Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку уровень с1 Под общей редакцией А. А. Тычинского Издательство мгимоуниверситет.docx

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

Ex.3 Give definitions of the following words and word-combinations.

Tokenistic; circumscribed; a sanctum; quasi-religious; insidious; regimented; induction; parcel something out; benign; to come to the fore; a tough or unpalatable message; to fudge; imprecise and awash with euphemisms; harsh truths; tinted in rosy hues; unobtrusive; ubiquitous; to exert control; backdrop; unchallenged.

Ex.4 Complete the words.

  1. Only we humans make waste that nature can't d______.

  2. The charity is h______ by lack of funds.

  3. A______ music is said to evoke an "atmospheric", "visual" or "u______" quality.

  4. Learn how to write content with j______ f_______!

  5. One i______ at s______ is the privacy of medical patients.

  6. She was forced to r_______ control of the project.

  7. Getting access to the inner s______ of these gigantic corporations was, as you might expect, not an easy task.

  8. Kinsella’s interpretation of events remained u______ for many years.

  9. Stephen's teacher said he was often d______ in class.

  10. The inquiry u______ some disturbing evidence.

  11. All this information can be c______ in a simple diagram.

  12. The main s______ b______ to starting new research is that we lack qualified people.

  13. L______ o______! There's a car coming.

  14. The recession has e_______ this problem.

  15. No one wants to r_______ power once they have it.

  16. He faces six charges of b_______ the game into d______.

  17. Sending young offenders to prison can be c_______.

  18. These voices of d_______ grew louder.

  19. What some people are saying is that inclusion of Aboriginal people is t______.

  20. A more i_______ form of water pollution is chemicals used on farms that get into the water supply.

  21. Occasionally she would be allowed into the inner s______ of his office.

  22. Mrs Simpson is responsible for the i______ of new library staff.

  23. They didn't want the federal government p______ o______ food supplies.

  24. He shook his head in b______ amusement.

  25. Environmental issues c_____ to the f______ in the 1980s.

  26. The u______ t______ is that the team isn't getting any better.

  27. Sibley has been f______ his data for years now.

  28. All the pavements were a______ with rubbish.

  29. Things were looking less r______ all of a sudden.

  30. Her reaction to the child's bad behaviour was unnecessarily h______.

  31. The staff are trained to be u______.

  32. Energy-and water-saving technologies are u_______.

  33. Environmental groups are e______ pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.

  34. It is the b______ to the city's continued economic growth.

  35. She couldn't let a statement like that go u______.

Ex.5 Translate the following words and word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Разрушительный; разыскать; поднимать моральный дух сотрудников; передавать большие объёмы информации; усвоить информацию; ограниченный; повлечь за собой существенные дополнительные выплаты; относящиеся к наружной рекламе средства использования окружающей среды, в которой пребывает целевая аудитория; талант журналиста; камень преткновения; остерегаться; усугублять; смешение методов; пойманная аудитория; «завалить сотрудников сообщениями»; проблемы, к которым нельзя быть безучастными; отказываться; некоммерческие организации; дискредитация руководителя
; нарушения дисциплины; контроль был усилен; мудрый; приводящий к обратным результатам; разногласие; формальный, для видимости; регламентированный; святая святых власти; квазирелигиозное значение; действующий исподволь; регламентированный; введение; распределять сферы ответственности; благожелательный; выдвигаться на первый план; неприятные сообщения; надуманный; неточный и полный эвфемизмов; жестокая правда; окрашенный в розовые тона; ненавязчивый; вездесущий; осуществлять больше контроля; фон; беспрепятственный.

Ex.6 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

  1. Modern businesses need more and more highly qualified staff – and yet such staff can easily leave. This can become costly and disruptive.

  2. Good, two-way internal communications will unearth positive, newsworthy stories from different parts of the organization and bring them to the attention of the PR team.

