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Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 06.02.2024

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- „A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody‟. I agree with this statement, because I believe that a person cannot sincerely be friends with everyone. Perhaps he will want to get some benefit from communication. Therefore, I am wary of people who are friends with everyone, I see something fake in them and I have faced such situations many times when such people betrayed people.

6. How can you find any of your old school mates with the possibility of contacting them? Which web-sites will you browse? Will you use any messengers? Now, we can easily find a person using the Internet. we can use vkontakte, telegram, instagram and other sites. I use WhatsApp and telegram very often, but to find someone there, you need to know the person's phone number. Therefore, it is more convenient to use Vkontakte, where you can choose the city, age, school and university of a person to find him. This social network is popular among young people, the odnoklassniki is popular among adults.

7. Who is your best friend? Describe his/her main traits of character. My best friend is Tanya, we have been friends since birth, because our parents are also close friends. She is very sincere, kind and reliable. We have never quarreled, she is like a sister to me, we know everything about each other, and we chat every day and try to spend a lot of time together. When we meet, we are never bored, we can discuss serious topics or do stupid things and have fun. I really love and appreciate her for her support and care, for sharing both sad and joyful moments with me.

8. What kind of person about whom you would say: „He / She will never be my friend!‟. Now there are very few people who can behave culturally, respect elders and are not spoiled. My friend will never be a stupid and angry person who likes to gossip. A lot of people brag about their parents' status and money. Also, I don't like fake people who pretend to be friends with you, but actually discuss you with other people. All these qualities irritate me.

- закадычный друг – bosom friend

- скрытный, необщительный одноклассник / затворник – unsociable classmate/recluse

- не такой, как все в классе – not like everyone else in class

- выпускной в школе – graduation at school/prom

- круг близких друзей – circle of close friends

- помогать в беде, в трудностях – to help in troubles/difficulties

- протянуть руку помощи – lend a helping hand

- делиться впечатлениями – share your impressions

- ладить с кем-либо – get along with anyone

- ненадѐжный друг – unreliable friend

- иметь много общего / не иметь ничего общего – have a lot/nothing in common

- поссориться / помириться – quarrel/make up (peace)

- предать дружбу – betray friendship

- испытывать недоверие к кому-либо – distrust anyone

- положиться на кого-либо - rely on someone


Each of us has neighbors. Having a good neighbour makes life much more joyous and pleasant. It also makes us feel secure. This is especially true for people living away from their families.

1. When you get older where will you live? Will you want to leave home? Why? When I get older, I may move to another city, but it will depend on my future job. I want to stay in Ulyanovsk because my family and close friends are here. And it is very difficult to leave far from home, you lose the support of close people and you are left alone in a strange city. Maybe when I have a family I will be able to move to a bigger and more perspective city like Kazan.

2. What is your dream home? Would like to live alone / with friends / with your own family? The house of my dreams is a two-storey country house with panoramic windows. I would like the rooms to be decorated in a minimalist style in dark and light colors. The most important place in the house for me is the kitchen. I really like cooking, and the time I spend in the kitchen gives me great pleasure. I like to cook complex dishes, bakery and cakes. Therefore, I would make a very beautiful and comfortable kitchen for me and equip it with all the necessary devices. I also want the house with a large living room where I will meet the whole family, cousins with their children and spend family evenings together. An important place for me is the garden, I want to make a barbecue area there and equip a space for children to spend summer evenings outdoors.

3. How many different places have you lived in your life? Which was the best? Which was the worst? During my life I have lived in my native village Vypolzovo. I lived there from birth until the 9th form of school. I spent my childhood and school years there. This is a very important place for me, because this is my home. In the tenth form, I changed my school and moved to Surskoye. I lived there alone, without parents, and that time was difficult for me, because I became independent. I had to cook and do all the housework, then I found friends there and got used to living alone. This time was also wonderful. Then I graduated from school and enter to university. I moved to Ulyanovsk. It was easier for me to adapt to the city life, because I already lived separately from my family and was oriented in the city. I really like this period of my life.

4. Is it better to live on your own or to share with other people? It’s very difficult for me to live in the same apartment with friends because I need my own space. Sometimes I just want to be alone, do the cleaning, cooking and listen to music. If I want to spend time with friends, I'll just invite them to visit me, but I'll never be able to live with them. I think it can destroy our friendship and lead to numerous quarrels.

5. What are your neighbours like? I really love my neighbors in my village. these are my math and physics teachers at school and a friend of my childhood. we have a very good relationship, they always ask how my studies are going, if everything is fine. we always walk with my childhood friend, we rarely see each other, but we have a very warm relationship and there are always topics for conversation. In the city I do not communicate with my neighbors, there is an empty apartment to the right side, and on the left side there are gloomy and unfriendly people.

