Файл: В ходе работы над нашей дипломной работой мы использовали такие.rtf

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Категория: Дипломная работа

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Добавлен: 26.04.2024

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body. The meaning of this art can be revealed through pose, gestures and painting different symbols on your body. The most common forms of body art are:piercingpaintingart is a way of performing, in which artists use their own body to make their particular statements.body has become a subject of much broader discussions and treatments that cannot be reduced to the body art in its common sense.

Tattoosfew words about tattoo and its historytattoo is a permanent marking made by inserting ink into the layers of skin to change the pigment for decorative aims or other reasons. Tattoos on a human body are a type of decorative body modification , while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding.has been practiced worldwide. Tattoo appeared in ancient cultures, where people traditionally wore facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian people and among certain tribal groups in the Philippines , Africa, America and Europe. Despite some taboos surrounding tattooing, the art continues to be popular in many parts of the world.reasons for tattooinghave also been tattooed for various reasons. Tattoos can mean status and rank, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery and pledges of love, punishment and talismans. The symbolism and impact of tattoos vary in different places and cultures., people choose to be tattooed for cosmetic, sentimental reasons, and to symbolize their belonging to or identification with particular groups, including criminal gangs, but also a particular ethnic group or law-abiding subculture.can be used as a form of cosmetics . This tattooing includes permanent makeup , and hiding or neutralizing skin defects. Permanent makeup are tattoos that enhance eyebrows, lips, eyes usually with natural colors as the designs are intended to resemble makeup.have experienced a growth in popularity in many parts of the world, particularly in North and South America, Japan, and Europe, because of the advertising and the high level of artists with tattoos. And also during the first decade of the 21st century, the presence of tattoos became evident within pop culture . Scientists have found that 50% of the young population of the world has a tattoo.risksit requires breaking the skin barrier, tattooing may carry health risks, including infection and allergic reactions. In order to reduce such risks a professional should work with single-use items and sterilize their equipment after each use. But do remember, that nobody can give you 100% of a guarantee.tattoostattoos are popular with models and children as they insert no ink into the layers of skin, but produce a similar appearance with the use on henna, that can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It isn’t dangerous and you have an opportunity to change tattoo whenever you want, unlike lifelong tattoos.

Body Piercingpiercing is the cutting a part of the human body , creating an opening in which jewelry may be worn. Body piercing is a form of body modification . The cultural norms reflected in body piercing are various. They may include religion , spirituality , fashion or subcultural identification.of body piercingsuggests that body piercing (including ear piercing) has been practiced by people all over the world from ancient times; even mummified bodies with piercings have been discovered. Nose piercing has been common in India since the sixteenth century. Ear piercing, of either one or both ears, has long been practiced by men in many non-Western cultures. Other forms of body piercing have also existed for as long as ear piercing.piercingpiercing has existed since ancient times. However, in North America , Europe
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, and Australia , ear piercing was relatively rare from the 1920s until the 1960s. At that time, it regained popularity among women. It was gradually adopted by men in the hippie , punk and gangster subcultures . Today, single and multiple piercing of either or both ears is common among Western women and men.piercing1973 Doug Malloy and Fakir Musafar together developed the basic techniques and equipment of modern body piercing. Malloy introduced the use of hypodermic needle ; Ward developed the fixed bead ring. Ward began using his home as a private piercing studio in 1975. After some years of working, Ward opened the first body piercing studio as a commercial storefront operation in West Hollywood in 1978 .display of body piercing by celebrities like Madonna and Axl Rose helped to grow the market for these studios' products and services. By 1997 body piercing had become mainstream in body art.riskspiercing is an invasive procedure and is not without risks. A new piercing will be sore, tender or red for several days up to three weeks. Complete healing normally takes several weeks or more. During this period, care must be taken to avoid infection .

