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Добавлен: 06.02.2024

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National character is a stable characteristic of the representatives of the nation, as well as explaining their actions and mentality. these are features of temperament, expression of emotions, feelings; common habits, traditions, stereotypes; features and specifics of behavior; values; needs and tastes; rituals.

1. How far factors like climate, the geography of a country, its history, religion(s), system of government, etc. affect national character? Give examples. The national character is strongly influenced by many factors, such as climate, geographical location of the country and history. Scientists have found that residents of warm southern countries are more friendly, hospitable and sociable. Northerners, on the contrary, are more reserved and indifferent. Besides, mountain habitant, for example, Caucasians are widely known for their emotionality, expressiveness, and sometimes short temper. Residents of northern countries and cities are not so emotional. Besides, the national character is influenced by the history of the country. The traditions and customs of each nation are a historical mark on the culture of the country. For example, such Christmas customs as kolyada and fortune characterize the Russian national character

2. What is your own national character as you think foreigners see you? Describe this “foreign” view of your nation and say why you agree or disagree with it. The Russian national character has many distinctive features. First of all, Russians are very hospitable, they are always happy to have guests; in Russia it is normal to come to visit to drink tea without invitation and warning. And the hosts will put the best treats on the table. Russians are also known for their patriotism and unity. Russians have been standing up for their homeland for a long time, and united in difficult times, Russian people are like a big family, helping each other and supporting each other in difficult times. Foreigners, on the other hand, represent Russians as sullen, stubborn, unpositive and crazy people who do not comply with the laws. But they always talk about Russian hospitality. For example, international competitions such as the Olympic Games in Sochi, the World Cup have shown Russian hospitality and breadth of soul.

3. Do the well-established stereotypes prevent or facilitate international communication? On the one hand, stereotypes can interfere with cross-cultural communication, because some stereotypes can be false, distort information. But on the other hand, national stereotypes help to adapt to the behavior of representatives of the nation, help person to feel comfortable in a new environment. For example, the stereotype that the British are punctual gives advice not to be late for meetings.

4. How do the Mass Media (TV, Internet, newspapers, magazines, etc.) form a certain image of a nation? The mass media have a strong influence on the adult population of each country. Мany people do not pay attention to the fact that information sources can be fake and believe even in absurd information. But modern youth and teenagers have learned to filter information from the Internet, so they usually trust real stories from their friends and acquaintances. Based on them, they judge the modern world and reality and this is really the right approach.

5. Do Internet bloggers blur the boundaries of the cultural norms of different nations? Bloggers really blur the boundaries of cultural norms, sometimes their behavior and words can be offensive to representatives of different nations. Sometimes bloggers forget that their viewers are the entire world community, everyone has different cultural values. I think bloggers should take this into account in their content and think about their actions and behavior more seriously.

6. Do we still have this cultural division as „West vs. East‟ in the XXI century? The West-East division still exists in the 21st century. But this problem is not relevant in modern world. Scientists are much less likely to use these notions in their research. But do not forget that the eastern culture develops linearly upwards, and the western one jumps, each time zeroing out the previous values.

7. Can one nation exert a considerable impact on the traditions, the customs and the rituals of other nations? The main reasons: wars, feud, annexation of land, trade, diplomacy, international cultural events, etc. Give examples. There are situations when one nation influences the culture, traditions and customs of another nation, for example, conquest and invasion of foreign lands can lead to the disappearance of certain traditions or to borrowing them from another culture. Some cultural rituals may change under the influence of another nation. This is due to the fact that with cross-cultural interaction, representatives of nations begin to constantly communicate and thus there is a fusion of cultures. Trade, diplomatic relations, and international cultural events have a similar effect, in the process of communication; representatives of the nation can borrow from each other some elements of culture.

8. How can the cultural norms be gradually transferred from generation to generation? (Oral folk art, a national language, proverbs and sayings, national costumes, national cuisine, rites and ceremonies, etc.). Give examples. It is very important to preserve the cultural values of the nation and pass them on to another generation. For example, from childhood it is necessary to immerse the child in the traditions and customs of his people, to tell him folk tales, proverbs and sayings. In order to preserve cultural identity in Russia, you need to go to certain events where traditions and customs are widely covered, for example, Maslenitsa, New Year's holidays, Easter and Christmas celebrations. We also have wedding traditions, customs related to the birth of a child and many others. But unfortunately they are disappearing and are no so popular not only in cities, but also in villages. I think this is wrong, because by losing traditions, a nation loses its individuality. Modern children do not even know Russian folk tales, do not know about Christmas and Easter traditions, do not burn an effigy on Maslenitsa, and this is very sad. I believe that parents and the country should pay more attention to traditions and customs, maybe even introduce stories about rituals into the programs of schools and kindergartens.

