Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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- If that happened to me/ in that case/ If I had that problem, I’d …...


Task 1. Discuss the following question before you read the text.
Which of these skills should a successful finance manager possess?

  • Leadership

  • Problem solving

  • Communication

  • Analysis

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Mathematical proficiency

  • Attention to detail

  • Organization

  • Technological skills

  • Ability to work independently

Text B
Task 2. Read the text below and discuss the following questions.
1. What is financial management?

2. What are the roles and responsibilities of a financial manager?

1. Financial Management is a crucial activity in any organization. It consists of planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring financial resources with a view of achieving organizational objectives. It is a standard method for dealing with the financial activities of an organization, such as procurement of funds, usage of funds, accounting, payments, risk sorting, and other things related to money.

2. Usually, organizations have an assigned department that looks after the financial involves of the company. A financial manager is appointed to control finance and managing its resources within an industry. All decisions related to finance are taken at this position. Depending on the organizational profile, the finance department can have several appointments to cater to the various demands of the company.

3. The financial manager’s job involves a number of tasks, duties, and responsibilities in order to preserve the financial wellbeing of the organization. This includes: budgeting, reporting, the distribution or investment of the company’s financial resources, implementing money-saving measures, managing the accounting team or department, and aiding senior management with business decisions to help the company achieve its long-term financial goals.

4. Different companies have varying levels of finance management needs depending on their size, financial goals, and the sector or industry they operate in. Financial managers are usually employed in more specific positions with more defined roles.

Some types of financial managers include: controllers, credit managers, cash managers, treasures, risk managers, insurance managers, finance officers.

(Adapted from https://www.modern-guide-to-finance-management)

Task 3. Are the following statements (1-7) true, false or not given according to the Text B?
1. Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing, controlling and the financial activities.

2. Most often organizations have a dedicated department that looks after the financial matters of the company.

3. Depending on the company profile, the finance department can have several designations to cater to the various needs of the company.

4. The finance manager’s job does not involve different tasks, duties, and responsibilities in order to handle finance and manage resources within a company. 

5. Different companies have the same levels of finance management needs depending on their size, financial goals, and the sector or industry they operate in.

6. Companies have several choices in order to set up the business structure of their business. 
Task 3.Match the sentences beginnings (1-4) with the correct endings (a-f) to make a short summary of the Text B. Read the text B again if necessary.
1. It consists of planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring financial resources with …………………………………………

2. A financial manager is appointed to control finance and ………………………

3. The financial manager’s job includes: budgeting, reporting, the distribution or investment of the company’s financial resources, implementing money-saving measures, managing the accounting team or department, and aiding senior management with ………………………………………………………………

4. Financial managers are usually employed in more ………………………………
a) specific positions with more defined roles.

b) a view of achieving organizational objectives.

c) business decisions to help the company achieve its long-term financial goals.

d) managing its resources within an industry.
Task 1. Match the words in Column A to the correct definitions in Column B.



1. fund

a) the process or work of keeping financial accounts.

2. accounting

b) a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose.

3. appoint

c) to provide what is required.

4. cater

d) the process of calculating how much money you must earn or save during a particular period of time, and of planning how you will spend it.

5. wellbeing

e)the act by a company of giving an official report, for example about its accounts or activities.

6. budgeting,

f) to assign a job or role to.

7. reporting

g) the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.

Task 2. Form nouns, verbs or adjectives from the following words.




1. budgeting

2. fund

3. accounting

4. appoint


Task 3. Read the Text B again if necessary and find the phrases which have a similar meaning to the following.
1. an essential activity (paragraph 1)

2. to be connected with (paragraph 1)

3.a dedicated department (paragraph 2)

4. various needs (paragraph 2)

5. long range objectives (paragraph 3)

6. in certain positions (paragraph 4)
Task 4. Complete the sentences (1-7) with words from the box.

funds data flow reporting insurance optimal specific

1. In the investments area, the financial manager is responsible for defining the ………….. size of the company. 

2. Financial managers work closely with top executives and the company departments that specifically provide the ………… that financial managers need.

3. Financial managers supervise employees who do financial …………. and budgeting.

4. Financial managers perform tasks that are ………….. to their organization or industry.

5. Treasurers oversee the investment of …………….

6. Cash managers control the ……….. of cash that comes in and goes out of the company to meet the company's business and investment needs.

7. Risk analysts are typically employed by investment banks, ……… companies, and organizations responsible for large sums of money like hedge funds and investment firms. 

