Файл: Английский язык Пособие для студентов.doc

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Russian people like to do many different sports. In summer they usually swim a lot, roller-skate and ride a bicycle. All sports grounds are crowded with football lovers. But winter sports are closer to Russian people. As soon as the first snow falls, nearly all the livers of the country take their cross-country skis and lay out a ski trail.

So which sports are better developed in Russia? Russia, as a rule, has good results in classical kinds of sport. This is in some ways connected with the period of Soviet Union when big attention was paid to physical education of the youth. But the lessons of Soviet school didn’t go without any influence. Quite often foreign sportsmen, lead by Russian trainers, appear on world level competitions. Also often you can see Russian sportsmen fighting of medals for other countries. There are many jokes about it. For example when you watch international competitions you hear that the trainers and the sportsmen easily understand each other because they all speak Russian.

In modern kinds of sport Russians lag behind their contenders a little. We can refer here curling, springboard jumping etc. Frankly speaking some Russians still can't see these activities as serious kinds of sport. But the situation has been changing nowadays. Russians are beginning to open to new kinds of sport. Let’s hope that this will reflect in results of different level competitions.

Tennis has a large popularity. Some people connect that with the fact that this sport was a hobby of Russian ex-president Boris Yeltsin. Today Russian tennis players are famous all over the world. Sharapova, Kurnikova, Kafelnikov, Miskina are only the best known Russian tennis players. They play wonderfully at Wimbledon and other competitions.

Ice-hockey is another one successful sport in the country. The Russian team takes worthy places in competitions. The traditions of Soviet school are kept here too. Though, unfortunately it isn’t as strong as in the past. In USSR there was a period when hockey team won 9 world championships in a row. Furthermore, there are only 2 hockey players which became championship winners 10 times. These are Russian sportsmen Alexander Rogulin and of course Vladislav Tretyak. Nowadays there are also good players in Russian hockey. Another sport which is widespread in the country is football. There are many amateurs of this game in Russia.

And of course the favorite sport of many women is figure skating. This is a very beautiful show. And here Russia is still the leader. Though it has had very worthy rivals lately. For example Chinese sportsmen who have good perspective. But don’t forget about Russian figure skaters. Today they are favorites at any competition. Besides, figure skating is quickly getting popularity in the country. New ice rinks are opened, parents take their children to sport schools.

Actually many kinds of sport are popular in Russia. Both on a professional level and on an amateur one. Ski sport and volleyball are good examples here.


1. Answer the following questions. Do not answer in one sentence. Add something:
1. Russia is famous for its brilliant sportsmen, isn't it?

2. What are the most popular sports and games in Russia?

3. Why has sport become very popular among young generation?

4. What kinds of sport clubs are there in Russia?

5. How does a Russian person prefer to spend time on a sunny winter day?

6. Do Russain teams participate in international matches?

7. Can you name any famous Russian sportsmen? What are you famous for?

8. What amateur sports of Russia can you name?

9. Are there any fitness centres in your district?

10. What is bungee jumping? Why is it called an extreme sport?
2. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. There is a great number of fitness centres all over Russia.

2. Many people watch sport programmes on TV and are sure that they can be called sport-lovers.

3. The team spirit lives in aport-fans, that is why they are always ready to support their compatriots at any championship.

4 . Young sportsmen adore snowboarding and Alpine skiing.

5. Russian people are ardent fans of extreme sports.

6. Favourite winter sport of the Russians is skating and particularly figure skating. Nowadays many people attend outdoor or indoor skating-rinks where they can skate even in summer.

7. Golf is a relatively new leisure activity in Russia, but is rapidly gaining popularity.

8. The main Russian activity is ice diving – one of the most extreme activities known. It can be practised in the White Sea, which is always covered with at least a one metre crust of ice.

9. Professional golf tournaments are held here, like the Russian Open, as a part of the European Tour.
3. Read the statements and say whether they are true or false. If you agree you say: «You are absolutely right»; «I think so too»; «I’m of the same opinion»; «you are right in a way». If you disagree you say: «Nothing of the kind»; «far from it»; «you are pulling my leg!»; «you are kidding!». You’ll sound more English if you use these models.

1. As far as I remember sport in Russia has always been unpopular.

2. Russian sportsmen, as a rule, have good results in hockey, skiing, figure skating and other classical kinds of sport.

3. Russia used to pay big attention to physical education of the youth but nowadays the situation has changed.

4. Russian sportsmen have no right to perform abroad.

5. Today we can often see both Russian trainers and sportsmen fighting of medals for other countries.

6. Frankly speaking a healthy way of life is coming out of fashion in Russia nowadays. That is why just few people take an interest in sport.