Body Paintingfew words about body painting and its history’s say a few words about body painting in general and about its history. Body painting is a form of body art , considered to be one of the most ancient forms of art. Unlike tattoo and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, painted into the human skin , and lasts for only several hours.painting appeared in ancient cultures, mainly on the territory of Australia , New Zealand , the Pacific islands and parts of Africa . and clowns around the world have painted their faces - and sometimes bodies - for centuries, and continue to do so today., in 2006 the first gallery of body painting was opened in New Orleans.today there is a constant debate about the legality of body painting as an art form.painting festivals’s move to body painting festivals. Today body painting is huge in both amateur and professional areas. Body painting festivals happen all over the world and bring together professional body painters as well as keen amateurs. Let’s leave body painting festivals and discuss the next category in which body painting is presented- it is:painting in the commercial arenaartists work professionally as body painters all over the world. Their work is seen regularly in television commercials. In the same time body painters also work frequently in the film arena. Still advertising also used body painting. That brings us to the next category - face paintingpaintingpainting is the application of cosmetic to a person's face., from ancient times, it has been used for hunting , religious reasons , and military reasons (such as camouflage and to indicate membership in a military unit). Moreover, in 1960s during the hippie movement it was common for young women to decorate their cheeks with flowers or peace symbols at anti-war demonstrations.are many kinds of face painting, including:that include the emblems of favorite sports teams , cartoon characters designs which transform the wearer into someone/something completely different.face painting designs include:- This design, in most cases, consists of a body of orange and yellow paint, with black stripes painted on.- A female design. Consisting of the body of the butterfly being painted on the nose and the wings added across the cheeks.- It could be a plain black tabby cat or a wild leopard. Either way, it usually consists of a neutral body of paint with bushy eyebrows and a muzzle.is common to find if someone is dressed in an animal costume.the way, face painting is also used in military.in militaryis common in militaries all over the world for to paint their faces in natural colors such as green, tan, and loam
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for camouflage purposes., let’s move to the last part of our presentation -artart is the application of make-up or paint to a hand to make it appear like an animal or other object.conclusion, I would like to say that body art is not only a form of art, but also people do piercing and tattoo in order to drаw people’s attention to themselves, to reveal their inner world and to display their individuality. Body art is popular with different layers of society and the aim also differs. Nevertheless, the medal has two sides and to every plus there is a minus. And some of these “canvases” look disgusting, it does exist, and we have to admit it, that it isn’t a novelty that appeared only yesterday. But we shouldn’t forget that STANDS OUT

Графические возможности компьютера выделили этот метод обучения на фоне традиционных и позволили реализовать принцип наглядности обучения. Образовательное значение компьютерных сетей, как локальных, соединяющих несколько машин в одном учебном заведении, так и глобальных, объединяющих миллионы пользователей по всему миру, практически неоценимо.

Мы увидели и оценили технические преимущества обучения английскому языку при помощи компьютера: возможность осуществлять технический перевод; использовать программы проверки грамматики и орфографии; использование мультимедиа, интерактивного видео при обучении устной речи. Но, не смотря на все преимущества, огромный потенциал, которым обладает компьютерное обучение, используется далеко не полностью из-за проблем, связанных с относительной новизной этого метода.

Среди них можно назвать плохую оснащенность школ современной техникой, недостаток качественного программного обеспечения, обусловленный тем, что не разработаны четкие стандарты и критерии оценки эффективности, а также пренебрежительным порой отношением создателей программ к теории обучения иностранным языкам.

На основе анализа литературы по этому вопросу можно выделить следующие варианты применения информационных технологий в преподавании английского языка:

Систематическое использование информационных технологий в качестве средств обучения.

Фрагментарное использование информационных технологий.

Реализация всего курса обучения при помощи компьютера.

Но это далеко не все варианты применения информационных технологий так как, можно предложить следующие варианты применения средств новых информационных технологий в процессе обучения английскому языку:

Проведение текущих и итоговых тестовых занятий (по темам, разделам, курсам) с использованием диагностических, тестовых программ по лексике, грамматике.

Использование педагогических программных средств (ППС) как: одного из способов введения новой лексики или грамматического материала в тех случаях, когда это представляет определенную трудность (затруднена семантизация лексических единиц, или нет мотивированной основы применения лексического или грамматического материала).

