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Exercise 5

Correct the sentences with misrelated participles. Sometimes only a change of order is required.


Incorrect form:Reading the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

Correct form: When I read the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.

  1. When paying by cheque, a bank card should be shown.

  2. Misunderstanding the question, the wrong answer was sent in.

  3. When driving carelessly it is easy to have an accident.

  4. Leaving the cinema, it seemed to him that the film had been extremely bad.

  5. Written in large letters they read the words “No entry”.

  6. Wondering where to go, an advertisement caught my eye.

  7. Falling from such a height, we thought he would never survive.

  8. Writing my name in the hotel register, a familiar voice attracted my attention.

  9. Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.

  10. Weakened by his last illness, I felt sure that another winter in this country would kill him.

  11. Looking through the actual expenditures against the budget, the amount spent turned out rather high. (about Hector Grant)

6. What is the meaning of the structure to have (get) something done?

have + object + past participle

We use the causative structure to have (get) something done to talk about something which we arrange for someone else to do for us:

I’m having my account checked at the moment.

Мне сейчас выверяют счет.


I’m checking my account at the moment.

Я сейчас выверяю счет.

More examples:

You should understand by now! You have had it explained often enough!

Вам пора уже понимать! Вам достаточно часто это объясняли!

We now have the problem solved.

Теперь проблемау насрешена.

Get this problem solved by them!

Пусть они решат эту проблему!

We must treat this as a national emergency issue and must get this decision reversed.

Мы это должны рассматривать как вопрос чрезвычайного значения для страны и должны добиться, чтобы это решение было изменено.

Wait! We are having entries in our balance sheet calculated.

Подождите! Нам подсчитывают проводки в балансовом отчете.

Exercise 6


Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets if possible. Translate the sentences into Russian. Follow the model.


Have you had your statements ……checked…. recently? (to check)

  1. Your preliminary desk research sounds dreadful. You ought to have it … . (rewrite)

  2. This Dangerous Goods Note is so important. I’m going to have it … by an expert. (check)

  3. If other measures are insufficient, a country may haveits currency … . (devalue)

  4. I’d like to have the statistical difference between these sources by an entry entitled “Net Errors and Omissions”. (balance)

  5. I would like you … upon an increase as well as a decrease in the nation’s reserves (comment).

  6. We can’t take more than a specified amount of money with us when we travel abroad as the nation is having its invisible trade expenditures at the moment. (limit)

  7. They are going to have capital for investments abroad… by requiring government approval for any new foreign investments. (restrict)

  8. Can we get devaluation with other effective measures to balance the economy? (combine)


Do it in English. Use the construction to have something done in each sentence.

  1. Мы можем добиться, чтобы эти ограничения были отменены?

  2. Когда им предоставят эти доверенности?

  3. Соединенные Штаты хотели бы, чтобы японцами была введена пошлина в 6-8 % на запчасти к автомобилям.

  4. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мои распоряжения выполнялись.

  5. По поручению Кристофера Торна компании Буш и Грин послали пару достаточно жестких писем.

  6. Им могут отложить платеж до конца месяца.

  7. Пусть вам приготовят счет сразу же.

  8. Проследите, чтобы документ был напечатан в двух экземплярах.

  9. Пусть бухгалтеру-стажеру напомнят о долгах, давно подлежащих погашению.

  10. Импортные автомобили были проверены для них по-отдельности.

  11. Когда вам пришлют извещение о доставке?

  12. Когда мы приехали, все торговые ограничения были уже сняты.

  13. Мы должны рассмотреть этот вопрос в понедельник.

  14. Как часто им предоставляют перечень товаров?

  15. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы была избрана рабочая группа15 из 3-5 человек для того, чтобы выработать и записать все возможные аргументы «за» и «против».

7. What participial constructions do the participles build?

a. Complex Object may be found after the verbs to see, to hear, to feel, to find; to consider, to understand; to want, to wish, to desire. Participle I (Indefinite Active) or Participle II is used.

In outer office Jane could hear her boss speaking on the phone.

В приемной Джейн могла слышать, как ее босс говорит по телефону.

I consider him engaged in this deal.

Я считаю, что он замешан в этой сделке.

After the verbs “to have”, “to get” (only Past Participle is used).

