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Добавлен: 06.02.2024

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6. Do drivers usually stop for pedestrians at pedestrian crossings? Drivers always give way to pedestrians. In Ulyanovsk, drivers pay great attention to this rule, although they often violate traffic rules. But sometimes there are cases when the driver may not give way, so you need to be very careful before crossing the road. Sometimes there are situations when a driver may not see a pedestrian at night or in an unfamiliar city may not notice a pedestrian crossing. All this provokes the occurrence of accidents.

7. What is a speed limit on motorways in Russia? The speed limit on the motorway in Russia is 110 km an hour.

8. How many lanes do motorways usually have? The motorway usually has 2 lanes in one direction and two in the other. This is done because the highway is a road for high-speed car traffic. Motorways do not have crossroads with other paths, all roads are located at different levels.

- ограничение скорости – speed limit

- бензозаправочная станция – petrol station

- пешеходный переход – pedestrian crossing/crosswalk

- превышать скоростной режим – break the speed limit

- хвост из машин (затор на дороге) – traffic jam

- перекрѐсток – crossroad

- нажимать на тормоз – to pump the brakes

- совершать обгон – to overtake

- предотвращать ДТП – prevent accidents

- скорый поезд – express train

- пассажирский поезд с многочисленными остановками – long-distance train

- плата за проезд в поезде – passenger fare

- светофор – traffic light

- дорожные знаки – road signs

- рулевое колесо – steering wheel


Cinema plays an important role in the life of society. The cinema has become the part of the modern way of life. The cinema is an excellent vehicle of culture. Its possibilities are unlimited. It is n important part of modern art. And we can’t imagine our life without movies.

1. Do you like going to the cinema? What sort of films do you enjoy most? Do you go because of the film stars or the kind / the plot of a film? I'm not a movie fan, but I go to the cinema with the companies of people close to me to spend time and forget about the routine. Usually I can't watch movies attentively, it's boring for me, I can't do one thing for a long time. Therefore, after an hour it becomes not interesting to me and I get distracted by the phone and lose the meaning of the plot. I usually don't watch movies, but turn them on in the background when I'm doing something, like cooking or cleaning. Therefore, I prefer light genres of films, such as sitcoms, comedies and others.

2. Should films be censored (i.e. should someone decide that you can / can’t watch certain films)? What sort of film do you never want to see? I believe that censorship is mandatory for children, because some films can have a bad effect on their psyche and character formation. Parents should control what their children are watching. There are a lot of programs, films and series on web sites, Internet sites and on TV that are difficult to perceive not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, it is very important to censor some materials. I don't like horror movies, where they can show all sorts of vile footage, as well as films with murders and operations. it is difficult for me to emotionally perceive such pictures, they disgust me.

3. Imagine you are a film director – can you think of a great film that no one has made yet? Now there are so many films on a variety of topics that I don't think I could come up with something unique and new. I think that really talented and experienced directors who have shot many cult films such as Titanic, Lara Croft, Irony of Fate and others are capable of this. Now all genres of films are popular, but films and TV series about values, historical events or about the lives of famous personalities are becoming increasingly popular. I really like films as The Upward Movement, Legend number 17, White Snow, the Red Queen, the ВЕЛИКАЯ (about the Empress Katherine), the Queen's Move and others. I would really like to try to make a film about the life of some famous person and about his path to success, maybe about the life of some Russian athlete, like Shipulin or Trusova.

4. Do you know any famous Russian and foreign film directors? (Leonid Gaidai, Sergei Bondarchuk, Andrei Tarkovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, Federico Fellini, Quentin Tarantino, Guy Ritchie, etc.). I know these directors, they have made many famous films. For example, Gaidai is the most famous Soviet director, who shot many famous comedies like the adventures of Shurik, gentlemen of fortune and самогонщики. Now the most outstanding Russian director is Mikhalkov, he makes cult films that are gaining great popularity. Among them are upward movement, legend number 17, Streltsov and many others. Also, everyone knows such foreign directors as Federico Fellini, Steven Spielberg, David Fincher. Their work has Oscars and Golden Globes.

5. Do you always agree with a film director who undertakes casting and chooses this or that actor for a role? I think the directors are very professional and know their work well. They play an important role in the creation of the film, so they see the image of the heroes of their films well. Therefore, when choosing actors for a role in a film, they take into account the appearance, character and filmography of the actors. Usually the director's choice is the only right and appropriate one, and in the process of watching the film, the viewer understands this.