7. It is a well-known fact that in modern kinds of sport Russians are not as successful as their contenders.

8. Tennis is considered to have become so popular in Russia just because of the fact that it was a hobby of Russian ex-president Boris Yeltsin.

9. The Russian hockey team won 9 world championships in a row.

10. We may say that the Russians are sport-lovers. They are keen on hockey, football, skiing, figure skating, volleyball and many others.
4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Спорт всегда был популярен в России.

2. В России много различных спортивных обществ и клубов.

3. Многие российские спортсмены известны во всем мире.

4. Большое количество мировых рекордов было установлено русскими спортсменами: гимнастами, тяжелоатлетами, теннисистами, пловцами, фигуристами, бегунами, прыгунами в высоту.

5. Наши спортсмены принимают участие в Олимпийских Играх и всегда выигрывают много золотых, серебряных и бронзовых медалей.
5. Read the text below and title it.
We should say some words about Russian supporters. Here we can call it a kind of sport too. The sense of empathy is inherent to Russians. The team spirit lives in them. Russians prepare for going and supporting their favorite team in advance. They buy flags which sometimes achieve great sizes. On the scarves, caps and etc. – everywhere it’ll be possible to see the colours of Russian flag. When you watch the competitions of the international level on TV then you’ll here through the voice of commentator the tribunes shouting «Rossya! Rossya!». And no matter where the match takes places in Russia or in 1000 km from it you’ll anyway hear this. Russians are ready to overcome big distance to see the performance of their favourite sportsmen.
6. Think over the end of the dialogue about sports in Russia. Role-play it with your patner:
Mike: I consider, that people in Russia are great sport-lovers, aren’t they?

Ben: Yes, they are, I agree with you. Many sports are popular in Russia, such as hockey, soccer, track-and-field, weightlifting, tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure-skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, shooting and many others.

Mike: Yes, sporting activities are a part of daily life in Russia. Most Russians growing up in the North grow with outdoor winter sports and activities, such as skiing and skating. In all parts of Russia fishing is extremely popular.

Ben: Yes, it is true and it is also worth mentioning, that there are all necessary facilities for those, who wish to go in for sport. In all schools there is a gym and a sports ground. There are a lot of indoor and outdoor stadiums. Above all, much attention is paid to organized sports: there are different sporting societies and clubs. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world.

Mike: Yes, and I want to add, that a great number of our sportsmen participate in the Olympic Games.

Ben: Yes, certainly, we were always proud and will be proud of them. Yes, and what about National and International matches?

Mike: Sure, they are regularly held in Russia and always attract large number of fans.
Ben: Besides, there is a lot of live broadcasting of matches and championships, many of them are televised.

Mike: …
7. Make up your own dialogue on the following situation: two journalists (one of them is from Britain, another one is from Russia) discuss and compare sport in Russia and in Britain. Use the information and the phrases from the texts and the dialogues given in the unit.

1. Fill in prepositions if necessary:
A) Sport is very popular ... Britain. ... other words a lot... British people like the idea ... sport, a lot even watch sport, especially... the TV. However, the number who actively takes part ... sport is probably quite small. ... the whole British people prefer to be fat rather than fit

The most popular spectator sport is football. Football is played ... a Saturday afternoon ... most British towns and the fans, or supporters ... a particular team will travel... one end ... the country... the other to see their team play.
B) Many other sports are also played ... Britain, including golf ... which you try to knock a ball ... a hole; croquet... which you try to knock a ball... some hoops; basket-ball... which you try to get a ball... a net; tennis ... which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent cannot hit it and cricket which is played ... a ball, but is otherwise incomprehensible. As you can see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport.
2. Read the following and translate into Russian:
boys' game, race distance, women's competitions, men's team, player's style, opponent's half of court, champions' results, fans' hopes, game combination, athlete's contest, skier's tracks, students' competitions, Mark's results.
3. Form the plural of the following nouns:
a child, a sport-ground, a race, an athlete, a tournament, popularity, a swimming pool, successes, a swimmer, a phenomenon, a qualification, a man, a court, a racket, a ball, a stadium, a result, a foot, a schelf, a member, a woman, an analysis.
4. Point out the degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian:
1. The most popular game in the world is football.

2. Nick is better in swimming then Peter.

3. He is a very popular wrestler.

4. She is taller than her brother.

5. I don't want to do it more often because I can get overtrained.

6. Paul is the best player in our team.
5. Put the adjectives and adverbs in brackets into the required degree of comparison:
1. This sportsman is as (famous) as that one. 2. Football is a (interesting) game than tennis. 3. You are (tall) boy in the team. 4. He plays much (well) today. 5. Who shows (good) time in running? 6. When he was a schoolboy he was ( strong) in the group. No one could run (fast) than he did. 7. I cannot say I was a bad sportsman but I must say I was (bad) than my friend. He was (good) sportsman. 8. The exercise was (difficult) than I thought. 9. I knew (much) on this game but he knew (much) still. 10. He was (strong) wrestler I ever saw.