He had the accounts brought.

Ему принесли счета.

You can get these figures checked.

Эти цифры могут для вас проверить.

b. Complex Subject is generally rendered into Russian by a complex sentence.

The stockholders (they) were heard discussing their basic rights in the corporation.

Было слышно как (они) акционеры обсуждают свои основные права в корпорации.

c. The Absolute Participial Construction is chiefly used in literary style and is rendered in Russian by means of an adverbial modifier of time, cause, condition.

The file under “Bills of Lading”being open, we looked into it.

Т.к. папка под грифом «Коносаменты» была открыта, мы в нее заглянули.

Circumstances permitting, we shall strike a deal. (condition).

Если обстоятельства позволят, мы заключим сделку.

This being done, he occupied himself with other matters (time)

Когда с этим было покончено, он занялся другими вопросами.

It being now pretty late, we agreed to finish our meeting.

Т.к. было довольно поздно, мы согласились закончить встречу.

He turned and went, we, as before, following him.

Он повернулся и вышел; как и прежде, мы последовали за ним.

Greatly increasing sales and improving profits, his advice at board meetings was invaluable.

Поскольку при нем значительно вырос объем торговли и увеличилась прибыль, его рекомендации на заседаниях совета директоров считались неоценимыми.

Exercise 7


Change the given sentences using the verbs in brackets into sentences with the Complex Object. Mind the verbs to have” and “to get”.

Model: We heard him … speaking … over the phone. (to speak)

But: You cangetthese statements … checked … . (to check)

  1. We could hear John Martin … with Peter Wiles an article about the discovery of oil in Abraca. (to discuss)

  2. Businessmen consider him actively … with the project. (to involve)

  3. That morning we found a Transport Manager Bruce Hill … a load of office desks and chairs for a new liner in Scotland. (to see off)

  4. He saw Mrs. Margaret Wiles, who rarely attended Board meetings, … among the Board members. (to sit)

  5. At the Board meeting the directors had budgeting control … .

(to discuss)

  1. The company has quarterly accounts … every three months in a financial year. (to draw up)

  2. Peter watched Christopher … invoices in the Accounts Department. (to study)

  3. It is difficult to get the lorries fully … , and you’ve got to calculate depreciation. (to employ)

  4. I stopped talking and observed the auditors … the building. (to leave)

  5. You can have a mahogany desk … by Bob Hardiman, who is a master craftsman of the old school. (to make)


Paraphrase these sentences using the Subjective Participial Construction. Use the verb in brackets.

Model: She was opening a current account. (to see)

She was seen opening a current account.

  1. Hector Grant was giving recommendations to the Sales Manager, asking him to book accommodation for the representative of the Ministry of Works. (to see)

  2. The Company Secretary William Buckhurst was discussing the problem of Wentworth & Company with Hector Grant. (to hear)

  3. FMA shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange were falling five and a half points. (to notice)

  4. Rosco Heyward was smiling when Alex Vandervoort insisted on defining reasonable and excessive profit. (to notice)

  5. They were discussing an irrevocable letter of credit as a method of payment. (to hear)

  6. The secretary was opening the letter with the enclosed shipping documents. (to see)

  7. The client was speaking over the telephone with the Manager. (to hear)

  8. The customs officer was examining the goods. (to notice)


Translate the sentences into Russian. Note the Absolute Participial Construction.


The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.

Так как профессор был болен, лекция была отложена.

They signed the contract, the delivery to be made on CIF terms.

Они подписали контракт, причем поставка должна была быть на условиях СИФ.

  1. The goods having been unloaded, the workers left the port.

  2. There being a hard day, he felt very tired.

  3. We are not giving you any particulars, the enclosed letter containing the necessary information.

  4. There being not a single contract from Abraca, Hector Grant summoned the Sales Manager for an interview.

  5. All this having been settled, the bank manager agreed to provide a personal loan.

  6. Judging by the silence nobody being there, he left the office.

  7. With Peter being on a business trip, John had to do his work.

  8. The negotiations between the American and British representatives were conducted behind closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information.

  9. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

  10. With a buyer from Abraca visiting the factory, his hotel was booked for him and a car put at his disposal.

  11. The contract quantity was 5.000 tons, the sellers having an option to deliver 2% more or less.

  12. The Board Meeting of directors discussed budgetary control with William Buckhurst having attended a course on the subject.

