realised that she couldn’t move it alone.

  7. They announced the new plan (yesterday). They admitted that it was the worst economic settlement they’d ever had.

  8. I spelled a word to an English-speaking person on the phone. I used the official Post Office alphabetical code.

Model: The criminal removed all traces of his crime. He left the building.

Having removed all traces of his crime the criminal left the building.

1. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and ask for a job.

2. They found the money. They began quarrelling about how to divide it.

  1. He returned from a business trip. He felt exhausted by his work.

  2. Hector Grant was persuaded by the Sales Manager. Hector Grant opened up a new export Market in Abraca.

  3. I failed the exam twice. I agreed that I was not at subject.

  4. The manager increasedsales by almost twenty per cent. The manager decided to plough the profit into his business.

  5. He was warned about the audit. He prepared the monthly statements of account.

  6. General Mohammed studied the proposal. He invited Eduardo de Silveira to visit Nigeria as his guest.

3. What forms of participles do we use in the negative meaning?

 If participle I is used in the function of adverbial modifier of cause,

we’ll have the following negative form of the participle:

Not having opened a deposit account a customer can’t earn any interest.

(= as he didn’t open a deposit account )

Не открыв депозитный счет, клиент не может получать проценты.

 In the function of adverbial modifier of manner we should use Gerund

in the negative meaning.

He left the room without saying a word to anybody.

Он вышел из комнаты, не сказав никому ни слова.

Exercise 3

Choose “not” or “without” in the given sentences. Define the function of the participles in the sentences.

Model: Without / not having a signature on the payment order we

couldn’t execute payment.

  1. Not / without knowing all the details, he couldn’t consult her.

  2. Not / without making an exceptionally high profit you won’t be criticised.

  3. Not/ without being guilty he didn’t feel his fault.

  4. Not / without having been instructed by the manager of the firm, they insisted on the reduction of the financial backing of the company.

  5. John sat not / without speaking to anybody and looked very worried.

  6. You won’t manage to strike a balance not / without participating in the bank’s money policy committee.

  7. Depository institutions can’t work not / without offering their customers the opportunity to pay recurring bills by telephone.

  8. The annual simple interest states how much money the bank will pay on a deposit at the end of one year not / without compounding.

  9. Not / without having their own lorries they couldn’t keep the budget.

  10. Not / without having placed the order with the firm, they won’t receive a quotation to supply office furniture.

  11. Not / without having a capacity to produce the order, they refused to take it in addition to the budgeted turnover.

  12. It’s natural that Coburn will be reluctant to ship $400,000 worth of gears not / without first having some assurance they will get paid.

4. When do we use the perfect participle passive?

having been + past participle

It is used when it is necessary to emphasise that the action expressed by the participle happened before the action expressed by the next verb:

Having been warned about an important visitor the manager didn`t leave the office for the whole day.

Так как управляющего предупредили относительно важного посетителя, он весь день не покидал офис.

Exercise 4


Change the Infinitive in brackets for Participle I or Participle II (passive). Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model: That was the best advice (to give)by him.

That was the best advice given by him.

He was very kind (to give) advice to me.

He was very kind giving advice to me.

  1. Accounts not (to pay) in time are called overdue accounts.

  2. I helped him in handling problems (to create) by other departments.

  3. Late at night he received an e-mail (to ask) him to come home at once.

  4. The (to remain) two hundred and fifty shares were bought, as Hector Grant feared they would be, by Alfred Wentworth.

  5. I saw at once he had a heart attack (to come on).

  6. I could hear voices of the kids (to wait for) the bell to ring.

  7. They required an irrevocable letter of credit (to confirm) on a London bank.

  8. The Rules of Association (to draw up) by Harper & H.G.`s father state that the qualification holding is only two shares.

  9. (To be) a master craftsman of the old school, Bob Hardiman could produce a magnificent piece of furniture.

  10. Peter Wiles wants the Sales Manager John Martin on the Board (to feel) that the Board is already rather over-weighted with members like Hector Grant and William Buckhurst.


Change the Infinitive in brackets for Perfect Participle (active or passive). Translate the sentences into Russian.

Model 1: (To receive) the money he left for London.

Having received
the money, he left for London.

    1. (To receive) an enquiry from the Abracan government John Martin decided to wait until the order was definite.

    2. (To quote) in local currency they wished to be protected if the Abracan currency devalued in relation to sterling.

    3. (To book) their representative into a hotel, the firm also put a car at his disposal.

    4. (To send) an invoice to the customer, the firm submits an account, which shows the total amount due at the end of the month.

    5. (To receive) long credit from its suppliers any company would like to give short credit to its customers.

Model 2: (To pay) the money for the goods the seller left for London.

Having been paid the money for the goods, the seller left Rome.

    1. (To supply) with goods the firm has become insolvent and cannot pay.

    2. Harper & Grant mainly do business on wholesale terms: (to give credit), shops or stores can have the goods they want and defer payment

    3. (To provide) with information about the financial situation in the company, suppliers can judge whether they are a good credit risk.

    4. (To pack and mark) the goods were ready for shipment.

    5. (To deliver) the order, the export manager requested his assistant to check prices.


Choose and fill in the necessary form of the Participle. Define the function of the Participle in the sentence. Translate the sentences into Russian.

  1. The following table shows the position of each of the London clearing banks in August on the date (having indicated / indicated)

  2. Show me the catalogues (receiving / received) yesterday.

  3. The figures (mentioned / having been mentioned) in his report are (publishing / published) in this journal.

  4. (Having been read / having read) much on this matter he could make an interesting report.

  5. The guarantee (presenting / presented) by the firm is (signed / signing) by the bank manager.

  6. The quality of goods is in accordance with the specification (enclosing / enclosed).

  7. They were reluctant to fill out the forms (describing / described) the expenses (made / having made).

  8. He didn`t usually utter a word unless (speaking to / spoken to).

  9. The meeting of the Board (calling / called) by Jim Gardner two days later was a particularly strong one.

  10. With some show of reluctance I made Tom (requiring/required) promise.

  11. She sat (having done / done / doing) nothing at all, neither (reading / being read) nor (sewing / being sewed).

  12. (Having examined/examined) the goods the client signed the bill.


Do it in English

  1. Не будучи предупрежденным об аудиторской проверке, он не представил ежеквартальный отчет.

  2. Тарифы и субсидии, применяемые в общегосударственном масштабе, важны для обороны страны.

  3. Будучи введены, все ограничительные меры держат мировую торговлю в определенных пределах (лимитируют), снижая общее количество произведенных товаров и услуг.

  4. Реанимировав когда-то успешную, но забытую торговую марку, компания потратила меньше, чем на создание нового продукта.

  5. Услышав закрытую информацию о надвигающейся отставке чиновника, курирующего продажу акций, они немедленно избавились от своих ценных бумаг.

  6. Послав клиенту счет-фактуру, поставщик информирует его об общей сумме, подлежащей оплате в конце месяца.

5 What do we call misrelated participles?

A participle is considered to belong to the noun/pronoun which precedes it (which usually, but not necessarily, is the subject of the main verb). If there is no noun/pronoun in this position the participle is considered to belong to the subject of the following main verb.

We require an irrevocable letter of credit confirmed on a London bank.

Мы требуем аккредитив, подтвержденный Лондонским банком.

Believing that he is alone, the man expressed his thoughts aloud.

Полагая, что он один, мужчина озвучил свои мысли.

If this principle is disregarded confusion results.



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