Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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Task 2. Match a line in A with a line in B to make word collocations as they are used in the Text A.



1. set

a) a good decision

2. require

b) a graphic representation

3. allocate

c) subordinates

4. provide

d) objectives

5. motivate

e)performance standards

6. establish

f) human resources

Task 3.Complete each sentence (1-6) with the most appropriate word (a, b or c).
1. Managerial functions ………… the ways that managers meet the requirements of their duties.

a) inform b) pass c) become
2. Managerial roles ……… the types of skills necessary to successfully complete duties.

a) notice b) encompass c) give
3. Managerial functions define managerial ………… that are used by managers to achieve business goals.

a) items b) examples c) processes
4. A managerial role helps managers become more ……………….. in the ways that they approach activities.

a) efficient b) strict c) honest
5. Managers must possess the …… to communicate with different stakeholders. 

a) notions b) skills c) rules
6. If managers are effective leaders, their …… will be enthusiastic about expending effort toward the attainment of organizational objectives.

a) tutors b) subordinates c) standards

Task 1. Watch the video with Dr. Kathleen Todaro talking about the main functions of management. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer (a, b or c).


1.Dr. Kathleen Todaro has acquired a significant experience in human resources management, leadership development over the last………………

a) 50 years.

b) 30 years.

c) 20 years.
2. Managers can manage the…………………………………….

a) people.

b) processes.

c) society.
3. Planning is a way we look at setting objectives in determining ……………

a) who should allocate the resources.

b) who should accomplish those objectives.

c) because we want to inspire workforce.
4. Most managers work ……………………………

a) 30 or 40 hours a week.

b) 50-60 hours a week.

c) 50 hours a month.
5. How we motivate people is …………

a) the same for every person.

b) is different for every person.

c) it depends on their position.
6. What we really need to focus on a manager to enhance credibility is……

a) the objectivity.

b) the measurement.

c) quantitative performance evaluations.
Task 3. Discuss the following questions.
1. What is the role of leadership in management?

2. Is there any difference between leadership and management?

3. What is the purpose of controlling?
Task 1. Work in pairs. Act out the roles with your partner.
You have been promoted to a new management position. However, you are worried about the new responsibilities and whether you are suited to this management position or not. Discuss your concerns with the Head of Department. Use the useful phrases below.
Student A: Discuss with the Head of Department your concerns.

Student B: You are the Head of Department. Explain the employee that he/she will be able to do a good job as a manager.
Useful phrases:

- “I’m worried about my new position ……...”

- “I feel I don’t have enough experience …………..”

- “We chose you because of your capability…..”

- “I’m sure you ‘ll do just fine”.
Task 2. Work in groups of 3-4 students. Prepare a ten-minute presentation on one of following topics. Use phrases from the Useful language box below.
Group A: The importance of planning function of management.

Group B: The importance of leading in management.

Group C: The importance of controlling function of management.

Group D: The importance of organizing function of management.


Starting presentations

Introducing the point

-Today I am here to talk to you about ……….

- I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about ………

-I want to make a short presentation about …

- I would like to give you a brief breakdown of …

- I’ll start with …/First, I will talk about …../I’ll begin with ……

..then I will look at ………….

- And finally …….

- I’ve divided my presentation into three parts.

-Firstly, I’ll give you the background …………..

Task 1.Discuss these questions before you read the text. For questions (1-2) choose the best answer (a, b or c).
1. The management theory of Henri Fayol includes …………of management.

a) 7 principles

b) 14 pinciples

c) 17 principles
2. What is Fayolism?

a) The differentiating factor and omitted variables such as culture or technology.

b) An approach that focused on managerial practices that could minimize misunderstandings and increase efficiency in organizations.

c) Legal agreements that enable one company to have control of another business's operations.
Text B
Task 2. Read the text below and then discuss the following questions.
1. Who is Henri Fayol in management?

2. What are the functions of management according to Henri Fayol?

3. Are Henri Fayal’s Management functions relevant today?

1. Henri Fayol was the first person to identify elements or functions of management in his classic 1916 book Administration Industrielle et Generale (General and Industrial Management). Fayol was the managing director of a large French coal-mining firm and based his book largely on his experiences as a practitioner of management. Fayol defined five functions, or elements of management: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Fayol argued that these functions were universal, in the sense that all managers performed them in the course of their jobs, whether the managers worked in business, military, government, religious, or philanthropic undertakings.

2. Fayol defined planning in terms of forecasting future conditions, setting objectives, and developing means to attain objectives. Fayol recognized that effective planning must also take into account unexpected contingencies that might arise and did not advocate rigid and inflexible plans. Fayol defined organizing as making provision for the structuring of activities and relationships within the firm and also the recruiting, evaluation, and training of personnel.

3. According to Fayol, commanding as a managerial function concerned the personal supervision of subordinates and involved inspiring them to put forth unified effort to achieve objectives. Fayol emphasized the importance of managers understanding the people who worked for them, setting a good example, treating subordinates in a manner consistent with firm policy, delegating, and communicating through meetings and conferences.

4. Fayol saw the function of coordination as harmonizing all of the various activities of the firm. Most later experts did not retain Fayol's coordination function as a separate function of management but regarded it as a necessary component of all the other management functions. Fayol defined the control function in terms of ensuring that everything occurs within the parameters of the plan and accompanying principles. The purpose of control was to identify deviations from objectives and plans and to take corrective action.

5. Fayol's work was not widely known outside Europe until 1949, when a translation of his work appeared in the United States. Nevertheless, his discussion of the practice of management as a process consisting of specific functions had a tremendous influence on early management texts that appeared in the 1950s.

(Adapted from Management Functions referenceforbusiness.com)

Task 3. Are the following statements (1-8) true, false or not given according to the Text B?
1. Henri Fayol’s work is based on his own management experience as a director of a mining company.

