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Limbic System 11


The limbic system is involved in emotion, memory, attention, feeding, and mating behaviors. It consists of a core of cortical and diencephalic structures found on the medial aspect of the hemisphere. A prominent structure in the limbic sys­ tem is the hippocampal formation on the medial aspect ofthe temporal lobe. The hippocampal formation extends along the floor ofthe inferior horn ofthe lateral ventricle in the temporal lobe and includes the hippocampus, the dentate gyrus, the subiculum, and adjacent entorhinal cortex. The hippocampus is characterized by a 3-layered cerebral cortex. Other limbic-related structures include the amyg­ dala, which is located deep in the medial part ofthe anteriortemporal lobe rostral to the hippocampus, and the septal nuclei, located medially between the anterior horns of the lateral ventricle. The limbic system is interconnected with thalamic and hypothalamic structures, including the anterior and dorsomedial nuclei ofthe thalamus and the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus. The cingulate gyms is the main limbic cortical area. The cingulate gyrus is located on the medial sur­ face ofeach hemisphere above the corpus callosum. Limbic-related structures also project to wide areas ofthe prefrontal cortex.

In A Nutshell

Functions of the Limbic System


Sex drive


Behavior and emotions


Central projections ofolfactory structures reach parts ofthe temporal lobe with­ out a thalamic relay and the amygdala. The olfactory nerve consists of numer­ ous fascicles ofthe central processes ofbipolar neurons, which reach the anterior cranial fossa from the nasal cavity through openings in the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. These primary olfactory neurons differ from other primary sensory neurons in 2 ways. First, the cell bodies of these neurons, which lie scat­ tered in the olfactory mucosa, are not collected together in a sensory ganglion, and second, primary olfactory neurons are continuously replaced. The life span of these cells ranges from 30 to 120 days in mammals.

Within the mucosa of the nasal cavity, the peripheral process of the primary ol­ factory neuron ramifies to reach the surface ofthe mucous membrane. The cen­ tral processes ofprimary olfactory neurons terminate by synapsing with neurons found in the olfactory bulb. The bulb is a 6-layered outgrowth of the brain that rests on the cribriform plate. Olfactory information entering the olfactory bulb undergoes a great deal of convergence before the olfactory tract carries axons from the bulb to parts ofthe temporal lobe and amygdala.

Clinical Correlate

Alzheimer disease results from neurons, beginning in the hippocampus, that exhibit

neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. Other nuclei affected are the cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert, noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus, and serotonergic neurons in the raphe nuclei. Patients with Down syndrome commonly present with Alzheimer in middle age because chromosome 21 is one site of a defective gene.


Section IV • Neuroscience

Clinical Correlate

Olfactory deficits may be incomplete (hyposmia), distorted (dysosmia), or complete (anosmia). Olfactory deficits are caused bytransport problems or by damage to the primary olfactory neurons or to neurons in the olfactory pathway to the central nervous system (CNS). Head injuries that fracture the cribriform plate can tear the central processes of olfactory nerve fibers as they pass through the plate to terminate in the olfactory bulb, orthey may injure the bulb itself. Because the olfactory bulb is an outgrowth ofthe CNS covered by meninges, separation ofthe bulb from the plate may tearthe meninges, resulting in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaking through the cribriform plate into the nasal cavity.


The limbic system is involved in emotion, memory, attention, feeding, and mat­ ing behaviors. It consists of a core of cortical and diencephalic structures found on the medial aspect of the hemisphere. The limbic system modulates feelings, such as fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, sexual pleasure, and familiarity.