- взаимопроникновение культур – interpenetration of cultures/ cross-cultural interaction

- культурное своеобразие – cultural identity/specificity

- культурная разобщенность – cultural fragmentation/disunity

- характерные черты русского характера – characteristic features of Russians

бесстрашие – fearlessness удаль – prowess

широта души – breadth of soul humility – смирение

способность к сопереживанию – capacity for empathy

- культурологические исследования – cultural studies

- совершить религиозный обряд – to perform a religious rite

- расшифровать культурный код – decipher/decode the cultural code

- объекты культурного наследия – cultural heritage sites

- этническая обособленность - ethnic isolation

- христианская реликвия – Christian relic

- национальная святыня – national shrine

- самобытность культур - cultural identity

- проводить археологические раскопки – to conduct archaeological excavations

- самоопределение народов – national self-determination

- коренные малочисленные народы – indigenous minorities


Sport is a very important part of everyone's life. Some people do sports for their soul and health, and some people build their career on sports. There are many different kinds of sports - summer and winter. Professional athletes strive for world Championships and Olympic games. This is their main dream - to be an Olympic champion. Therefore, they are carefully preparing for this event. In addition, the Championships and Olympic games are an important event for sports viewers, they are very much waiting for this event to cheer for their favorite athletes and their country.

1. What are the most popular sports in your country? I think that the most popular summer sports in our country are football and volleyball. Football is popular not only in Russia, but all over the world. In our country, a lot of people like not only to watch football matches on TV, but also to play this game. Almost every child since childhood plays this game, then some start playing football professional. This sport is very popular and viewed despite the fact that our country has not the best results. Ice hockey and figure skating are the most popular winter sports. Hockey has been very popular in Russia for many years. Many people watch it and our country has good results, often wins Championships and takes prizes. Our team is one of the best in the world. Figure skating is also very popular and we have good results in it, but this sport is more popular with girls.

2. What are the most important sporting events in your country? The most important sporting events in Russia are the Russian Championships and various Russian cups. These events are held every year, they are very important for every athlete to prove themselves and be selected for the national team. Therefore, all young athletes prepare very carefully for these competitions. Such competitions are held in all sports, they determine the best athletes in Russia from different regions. This is similar to the Olympic Games. But only these competitions are not between countries but between regions of Russia.

3. What was a local sporting event that you had attended? I didn't attend any sports events in Ulyanovsk, but I did attend some sports meetings in Surskoye. We have a football and hockey team, and every year there are matches with teams from other districts (for example, Karsunsky) on the football field or on the hockey field. I attended matches with my friends to cheer for our team, for friends who play there. Such competitions give a lot of emotions and it is very fun and interesting to attend such events.

4. Who are the greatest sports heroes in your country? What have they done? There are a lot of famous athletes-heroes in Russia. Among them are a lot of skaters who have become multiple world Champions and have made our country famous - Irina Rodnina, Yevgeny Plushenko, Tatyana Navka, Alina Zagitova, Alexandra Trusova and others. They are multiple world champions and Olympic champions. Alexandra Trusova at the age of 16 for the first time made 5 quadruple jumps in one program at the Olympic Games. Vladislav Tretyak is also a very famous hockey player, he was one of the best goalkeepers in the world, and Valery Kharlamov is the best forward in the hockey team. I also know Elena Isinbayeva, who was involved in athletics and set a world record for the high jump.

5. Did you enjoy sport (school subject: Physical Training) at school? Did you have any sports clubs at school (basketball, volleyball, Greco-Roman / freestyle wrestling, tennis, judo, karate, etc.)? Yes, I really loved physical training at school; it was 3 times a week. In physical education, we often played basketball and volleyball. We had many different sports clubs. These are clubs for volleyball, basketball, table tennis, and we also had a gym. These sports clubs consists of teams of girls and boys by age, which represented our school at district sports competitions. I didn't go to our school's sports clubs. I was on the school table tennis team and we often went to the district competitions with our team and won prizes. I devoted a lot of time to this game, my friends and I played tennis at the breaks, after lessons and in sport-club courses.

6. Are you very competitive when you play team games? Is sport a good way to bring up strength of will, to develop composure and self-discipline, to nurture willto-win spirit?
Team games raise the spirit of competition, when you work in a team; you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for each player. Also, sport brings up willpower and develops self-discipline. If you want to achieve high results, you must constantly practice, attend training sessions and not be lazy. Therefore, it is very important for an athlete to be responsible and cool-headed, work hard and not be afraid of difficulties.

