Файл: Практическая работа по курсу Иностранный язык (английский) Корниенко В. С. студентка четвертого курса заочной формы обучения.docx

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14) пожилые люди - elderly people

15) инсульт - stroke

16) волчья пасть - a wolf's mouth

17) выполнять индивидуальные или групповые программы - perform individual or group programs

18) работать на контрактной основе - work on a contract basis

  1. Match the following synonyms:

1) broad - c) wide

2) extent - b)size

3) carry out - g) fulfill

4) capability - e) ability

5) counsel - a) consult

6) inappropriate – f) therapist

7)speech pathologist - i) speech

8) healthcare - h)medical

9) harsh - j) rough

10) finish - d) end

  1. Match the parts of the phrase (sometimes more than one choice is possible).

1) to determine treatment options

2) to identify treatment options

3) carry out an individualized treatment plan

4) to make sounds

5) to cope with communication disorders

6) keep the record

7) to provide counseling

8) to work with communication disorders

9) to complete basic reading and vocalizing tasks

10) to teach methods to patients

8. Match the word and its meaning:

  1. Facilities

2)speech therapist - f) someone who educated in the study of human communication, its development, and its disorders

3) capability - b) the power or ability to do something

4) carry out – i) cause (something) to occur in a particular way; be the decisive factor in

5) evaluate - h) form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess

6)strengthen - c) make or become stronger

7) determine - g) do a threat, task, or instruction or act according to it

8) to work full time - j) to work a minimum number of hours defined as such by their employer

9) fluency – a) the ability to express oneself easily and articulately c) make or become stronger

10) record - d) set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference, esp. officially

  1. Fill the blanks with the words from word list:

1. Speech language pathologist and audiologists provide assessment, counselling, follow-up and technical support to the deaf and hard of hearing.

2. The proposed assessment would determine the state of knowledge.

3. On the basis of this growth, up to 500 capability were created or renewed.

4. These factors help carry out the type of punishment or disciplinary measure.

5. We have recognized that more healthcare facility necessarily prompts more responsibility.

6. It will strengthen partnerships with like-minded organizations.

7. Some vacancies require fluency in a second language.

8. I've bound this small leather journal so we can evaluate our impressions as we go.

9. Most women would prefer to work full time so as to earn enough money to be able to pay for child care.

10. We all have certain duties and jobs to carry out.

  1. Look at the steps of becoming a speech language pathologist in the USA. Compare them with the situation in your country and make up your own detailed strategy

10. Посмотрите на этапы становления логопеда в США.

Сравните их с ситуацией в вашей стране и составьте свою собственную подробную
