Файл: Учебное пособие по английскому языку уровень с1 Под общей редакцией А. А. Тычинского Издательство мгимоуниверситет.docx

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Добавлен: 28.04.2024

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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

4. С целью создания и поддержания позитивного общественного мнения, обеспечения желаемого поведения общественности компании занимаются организацией многообразных мероприятий для журналистов.

5. Доход от продажи рекламы на сайте YouTube в этом году может вырасти на 50%. За этот год сайт намерен выручить за продажу рекламы не менее $5.6 миллиардов, считает агенство eMarketer.

6. Пресс-релиз необходим для оперативной передачи через СМИ информации о событиях.

7. В PR-коммуникации используются два типа заявлений для СМИ: во-первых, заявления,представляющие собой официальные правительственные сообщения; во-вторых, заявления субъектов PR.

8. Многие пресс-релизы оказываются не учтенными. Таким образом, “сильный” заголовок и начальный обзац крайне необходимы.

9. При определённой сноровке с написанием качественного текста копирайтеру придётся также изучить философию компании, её историю и задачи.

10. Средство массовой информации - средство распространения информации, характеризующееся обращенностью к массовой аудитории, общедоступностью.

Ex. 6. Render the following text:

Todays Most Important PR Skills.
Although public relations professionals have assumed new responsibilities, including SEO, social media and web analytics, the traditional skills of writing and media relations remain their core talents, one new survey finds.
When asked “Which PR skills are most important for advancement within your organization?” for the PR News’ 2015 Salary Survey, more PR and marketing executives (57.59 percent) cited written communications than any other skill. The next most important skills were content creation, (54.46 percent) and media relations (47.77 percent). Other important skills cited include verbal communications (23.21 percent), measurement (20 percent), and reputation management (32.59 percent).
While writing and media relations remain the foundations of PR, many experts believe PR pros are failing to keep pace with the fast-changing digital environment.
“In a media environment where constant change is the norm, and where the role of the PR professional continues to expand and evolve, ongoing professional development will be increasingly essential for PR pros across all levels of experience,” says Joe Cohen, national chair for Public Relations Society of America.
These are some of the most desirable new PR skills.
Web analytics. Web analytics can prove the value of PR campaigns. In-house PR personnel and agencies with access to clients’ analytics accounts can pinpoint where their work is showing positive results. The do-it-yourself (DIY) approach starts with Google Analytics, the most common web analytics program. Professionals can complete Google’s free online courses, set up an account for their own blog or website and simply explore the various sections of the analytics program.
Social media analytics. Most major social media networks offer analytics that deliver data about audiences and engagement levels. That data can help guide content marketing strategies and prompt ideas for media pitches. The analytics programs of individual social networks like Twitter and Facebook deliver detailed data and have no out-of-pocket costs. However, they do require significant amounts of staff time. The separate reports also fail to provide the insights and added value that the full-service monitoring and analytics services deliver by combining the data from all the social networks into a comprehensive and fully-integrated report. Even PR pros who use integrated analytics service must understand the statistical and analytic methodologies they use – and must learn to use the service’s online dashboard to gain real insight into PR results.

PR Measurement. The rise of “big data” has put a premium on analytical skills. For successful careers, PR pros must be able to organize, analyze and interpret numbers on search behaviors, engagement patterns and PR’s contribution to the corporate bottom line. That means being able to understand statistics and manipulate data in spreadsheets is critical. Outsourcing PR analytics to services that specialize in monitoring and measurement can be more effective and more cost-efficient than DIY approaches. Still, PR pros must understand statistical and reporting methodologies in order to extract full value from any analytics service.
Social media conversations. By participating in social media conversations, PR pros can better understand issues related to the organization, predict events and respond to crises. PR pros who can evaluate conversations and identify recurring issues through a social media dashboard add value to the organization and will have an advantage.
Ex. 7. Render the following text from Russian into English
Особую роль в PR-процессе играют средства массовой информации. В наши дни, в эпоху информационного общества, в достижении деловых целей особенно значим фактор благоприятного отношения общественности к продвигаемому объекту.

Выстраивание отношений со СМИ – вещь трудоемкая и требует ежедневного внимания. Формы, методы, приемы работы PR-агентов со СМИ хорошо известны – это создание информационных поводов, регулярное распространение пресс-релизов, приглашение журналистов на место события, организация и проведение пресс-конференций, конференций, пресс-туров, брифингов, «круглых столов», выставок, эксклюзивных интервью, подготовка материалов для размещения в теле-, радиоэфире, для публикаций в прессе. Однако всегда ли они приносят ожидаемый результат? Как определить успешность выбранного пути?

Конечно, существует определенный алгоритм работы со СМИ. Однако по-настоящему эффективным его использование будет только в случае исключительно творческого подхода к решению пиаровских задач. Вот формула качественного PR: мечтать и творить с оглядкой на свод правил, поскольку в основе качественного творчества должны лежать определенные теоретические знания.

Основа любой PR-кампании (и медиа-кампании в том числе) неизбежно состоит из одних и тех же звеньев: объекту необходимо донести до широкой аудитории информацию. Он может действовать самостоятельно или через посредника в лице PR-агентства. Которое, в свою очередь, адресует послание объекта через каналы передачи информации, то есть СМИ, целевой аудитории. Для того чтобы обращение объекта встретило на своем пути к зрителям и читателям как можно меньше преград, важно учитывать принцип сегментирования информации. Другими словами, послание должно быть составлено для конкретной аудитории, подготовлено специально для нее, проведено через адекватные каналы информации.