Использование инструментальных программных средств (ИПС) - справочников, словарей, программ проверки правильности орфографии - для выполнения студентами самостоятельных творческих заданий, переводов по домашнему, аналитическому чтению и других работ, а также для преподавателя, в качестве инструментального средства для создания тестов, обучающих программ, автоматизации процесса обработки результатов учебного процесса и т.д.

Использование телекоммуникаций в основном во внеаудиторное время (задания для самостоятельного выполнения, совместные проекты, как по английскому языку, так и по другим предметам).

Современные компьютерные технологии на сегодняшний день используются во всех сферах деятельности человека. Подготовка специалиста в любой области знаний включает в себя как минимум обязательную пользовательскую подготовку, компьютерная грамотность становится одной из составляющих современного понимания образованного человека. Именно поэтому был разработан урок по теме «Computer Studies at the English lesson» с применением информационных технологий и материалом интернет. Содержание урока учитывало определенный уровень знаний у учащихся в области пользования компьютером.

Цель урока: Формирование основ информационной культуры на уроке английского языка.

Задачи урока:

Развивать интерес к английскому языку и информатике;

Углубить и расширить знания по данной теме;

Учить работать с текстом;

Ознакомить со специальной лексикой;

Развивать навыки говорения, чтения, письма;

Развивать логическое мышление, активность, внимание;

Совершенствовать интеллектуальные способности учеников;

Воспитывать самостоятельность, доброжелательность.

Оборудование урока: компьютерное оснащение урока, рабочие книги.
Таблица 2.3





1. Introduction



2. Speaking.

The rapid development of Science and Technology has changed the world. In recent years computers have been used in all fields of human activities: business, industry, education, culture, health care service, economics, politics, mass media, arts, in everyday life of different people. At the present time people have to keep step with the times and not to be lost in the world of information. So computers are becoming of great importance for most adults and youth. Nowadays more and more people use computers at work and home. They can not tear themselves away from their computers. Especially children and teenagers are hooked on them. They like to play computer games and spend hours with educational programs. More and more kids can improve their reading, writing and arithmetic when they operate the computer. Many students study school subjects on it. They say computers make leaning fun! to use - использовать, применять to keep step with the times - жить в ногу со временем not to be lost in the world of information - не потеряться в мире информации to be of great importance - иметь важное значение can not tear oneself away from … - не могут оторваться от … are hooked on … - не представлять себе жизнь без … to improve - улучшить to work on the computer = to operate the computer - работать на компьютере,to study school subjects on … - изучать школьные предметы по … Where have computers been used in recent years? Why are they of great importance at the present time? Where do people use computers? Why are children especially hooked on them? Do you like to operate the computer?


3. Introduction with the computers.

Do you know a computer’s parts and software? Here are some of them.