The Papez Circuit

A summofarythe simplified connections of the limbic system is expressed by the Papez circuit (Figure IV-11-1). The Papez circuit oversimplifies the role ofthe lim­ bic system in modulating feelings, such as fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness, sexual pleasure, and familiarity; yet, it provides a useful starting point for understanding the system. Arbitrarily, the Papez circuit begins and ends in the hippocampus. Ax­ ons of hippocampal pyramidal cells converge to form the funbria and, finally, the fornix. The fomix projects mainly to the mammillarybodies in the hypothalamus. The mammillary bodies, in turn, project to the anterior nucleus of the thalamus by way ofthe mammillothalamic tract. The anterior nuclei project to the cingulate gyrus through the anterior limb of the internal capsule, and the cingulate gyrus communicates with the hippocampus through the cingulum and entorhinal cortex.

The amygdala functions to attach an emotional significance to a stimulus and helps imprint the emotional response in memory.


Section IV • Neuroscience

Clinical Correlate

Anterograde Amnesia

Bilateral damage to the medial temporal lobes including the hippocampus results in a profound loss ofthe ability to acquire new information, known as anterograde amnesia.


Anterograde amnesia is also observed in patients with Korsakoff syndrome. Korsakoff syndrome is seen mainly in alcoholics who have a thiamine deficiency and often follows an acute presentation ofWernicke encephalopathy. Wernicke encephalopathy presents with ocular patsies, confusion, and gait ataxia and is also related to a thiamine deficiency. In Wernicke-Korsakoffsyndrome, lesions are always found in the mammillary bodies and the dorsomedial nuclei ofthe thalamus.

In addition to exhibiting an anterograde amnesia, Korsakoffpatients also present with retrograde amnesia. These patients confabulate, making up stories to replace past memories they can no longer retrieve.

Klilver-Bucy Syndrome

KlUver-Bucy syndrome results from bilateral lesions of the amygdala and hippocampus. These lesions result in:

Placidity-there is marked decrease in aggressive behavior; the subjects become passive, exhibiting little emotional reaction to external stimuli.

Psychic blindness-objects in the visual field are treated inappropriately.

For example, monkeys may approach a snake or a human with inappropriate docility.

Hypermetamorphosis-visual stimuli (even old ones) are repeatedly approached as though they were completely new.

Increased oral exploratory behavior-monkeys put everything in their mouths, eating only appropriate objects.

Hypersexuality and loss of sexual preference

Anterograde amnesia


Chapter u • Limbic System


. Alzheimer disease accounts for 60% of allcases of dementia. The inci­ dence increases with age.

Clinical: insidious onset, progressive memory impairment, mood altera­ tions, disorientation, aphasia, apraxia, and progression to a bedridden state with eventual death

Five to 10% of Alzheimer cases are hereditary, early onset, and transmit­ ted as an autosomal dominant trait.

Table IV-11-1. Genetics ofAlzheimer Disease (AD)




Amyloid precursor

Chromosome 21

Virtually all Down syndrome

protein (APP) gene


patients are destined to develop



AD in their forties. Down patients



have triple copies of the APP




Presenilin-1 gene

Chromosome 14

Presenilin-2 gene

Chromosome 1

Apolipoprotein E

Chromosome 19



Majority of hereditary AD cases­ early onset

Early onset

Three allelic forms ofthis gene: epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4

The allele epsilon 4 of apolipoprotein E (Apo£) increases the risk for AD, epsilon 2 confers relative protection

Lesions involve the neocortex, hippocampus, and subcortical nuclei, including forebrain cholinergic nuclei (i.e., basal nucleus of Meynert). These areas show atrophy, as well as characteristic microscopic changes. The earliest and most se­ verely affected areas are the hippocampus and temporal lobe, which are involved in learning and memory.