2. According to Henri Fayal, there five functions of management are performed in every type of organization.

3. Henri Fayol was a graduate of the National School of Mines.

4. According to Henri Fayol, plans are performed to manage future events and achieve the goals that are set. 

5. It is important for a company’s success that every element of its internal environment controls business goals, strategy, and ability to ensure the competitiveness of the company.

6. According to Henri Fayol, coordinating means that each part of activities of organizations must be in harmony with others.

7. Fayol’s work was well known outside Europe before 1949.

Task 4.Match the sentence beginnings (1-7) with the correct endings (a-g) to make a short summary of the Text B. Read the Text B again if necessary.
1. Henri Fayol was the first person to identify elements or functions of management in ………………

2. Fayol defined five functions, or elements of management: planning, organizing, commanding, ……………………

3. Fayol defined organizing as making provision for the structuring of activities and relationships within the firm and also the recruiting, evaluation, and ………

4. Fayol emphasized the importance of managers understanding the people who worked for them, setting a good example, treating subordinates in a manner consistent with firm policy, delegating, and communicating through ………….

5. Fayol defined the control function in terms of ensuring that everything occurs within the parameters of the plan and …………………

6. Fayol's work was not widely known outside Europe until 1949, when a translation of his work …………………
a) accompanying principles.

b) his classic 1916 book Administration Industrielle et Generale.

c) meetings and conferences.

d) appeared in the United States.

e)coordinating, and controlling.

f)training of personnel.

Task 1. Match the words in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



  1. military

  1. not easy changed.

  1. rigid

  1. to be provided or exist at the same as something.

  1. provision

  1. which they are organized.

  1. inspire

  1. the act of providing something that someone needs.

  1. accompany

  1. to give someone the enthusiasm to do or create something.

  1. deviation

  1. of two or more people or things dependent on each other.

  1. interdependent

  1. A difference in the usual or expected way of doing something.

Task 2. Read the Text B again if necessary and find the words which have a similar meaning to the following.

  1. support his idea with evidence in a logical way (paragraph 1)

  2. succeed in goals (paragraph 2)

  3. to give particular attention to (paragraph 3)

  4. the process of employing new staff (paragraph 2)

  5. a person under authority (paragraph 3)

  6. concerning (paragraph 4)

  7. take into consideration (paragraph 2)

  8. provide for (paragraph 2)

Task 3. Complete the sentences (1-8) with words from the box.

provide create evaluate select

tremendous focus organizational

1. The survey ………… on the main key points related to the IT security project management.

2. Companies that ……….. new employees from the candidates who walk in their door or answer an ad in the paper or online are missing the best candidates

3. Recent years there have been ……… progress in the use and development of IT.

4. Applicants who indicate funding from personal and family sources must ……… satisfactory proof.

5. In the planning stage, managers establish ……….. goals and create a course of action to achieve them.

6. The system will analyze transportation and …………… future transportation requirements.

7. Increased investment and economic growth help to…….. employment opportunities.

8. The executive director will continue to monitor the Committee’s decision and ………… the achieved results.
Task 4. Form nouns, verbs and adjectives from the following words.




1. inspire

2. provision

3. motivate

4. accompanying

5. deviation

Task 1. Watch the lecture with Dr. Jim White, Professor Emeritus at North Lake College, talking about the management function of planning. Complete the sentences from the interview with phrases in the box below.


small parts longest period entire organization mid-level managers five years top managers strategic plans large parts

1. Strategic planning is done by the……………. in the organization.

2. Strategic planning covers the………….. of time.

3. Strategic plan will run out three or………… depending a course upon how quickly the environment of your organization is changing.

4. The scope of strategic planning is the ………… . Everybody in the organization is going to be affected by the strategic plan.

5. The tactical planning is done by the ………………..

6. Tactical plans affect …………… of the organization.

7. Operational planning is built upon …………….

8. Operational plans affect ………… of the organization like departments.

Task 2. Watch the lecture again and discuss the following questions.
1. Why is planning important in management?

2. What is the scope of strategic planning?

3. What is the importance of tactical planning?

4. What is the importance of operational planning?

Task 1. Work in pairs. Role-play the situation with your partner.
You are a manager. You work for an international company. Planning is an important part of your job. When teams don’t follow long range goals and correct planning, more growth of a company is not expected. Meet with a new team member of your department and discuss the importance of management planning. Use phrases from the Useful language box below.
Student A: a manager

Student B: a team member

Asking for clarificationis

- What I mean is............... (paraphrase what you are said)

- Let me think.............................

- Sorry to interrupt but......................

- The point is …………………..

- I fully agree......................./ I don’t really agree with you..............

- Look at it this way ………………………………..

- You are totally right......................

- I think it would be better..............

- Well, I think it’s definitely not..........






Past Simple

a) an action that began and ended at a particular time in the past;

Verb+ed, verb II
In 2005 Samat worked in advertising.

He began to work as an agent.

Samat didn’t work in advertising in 2005.

Did he work as an agent in advertising?

Was/were+past participle

Samat was invited to work for an advertising company.

Samat was not invited to work for an advertising company.

Was he invited to work for an advertising company?

Past Continuous

a) an action that was going on around a particular past time;

Samat was working when his mother came.

Samat wasn’t working when his mother came.

Was he working when his mother came?

Was/were being+pp
Samat felt he was being watched.

Samat felt he wasn’t being watched.

Was he being watched?

Past Perfect

a) a past action that occurred before another past action;

Had+ Past participle
Samat had left hours before we got there.

Samat hadn’t left hours before we got there.

Had he left hours before we got there?

Had been+pp
I knew he had been gone.

I knew he hadn’t been gone.

Had he been gone before you came?