ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 06.02.2024

Просмотров: 22

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7. Will the advertising campaign be different in 50 - 100 years (new electronic technologies, digital trails, short advertisement films directed by famous filmmakers, different discount programs for senior citizens, young women on maternity leave, single parents, disabled, poor, etc.)? Of course, in 50 or even 100 years, the world will be completely different and advertising will also change. I am sure that nanotechnology will appear; managers will come up with new advertising products and services. The market is constantly developing and advertising will also be improved. I hope that advertising will be even better and more effective, because it promotes products not only on the Russian but also on the international market.

8. Is any good supposed to be advertised? I'm not the kind of person who can advertise products. I wouldn't be able to work as a manager and advertise any goods which I don't use. I can advise things to my friends or family members, but firstly I have to be sure that they are good. There are people who have a talent for advertising, they can sell anything just by talking about it and get a lot of money for it. But it's not about me.
- рекламный ролик – commercial/promotional video

- рекламодатель – advertiser

- привлекать внимание потенциальных покупателей

- убеждать потребителей – attract the attention of potential buyers

- рекламный щит-растяжка – an advertisement banner

- инструмент маркетинга – marketing tool

- гибкая система скидок – flexible discount system

- программа по покупке нового товара с зачетом стоимости «старого» товара – trade in

- программа по возврату наличных – cashback

- смета расходов на рекламу – advertising budget

- оборот рекламной кампании – advertising campaign turnover

- объявление на пищевой упаковке – food package announcement

- опрос общественного мнения – public opinion poll

- рекламный проспект – information sheet

- наружная реклама – external/outdoor advertising


Work is an integral part of our life. Without work people get bored and insecure. Money is not the only reason why people work. There is an opinion that work should bring pleasure. And I agree with this opinion. If you love your job, then you have great career opportunities.

1. What jobs are in high demand in Russia? Different types of work are popular in Russia. For example, there is a high demand for IT specialists, doctors and engineers in the labor market. We also need simple workers, such as bricklayers, house painters, builders and carpeteners. Also professions related to flights, oil and gas production are also in demand.

2. What vocational training does a person need to receive in order to work as a machine operator/a gas welder/a plumber? These professions are actually very difficult, although they seem not as important as a doctor or a programmer. I know that secondary education is enough for these professions, and it can be obtained at a technical college. But the work is very responsible and requires caution. The professions of a machine operator and a gas welder are in demand in the rating. There are a small number of good and experienced specialists, so their work is highly paid.

3. What are the possible ways aimed at improving the language skills to work as a consecutive translator/simultaneous interpreter?
The most important thing is training and practice. A simultaneous interpreter needs a huge vocabulary, because he does not have the opportunity to find a word in the dictionary while working. To avoid problematic situations, the translator needs to train more. You need to constantly listen to foreign speech, for example conferences and meetings, watch foreign films. At first, you can try to do it with subtitles, and then without subtitles and try to translate speech. It will help you improve your skills to automatism and achieve success in translation.

4. What does the regional administration need to do to reduce unemployment in villages and small towns? The main reason for unemployment in the villages is the lack of jobs. There is no infrastructure in the villages and people work only in school, kindergarten, administration and shops. Usually these places are occupied by experienced workers and young professionals have no opportunity to find work, so they move from to the city, where they have more opportunities. If more factories, enterprises and business were opened in the villages, there would be more workplaces in the villages. Then we could avoid the problem of unemployment.

5. Is it a good idea to arrange All-Russian and international competitions (for example, WorldSkills) where workers can compete with each other using different computer numerically controlled machines? I think it's a good idea. It will give specialists motivation to work and come create something innovative. It will help promote our country on the world market. In addition, such competitions help to choose the best specialists in a certain sphere. In addition to personal achievements, it is also an exchange of experience between employees, which means a new level of working relations. organizations can find new partners and specialists at such competitions.

6. What jobs are outdated? Are they now replaced with modern jobs? Are robots currently displacing manual jobs? Thanks to computerization, some professions are now disappearing. for example, the profession of a librarian becomes less relevant due to the creation of electronic libraries. Robots are now replacing humans in many ways. But any robot requires human control. Many people lose their jobs due to process automation. But I believe that robots will never be able to completely replace people. They will help in realization of simple actions, but they will never be able to do complex work. It can only be performed by a person.

7. Is it important for your future career to attend such out-of-school classes as robot-making, aircraft construction, computer modelling, industrial design, etc.? I think now it is not important for my future career, because I do not yet know exactly in what field I will work. if I can connect my life with translations, then perhaps I will need knowledge in the field of creating robots or aircraft construction. Then I would attend the necessary courses to understand the nature of my work. But now I like political and literary texts more than scientific ones.

