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Section I Histology and Cell Biology

Clinical Correlate

The parotid gland is the major site of the mumps and rabies viruses that are transmitted in saliva.

Benign tumors most frequently appear at the parotid gland; their removal

is complicated by the facial nerve traversing the gland.

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Figure 1-8-10. Submandibular with a mix of light-staining mucus acini (arrow) adjacent to dark-staining serous acini

Small vessels (arrowheads)

The parotid glands lie on the surface ofthe masseter muscles in the lateral face, in front of each external auditory meatus. The parotids are entirely serous salivary glands that drain inside each cheek through Stensen's ducts which open above the second upper molar tooth. The parotid glands contribute 25% of the volume of saliva.

The submandibular glands lie inside the lower edge of the mandible, and are mixed serous/mucous glands with a predominance ofserous cells. They drain in the floor of the mouth near the base of the tongue through Wharton's ducts. The submandibular glands contribute 70% of the volume of saliva.

The sublingual glands lie at the base of the tongue, and are also mixed serous/mucous glands with a predominance ofmucous cells. They drain into the mouth through multiple small ducts, The sublingual glands contribute 5% of the volume of saliva.

Exocrine Pancreas

The pancreas is a branched tubuloacinar exocrine gland with acini. The acini are composed ofsecretory cells that produce multiple digestive enzymes includ­ ing proteases, lipases, and amylases. Acinar cells are functionally polarized, with basophilic RER at their basal ends below the nucleus, and membrane-bound, enzyme-containing eosinophilic zymogen granules toward their apex.


Chapter 8 • Gastrointestinal System

Table 1-8-5. Pancreatic Secretions

The exocrine secretions ofthe pancreas are produced by the acinar cells, which contain numerous enzyme­ containing granules in their cytoplasm, and by the ductal cells, which secrete HC03-. The secretions reach the duodenum via the pancreatic duct.


HC03in the duodenum neutralizes HCl in chyme entering from the stomach. This also


deactivates pepsin.






When W enters the duodenum, S cells secrete secretin, which acts on pancreatic ductal


cells to increase HC03production.




HC03is produced by the action of carbonic anhydrase on C02 and H20 in the pancreatic


ductal cells. HC03is secreted into the lumen ofthe duct in exchange for o-.


Approximately 1 5 enzymes are produced by the pancreas, which are responsible for


digesting proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.


When small peptides, amino adds, and fatty acids enter the duodenum, CCK is released


by I cells, stimulating pancreatic enzyme secretion.




ACh (via vagovagal reflexes) also stimulates enzyme secretion and potentiates the action


of secretin.






Protection ofpancreatic acinar cells against self-digestion:


- Proteolytic enzymes are secreted as inactive precursors, which are activated in the gut


lumen. For example, the duodenal brush border enzyme, enterokinase, converts


trypsinogen to the active enzyme, trypsin. Trypsin then catalyzes the formation of more


trypsin and activates chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, and prophospholipases


A and B. Ribonucleases, amylase, and lipase do not exist as proenzymes.


- Produce enzyme inhibitors to inactivate trace amounts of active enzyme formed










Reaction Catalyzed






Proteins peptides












Proteins peptides





Peptides amino acids










Starch and glycogen

maltose, maltotriose, and



a-limit dextrins





Phospholipids phosphate,fatty acids, and glycerol


Phospholipases A and B





Cholesterol esters free cholesterol and fatty acids


Triacylglycerol lipases


Triglycerides fatty acids and monoglycerides




RNA ribonucleotides







DNA deoxyribonucleotides

The endocrine-producing cells of the islets ofLangerhans are embedded within the exocrine pancreas.


Section I • Histology and Cell Biology

Copyright McGraw-Hill Companies. Used with permission.