6. Is it difficult to combine at the same time two spheres of activity: working in a theater and being in the movies? I think it's very difficult. But many celebrities do it. Shooting a film is a very long and difficult process, it takes a lot of time and effort, very often, actors have to play one scene several times, because the director requires it. Aspiring actors usually either play in the cinema or in the theater. Most often they start with the performance of secondary roles, then the actors are offered the starring roles, and then they decide to do a more serious kind of art and go to the theater. Theatrical art also requires serious work; these are numerous rehearsals, performances and tours. It is very difficult to combine these two types of activities, only professionals are capable of this, and most often in the end they choose one of the spheres.

7. Some actors refuse to play in the melodramatic series and wait for the main role or the secondary role in some large historical dramas. Is that the right decision? I think they can be understood. Many actors consider melodramas unserious kind of cinema. But I think that at the beginning of your career you need to take every chance and try yourself in different genres of cinema. This will help you find yourself and choose the right field of the film industry. Sometimes actors say that they thought they would be successful in historical films, but they succeeded in comedies. There are many examples, when you give up roles, you can remain unknown forever and miss the opportunity to become popular.

8. Who is your favorite actor / actress? What is his / her most prominent role? I can't choose my favorite actor or actress, because I don't really like movies, but I still like Angelina Jolie from foreign actresses, she is not only a talented actress, but also a good person. Besides films shooting she has been engaged in charity work for a long time and helps children. Among the Russian stars is Sergey Burunov, I think he is a very talented and interesting person. He acts in different genres of films and plays well, but he is also an actor dubbing foreign films and does it wonderfully.

- крупный план – close-up

- дублированный фильм – dubbed movie

- полнометражный / короткометражный фильм – feature/short film

- экранизация романа – film adaptation of the novel

- снимать кино – filmmaking

- режиссер – director/producer оператор - operator дизайнер по костюмам – costume designer

- кинотеатр под открытым небом – open-air cinema

- киносценарий – screenplay/movie script

- звуковые эффекты – sound effects

- главная роль / роль второго плана – starring/secondary role

- касса в кинотеатре – cinema box office

- немое кино – silent movie

- черно-белый / цветной фильм – black-and-white/colour film

- остросюжетный фильм - thriller

- боевик – action film фильм ужасов – horror film

- научно-фантастический фильм – science fiction film


People like travelling. It broadens the mind and makes people happy. They make new friends. Learn more about foreign cultures and visit different places of interest. Nowadays it is popular to travel around the world. Some people visit many countries and almost all continents. It allows people to gain wonderful and unique experience.

1. Is tourism a good thing for a country? Tourism brings a lot of benefits to the state. Firstly, it is a good source of income. People really like to travel and relax. They visit different countries and cities, museums, excursions, rent apartments, all this is a source of income in the state. Therefore, tourism encourages the state to invest in the infrastructure of certain regions, to control the ecology, the appearance of the city. Special attention is paid to historical sites. They need to be kept in good condition, restored. But there are also disadvantages of tourism, for example, tourists can harm the environment, prices are very high in tourist places, because of this it is more difficult for the indigenous population to live there.

2. Why do foreign tourists visit Russia? Russia is a very big country, there is a large selection of places that tourists can visit. But the most popular tourist destinations are Moscow and St. Petersburg. Tourists visit these cities to enjoy the architecture, in Moscow they must visit the Red Square and numerous temples, in St. Petersburg there are drawbridges, numerous museums and architectural structures, and boat trips along the Neva River are also popular. Tourists in Russia like low prices, colorful characters, unusual cuisine (dumplings, Russian soups, Caucasian cuisine) and architecture. Also, tourists often visit Baikal, the Caucasus, Kazan becomes a popular tourist city. All these places are very beautiful and picturesque.

3. Where do most tourists come from? Most often, tourists from Asian countries, from India, Turkey, China, the United Arab Emirates, Israel visit Russia, but there are also many European people (Germans, French, Italians). They are attracted by the peculiarities of Russian national culture, low prices. Often they go to Russia thinking that bears walk the streets, and the people here are very angry. But they meet here with responsive and hospitable people and enjoy the rest. Also, tourists always want to take away from Russia souvenirs such as matryoshka, balalaika and vodka.

4. Do tourists from Russia visit other countries? Which destinations are popular? Russians really like to travel. Most often they prefer warm countries with the sea or ocean. People prefer Turkey, Thailand, Egypt, the Dominican Republic and the Emirates because Russian resorts are very expensive. But tourists often visit foreign countries to enjoy a cultural program, visit museums, historical sites. In such cases, they often choose Greece, Italy, France, Spain and other countries.