  3. These stories can be passed on to the media, boosting staff morale (everyone likes to be part of a good news story) and generating helpful coverage for the organization.

  4. Traditional print media are a good means of conveying large amounts of detailed information, including facts and figures.

  5. It is hard to ensure that staff read newsletters properly and digest the information they contain.

  6. Both TV and radio can be excellent communication tools, and can be good second best to personal contact, although compared with print media they are handicapped in terms of the amount of detail they can convey: a half-hour TV programme typically contains fewer words than a large newspaper page.

  7. Websites are expensive to set up and maintain, but once in place they can be used by large numbers of people without incurring significant additional costs.

  8. Ambient media can also play a crucial role, and, like speeches, are hard to ignore.

  9. In producing an organisation’s own media PR people need to display journalistic flair: they have to make their copy as attractive as possible.

  10. There are several stumbling blocks the organisation has to look out for.

  11. Usually a medley of methods is employed, with different approaches reinforcing each other.

  12. As in all areas of PR, there is a tension between making material interesting and the bureaucratic and legal constraints on what organisations can say. And management pressure only exacerbates this.

  13. Because you have a captive audience there is a danger of swamping employees with internal communications material.

  14. In so far as people give internal relations any attention our views on it will vary, depending on what we think of the organization concerned, the issues at stake, the methods used and the validity of any concerns of the employees.

  15. It is accepted – so much that it usually passes without comment or consideration – that we relinquish many of our rights of free speech when we take up employment.

  16. The organisations which employ us are, with few exceptions, not worker-democracies but autocracies or oligarchies run by people who are usually accountable to others – shareholders, voters or members and funders in the case of not-for-profit entities.

  17. Bringing one’s employer into disrepute is a commonly accepted basis for dismissal, while breaching confidences and speaking to the media without permission often constitute disciplinary offences.

Ex.7 Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Контроль был усилен не только с помощью укрепления профессионализма в области внутренних коммуникаций, но также по причине нестабильности и разрушения альтернативных каналов коммуникации.

  2. Умудрённые опытом специалисты по связям с сотрудниками осознают, что слишком явный контроль приведёт к обратным результатам.

  3. Иногда допускается некоторое разногласие, приветствуются комментарии сотрудников, но обычно это формальный и тщательно регламентированный процесс.

  4. Портреты и другие произведения искусства всегда использовались для иллюстрации мифов, связанных с созданием учреждения и его вхождения в святая святых власти, например, ими украшали помещения членов правления корпораций, чтобы подчеркнуть их квазирелигиозную значимость.

  5. Внутренние коммуникации могут быть широкомасштабными, иногда действующими исподволь.

  6. Важно отметить, что люди, формально имеющие право выбирать, во что им одеваться, например, люди творческих профессий, нечасто появляются на публике.

  7. Введение в профессию и профессиональное обучение могут незаметно сливаться воедино во внутренних коммуникациях.

  8. Принимая во внимание диапазон средств, имеющихся в распоряжении PR-специалистов, полный контроль сделает PR-профессионалов самыми могущественными людьми в организации; и, как в случае с пропагандой, когда руководство тщательно распределяет сферы ответственности, ни один генеральный директор или руководитель не позволит этому случиться.

  9. Одной из основных характеристик внутренних коммуникаций является стремление быть благожелательным.

  10. Существует тенденция замалчивать роль внутренних коммуникаций, в тех случаях, когда они выдвигаются на первый план при распространении неприятных сообщений.

  11. Существование пропасти между интересами работодателя и сотрудника надумано.

  12. Разговор о внутренних коммуникациях часто неточен, полон эвфемизмов, и жестокая правда приобретает розовые тона.

  13. Пропаганда должна быть ненавязчивой, её посылы должны проникать в сознание людей без понимания того, что они являются жертвами пропаганды.

  14. Пропаганда сегодня настолько вездесуща, что люди, похоже, не замечают её; но критики PR-индустрии и учёные, к удивлению, мало что имеют сказать об этом.