Figure 1-8-11. Pancreas with light-staining islets of Langerhans (arrows) surrounded by exocrine acini with ducts (arrowheads) and adjacent blood vessels (V)

Unlike salivary glands, the pancreas lacks myoepithelial cells in acini and lacks striated ducts. Also, unlike salivary glands, the cells ofthe intercalated. ducts extend partially into the lumen ofpancreatic acini as centroacinarcells. The pancreas does not usually have mucinous cells in acini, but may have mucinous cells in its ducts.

The pancreas is protected from auto-digestive destruction by the proteolytic enzymes it secretes by producing the enzymes as inactive proenzymes in the zymogen granules. Pancreatis cells also produce trypsin inhibitor to prevent proteolytic activation ofthe proenzymes within the pancreas. Tight junctions be­ tween acinar and ductal epithelial cells prevent leakage of enzymes back into the pancreatic tissue.

In the duodenal lumen, pancreatic enzymes are activated by enterokinase in the brush border of enterocytes. This activates pancreatic trypsinogen to trypsin, which in turn activates the other proteolytic enzymes from the pancreas. Amy­ lase and lipase are produced in active form, but have no substrate available within the pancreas.

Pancreatic secretion is stimulated by cholecystokinin, a product of duodenal enteroendocrine cells, which binds to receptors on acinar cells to stimulate enzyme secretio. Secretin, also a product of duodenal enteroendocrine cells, binds to receptors on intercalated duct cells to stimulate secretion of bicar­ bonate and water.

Pancreatic acini drain via progressively larger ducts into the duodenum. The main pancreatic duct (ofWirsung) is the distal portion of the dorsal pancreatic duct that joined the ventral pancreatic duct in the head ofthe pancreas. The main duct typicallyjoins with the common bile duct and enters the duodenum through the ampulla ofVater (controlled by the sphincter ofOddi). Sometimes the pan­ creas has a persistent accessory duct with separate drainage into the duodenum, the accessory duct ofSantorini, and a persisting remnant ofthe proximal part of the dorsal pancreatic duct.


Section I • Histology and Cell Biology

The hepatic artery and portal vein enter and the common hepatic duct exits the liverin the hepatic hilum. Within the liver, branches ofthe hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct tend to run together in thin connective tissue bands. When seen in cross section, these 3 structures and their connective tissue are called a portal triad or portal tract. Blood from portal vein and hepatic artery branches both flow through and mix in hepatic sinusoids that run between cords or plates of hepatocytes. After passing by hepatocytes, the sinusoidal blood flows into he­ patic venules, which form progressively larger branches draining into the right and left hepatic veins which drain into the inferior vena cava.

A classic hepatic lobule is a hexagonal structure with a portal tract at each corner ofthe hexagon and a centralvein in the center ofthe hexagon. Blood flowis from the triads into the central vein and bile flow is opposite, from the central vein to the triads.

CopyrightMcGraw-Hill Companies. Usedwith permission.

Figure 1-8-13. Liver lobules with central veins (A) in the center of each lobule and connective tissue (arrowheads) separating each lobule and portal triads at each point of the lobule (B)

A portal lobule is a triangular structure with a central vein at each corner and a portal tract in the center. Bile flows from the periphery ofthe portal lobule into the central triad.

A hepatic acinus is based on blood flow from the hepatic arterybranches to cen­ tral veins. As hepatic arterial blood flow enters the sinusoids from side branches extending away from the center of the hepatic triad (rather than directly from the triad), the center of the acinus is conceived of as centered on such a branch extending out from a triad (or between 2 triads) and ending at 2 nearby central veins, resulting in a roughly elliptical structure with portal tracts at the 2 furthest poles and 2 central veins at the 2 closest edges.

In the acinus, the hepatocytes receiving the first blood flow (and the most oxy­ gen and nutrients) are designated zone l, while those receiving the last blood flow (and least oxygen and nutrients) are near the central veins and designated zone 3. Zone 2 hepatocytes are in between zones 1 and 3. This model helps to


Chapter 8 • Gastrointestinal System

explain the differential effect on hepatocytes of changes in blood flow, oxy­ genation, etc. Zone 3 is most susceptible to injury by decreased oxygenation of blood or decreased blood flow into the liver (as well as stagnation of blood drainage out ofthe liver due to congestive heart failure).