4. Practical stage.

Let’s switch on our computers. Can you see the Desktop? What is located on the Desktop? Desktop - рабочий стол My Documents - Мои документы My Computer - Мой компьютер Recycle Bin - корзина Taskbar - панель задач Folder - папка File - файл, документ We can save on the Desktop our own folders and files. The My Documents folder is your own personal folder in which you can store your documents, graphics, and other personal files. When there is more than one person using the computer, Windows creates a My Documents folder for each user on the computer. By default, the target or actual location of the My Computer folder is C: / Documents and Settings / user name / My Documents, where C is the drive in which Windows are installed. You can change the target if you want My Documents to point to a different folder location. to store - хранить to use - использовать, применять user - пользователь by default - по умолчанию target - задание, план to be installed - быть установленным The My Computer folder is also located on the desktop. It contains resources of your Personal Computer (PC): Discs (3, 5 {A:}, {C:}, {D:}, etc.) the Control Panel, and Printers. The Recycle Bin provides a safety net when deleting files or folders. When you delete any of these items from your hard disc, Windows places it in the Recycle Bin and the Recycle Bin icon changes from empty to full. Items deleted from a floppy disc or a network drive are permanently deleted and are not sent to the Recycle Bin. Items in the Recycle Bin remain there until you decide to permanently delete them from you computer. These items stiff take up hard disc space and can be undeleted or restored back to their original location. When it fills up, Windows automatically cleans out enough space in the Recycle Bin to accommodate the most recently deleted files and folders. If you are running low on hard disc space, always remember to empty the Recycle Bin. items - документы, файлы icon - изображение, значок to delete - удалять to take up hard disc space - занимать место на диске to clean out - очистить empty - пустой to empty - очистить Taskbar is a panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located. The Start button allows users to access their computer. We begin and finish working on the computer pushing the Start. English / Russian button is a pointer of the current alphabet. When we operate the computer we don’t need to look at our watch or clock the Time button shows us what time it is. Taskbar - панель задач Settings - настройка Find - поиск Help - справка Run - выполнить Shut down - завершение работы How to Create a Folder Creating folders, also called directories, helps you to organize your files. For example, you might want to make a folder called “Job Search” to store your resume, cover letters, references and other documents. STEP 1: Locate and select the place where you want to create your new folder. You may create your new folder on the desktop. If you want to put it inside the My Documents folder, then first open My Documents. STEP 2: Open the File menu, and then click on New. STEP 3: Click Folder. A new unnamed folder icon will appear. STEP 4: Name your new folder by typing the name in the text box provided. Read, translate the texts. Create your own folder called “Job Search”, create a document and save it into this folder. What buttons do you need to create a new document? Retell the texts about the Desktop folders. Tell how to empty the Recycle Bin. What is the Taskbar? Tell about its buttons. When do you press the Start button? Learn the new words. Choose the appropriate word to fit in each sentence: Windows creates a My Documents___ for each user on the computer (folder). Items deleted from ____ or a network drive are permanently deleted (a floppy disc). We begin and finish working on ____ pushing the Start (the computer). My Computer folder contains resources of your ____ (Personal Computer). Match the words from the box with the correct definitions. Recycle Bin Desktop Zoom User Printer Taskbar User The button which enlarges or reduces the display of the active document; The device that prints documents; The folder where deleted documents are kept; A person who operates a computer; A directory; The surface of the display of a computer; The panel where Start, English / Russian and Time buttons are located IV The Menu Panel File - Файл Edit - Правка View - Вид Insert - Вставка Format - Формат Tools - Сервис Table - Таблица Help - Справка The items of this Menu are called commands.


5. Presenting of The Toolbar

The Toolbars Function of commonly used buttons Creates a new blank document based on the default template Saves the active file with its current file name, location and file format Print preview - Shows how the document will look when you print it. Cut - Removes the selection from the document and places it on the clipboard Paste - Places the content of die clipboard at the insertion point Undo - Reverses the last command, use pull-down menu to undo several steps Displays the Tables and Borders toolbar Insert an Excel spreadsheet into the Word document Displays or hides the Drawing toolbar Opens or finds a file Prints the active file - for more print options go to the File menu and select Print Spelling, grammar and writing style checker Copy - Copies the selected item(s) to the clipboard Format painter - Copies the format from a selected object or text and applies to other objects or text Redo - Reverses the action of the Undo button, use the pull-down menu to redo several steps Insert a table into the document, or make a table of selected text Columns - Changes the number of columns in a document Zoom - Enlarge or reduce the display of the active document


6. Fixing of knowledge

What toolbars do you know? Read and study the Standard toolbar. Read and study the Format toolbar buttons. There are some very important buttons in the Format toolbar: Font (шрифт), Font Size (размер шрифта), Font Color (цвет шрифта), Bold (полужирный), Italic (курсив), Underline (подчёркнутый), Align Left (по левому краю), Center (по центру), Align Right (по правому краю), Justify (выравнивать текст по ширине), Bullets/Bulleted list (маркированный список), Numbering/Numbered list (нумерованный список), Decrease Indent (уменьшить отступ) and Increase Indent (увеличить отступ). Find the mentioned above Format toolbar buttons in your computer. Create a document and change it using the Format toolbar (Font Size, Font Color, Bold Italic, etc.). Find the English equivalents: Панель “Таблицы и границы”: Панель рисования; Отменить/Вернуть; Масштаб; Вставить таблицу; Печать; Сохранить; Копировать; Вставить; Вырезать; Колонки; Открыть; Предварительный просмотр; Правописание; Создать; Добавить таблицу Excel.