  15. Люди, занимающиеся внутренними коммуникациями, сегодня имеют больше возможностей, чем когда-либо, осуществлять контроль.

  16. Они в значительной мере формируют фон рабочей среды человека.

  17. Внутренние коммуникации продолжают своё существование и развитие, в основном беспрепятственно, не подвергаясь исследованию, воспринимаемые как само собой разумеющееся.

Ex.8 Translate the following texts from English into Russian and retell them in English.

Internal communications includes all communication within an organisation. It may be oral or written, face to face or virtual, one-on-one or in a small group.

Effective internal communication ‒ which can be said to be "downward, upward, and horizontal" ‒ is a vital means of addressing organisational concerns. Good internal communication helps to establish formal roles and responsibilities for employees.

Communication is often defined as an exchange of information. Effective communication requires a two-way process (a dialogue, not a monologue), where the message is sent, received and acted upon in the way intended. That is, feedback is permitted. "Information" can be presented orally, through writing, face-to-face, virtually, one-on-one, or in small groups. Listening to employees (an integral part of two-way communication) enables management to identify strengths and weaknesses, which helps in the process of decision making.

Internal communications departments have broken away from HR since the 80s and 90s and now report directly to senior management in most organisations. In some organisations where internal communication has not been established as a separate communications function, it may be coordinated by Human Resources, Marketing and PR departments.

Internal communications helps employees to understand the organisation's vision, values, and culture. It may involve staff members in issues that affect working life and keeps staff informed on important decisions taken by management. Furthermore, internal communication, when implemented effectively, can be crucial in a time of crisis, providing employees with not only a strategy to handle a crisis, but the facts surrounding such an event. As arguably some of the most invested individuals in an organisation, trusted and valued employees can prove to be excellent partners when addressing a crisis. By maintaining open lines of communication between management and employees, effective internal communications can enhance stronger relationships throughout all levels of the organisation and forge a sense of community.

Excellent internal communications cannot simply be implemented and left alone; the process must be ever-changing and adaptable for success. While more and more organisations begin to spend more time identifying special interest groups within their own walls, internal communications methods are becoming increasingly diverse to match the varying needs of each organisations' internal staff and stakeholders.

The way messages are presented can have a negative or positive impact upon the reader, regardless of the core content of the message. While this could be condemned as «spin», organisations who strive to practice excellent public relations will avoid manipulative and ambiguous messages as they destroy trust in the organisation. The most effective way is to find a balance between being «his Master's voice» and representing employees' interests.

Traditionally, internal communication within an organization has favoured «official», tightly controlled, top-down channels. However, recent organizational changes and the emergence of social media and new technologies have meant that viral communication now forms an important part of effective internal communication strategies.

Internal communication should be:
* transparent and timely (when details have been confirmed and approved, messages should be presented to employees before any external public);
* clear;
* concise;
* informative; and
* independent.

Internal communications practitioners should adhere to certain values such as:
* openness;
* honesty;
* and two-way communication.

An internal communications department can become a moderator of interaction between official organisational representatives and employees.

The internal communications department should be responsible for developing and maintaining a number of «channels» that allow effective communication to take place. These channels include:

* intranet website;
* a regular «Town Hall» (an informal session where employees can listen to and talk with the organisational representative such as a managing director/Director);
* conference calls;
* internal newsletters;
* email;
* message boards;
* print materials; and

* virtual meetings
* meetings

Phillip Clampitt [Clampitt, P. Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 2005] lists three approaches managers use to communicate with their employees.

Arrow approach – Communications are carefully constructed and aimed at a target audience. It assumes the more accurate the message, the clearer the understanding of the recipient. Problems arise when it is taken for granted that information is mostly transmitted by words and that recipients are passive receptors.

Circuit approach – Communications are achieved with positive relationships and job satisfaction of employees through understanding and discussion. It assumes that communicating is grounded in mutual understanding. Problems arise because of the myopic view that understanding will lead to agreement and that this understanding should be the sole goal of communications.