The metabolic activity of hepatocytes varies within the zones of the acinus. Zone 1 hepatocytes are most involved in glycogen synthesis and plasma pro­ tein synthesis (albumin, coagulation factors and complement components). Zone 3 cells are most concerned with lipid, drug, and alcohol metabolism and detoxification.

Different functions of the hepatocyte are concentrated in different organelles.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is responsible for protein synthesis

(e.g., albumin, coagulation. factors, complement components, and lipo­ proteins).

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) has many enzymes associated with its membranes and is responsible for synthesis of cholesterol and bile acids, conjugation (solubilization) of bilirubin and lipid soluble drugs, formation of glycogen under control of insulin (glycogen rosettes are often associated with SER) and breakdown of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis) under the control of glucagon and epinephrine, and detoxification of lipid soluble drugs (e.g., phenobarbital), including via the microsomal enzyme oxidizing system (MEOS).

The Golgi apparatus is responsible for glycosylation of proteins and packaging some proteins for secretion.

Lysosomes are responsible for degradation of aged plasma glycoproteins taken up from the blood.

Peroxisomes are responsible for breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.

Ito cells (stellate cells) are mesenchymal cells that live in the space of Disse. They contain fat and are involved in storage of fat-soluble vitamins, mainly vitamin A.

Bile formation by hepatocytes serves both an exocrine and excretory function. Bile salts secreted into the duodenum aid in fat emulsification and absorption, as well as excretion of endogenous metabolites (bilirubin) and drug metabolites that cannot be excreted by the kidney. Bile consists ofa mixture ofbilesalts (con­ jugated bile acids), conjugated bilirubin (and other conjugated endogenous or drug metabolites), cholesterol, phospholipids, electrolytes, and water.

Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol by hepatocytes, and subsequently conjugated in SER to produce bile salts. Specific transporters at the bile cana­ liculus secrete bile salts into bile Within the gut lumen some bile salts are par­ tially metabolized by gut bacteria to produce other bile salts (deoxycholic and lithocholic acid). All ofthese bile salts can be reabsorbed, principally in the small intestine, and recycled in bile (the enterohepatic circulation ofbile).

The liver excretes bilirubin, a metabolic breakdown product of hemoglobin from old red blood cells. Bilirubin is not very water-soluble, and is transported in plasma bound to protein, chiefly albumin. Hepatocytes have specific transport proteins that import bilirubin into their cytoplasm, where the hepatocytes then "solubilize" the bilirubin by conjugating it, chiefly to glucuronic acid. This solu­ bilized form ofbilirubin is then secreted into bile by a specific transport system at the canaliculus.

Clinical Correlate

When stimulated during liver injury, Ito cells may release type I collagen and other matrix components into the

space of Disse, contributing to scarring ofthe liver in some diseases (cirrhosis due to ethanol). This may lead to the development of portal hypertension, portacaval anastomoses, and esophageal or rectal bleeding.

Clinical Correlate

Disturbance of the balance in the components of bile can lead to precipitation of one or more ofthe bile components, resulting in stone (or calculus) formation or lithiasis in the gallbladder and/or bile ducts.


Chapter 8 Gastrointestinal System


The gastrointestinal (GI) system includes the digestive tract and its associated glands. The regional comparisons of the digestive tract are given in Table 1-8- 1 .

The associated glands are salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and the gallbladder. The salivary glands are compared in Table 1-8-2.

The pancreas has an exocrine portion and an endocrine portion. The exocrine portion is composed of acini and duct cells. Acini secrete enzymes that cleave proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Duct cells secrete water, electrolytes, and bicarbonate.

The liver is the largest gland in the body. The parenchyma is made up of hepatocytes arranged in cords within lobules.

-Hepatocytes produce proteins, secrete bile, store lipids and carbohydrates, and convert lipids and amino acids into glucose.