5. Do tourists usually browse different web-sites to get acquainted with the country to be visited (historical places, cultural sights, traditions, customs, rituals, weather forecast) before leaving home?
It depends on the purpose for which people go on vacation. I don't like just going to the sea and sunbathing, I like to visit interesting places, museums and galleries, go on excursions. I prefer active recreation. Therefore, before visiting city or country, I study its culture, see what sights there are. I like to plan every day of my vacation, so I always visit information web-sites. But there are people who go on vacation to do nothing, they prefer to sunbath and swim. They only need good weather and a convenient location of their apartment.

6. Why do people travel? People travel to take a break from work and routine, expand their horizons, find new friends, and enjoy the beauty of new places. They also like to visit museums and attractions. All this brings a person new emotions and gives vivid memories.

7. Do tourists really see a true picture of the country they visit? I think that it is impossible to see the true picture of the country for a short trip. Of course, people do not adapt to tourists and live an ordinary life. I believe that tourists adapt to the national culture of the country they visit. But I believe that life is different in tourist cities and the people there are a little different from the residents of ordinary cities, so the picture of the country is not completely true.

8. Imagine that you are a member of “the greens” (for example “Greenpeace”, “Friends of the Earth”, “The Nature Conservancy”, “World Wildlife Fund”, etc.). What are your measures to reduce the dangers of global warming (= an increase in temperature because of increased carbon dioxide around the earth)? I would suggest limiting the use of unnecessary electrical devices, reducing electricity consumption by replacing it with solar or wind batteries where possible. I would also suggest developing biofuels that will do less harm to environment, or to start using electric cars. It would also be worth banning deforestation and planting more trees. It is also necessary paying special attention to filters on factories that heavily pollute the environment. We must introduce a single filter standard and legalize large penalties for violating this requirement.
- загрязнение окружающей среды – environmental pollution

- полезные ископаемые – natural resources

каменный уголь – coal торф – peat

железная руда – iron ore нефть – oil/petrol

олово – tin никель – nickel

- истощение природных ресурсов – natural resource depletion

- млекопитающие, находящиеся под угрозой вымирания - endangered mammals

- нарушать биологическое равновесие – disrupt the biological balance

- ураган / смерч – hurricane / tornado

- землетрясение – Earthquake

- наводнение – flood

- засуха – drought

- высокая концентрация дыма в воздухе – strong smoke concentration in the air

- ультрафиолетовые лучи – ultraviolet rays

- плотность воздуха – air density

- озоновая дыра – the ozone hole

- парниковый эффект – greenhouse effect

- неполное сгорание топлива – incomplete combustion of fuel.


One of the most valuable things in life is friendship. It is extremely important for people to have someone, who they can trust. It isn’t difficult to find friends, but not everyone can stay for a lifelong period. We can meet many people who will pretend to be our friends, but after all the true friends don’t leave or betray. Every person should have friends, because with them, our life becomes much easier and happier.

1. Why are friends important? Can you live without friends? Friends are important people in everyone's life. Friends are our like-minded people, we can spend our free time together, help and support in difficult moments. Sometimes friends help us get better. It’s very difficult for me without friends, I can't be alone. Communication is very important to me, I like to discuss different topics with them and spend time with them. sometimes we study together, do some projects, do sports. Friends can keep you company in any situation.

2. Is it better to have a lot of friends or a special one? I believe that there are very few real friends. And of course it is better to have a few close and real friends with whom you spend a lot of time and who will always help you, support you. You can rarely see each other, but always be together and help each other. I have a lot of friends, but they are not so close to tell them my problems and joyful moments with them. I have a close friend, and we have been communicating since birth, we know everything about each other and for me she is like a sister, although we meet very rarely.

3. What is the best thing about a friend? I believe that if you have a real friend, this is already the best thing in the world. He is always glad to see you, he loves you, helps, supports, does not envy, but simply lives happy moments with you, and sometimes helps to survive difficult ones. A friend is a person who will always be there, not for his own benefit, but simply because he loves and appreciates you.

4. Find different ways to end the sentence: A true friend… a true friend is someone who will always be with you, a person who will support you in difficult times. A true friend is like a family member; he always loves and understands you. A true friend is a person who will help you make a difficult decision and will never cause harm.

5. Comment on the following proverbs:

- „A friend is someone who comes in when others go out‟. A true friend is someone who comes when others leave." this expression speaks of a real friend because this is the person who will help when everyone refuses to support you and solve your problems. Friends can leave you because of gossip or some situation, and only a real friend will stay with you.

- „A friend in need is a friend indeed‟. I agree with this expression, because only a true friend will help you in difficult moments. Other people are with you only when everything is fine, when you have a lot of money and you are successful. But when you have some serious problems, they all forget about you.