  13. Having a look at the quarterly breakdown of overheads, his impression of the amount spent was not pleasant.

  14. Having increased sales by almost forty per cent, that was a very successful year for John Martin.

  15. Owning so many shares, the election of Alfred Wentworth in the Board was inevitable.

  16. Requiring an irrevocable letter of credit confirmed on a London Bank, our quotation in local currency was conditional.

  17. Not having anything his own way, while Harper was a chairman, everybody found Hector Grant a clever man and a strong personality.

  18. Being rather over-weighted with conservative members, there was the need for young forward-looking people in the Board.

  19. Being responsible for at least one cost centre, the forecast of the income and expenditure was required from each manager.


Exercise 1

Find a mistake if any and give the right variant.

1. Requiring goods can’t be shipped at the customer`s request. They


aren’t available now.


2. The price having been mentioned was 5 per cent lower than the


price paid by the previous contract.


3. Even if making now the payment can’t reach John till Monday.


4. He didn`t usually utter a word unless speaking to.


5. Being received the required information the sellers sent their order


to the buyers.
6. Payment will be executed against bill of lading signing by the captain


of the vessel.


7. The letter having been typed by the typist now should be sent


as soon as it`s ready.


8. We received a letter from the suppliers advised that they are ready


to fulfil the order according to the terms stipulated.


9. I hear him raise a big personal short-term loan. Frankly speaking he


agreed to offer his business as collateral required.


10. But the Western leaders, though forced to give way on some questions,


will stick to the policies which have brought about a fallen standard


of living for working people.


11. The Civil Service unions, represented more than a half-million


government workers, demanded a 15-percent pay raise.


12 We asked them to write immediately having advised the terms of


payment and delivery.
13. If the presented documents comply with the terms of the credit


the buyer cannot refuse to pay on the grounds of the goods not


corresponded to the order or contract.



article n

a complete separate part in a legal agreement, constitution, etc.

articlesn , pl

a written agreement in law between an employer and someone learning a profession or job

Articles of Association

(GB) or Bylaws (US) – the rules and regulations of a company, setting out shareholders’ rights, directors’ duties, etc.

asset n

the property of a person, company, etc., esp. that has value and that may be sold to pay a debt

assetsn , pl

economic resources that are expected to provide benefits to a business

current assets

items having a life of one year or less, or the normal operating cycle of the business, whichever is greater

bankrupt n

a person or a company that is unable to pay debts

bankrupt v

to make bankrupt or very poor

bankruptcy n

the state of being bankrupt and insolvent; unable to pay debts

board n

an official body or group of people that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity

a board of directors

a committee of the directors of a company, which is responsible for the management of the company

bond n

  1. an official paper promising to pay a sum of money to the person who holds it, esp. one by which a government or company borrows money from the public with the promise of paying it back with interest at a fixed time

capital n

the money invested in a business and used to buy assets

authorized share capital

the maximum amount of a particular type of share a company can issue, as stipulated in the Memorandum of Association

borrowed (debenture) capital

received money that will later have to be paid back (usually with interest)

current capital

the part of a company's capital that is used for day-to-day operations; current assets minus current liabilities

fixed capital

capital invested in fixed assets; any kind of real or physical asset (such as land, buildings, vehicles and equipment) that is not used up in the production of a product

working capital

syn net current assets

the capital of a business which is used in its day-to-day trading operations, calculated as the current assets minus the current liabilities

capital adj

of or relating to capital in the form of money or property

capital assets

items such as land, buildings, machines, etc., belonging to a business, which are expected to last for a long time, and cannot be sold or turned into cash, as they are used for making and selling the firm’s products

capital gains

the profits that you make when you buy something and then sell it again at a higher price

capital goods

goods that are used in producing other goods, rather than being bought by consumers Often contrasted with consumer goods

charter n

a statement of the principles, duties, and purposes of an organization

charter of incorporation

document outlining the basic functions of a company, among other things it states how many authorized shares there will be, how its corporate governance and operations will work

corporation n

large company with several subsidiary companies

dividend n

a share in the annual profits of a limited company, paid to shareholders

entrepreneur n

person who organizes, finances and manages a business that produces and sells goods and services