-They detoxify drugs by oxidation, methylation, or conjugation, and they are capable of regeneration.

Liver sinusoids, found between hepatic cords, are lined with endothelial cells and scattered Kupffer cells, which phagocytose red blood cells.

The biliary system is composed of bile caliculi, hepatic ducts, the cystic duct, and the common bile duct. The gallbladder is lined by simple tall columnar cells and has a glycoprotein surface coat. It concentrates bile by removing water through active transport of sodium and chloride ions (especially the former).

-Gallbladder contraction is mediated via cholecystokinin, a hormone produced by enteroendocrine cells in the mucosa ofthe small intestine.


Chapter 9 • Urinary System


The cortex is divided into lobules, and contains nephron elements mixed with vascular elements and stroma (a small amount ofconnective tissue). Atthe center ofeach lobule is amedullaryray, containingtubulesthatare parallelto each other and oriented radially in the cortex. The tubules in themedullaryrays are continu­ ous with those in the medulla. Along the 2 edges of each lobule are glomeruli, located along one or 2 rows. Radially oriented arterioles and venules with a large lumen are located at the edges ofthe lobules.

The medulla is comprised of radially arranged straight tubules which run from cortex to papilla, vascular elements, and stroma (a small amount of connective tissue). The medulla is divided into 2 zones. A wide strip in proximity to the cor­ tex, the outermedullacontains profiles oftubuleswith different appearances. The inner medullahas fewer profiles ofsimilar tubes.

Blood Circulation

The renal artery enters the kidney at the hilum, near the ureter. The artery branches into interlobar arteries, which travel to the medulla-cortex border re­ maining outside the medullarypyramids, The vessels branch into arcuate arteries (and veins) that follow the edge of the cortex. The arcuate arteries branch into interlobular arterioles that travel tangentially in the cortex at the edges of the lobules. Intralobular arterioles, feeding the glomeruli, branch offthe interlobular arterioles at each renal corpuscle.

The kidneys receive 25% oftotal cardiac output, 1,700 liters in 24 hours. Each in­ tralobular arteriole enters a renal corpuscle atthe vascular pole as afferent arteri­ ole and forms a convolutedtuft ofcapillaries (the glomerulus). A second arteriole (the efferent arteriole) exits the corpuscle. This is a unique situation due to the fact that the pressure remains high in the glomerulus in order to allow filtration.

The efferent arterioles carrying blood out ofthe glomeruli make a second capil­ larybed. This second capillarybed has lowerblood pressure than the glomerulus and it connects to venules at its distal end. The arteriole-capillary-arteriole-cap­ illary-vein sequence in the kidney is unique in the body. The efferent arterioles from glomeruli in the upper cortex divide into a complex capillary system in the cortex.


The functional unit within the kidney is the nephron. Each kidney contains 1 - 1 .3 million nephrons. Nephrons connect to collecting ducts, and collecting ducts receive urine from several nephrons and converge with each other before opening to and letting the urine flow out of the kidney. The nephron and the collecting duct form the uriniferous tubule.

The nephron is a tube about 55 mm in length in the human kidney. It starts at one end with Bowman's capsule, which is the enlarged end ofthe nephron. Bowman's capsule has been invaginated by a tuft of capillaries of the glomerulus so that it has 2 layers: the visceral layer is in direct contact with the capillary endothelium, and the parietal layer surrounds an approximately spherical urinary space. Bow­ man's capsule and glomerulus ofcapillaries form a renal corpuscle.


Section I Histology and Cell Biology

Urinary (Bowman's) space

Podocyte foot processes


Capillary endothelial


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Clinical Correlate

The absence of nephrin protein renders podocytes incapable of forming foot processes and slit diaphragms, and results in a congenital nephrotic syndrome, NPHSl.