6. How often do you speak to your neighbours? What do you usually discuss (weather, global warming, current political / economic situation, prices in the stores, utility payments, etc.)? Usually I discuss with my neighbours news, weather and other things. We often talk about my studies or my friends. We also discuss their work at school, talk about everyday moments, for example, what grows in the garden. Often they ask me when I will get married, or they ask the same questions about their former students who are my friends. These questions really confuse me and I try to change the topic of discussion.

7. What are the three most important characteristics of a wonderful neighbour? I think that the three main characteristics of a good neighbor are good manners, friendliness and responsiveness. It helps you to establish good relations with your neighbors and then they will not conflict with you. It’s not difficult to say hello, hold the door and give your neighbor a pack of sugar when it necessary. But this behavior shows you as a good person.

8. Is it better to know your neighbour very well – or not to know he/she at all? I believe that you need to communicate with your neighbors, because you can always ask them for help when you need it. The main thing is to keep your distance, sometimes neighbors can be intrusive and ask you to solve all your problems. Therefore, you need to be in good, but not close relations with your neighbors.

- счета за газ, воду, электро- и теплоснабжение – gas/water/electricity/heat supply bill

- оплачивать коммунальные платежи поровну – pay utility bills equally

- гостеприимный/хлебосольный – hospitable

- убираться в квартире по очереди – to clean the apartment in turn

мыть посуду – to wash the dishes стирать – do laundry готовить еду - cook

вытирать со шкафов пыль – dusting cabinets пылесосить ковры – vacuuming carpets

мыть полы – wash floors

- искать съѐмную квартиру по более низкой цене – search for a cheaper apartment

- беспокоить соседей громкой музыкой – disturb neighbors with loud music

- постоянно ссориться с соседом по пустякам – constantly quarreling with a flatmate over nothing

- жить в общежитии – live in a dorm

- размещать объявление об аренде квартиры – place apartment rental ad

- знать всех соседей в лицо и по имени – know all the neighbors by face and by name

- сажать цветы и кустарники в палисаднике – plant flowers and shrubs in the front garden

- домик для гостей – guest house

- жить в одиночку – live alone

- соседские пересуды – neighbourhood gossip

- шумный сосед по лестничной площадке – noisy neighbour on the landing


Every person has relatives and friends who are always there, who can be trusted and who can be relied on in any situation — these people are his family members. This is why our family plays such an important role in our life.

1. How many people are there in your family? Who is the oldest member of your family? Are there more young people or more old people in your family? I have a very large and friendly family. If we talk about the family with whom I live at home, then there are only three of us, me and my parents. But for me, family is much more, than mother and father. These are my aunts, uncles and cousins. My mom has 2 sisters and a brother, and my dad has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. They all have large families, children and grandchildren. We all communicate very closely, spend holidays and holidays together. I really love my family. Now there are more young people in my family, these are my cousins and their children

2. What is the largest family you’ve ever known? I think the largest family I know is my friend's family. She is Armenian and has a very large family, parents, brothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Her family is huge and I think she has relatives in any part of the world. They are very friendly and always help each other. It seems to me, they spend every weekend as a big holiday. and their holidays are like a whole wedding.

3. Do you have relatives you never see? Yes, I have such relatives. These are second cousins of my mother who live in Yekaterinburg. We don't have the opportunity to meet because we don't communicate very closely in order to visit each other. We only chat in messengers and call each other.

4. Who has the most unusual or interesting name in your family? In my family, all the names are ordinary; these are old Russian names like Olga, Anastasia, Vladimir and others. I think the most unusual name in our family is Evelina. That’s my niece's name. My cousin named her in honor of Evelina Bledans. She loves movies and shows with her participation very much.

5. What hobbies does your family have? The young people in my family have hobbies. We always gather on New Year's holidays and make a big snow slide. Then we spend the whole winter there. Both adults and children always go to this slide. We have a great time there, communicate a lot and have fun. We also have a hobby of skiing. We meet with a large group of cousins and spend more than an hour skiing in the evenings.

6. Do you know about the history of your family? I know a little information about my family's history. But my family has a family tree and I know a lot of information about my great-grandparents and my grandparents my mother and aunts told me about them. I think it is very important to know the history of your family and the origin of your family. But unfortunately I don't know anything about the origin of my surname. I want to tell my children the information that I know about our family because they need to know their family history.