7. Summury of the lesson.

Our English lesson on Computer Studies is over. I hope you have enjoyed it. How many new words have you learnt? Do you like to work on the computer in English? Why are computers so popular at the present time? What parts of a computer do you know? What can be located on the Desktop? What can you store in your My Documents folder? What is the Taskbar? Do you use all toolbars in your work on the computer? Can you show all menu panels?


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Рисунок 2.1 Read and learn the parts of a computer
The Main Window Commands
Таблица 2.4

File - New

Файл - Создать

File - Open


File - Save


File - Save As

Сохранить как

File - Page Setup

Параметры страницы

File - Print


File-Print Preview

Предварительный просмотр

File - Properties


File - Exit


Edit - Undo

Правка - Отменить

Edit - Redo


Edit - Cut


Edit - Copy


Edit - Paste


Edit - Delete


Edit - Select All

Выделить всё

Edit - Find


Edit-Paste Special

Специальная вставка

Edit - Replace


Edit - Go To


View - Toolbars

Вид - Панели инструментов

View - Zoom


Insert - File

Вставка - Файл

Insert - Picture


Insert - Object


Format - Font

Формат - Шрифт



Format - Style


Tools - Spelling

Сервис - Орфография

Tools - Macro


Tools - Customize


Tools - Options


Window - Split

Окно - Разделить

is a Menu?

Read and study the Menu Panel.types of menu do you know?


) the menu bar (горизонтальное/главное меню, линейка меню, строка меню);

2) the pull-down menu (ниспадающее меню);

) the pop-up / shortcut menu (контекстное меню).the English and Russian commands.the missing letters: sp-lling, zo-m, rep-ace, too-s, -ut, f-le, sa-e, s-lit, f-rmat, pri-t, edi-, u-do, del-te, pi-ture.8 words on the topic “Computer Studies” and write them below:

Нами проанализирована рациональность использования новейших технологий в обучении иностранным языкам в учебных заведениях. На наш взгляд, обучение с помощью компьютеров дает наибольший эффект, когда учащиеся вовлекаются в активную когнитивную деятельность по осмыслению и закреплению учебного материала, применению знаний в ходе решения задач. Данные виды деятельности были затронуты и на проведенном уроке в компьютерном классе. Нам представился огромный диапазон возможностей для совершенствования учебного процесса.

Современные компьютерные технологии являются составной частью мультимедия технологий (от англ. multi-много и media-среда). Эти технологии рассматриваются нами как информационные технологии обучения, интегрирующие аудиовизуальную информацию любых форм (текст, графика, анимация и др.), реализующие интерактивный диалог пользователя с системой и разнообразие форм самостоятельной деятельности по обработке информации [26,c.81].

Сегодня необходимо уделять серьезное внимание использованию средств новых информационных технологий в обучении английскому языку.

В дальнейшем нами будет затронут такой вид деятельности как дистанционное обучение. Дистанционное обучение - это обучение, которое протекает в ситуации, когда учитель и ученик разделены пространственно, и так же разделены могут быть ученики друг с другом.

Анализируется психолого-педагогический опыт, характерные черты, и новая роль преподавателя в процессе дистанционного обучения, на основе работ зарубежных авторов: Андреев А.А., Бухаркина М.Ю., Выготский Л.С., Ваграменко Я.А., Вербицкий А.А., Дмитриева Е.И., Ершов А.П., Колин К.К., Круглов Ю.Г., Лазарев В.Н., Леонтьев А.А., Мерфи П., Никсон М., Моисеева М.В., Овсянников В.И., Погосян В.А., Рахманов И.В., Томпсон М., Хуторской А.В.

Неопределённость самого понятия дистанционного образования и непрекращающиеся дискуссии в научно-педагогическом сообществе по поводу того, что это такое - новая форма образования, технология, разновидность или синоним заочного образования, - неясное представление о том, как, на основе какой дидактической модели может и должен быть организован учебный процесс определяют возможность и необходимость наших дальнейших психолого-педагогических исследований в этой области.