Task 1. Watch the video about the career path of a financial manager and complete the sentences with words and phrases (a- i) in the box below.
1. Financial managers keep a constant eye on the costs of running the company, analyzing data to produce financial reports and direct plans for a company’s …………success.

2. They may oversee the organization’s …………… and manage its international banking, insurance or credit.

3. Most financial managers work at a high level, advising the organization’s …………on broad decisions for its future.

4. Like other managers, they hire supervise …………...

5. Different types of financial managers are ………… in their own industry.

6. Government financial managers understand government appropriations and ……………

7. Financial managers usually have …………..or more work experience in a related field, in addition to a bachelor’s degree in finance, business administration, or economics.

    1. investment activities

    2. long-term

    3. top executives

    4. experts

    5. employees

    6. budgeting processes

    7. five years

Task 1. Work in groups of 3-4 students. Use phrases from the Useful language box and discuss one of the topics.
Group 1: The strategy how to raise capital to start a business.

Group 2: The strategy how to monetize your business investment.


Asking for advice

- What would you recommend ………..?

- What do you suggest……..?

- Have you got any ideas………?

- I’d appreciate your advice. Can you tell me...?

- What would you advise me to do? I'd like to know...

- What would you do if you were me?

- Do you think I should ...?

- Would it be a good idea to ...?

- What is your attitude to the idea of.......

- I don't suppose you (would) know...?

- I wonder if you could tell me...?

Modal verbs are always followed by the base form of a verb. They indicate mood or attitude.

can had better may must will

could have to might ought to should would

a) We use canand can’tto talk about someone's skill or general abilities.

b) We use can and can’t to talk about the ability to do something at a specific time in the present or future.
c) We use could and couldn’t to talk about the past.

d) We use can can to make general statements about what is possible.
e) We use could have to say that someone had the ability or opportunity to do something, but did not do it.

f) We can use conditionals to give advice. Past tenses are more polite.

For example:

She can speak several languages.

For example:

I can see you.

For example:

She could speak several languages.

For example:

It can be very cold here in winter.

For example,

She could have learned Swahili, but she didn't want to.
I could have danced all night. (but I didn’t)
For example,

Dan will help you if you ask him.

Dan would help you if you asked him.

a) We use may, might and could to say that something is possible, but not certain.

b) We use may might have or could have to make guesses about the past.

For example,

They may come by car. (= Maybe they will come by car.)
They might be in the office. (= Maybe they are in the office)
If we don't hurry, we could be late. (= Maybe we will be late.)

For example,

I haven't received your letter. It may have got lost in the post.

a) We use should, had better and ought to for advice, or making suggestions.

b) We use should have to refer to past time.

For example,

You shouldn’t leave the documents in the office.

You had better get something a bit quieter.

We ought to leave at 4:30.
For example,

You should have helped her when she asked.

a) Must and have to are both used for obligation and are often quite similar. They are both followed by the infinitive.
b) We often use must for more personal opinions about what it is necessary to do, and have to for what somebody in authority has said it is necessary to do.

c) Have to is more frequent in conversation; must is used more in formal writing.
d) Have changes in the third person singular (he/she/it has); but must doesn’t change.

e) must is used for strong advice.
f) We use had to (positive) if we are talking about the past.

For example,

I must go now. / I have to go now.

For example,

I must remember to get a present for Daisy.(my opinion)
You have to look after their hair regularly. (dog experts say so)
Do you have to wear a tie to an office job? (asking about office dress code requirements)

For example,

Passengers must fasten their seat-belts. (in written notices)
For example,

He must go.

He has to go.
For example:

You must go for a walk with the dog at least once a day.
For example,

Everyone had to bring something to eat.

a) We use will:

  • to express beliefs about the present or future

  • to talk about what people want to do or are willing to do

  • to make promises, offers and requests.

b) would is the past tense form of will. Because it is a past tense, it is used:

  • to talk about the past

  • to talk about hypotheses (when we imagine something)

  • for politeness.

For example,

John will be in his office.

I thought we would be late, so we would have to take the train.

