Файл: Английский язык Пособие для студентов.doc

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3. Read the definition of the word «sport»? Do you agree with it? You may add some more information.

Sport is an organized, competitive, entertaining and skilful activity, which requires following some certain rules. It is an integral part of our life. It is very popular among people of all nationalities and different age groups. Sport helps us to be in good form, to keep fit, it makes us more organized, disciplined and strong-willed.
4. Speak on one of the following problems:
1. Sport plays a great role in our life.

2. It's hard to imagine our life without sport.

3. I am convinced that we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Topic 2.


1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

humanity, day-to-day activities, to bring up the harmoniously developed generation, to prevent smb. from smth., to get trauma, to win the titles, to get fat, to be closely connected with


1. Look through Text 2 and do comprehension tasks below.

Let me introduce myself. My first name is.... My surname is.... I was born in St. Petersburg (Moscow, Kursk) on the 2 nd of May, 1983.

Now I'm a first-year student of the Lesgaft State University of Physical Education. So I want to devote my life to sport.

You know, sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It has been developing with the developing and growth of the mankind. To my mind we can hardly overestimate the meaning of sport in our life and day-to-day activities, because its main purpose is to bring up the harmoniously developed generation – the generation of strong and healthy people. Sport makes our bodies strong, quickens our reaction, and shapes the wits. It also prevents us from getting too fat, gives us so valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.

I'm absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. There is always a kind of sport which will suit you and there are many different kinds to choose from. If you like team games, try hockey, football, volleyball or basketball. Games for you to play with a friend include badminton, squash and tennis, and if you enjoy doing things on your own, you may take up swimming, riding, golf or athletics.

I'm sure you know an axiom: «Sport makes people healthy». No doubt, that's true, but frankly speaking one knows that there are some kinds of sport which you cannot go in for if you are not healthy enough. Say, body-building. If you have heart decease or other sickness, attending the body-building trainings will bring you nothing but harm. And also, going in for sport is always connected with a great risk, because any athlete can get an injury. And we know many examples, when an athlete got trauma at the beginning of his sports career and in the prime of his life had to leave professional sport. But it doesn't mean at all that people shouldn't go in for sports. I only want to say that they should be careful and remember that the health is given to a human being only once, so, do your best not to lose it.

As for me, my life is also closely connected with everything related a healthy lifestyle. My favourite sport (kind of sport) is.... I have been doing it for 10 years but the more I train, the more I like it. ). It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. I get a real joy taking part in competitions (or simply playing (training) with my friends). I'm a Candidate of Master of Sports. My coach's name is.... He is a Merited Master of Sports and a Master of Sports of International Level. I train 6 times a week in the stadium or in the gym.

In summer I like playing football (volleyball, basketball, badminton). Tennis is also one of my favourite sports. In winter I usually practice skiing and skating. I am a great figure skating fan. I also like to watch sports competitions on TV.

Sometimes I am engaged in shaping (boxing, aerobics, bodybuilding) and I always enjoy riding a bike and going to the swimming pool. I'm fond of swimming.

I participated in district (city, zone, All-Russian, International) competitions, European and World Tournaments (championships) and some other events. Sometimes I won the titles (I have never won the titles).

After graduating from the Lesgaft State University I am going to become a coach or a physical education teacher.


1. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Я занимаюсь теннисом пять лет, но чем больше я играю, тем больше мне это нравится.

2. Я получаю большое удовольствие, принимая участие в соревнованиях или просто играя с моими друзьями.

3. Что касается меня, я занимаюсь плаванием; я тренируюсь каждый день кроме воскресенья.

4. Я действительно люблю плавать.

5. Я хожу на пробежку каждое утро.

6. Я кандидат в мастера спорта по художественной гимнастике.

7. У меня не так много свободного времени, но я люблю играть в футбол со своими друзьями по выходным.

8. Мне больше всего нравится бокс.

9. Я хотел бы профессионально играть в волейбол.

10. Я принимал участие во Всероссийских соревнованиях по шахматам и занял второе место.
2. Match the phrases with their translation. Fill in the table below:


I enjoy different kinds of sport.


Я иногда полон негативных эмоций. Когда я начинаю заниматься спортом, все это уходит.


I’d like to be fit.


Я большой любитель спорта.


I'm sometimes full of negative emotions. When I start playing sport, it all goes away.


Я хотел бы быть здоровым.


I sometimes listen to sports news in English.


Я иногда слушаю спортивные новости на английском.


I like playing badminton. I can do it all year round.


Я обожаю различные виды спорта.


I can't imagine my life without sport.


Я полон энергии благодаря спорту.


I hope I'll be much stronger soon.


Я хожу на пробежки 5 лет


I've been jogging for about 5 years


Я надеюсь, что скоро я буду намного сильнее.


I'm a great lover of sport.


Я не могу представить свою жизнь без спорта.


I'm full of energy thanks to sport.