willingness to take business risks in the hope of making a profit

equity n

syn net worth

an ordinary share (the equal parts into which ownership of a company is divided), one on which no fixed amount of interest is paid

owner’s equity

interest of the owners in the assets of the business represented by capital contributions and retained earnings

shareholders’ equity

(syn stockholders’ equity)

ownership interest of shareholders (stockholders) in the corporation

file v

submit (a legal document, application, or charge) to be placed on record by the appropriate authority

fine v

punish (someone) for an illegal or illicit act by making them pay a sum of money

gearing, Amer .synleverage

the proportion of long-term debt to equity finance on the balance sheet of a company

high-geared company

a company with a big volume of borrowed capital against total capital employed


method of protecting against price fluctuations, commonly on the commodities futures market and against fluctuations in exchange rates to minimize risks and possible losses


describing a system by which the members of an organization are grouped and arranged according to higher and lower ranks, esp. officially ranks


a system by which the members of an organization are grouped and arranged according to higher and lower ranks, esp. officially ranks

insider n

someone who is involved in a situation and who knows more about it than other people

insider trading

illegal buying or selling of a company's shares by someone who has secret or private information about the company.

inventory n

merchandise or supplies on hand or in transit at a particular point in time

legal adj

  1. relating to or involving the law

  2. allowed, ordered, or approved by law

legal tender

coins or banknotes that are officially allowed to be used as money in a particular place

legislative adj

concerned with making laws

legislative power (branch)

branch of the government that authors, reviews and passes laws for a certain country.

legislature n

an institution that has the power to make or change laws, for example a parliament

liability n

an amount of money owed by a business to a supplier

liabilities n pl

the amounts of money owed by a business considered together

accrued liabilities

an estimate in the accounts of a business of a liability that is not supported by an invoice or a request for payment at the time the accounts are prepared

current liability

a debt that must be paid within one year

fixed liability

a debt to be paid in more than one year

limited liability

when the owners of a limited company are only responsible for their company’s debt up to a certain amount if it goes out of business, and do not have to sell their personal assets to repay these debts

public limited company (plc.)

a limited company whose shares are freely sold and traded

total liabilities

the sum of all liabilities for an accounting period

margin n

the difference between the price something is sold for and the cost of producing it

memorandum n

a legal document recording the important details of agreement

memorandum of association

in Britain one of the documents needed when a company starts doing business, giving details about its activities, capital, etc.

overdraft n

a loan made to a customer with a cheque account at a bank in which the account is allowed to go into debit, usually to a specified limit

overdraft facility

a formal arrangement with a bank that allows an account holder to draw on funds in excess of the amount on deposit.

ownership n

the state of owning something

par n

  1. an equality in value or standing; a level of equality

  2. the usual or expected standard, especially the standard of someone’s work or health

  3. average

at par

when shares are sold at a face value

below par or under par

to be less good than usual or below the proper standard

on a par with

to be at the same level or standard

par value

the value of the stock or bond that is printed on it when it is first sold

partnership n

  1. a relationship between two people, organizations, or countries to work together

  2. the situation of working together in business

premises n

the buildings and land used by a shop, business, hotel, etc.

proprietorship n

the fact or state of being a proprietor

sole proprietorship

syn personal property

a type of business entity that is owned and run by one individual or one legal person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business

Registrar n

appointed agent of a company whose task is to keep a register of share and stock holders of that company

share n

one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided

stock n

  1. a supply of raw materials or finished goods

  2. a fractional share of ownership in a business

  3. the total value of all of company’s shares a

stockn syn share

the equity stake of its owners

share of stock

one of the shares into which ownership of the company is divided, or these shares considered together

stocks n, pl

an American word for “ordinary shares”


a person or organization that owns shares in a particular company

sue v

to make a legal claim against someone especially for an amount of money

trade n

the activity of buying, selling or exchanging goods within a country or between countries

visible trade

trade in goods

invisible trade

trade in services such as tourism or banking

trade surplus

an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceeds its imports

venture n

a new business activity or project that involves taking risk

venture capital

money lent to someone so that they can start a new business

joint venture

a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together

venture v

to become involved in business for the first time