Файл: General notes on style and stylistics.docx

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Talent Mr. Micawber has; capital Mr. Micawber has not (Ch. Dickens).

Rude am I in my speech... ( W.Shakespeare).

Of his own class he saw nothing (J. London).

Detachment разделение is a stylistic device based on singling out structurally and semantically a secondary member of the sentence with the help of punctuation: dashes, commas or even a full stop. When placed in a certain syntactic position, a detached sentence component may seem formally independent of the words it refers to, though the word order may not be violated and semantic connections between the elements remain strong:

He had been nearly killed, ingloriously, in a jeep accident (I. Show).

I have to beg you for money. Daily (S. Lewis).

There was a world of anticipation in her voice and of confidence too, as she walked past me on to the terrace (D. du Maurier).

Stylistic function of detachment is determined by the syntactic role of the isolated element, its place in the sentence, general linguistic and stylistic context of the utterance.

+Detachment is aimed at foregrounding of the isolated sentence element which according to author’s standpoint acquires greater emotional or logical importance. Detachment is used in descriptive and narrative discourses in order to make a written text akin to the spoken one, live and emotionally charged.

17. SDs based on the transposition of sentence meaning.

Rhetoric question is an emotional statement or negation expressed in the form of a question. Rhetoric question does not require any answer or demand any information but is used to emphasize the idea, to render speaker’s emotions or to call the attention of the listener (reader) to the focus of the utterance.

In fact the communicative function of a rhetoric question is not to ask for unknown but to involve the readers into the discussion or emotional experience, give them a clue and make them to arrive at the conclusion themselves.

How can what an Englishmen believes be a heresy? It is a contradiction in terms (B. Show).

Rhetoric questions make an indispensable part of emotive prose, poetry and oratorical and publicistic style. They elevate the style of the utterance, serve as powerful means of emotional inducement, or on the contrary are effective tools of irony, sarcasm and derision.

Alongside with rhetoric questions there are other types of the sentence meaning transposition. In colloquial style exclamations, orders, requests, etc. can be shaped as emphatic questions. Thus such utterances as

Aren’t you ashamed of yourself!

Wasn’t it a marvelous trip!

I wonder whether you would mind opening the door?

What on earth are you doing?

And that’s supposed to be cultured?

18. The notion of style in functional stylistics.

Different definitions of ‘style’

Style is a variety of the national language traditionally used in one of the socially identifiable spheres of life that is characterized by a particular set of linguistic features, including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Social and regional varieties, colloquial, dialectal, uneducated, etc.

Style is generally accepted linguistic identity of oral and written units of discourse, such as public speech, lecture, a friendly letter, a newspaper article, etc. Such units demonstrate style in the arrangement of linguistic means, composition of a speech act that creates a category of text marked by oratory, scientific, familiar or publicist style.

Style is individual manner of expression determined by personal factors, such as educational background, professional expression, sense of humor, etc.
19. Correlation of style, norm and function in the language.

20. Language varieties: regional, social, occupational.