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in the box.

can may might have to must ought to shouldn’t

1. Managers …………. supervise their subordinates, and to measure, and try to improve, their performance.

2. A top managers whose performance is unsatisfactory ………..be dismissed by the company’s board of directors.

3. Managers …………..decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital resources available to them.

4. Managers …………. have leadership skills to use these five operations successfully.

5. Employees …………. have difficulty with changes in their work routine or responsibilities.

6. Your employees have thoughts and opinions that they believe …… improve certain work situations.

7. They ……………… have filled the car with petrol before they set off.

8. Employees …………..have difficulty concentrating and making decisions.

9. You ……………..be in the position to manage and support others if you do not acknowledge your own needs.

10. Some employees ………….. well feel that the office is a better place for them to be productive.

11. This is impossible, it ……………..be a mistake.

12. He has an idea that he thinks …………… work.
Task 2. Choose the most appropriate answer (a-d) to express the idea specified in parentheses.
1. You don't look well. You should see a doctor. (Advice)

a) can

b) should

c) could

d) have to
2. …………. mind lending me your CD player for a couple of days? (Request)

a) Can you

b) Could you

c) Would you

d) Must
3. Whose book is this? – I am not sure. It ………. be Ann's. (Possibility)

a) might

b) must

c) should

d) would
4. She ……… home yesterday because her little son was sick. (Necessity)

a) could have stayed

b) had to stay

c) must have stayed

d) should have stayed
5. You …………… leave work at 3:30 today. (Permission)


b) could

c) might

d) will
6. The windows look clean. You …………wash them. (Absence of necessity)

a) can’t

b) don’t have to

c) mustn’t

d) won’t
7. You …………… disturb him during his work! (Prohibition)

a) could not

b) don’t have to

c) must not

d) should not
8. Whose car is this? – It……… be Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like this one. (Strong probability)

a) might

b) could

c) must

d) would
A business letter (A letter giving suggestions for investment).
There are many skills that are essential for the commerce and successful management career. One of such skills is the communication skills. Communication skills help to plan, manage, organize and promote business in different ways. One important forms of such communication is ‘Business Letters’. A letter written for business purpose is a business letter. It is used by companies or other organizations to communicate in a professional way with customers, other companies, clients, shareholders, investors, etc. The business letter uses formal language and a specific format. Inquiry letter, offer letter, order letter, cover letter, compliant letter etc., are some of the business letters.
Task 1. Complete the business letter with words in the box.

inform office asking yours Mr. Adamworthwhile

From: State Bank

1234 Wall Street

Date: September 3th, 2014

To: Adam Gibbs

52nd Park Avenue Street

Richmond Road

Dear a)……………….,


With regards to your letter b)………. for advice on investment, I am pleased to c)………… you that there are a number of good investment opportunities available now. It is best that you come over to my d)………… so that I can discuss them with you. I am sure you can make some very e)……………. investments.

Thank you.

Sincerely f)……………….,

Jackson Tan

(Branch manager)
Task 2. Write a business letter (a letter giving suggestions for investment) in response to the queries raised by the customer. Follow the sample letter in Task 1.
Take into consideration the following points:

A bank must always be keen on helping the customers when they ask for advice related to investments and finances. You are a bank manager and a customer has made some inquiry related to financial investments.

1. Match the terms in Column A with the definitions in Column B.



1. A budget

a) a key aspect of the financial management of a business, because planning for future cash requirements can help to avoid a liquidity crisis in the business.

2. Corporate finance

b) the financial expression of an organization’s operating plan for a period of time, usually at least a year.

3. Cash flow management

c) are one-time expenses incurred for the purchase of land, buildings, construction of buildings and other assets, and equipment used in the production of goods or in the rendering of services.

4. Capital expenditures (“CAPEX”)

d) the area of finance dealing with monetary decisions that business enterprises make and the tools and analysis used to make these decisions.

5. Knowledge-based systems

e) are artificial intelligent tools working in a narrow domain to provide intelligent decisions with justification.

Task 2. Read the situation below and answer the following questions.

Shalini after acquiring a degree in Hotel Management and Business Administration took over her family food processing company of manufacturing pickles, jams and squashes. The business had been established by her grandmother and was doing reasonably well but the fixed operating cost was very high and the cash flow position was weak. She wants to modernize and diversify it. She approached a financial consultant, who told her that approximately $ 50 000 would be required for modernization and expansion programme. He also informed her that the stock market was going through a bullish phase.

(Adapted from https://www.toppr.com/ask/questions/)
Discussion Questions:
1) After considering the above discussion, name the source of finance Shalini should not choose for financing the modernization and expansion of her food processing business. Give one reason in support of your answer.

2) Explain two other factors she should keep in mind while taking this decision.

3) What finance management strategies can you recommend?
Use the picture to talk about management strategies.