8. What are the possible ways to move up the career ladder in an international joint-stock company? I think that in a joint-stock company you always earn on equal terms, because you do business together with your colleagues and you can lose and win. But also you can be elected director of the company and this will be a significant promotion for you career.
- каменщик – bricklayer плотник – carpenter маляр – painter

- токарь станков с ЧПУ – CNC lathe operator

- архитектор – architect

- менеджер по продажам / по персоналу – sales/staff manager

- работодатель / работник - employer/employee

- устроиться на работу – to get a job

- подать в отставку – to resign

- платежная ведомость – payroll

- частичная занятость – part-time

- накладные расходы – overhead (costs)

- расходы на оплату труда – labor costs.

- низкая процентная ставка – low interest rate

- оставаться безубыточным – stay breakeven

- посещать деловые встречи / вести протокол – attend business meetings/take minutes

- печатать письма, отчѐты / делать электронную рассылку – print reports/sending emails


The computer is an important part of the modern world; our whole life is connected with it. Thanks to the computer, we can always keep in touch, save time and do many useful things. Now, with the computers help, we continue to receive education and can communicate with our teachers. But computers also can become a waste of time and can be harmful to our health, so we must be careful in using it.

1. Why is English the international language of computing? Will the situation be the same in the future? English is an international programming language because it is the language of international communication. Most of the world's population speaks English, it is the official language of many countries, the language of international competitions and conferences, which is why it is a programming language. Perhaps in ten years Chinese will become an international programming language, because this language is now gaining great popularity in all spheres of life. But I think it is inconvenient to change the international programming language, because you will have to change and translate all the programs, which will cause huge difficulties.

2. Why do some people find computers so difficult while others find them so easy? There are people who are well versed in computers, they know everything about computers, they can change the software, install an antivirus, a program or drivers and solve any problem even without professional education. I can't do this, even with the help of my friends and the Internet, it's very difficult for me to do things that relate to the computer's operating system. I can only use standard programs like excel, word, power point and update the system. If there are other problems, I ask friends or specialists to help. I think boys are better at computers because they are more interested in it.

3. Are some computer games so violent? Do they have bad effect on people? Yes, there are a lot of computer games related to murder or violent behavior. They strongly influence the consciousness of a person, especially children. Such games are very realistic and form a misconception about the lives of children, adolescents and people with mental disorders. When they play such games a lot, they can confuse the virtual world with the real one and start killing people. Unfortunately, there have been more such situations lately and we need to solve this problem. May be we should ban such games or control the time spent by gamers at the computer.

4. Have you ever heard about the computer programs specially designed for “silver age people” (age: 60 - 65+)? Are they useful to let the pensioners keep in touch with other people? I haven't heard of such programs, but I think they are very useful for people, because many people cannot work with a computer, although in the modern world it is necessary. There are a lot of programs that can be useful to the silver age people. For example, video calls, online orders of medicines and products, and many other useful features. Also, such services as state services and other government websites can be useful to pensioners. They will help them to execute documents without leaving home.

5. Can you prove that we can’t live without computers at present?
In the modern world, the computer plays a very important role in our lives. We can't imagine our life without a computer. He helps us in everything: work, order food and clothes, chat with friends, watch movies and study. Computers speed up many processes and automate work. For example, we can carry out monetary transactions, or when we visit a hospital, the doctor can quickly find our medical history and find out all the data, rather than calling other hospitals and looking for everything in documents.

6. Would you say you are computer-literate? What software programs are you familiar with? I know how to use standard programs such as Word, Excel, Power Point, some simple photo editors, such as Сanva. More difficult programs are not yet available for me, but if it is necessary, I will definitely take lessons and learn how to work with these programs.

7. Can you give any examples of replacing manual work with computers. Yes, there are a lot of examples of replacing work with computer. For example, there are electronic passes and the guards do not need to sit and compare the data to raise the barrier for car. Another example is an electronic ticket offices, which replace the work of cashiers. You don't need to go to the station to buy tickets or see the timetable.

8. Will the computerized life lead to global unemployment? Can people and computer-aided machines work jointly and effectively for the benefit of further developing the modern society? I think that global computerization will lead to job cuts, but there are a lot of professions where a person's work cannot be replaced by a computer. Therefore, people will always be needed as a labor force. In addition, it is important for a person to control any computer process, because sometimes programs in computers get lost, and work needs to continue. Computers will never be able to replace such professions as a teacher, a politician, a lawyer, a judge, a doctor and others.

- клавиатура – keyboard

- жeсткий диск – hard drive

- оперативная память – RAM (random access memory)

- всплывающее окно – pop-up (window)

- материнская плата – motherboard

- системный блок – computer case

- блок питания – power unit

- перезагрузка – restart/reset

- искусственный интеллект – artificial intelligence

- конструирование роботов, робототехника – robotic engineering/robotics

- повышать компьютерную грамотность – increase the digital literacy

- двузначный код – two-letter code

- поисковая строка – search string/box

- режим просмотра – view mode

- загрузка данных – loading data