Мне нравится играть в бадминтон. Я могу заниматься круглый год











3. Answer the following questions. Do not answer in one sentence where it is possible. Add something:
1. What is your first name? What is your surname?

2. How old are you?

3. When and where were you born?

4. What faculty do you study at?

5. What is your future profession?

6. Are you fond of sport?

7. What is your favourite kind of sport?

8. What do you think about the role of sport in our daily life?

9. Why is sport so important in our life?

10. What sport are you going in for? How long?

11. Did you take part in any competitions?

12. What games do you know?

13. What professional sporting societies or clubs do you know?

14. Do you play draughts?

15. Do you attend hockey matches?

16. What football team do you support?

17. Did you ever try figure-skating?
4. Say how you understand such proverbs:
1. «Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind».

2. «Good health is better than the best medicine».

3. «You have a sound mind in a sound body».

4. «Good health is better than wealth» or « Health is above wealth».

5. « A healthy mind in a healthy body».
5. Make your own report about yourself and your favourite sport.

Start your report with:

Finish your report with:

I am keen on sport.

To sum up, sport is one of the greatest miracles in our life.

I’m fond of sport.

I really hope more people will prefer sport to smoking and drinking alcohol.

I enjoy sport.

Finally I’d like to say that sport is extremely helpful for our body, soul and spirit.

I’m interested in sport.

Topic 3.


1. Match A and B. Fill in the table below. Try to use words and expressions in your own sentences:




a team


теннисный корт


to take up sports








mastering technique


заниматься спортом


to perfect




pulled muscles


инструкции тренера


to prevent


растяжение мышц


to train




tennis court


овладение техникой


the trainer's instructions














1. Look through Text 3 and do comprehension tasks below.


I study at the Faculty of Physical Education. The students of our faculty take up different kinds of sports.

They train in different places: gymnasts – in the gymnasium, basketball, volleyball and handball players – on the indoor and outdoor sports grounds or in sports halls, tennis players – on the tennis courts. track-and-field athletes usually train on the stadiums in the open air.

Three times a week we have special training lessons. As a rule, each training lasts about 3 hours. Every training session begins with a warming-up period which lasts about 20 minutes. It consists of slow running for about a half mile, then fast running for about a quarter mile. Next, the sportsmen do a few exercises which depend on their event. After the warming-up we rest for about 5 minutes before we start practising. The warm-up of the body is very important. It helps to prevent pulled muscles. We train according to the trainer's instructions. The coach enjoys athletes perfecting their skills. He or she pays great attention to mastering technique, tactics and the main elements of sports. Sometimes we train with a team or a partner. We perform different exercises and get ready for contests.


1. Translate from Russian into English using the active vocabulary from the unit:
1. У нас прекрасный зал и все возможности для хорошей физи­ческой подготовки.

2. Я мечтаю поставить рекорд по плаванию.

3. Сегодня я не могу бежать, я не в форме.

4. Он уделяет много времени физической подготовке.

5. Сколько человек примет участие в шахматном чемпионате?

6. Разве вы не хотели бы завоевать кубок в этом соревновании?

7. Он охотно будет тренировать нас.

8. Кто завоевал первенство вашего института по шашкам? – Один из наших первокурсников.

9. Не стоит всту­пать больше чем в два спортивных кружка одновременно.

10. Мы не сможем с вами соревноваться, мы недостаточно подготовлены.
2. Speak about your own training. These questions will help you:
1. How often do you have your training?

2. Have you a coach or do you train by yourself?

3. Who is your coach?

4. When do you attend your special training lessons?

5. Where do you train?

6. How long does your training last?

7. What do you begin your training with?

8. How long do you warm up?

9. What is the aim of your training?

10. Do you have any special training before competitions?

1. Fill in the blanks with the necessary article: a/an or the
1. I was born in St. Petersburg (Moscow, Kursk) on … 2 nd of May, 1983. 2. Now I'm a first-year student of … Lesgaft State University of Physical Education. 3. I train 6 times … week in … stadium or in … gym. 4. Sometimes I won … titles (I have never won … titles). 5. After graduating from … University I'm going to become … coach or … physical education teacher. 6. I always enjoy riding … bike and going to … swimming pool. 7. I'm … great figure-skating fan. 8. ... tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice ... week, but I'm not ... very good player. 9. He was … consummate soccer player: scorer, creator, passer, even a defender when the need arose. 10. Many sports which are played all over… world first appeared in Britain. 11. I don't go to … swimming-pool. 12. … sportsmen are always in good form. 13. This is … tennis racket. 14. … Petrovs are sport-lovers. 15. … coach explains to … students why warming-up is important. 16. I am afraid they lost … competition. 17. They thought … lot about our goalkeeper. 18. In 1867 … yacht club was opened in … Moscow, others were founded along … Volga, … Dnieper, … Black Sea and … Baltic Sea costs. 19. … first sports club of … new type was … St Petersburg River Yacht Club, formed in … 1860. 20. Our training begins at … quarter to … three.