Dance approach – Communications are achieved through an intricate combination of the practice, understanding, and intuition. It believes that the communication involves the coordination of meanings, the understanding of common rules, and the recognition of patterns between two or more people.
20 essentials for every employee communicator
1. Strategic communications help a business achieve its objectives. That is their purpose.

2. Effective communications are those that produce measurable results, and they can be a competitive differentiator.

3. There are costs associated with communicating, but there can be costs associated with not communicating as well. Internal communications seek cost-effective and creative solutions to solve complex communications challenges.

4. Employees are drowning in information, but starving for understanding. Our job is to make the important interesting.

5. Credibility is the foundation upon which effective communication is built. Unless it is believed, a message has no worth.

6. Face-to-face communication is the most desirable form of communication because it is immediate, personal, and interactive. Most employees say their immediate supervisor is their preferred and most credible source of information about the business.

7. Communication is, by definition, a two-way process. Feedback mechanisms must be part of every employee communication.

8. Communication is a management responsibility. Internal communications supports leaders by serving as consultants, facilitators and resource partners.

9. As in any effective strategy, form should follow function. The medium is the message.

10. Employees should learn of important events affecting them and their company from an internal source rather than an external source. Well-informed employees can serve as informal ambassadors of the company.

11. The more important the information is personally to the receiver, the fewer exposures are needed to make an impression. Make your communications relevant.

12. True effectiveness in communication is the ability to influence and change behavior. Changing behaviors is a long, slow process; therefore, measurement of effective communications must be taken over time.

13. The case for change should be found in the marketplace. For change to occur, employees must move through these stages: awareness, understanding, acceptance, and commitment. You cannot skip a step. Formal communications (particularly written communications) are most effective in promoting awareness and understanding. Informal communications (leader behaviors, unwritten rules, management decisions, openness, risk-taking tolerance, etc.) are necessary to reach full commitment.

14. External sources are de facto employee communications; therefore, external messaging should be aligned with internal strategies. Likewise, employees are informal ambassadors of an organization, so internal messaging should be aligned with external strategies. Every internal communication should be written as if it will be read by the news media.

15. Rumors are created to fill communication voids. Fill those voids with valid information. A phrase such as, «Unfortunately, we have more questions than answers right now but we're aware of the problem, we're working on it, and we'll keep you updated with any news», goes a long ways to keep the rumor mill from grinding out of control.

16. Well-defined communication processes and procedures are the foundation for creativity. Key message libraries, templates, crisis plans, etc., free up time for creativity and continuous improvement.

17. The overall tone of employee communications directly reflects the relationship an organization has with its employees. The best tone for strategic communications is the Voice of the Brand, which is primarily what the company is but also what the company is striving to be.

18. With better information, better business decisions can be made. Employees need to understand the what and the why to be fully engaged.

19. Well-informed employees are more satisfied, more creative, more productive, and more committed.

20. A common trait among successful companies is open and honest communications with all their key audiences, especially their employees.
Ex.9 Translate the following texts from Russian into English and retell them.
Внутренние коммуникации — это любые коммуникации внутри организации. Они могут быть устными или письменными, непосредственными или виртуальными, личными или групповыми. Эффективные внутренние коммуникации всех направлений ‒ сверху вниз, снизу вверх и по горизонтали ‒ это одна из основных задач любой организации. Хорошая внутренняя коммуникация позволяет установить ролевые взаимодействия и распределить ответственность работников.

Коммуникацию часто определяют как обмен информацией. Это всегда диалог. Диалог, в котором может участвовать большое количество людей. В структуре организации требование двусторонней коммуникации означает способность менеджмента прислушиваться к работникам, и верно интерпретировать передаваемые им сообщения. Это позволяет определить сильные и слабые стороны производственного процесса, и соответственно корректировать управленческие решения.