Topics: 1. Role of sport in our daily life. 2. Sport in my life. 3. Our training.

Grammar: Verbs (Active Voice)

Topic 1.


1. Give Russian equivalents to the names of sports. If you know some other sports, continue the given list:

Some popular sports

mountaineering, climbing

artistic gymnastics


gymnastics (callisthenics)

cross-country skiing




down-hill skiing



car (motorcycle) racing





sky diving (parachuting)





hang gliding


athletics (track-and-field)


marathon (race)

rowing and canoeing yachting

discus (hammer, javelin)

pole vault (vaulting)

high (long, triple) jump

shot putting



hurdle races






1. Look through a short information about summer and winter sports and do comprehension tasks below.
People all over the world are very fond of sports.

The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow – skating, skiing and tobogganing. It's so nice to go to the skating-rink on a frosty sunny day. Some people prefer to be out of town in such weather and to sledge or to ski in the woods. Many people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping.

Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. All the year round many people indulge in boxing, wrestling, gymnastics and track and field events. Scores of young girls and women go in for callisthenics. Over the last few years aerobics has become popular with young girls and women. Aerobics helps them to be slim, healthy and strong. The interest for it greatly increased thanks to Jane Fonda, a prominent American actress, the founder of this kind of sport. This woman may serve as an impressive example of inexhaustible health, cheerfulness and beauty. Being a great enthusiast of aerobics she has been trying to initiate many women all over the world into this sport.

So we have all grounds to say that sport is one of the things that makes people kin.


1. Read the text about appearance of sport and find out English equvalents to the following words and expressions:

покрывать тело смесью из масла и песка, спор­тивная площадка, раздевалка, помещение для массажа, физическое воспитание, спортивный центр

The practice of several sports started in childhood: foot racing, jumping, discus-throwing, wrestling and the pancratium.

The athletes were completely naked, oil and sand were rubbed into their bodies in the gymnasium, which could be compared to a modern sports centre. It included a sports ground, surrounded by a conference and meeting room, changing rooms, washrooms, storehouses for oil and sand, a massage room, a punching bag, a terraced stadium, and a covered track.

Physical education was continued until a young man reached the age of eighteen, when he was taken in hand by the state. He was required to do two years of military service training; he spent the second in the field, or in a garrison on the frontiers.

Then a person was given a period of moral and religion preparation which would enable the young man to assume fully his rights and duties as a citizen.
2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Boxers fight with bare hands.

2. Track and field events are never included in Olympic Games.

3. The most popular sports gather many spectators.

4. By 1898, there were over 40 such clubs in existence to form the All-Russia Association of Rowing and Yachting Clubs.

3. What do you call a person who goes in for:
wrestling, cycling, weight-lifting, swimming, diving, running, mountaineering, boxing, skiing, racing, hunting, athletics, skating
4. Translate these sentences into English:
1. Вы занимаетесь легкой атлетикой?

2. Виндсерфинг и дельтаплане­ризм появились совсем недавно.

3. Стрельба из лука стала достаточно популярным видом спорта.

4. Ему хорошо дается фигурное катание.

5. Вы собираетесь участвовать в соревнованиях по гребле? – Обязательно.

4. Напрасно вы торопились. Соревнования не состоятся из-за плохой погоды.

6. Моя старшая сестра занимается художественной гимнастикой уже три года. Она уже кандидат в Мастера спорта.

8. Соревнования по легкой атлетике еще не начались.
5. a) Speak on each kind of sport on the list below; briefly describe it as well as the qualities it requires from the sportsman, е.g. strength, endurance, quickness of reaction, courage, etc. Say a few words about its advantages and attractive features:

mountaineering, rowing, yachting, boxing, wrestling, fencing, artistic gymnastics, figure

skating, skiing, skating, ski jump­ing, sky diving, archery, discus throwing, windsurfing, stee­plechase, marathon.

b) Make up dialogues discussing one (or several) of the sports from the list above. Use the following:

in my opinion ...; there's nothing like ...; I don't quite see what people find in ...; how can you say such a thing!; I don't know anything more exciting than ...; I see nothing exciting in ...; I can't agree with you there; absolutely mar­vellous; I like it immensely.

Topic 2.


1. Give Russian equivalents to the names of sports. If you know some other sports, continue the given list:

Open-air games




(lawn) tennis



football (colloq. soccer)

rugby (colloq. rugger)




water polo

Indoor games