7. Have you taken up a new sport recently? Have you ever had to give up a sport for any reason? Unfortunately, I had to quit table tennis in the 9th grade due to leg surgery. I walked on crutches for a year and then recovered for six months. Because of this, I could not train and play. Then I sometimes played tennis, but only for fun with old friends. I'm not playing right now, because I don't have interest anymore.

8. Can you explain the meaning of the following proverbs:

A sound mind in a sound body: if a person does sports, then he will be healthy, because he eats right, leads an active lifestyle and strengthens the immune system.

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile: During the day our body needs a lot of energy to work and therefore it is necessary to save it, and at night it is harmful to eat and it is useful to walk before rest, so you can walk and spend calories. In addition, walking before going to bed is very useful.

In sports and journeys men are known: I think this proverb says that both in sports and in travel, men were the founders and leaders, and only then women came to these fields.

- боксерские перчатки/боксѐрская «груша» - boxing-gloves/punching bag

- хоккейная клюшка/шайба – hockey stick/hockey puck

- лыжные ботинки/палки – ski boots/ski poles

- легкая / тяжелая атлетика – atheletics/weightlifting

- метание копья – the javelin

- бег с препятствиями – steeplechase

- прыжки с шестом – pole-jumping

- турниры Большого шлема – GSB (Grand Slam tournaments)

- подтягивания на перекладине, приседания – pull-ups, squats

- конькобежец на длинные дистанции – long-distance skater

- бейсбольная бита – baseball bat

- чемпионат мира по футболу – World Football Championship

- отжимание на руках – press-up

- греко-римская / вольная борьба – Greco-Roman wrestling, catch style/freestyle wrestling

- рукопашный бой – hand-to-hand combat


Public transport refers to the forms of transport that are available to the public. Examples include buses, trains, trams etc. Public transport helps people who do not have their own transport to move around the city or country.

1. What do you think about public transport in our city? There are many problems with public transport in our city. People have to wait for buses at bus stops for a very long time. There are a lot of people on buses and trams during rush hour and sometimes drivers don't stop at the bus stations. Some parts of the city cannot be reached directly. It is also very difficult to leave for the left bank of the city. Sometimes buses have to wait an hour.

2. What are the possible ways to improve transport infrastructure in our city (specialized transport to the Special Industrial Zone companies („Bridgestone‟,„Nemak‟, „Schaeffler‟, „DMG Mori‟, etc.); more comfortable microbuses to transfer people from different villages and small towns to the city center, etc.)? I think it is possible to improve the transport infrastructure by adding new routes for buses and increasing the number of public transport. If there were more comfortable buses for workers of industrial enterprises and movement around the city and the region, then people would have much less problems with transport. Also it is necessary to add bus stations in the new areas of the city, because it is difficult for habitants of Юго-Запад and Новая Жизнь areas to move around the city.

3. Are the training courses aimed at obtaining the driving license useful and informative? Do they deal with the technical characteristics, the current system of administrative fines and the drivers‟ actions in case of an accident? The system of driving system courses is not perfect. Most of the classes are useless. Instructors do not pay attention to the abilities of students and just ride along the same routes. I think instructors should spend more time working out the elements, if necessary, or conduct classes around the city. It all depends on the abilities of the students. So far, the driving training system has many disadvantages and people come out of these courses unprepared to drive around the city.

4. Does modern transport do any harm to the environment? Cars are one of the most powerful sources of pollution; the number of vehicles is growing every day. Every family strives to buy a car, and some families have two or more cars. Sometimes even successful people buy several cars. Therefore, the pollution of the environment by cars is a serious environmental problem. Scientists are trying to solve this problem; they invent electric cars and think about creating alternative fuels that are not harmful to the ecology of the world. But all this is very expensive and is not yet available for people.

5. Train fares are more expensive than bus fares. Is this statement true in Russia? As far as I know, it is more expensive to travel by train than by bus. This is due to the fact that the train provides more opportunities for a comfortable journey. Travelling somewhere for more than 5 hours by bus is very difficult, the body gets tired. On the train, you can relax, plus it is more convenient to eat there, and there is an opportunity to buy a ticket with a more comfortable place where you can travel in a cabin for four people. In addition, over the past ten years, many new features have appeared in the arrivals, you can charge your phone, take a shower, the cars are equipped with Internet. This explains the higher price of train tickets.