В самом общем виде технология любой PR-кампании укладывается в формулу RACE, где R – research (исследование: анализ и постановка задачи), А – action (действие: разработка программы), C – communication (составление информационной стратегии), E – evaluation (оценка: определение результатов, внесение корректив).

В России, как и во всем мире, более 65% предлагаемых PR-агентствами услуг связаны с производством и размещением в СМИ различных публикаций, обеспечением связей со СМИ и пресс-поддержкой различных акций и кампаний. Аксиома PR гласит: деятельность без освещения в прессе практически равна нулю. Работа со СМИ и через СМИ – повседневная практика большинства PR-агентств.
Ex. 8. Translate the following text from English into Russian and provide your feedback on the topic.

Must-have skills for a career in PR&.
A career in PR takes more than a good degree. To be successful you need to be an all-rounder with skills in everything from research and communication to writing and creativity. Here are the top five skills the sector favours:

1. Communication skills

Most importantly, if you're considering a PR career you will have to be a good communicator. You will not only need to be a confident speaker, but an excellent listener too. This doesn't necessarily mean you will have studied for an English or foreign language degree, you could be a scientist or technologist who has a great knack for explaining complex concepts.

A PR professional has to be sensitive to subtle nuances in language and culture because the job will involve communicating with a range of people across different mediums (social media, in person, on the telephone and in writing) across different territories. You will need to be able to appreciate other people's priorities and pressures.

2. Research skills

A PR person needs to be a good researcher in order to communicate accurately and authoritatively on a subject, so science or history graduates, for example, would be well-placed to deliver on this skill. You will have to keep track of fast-paced markets and be knowledgeable about your clients and their needs. You must keep up-to-speed with current affairs and enjoy learning about new markets. If you are naturally inquisitive, you'll enjoy the research aspect of PR.

3. Writing skills

You will be expected to write engaging content for clients, whether that's a guest article in a magazine, a case study or a press release. Graduates who have an excellent grasp of grammar and experience of writing a range of content – from essays to presentations and briefings – will be able to hit the ground running.
You'll also need to have good attention to detail, which not only comes in handy when writing, but also proofing other people's work. This is a vital skill to have, particularly under pressure, and it underpins good writing, research and communication.

4. International mindset

There has been an increased demand for language skills because of the globalisation of business. For instance, a UK client may lack the budget for a large PR programme on the ground in a foreign market, but has an immediate need for engaging content in that language on their website or blog. So the more languages a PR professional has under their belt, the greater their opportunity for international postings and new business.
There is plenty of scope for graduates who are fluent in foreign languages to write foreign-language content and research industry news, not to mention the option for sabbaticals or exchanges with other offices.

5. Creativity

A career in PR will present you with countless opportunities to be creative, not only in terms of writing, but also in coming up with new ways to promote businesses and approaching new clients. PR is a profession which constantly calls for fresh ideas and lateral thinking, so having a creative streak can be a crucial skill to bring you to career success.

Ex. 9. Give the written summary of the topic “PR Media Skills” (320-350 words)
Ex. 10. Speculate on the following issues of the topic “PR Media Skills”:

  1. Public relations professionals are known for their perseverance in pitching the media and the ability to build relationships. What are the important KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) you need to be successful in PR?

  2. The importance of press releases in media relations work.

  3. To drive the best bargain in the information marketplace you need a thorough knowledge of how it operates. To what extent do you agree with the statement?

Chapter 13. Event Management

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What activities does Event Management comprise?

  2. What skills are essential for an event manager?

  3. How do you set about planning an event?

  4. Why is it important to have an event strategy?

  5. What does your event strategy depend on?

  6. In what parts can you break down your event planning?

  7. How can we stay on budget when running an event?

  8. Why is having an event checklist important?

  9. How can we facilitate socializing and put our guests at their ease?

  10. What sort of questions are better avoided at social events? Why?

Ex.2. Match the words with definitions.

1. facet

a. smth that you do which gives you a disadvantage and helps smb else, even if this is the opposite of what you intended

2. budgeting

b. frightening, scary

3. reiterate

c. not having enough money to pay for necessities

4. secure media coverage

d. to attract smb, especially to draw smb’s attention away from smth

5. an own goal

e. a bag of small presents that is given to guests at events

6. lure sb away

f. creating a financial plan that lists expected expenses and income during a particular period

7. in straitened circumstances

g. not to be changed

8. generate counterproductive publicity

h. to think that a problem or a situation is caused by a particular thing

9. daunting

i. one of the parts or features of something

10. goody bag

j. when reports about an event appear in a lot of media sources

11. dignitary

k. to make sure reports about smth appear in the press

12. receive extensive press coverage

l. to cause publicity that thwarts the achievement of intended goals

13. pro forma

m. all the signs that advertise a product or a store, etc.

14. from the outset

n. to say something again

15. signage

o. to improve relationships between people who are very different or do not like each other

16. rostrum

p. describing financial results that are not final but give an overall idea of what is expected before the real results are known

17. hard and fast (rules)

q. a podium

18. build bridges

r. to start doing smth, usually forcefully or aggressively

19. put smth down to

s. a person holding an important position in a society

20. pitch into

t. from the very beginning