7. What is similar about people in your family? How would other people describe your family? Everyone in my family has a good sense of humor. We all very like joking, and when we all meet together on weekends or holidays, we have a lot of noise and fun. It looks like a comedy. We have no age limits, so children can joke about adults. For example, I can make a joke about my uncle, who is 50 years old. And there's nothing wrong with that. We all respect and love each other. Other people describe my family as very responsive. My grandfather always helped everyone, he always had a lot of acquaintances and friends. He was very kind, responsive and everyone respected him. Peoples say the same things about my dad and godfather. They are always ready to help and support people in difficulties.

8. Has your family always lived here? Who don‟t you get on with? My mother's family has always lived here, in the Ulyanovsk region. And all her family members stay here, but they live in different areas of the region. Dad's family moved here from Samara. They lived in a small village and when he served in the army, they moved to the Ulyanovsk region with their sisters and brothers. And now all of them and their children live here.

- сводная сестра – stepsister

- отчим – stepfather

- племянник – nephew

- племянница – niece

- пасынок – stepson

- золовка – sister-in-law

- приемная семья – foster family

- детский дом – orphanage

- усыновлять ребенка – adopt a child

- защита материнства – protection of motherhood, childhood and family

- прадедушка – great-grandfather

- семейные ценности/реликвия – family values/ heirloom

- внучатый племянник – grandnephew

- переходить из поколения в поколения – pass from generation to generation

- дальний родственник – distant relative


Advertising is a significant part of modern life. Advertising can be found everywhere nowadays: in newspapers, in magazines and brochures, on posters, on radio and TV, in Internet, simply everywhere. The main purpose of advertising is to sell the goods. From the other side, it’s a really effective way to let the people know about certain products.

1. Do you agree that advertising campaign as a marketing tool has recently changed in many aspects? I agree that advertising has changed a lot in recent years. And these are good changes. Now advertising is a separate art form, advertising managers come up with new ideas for introducing advertising into our lives. Previously, advertising was intrusive and not interesting. Now advertising really attracts attention and can intrigue the buyer. Now advertising is not only on television, but also on the Internet, in social networks.

2. What is the language tools (the stylistic devices) to make an advertisement as efficient as possible? Specialists use a lot of stylistic devices in advertising that attract the attention of the buyer and make advertising more vivid and interesting. The most popular stylistic techniques in advertising are metaphors, comparisons, epithets and hyperbole, also advertisers use a lot of exclamation sentences and a question-and-answer form of dialogue in advertising texts. This is used to attract the buyer's attention. Chevrolet: The heartbeat of America

3. Can you compare American (British) and Russian advertisements? What is the main difference in their advertising campaign? The most important differences in my opinion are the lack of targeting and disorganization. Our advertising has never asked about the buyer's interest before. But in America, for example, if a person visits a new house, they will definitely put an advertisement for repairs, but not about manicure masters, as it could have been earlier in Russia. But now there are a lot of SMM specialists and promoters and the situation is changing a lot, and our advertising is reaching a new level

4. Do you prefer to buy a popular trade mark good with the famous label („Bosch‟; „Samsung Galaxy‟, „Apple‟, etc.) rather than to purchase a simple good of high quality? I don't really like branded goods, especially we are talking about clothes; most often manufacturers exaggerate the prices of goods for the brand name, not the quality. I know that I can find cheaper goods and its quality will be better. But if we talk about buying equipment, such as a TV, washing machine, computer or blender, it is better to overpay. You need to choose a popular and reliable brand that has a guarantee and good reviews. It is better to overpay for electronic devices than to use low-quality things.

5. What are the marketing programs (the discount, trade-in, cashback programs) designed by special PR departments in different companies? Discount programs, cashback and trade-in are very popular in the modern market. These programs are very convenient and profitable for buyers. My friends use the cashback program and at the end of the month money is returned to their card. Trade-in programs are also very convenient. It helps us save money on purchases of phones and other equipment. In addition, you can always track discounts before the holidays, there are also big sales like Black Friday and others. All these programs help us save our money and make our purchases profitable.

6. A good journalist (an actor) is seen by the public as an expert (examples: Leonid Parfenov, Konstantin Khabensky, Sergei Bezrukov, Dmitriy Dyuzhev, etc.). We know these people very well so that we trust the quality of goods they advertise. Is this a true statement? I don't really trust the advertising given by well-known bloggers, journalists and actors with a good reputation, because I understand that they are paid money for it, so they can give us false information. But there are also celebrities who will not advertise a bad product, because they are principled. But I always rely on the reviews of my friends, in addition to advertising. Show business is a very dirty place, everything is based on money and there are very few honest and fair people.