Figure 1-9-6 Transmission electron micrograph demonstrating podocytes

Blood plasma is filtered from the lumen of the capillary to the urinary space across the combined capillary endothelium-podocyte complex. Fenestrations in the endothelium are large (50-100 nm) and occupy 20% of the capillary surface. Fenestrations block the exit of cells, but allow free flow of plasma. The shared basal lamina ofpodocytes and endothelium constitutes the first, coarser filtration barrier; it blocks the passage of molecules larger than 70 kD.

The thin diaphragms covering the slit openings between the podocyte foot pro­ cesses constitutes a more selective filter. The slits are composed ofelongated pro­ teins which arise from the surface of the adjacent foot process cell membranes and join in the center of the slit, in a zipper-like configuration. The width of the junction between 2 adjacent podocytes varies between 20 and 50 nm, possibly as a function ofperfusion pressures ofthe glomerulus.

The major protein components of the slit diaphragm are specific (nephrin, podocyn) and generic components of other cell junctions (cadherins).

Podocyte foot processes are motile (they contain actin and myosin). They are connected to each other by the slit diaphragm and to the basal lamina. The slit diaphragm molecular complex is associated with the actin cytoskeleton. Altera­ tions in composition and/or arrangement of these complexes are found in many forms ofhuman and experimental diseases.

Large, negatively charged complexes in the basal lamina and the lateral surfaces ofthe podocyte feet help to slow diffusion ofnegatively charged molecules (such as albumin) across the lamina, and may help the uptake of positively charged


Chapter 9 Urinary System

molecules by binding them. The viscous gel consistency ofthe basal lamina is also a factor in retarding the diffusion ofmacromolecules.

Proximal Convoluted Tubule

The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) opens at the urinary pole of Bowman's capsule. The PCT follows a circuitous path and ends with a straight segment that connects to the loop of Henle. PCT cells are tall, and they have a pink cytoplasm, long apical microvilli, and extensive basal invaginations. Numerous large mi­ tochondria are located between the basal invaginations. The lateral borders of adjacent cells are extensively interdigitated. These characteristics are typical of cells involved in active transport. The lumen ofthe PCT is frequently clouded by microvilli which do not preserve well during the histologic preparation process.

Loop of Henle

The loop of Henle has a smaller diameter than the PCT and has descending and ascending limbs which go in opposite directions. Some loops of Henle have a wider segment before the distal tubule. The straight and convoluted segments of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) follow. The straight portions of the PCT and DCT have traditionally been assigned to the loop ofHenle (constituting the thick ascending and descending limbs) but they are now thought to be part ofthe PCT and DCT to which they are more similar. The special disposition of the loops of Henle descending and ascending branches, coupled with their specific transport and permeability properties, allow them to operate as "countercurrent multipli­ ers;' creating a gradient ofextracellular fluid tonicity in the medulla. This is used to modulate urine tonicity and finalvolume.

Distal Convoluted Tubule

The DCT comes back to make contact with its own glomerulus, and then con­ nects to the collecting tubule, which receives urine from several nephrons and is open at its far end. The epithelium of DCT, loops of Henle, and collecting ducts have variable thicknesses and more or less well-defined cell borders. Some have limited surface microvilli. In general, these tubes either do much less active trans­ port than the PCT or are involved only in passive water movements.

Collecting Ducts

Collecting ducts are linedbyprincipal cells and intercalated cells. The cell outline of these cells is more distinct than that of the PCT or the DCT. Principal cells respond to aldosterone.

Mesangial Cells

Mesangial cells (also known as Polkissen or Lacis cells) are located between capil­ laries, under the basal lamina but outside the capillary lumen. There is no basal lamina between mesangial and endothelial cells. Mesangial cells are phagocytic and may be involved in the maintenance of the basal lamina. Abnormalities of mesangial cells are detected in several diseases resulting in clogged and/or dis­ torted glomeruli.


Renal cortex and medullary fibroblasts (interstitial cells) produce erythropoetin.


Diuretics act by inhibiting Na+ resorption, leading to an increase in Na+ and water excretion.