Table IV-11-2. Pathology of Alzheimer Disease

Intraand extracellular accumulation of abnormal proteins

Senile plaques

AP amyloid: 42-residue peptide from a normal transmembrane protein, the amyloid precursor protein (APP)

Abnormal tau (a microtubule-associated protein)

Core ofAP amyloid surrounded by dystrophic neuritic processes associated with microglia and astrocytes

Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT)

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA)

Granulovacuolar degeneration (GVD) and Hirano bodies (HBs)

lntraneuronal aggregates of insoluble cytoskeletal elements, mainly composed of abnormally phosphorylated tau forming paired helicalfilaments (PHF)

Accumulation ofAP amyloid within the media of small and medium-sized intracortical and leptomeningeal arteries; associated with intracerebral hemorrhage

GVD and HBs develop in the hippocampus and are less significant diagnostically



A band, skeletal muscle, 48f, 49 Abdomen

anterior wall. SeeAnterior abdominal wall posterior wall. See Posterior abdominal wall radiological images of, 278f-282f

regions and planes of, 232f, 233f surface anatomy of, 232

Abdominal aorta, 255, 255f branchesof,255-258, 258f-259f

Abdominalviscera. See also individual organs arterial supplyto, 255-258, 255f developmentof, 247-249

andrelationship to peritoneum, 245 venousdrainageof, 259, 260f

Abdominopelvic fascia, 234, 235f Abducensnerve (CN VI), 387f, 393

horizontal conjugate gaze and, 406, 408 nucleus of, 393

Absorption, in colon, 102 Accessory duct ofSantorini, 108

Accessory glands, male reproductive system, 132-135 Accessorynucleus, 392 Accommodation-convergence reaction, 438, 440 Acinar cells, 107

Acinus/acini hepatic, 109 pancreatic, 106

Actin thin filaments, 49, 50 Adie pupil, 440 Adipocytes, 28 Aganglionosis, colonic, 250 Agnosia, visual, 468 Agraphia,463

alexia without, 468, 470f Air-bloodbarrier.See Blood-airbarrier Albinism, 150

Alexiawithoutagraphia, 468, 470f Alpha-feto protein (AFP) levels, 335 Alveolar ducts, 83, 83f

Alveolar sacs, 83, 83f Alveolarwall, 84 Alveoli, 83, 83f, 84f

surfactantand, 84 Alzheimerdisease,475, 479

genetics of, 479

intermediate filamentsand, 14 neuron decay in, 418 pathology of, 479

Amino acidchains,in collagen synthesis, 30f, 31

Amnesia, anterograde, 478

Ampulla ofVater, pancreas and, 108 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 378, 378f


Analcanal, 254

Analtriangle, 272 Anastomoses

lowerlimb, 305-306, 306f portacaval, 262, 262f upperlimb, 293, 294f, 295

Anchoringjunctions, 16 Anencephaly, 337 Angiotensin I/II, 77 Ankle joint, 310, 31Of Annular pancreas, 247, 249

Anterior abdominalwall,232-235 bloodvessels of, 235

fasciaof, 234, 235f

inguinal region andcanal of, 235 innervation of, 235

lymphatics of, 235

superficial structures of, 234, 235f surfaceanatomyof,232

Anterior cerebral artery (ACA),459,460f occlusionof,459

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), 309, 309f Anteriormediastinum, 206f, 207

Anterior spinal artery (ASA) occlusion, 378, 378f Anterograde amnesia, 478

Anterograde axonal degeneration, 63, 346, 346f Anterograde axonal transport, 59, 345 Anterolateral (spinothalamic) system, 372, 373f, 390 Antigen-presenting cells, 66-67


coarctation of, 210, 210f thoracic, 207

Aortic arch, 209

Aorticopulmonaryseptum formation, 203, 203f Aphasia

conduction,466 expressive,464 receptive,466

Apocrine sweat glands, 151 Appetite, physiology of, 104

Appositional growth, ofcartilage, 35, 37 Apraxia, transcortical, 466, 470f APUD cells

gastric. See Enteroendocrine cells

pulmonary. See Pulmonary neuroendocrine (PNE) cells Arachnoid, spinal meninges and, 177, l76f

Argyll Robertsonpupil,440 Arnold-Chiarimalformation, 337 Asomatognosia, 467 Astereognosis, 371

Astrocytes, 59

Astrocytoma, 348

Athetosis, 433