Файл: Учебное пособие по профессиональному иностранному языку для студентов 3 курса.docx

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Task 1. Complete the sentences (1-8) with words in brackets using the correct form of the Past Tenses.
1. By the early 1970s, some experts ………(suggest) that the functions of management as ……….(describe) by Fayol and others of the process school of management were not an accurate description of the reality of managers' jobs.

2. Fayol ……….(be born) in 1841 in a suburb of Istanbul, Turkey where his father, an engineer, ………. (appoint) superintendent of work to build a bridge over the Golden Horn.

3. Fayol ………..(write) as a practical man of business reflecting on his long managerial career and setting drown the principles he …………(observe).

4. The board ……….(choose) Henri Fayol to oversee this as the new managing director. 

5. When he …………(retire) in 1918, the company ………(be) financially strong and one of the largest industrial combines in Europe.

6. In 1878, Fayol ………..(invite) to the Paris Congress of the Mining Industrial Society, …………..(hold) on the occasion of the Universal Exposition, to present a report on the alteration and spontaneous combustion of the coal exposed to the air.

7. Fayol ………….(influence) by the theory of Frederick Taylor in the field of scientific organization of work, whose influence ………..(emerge) in the second stage of the Industrial Revolution.
Task 2. Match the verb forms (a-f) with tenses (1-11).

  1. We had ordered services before.

2. The managers of this enterprise didn’t assert strong authority.

3. He had a clear plan for his company.

4. The team hadn’t maintained the decision-making power before.

5. Did they focus on motivation of the team?

6. Had the company structured annual bonuses around employee performance before?

7. The team was participating and exchanging ideas that time.

8. Managers were delegated tasks during the meeting.

9. They hadn’t been invited to the meeting.

10. Were policies devised to benefit the employees and the organization?

11. Employees were being chosen for the company.
a) Past Simple (active voice)

b) Past Simple (passive voice)

c) Past Continuous (active voice)

d) Past continuous (passive voice)

e) Past Perfect (active voice)

f) Past Perfect (passive voice)
An essay is a "short formal piece of writing, dealing with a single subject" ("Essay," 2001). It is typically written to try to persuade the reader using selected research evidence ("Essay," 1997).


Compare & Contrast





Narrative Essay: It is a simple narration of facts or one’s experiences. The writer should be creative.

Descriptive Essay: It is based on the detailed description and analysis of an object or events. Adjectives and adverbs, metaphors and similes can be used to visualize things.

Expository Essay: This includes the process of interpreting some process, personal response to the particular experience or situation or critical analysis of some topics.

Argumentative Essay: The writer has to state the thesis statement and then suggest his/her arguments in such a way to persuade the reader.

Compare and Contrast Essay: The writer has to present the similarities and differences between selected subjects.
In general, an academic essay has three parts:


Paraphrase the topic and briefly give your opinion.


Develop your point, giving reasons and supporting them with appropriate examples. Write at least two paragraphs.


Sum up what you have written and give your final thoughts on the problem. They should not differ from those in the introduction.

Linking words and phrases are generally used to connect sentences and paragraphs signaling logical relationships between ideas in the text. By using these signaling devices, the effectiveness of the text is gained. Linking words and phrases are used between clauses within a sentence, between sentences and between paragraphs.


  • Firstly

  • Secondly

  • Thirdly

  • Lastly/ Finally

Highlighting and Stressing

  • Particularly

  • In particular

  • Especially

  • Obviously

  • Of course

  • clearly

Adding information

  • In addition

  • Additionally

  • Furthermore

  • Also

  • Not only…….but also

  • As well as

  • And

Concessions and Contrasts

  • Admittedly

  • However

  • Nevertheless

  • Although

  • Even though

  • But

  • Despite

  • In spite of

  • On the other hand

  • By contrast in comparison

  • Another option could be

Giving examples

  • For example

  • One clear example

  • Such as

  • Namely

  • To illustrate

  • In other words

Reasons and Causes

  • Because

  • owing to

  • Due to

  • Since

  • as

Results and Consequences

  • As a result

  • Consequently

  • Therefore

  • Thus

  • Hence

  • So

  • For the reason

Concluding Linkers

  • In conclusion

  • To conclude

  • To Sum up

Giving your opinions

  • In my opinion

  • I think

  • I believe

  • In my view

  • I disagree

Take into consideration the following points:

  • Decide on the points you would like to discuss and also the paragraph divisions.

  • Think about your chosen topic. You have to put down the several ideas occur in your mind in a piece of paper. Search for illustrations and quotations to support your views.

  • Organize your ideas in a logical order and put them in their respective paragraphs.

  • Introduction is a preview for the essay. Each paragraph should contain a topical sentence and supporting ideas. Examples can be given to stress the points.

  • Linking words could be used to connect the sentences.

  • Unity, cohesion and coherence are essential ingredients of an essay.

  • Simple, direct and clear style is required.

  • Avoid slang and colloquial expressions.

  • Do not forget to revise your essay after writing, make necessary changes before submission.

Task 1. Complete the spaces (a-f) in the sentences with linking words in the box.

even though especially despite therefore due to admittedly

There are a number of drawbacks to people using Facebook as a way of communicating a)………… it is b)………… one of the most common social networking platforms for both individuals and businesses.

c)…………the lack of exercise taken by average people, obesity and other weight related problems are on the rise.

Unemployment and poverty, d)……………… in urban areas, is often deemed to be the cause of rising crime rate.

e)………… the rise in urban crime, more and more people continue to move cities looking for a better life.

More children are becoming obese and f)……… schools should be encouraged to provide more sports lessons and outdoor activities.
Task 2. Complete the model essay with organizing phrases in the box.

finally firstly in addition in conclusion

Paragraph A

In today’s cosmopolitan world it is unusual to find a major city or country where there are no immigrants. People travel more now than they ever did in the past and populations have had to adapt to this transitional lifestyle much more quickly than in the past. Ultimately society, as a group of individuals, directs the way that new arrivals in a country are treated. But the government can do a number of things to support this.
Paragraph B

1.________________, as governments should insist that schools teach history and culture from more than one country, not just the home nation. By learning how others have lived we gain insight into alternative cultures and ways of life which makes us more accepting when we meet people from those countries. Of course, we don/t have time to learn about the history of every country in the world but understanding at least one other culture opens our minds and makes us more tolerant.
Paragraph C

2.____________________, when immigrants choose to settle in a country, the host government should offer free language and culture lessons. It is impossible for new arrivals to integrate if they do not understand the language and habits of their new home. I believe it is important for immigrants to learn the culture of the place they have chosen to settle. By acquiring the language and knowledge about the culture, they will be able integrate more easily and comfortably without necessarily losing their own identity.
Paragraph D

3_______________, the governments of countries should make sure that they have some stringent laws to protect people from aggression or prejudice so that, should an immigrant face terrible attitudes, they have some protection. By ensuring people feel safe the host country shows that it is civilized and promotes integration.
Paragraph E

4._________________, understanding others is the key to harmonious living but laws should also be in place to protect people from those who can’t behave responsibly.
Task 3. Read the model answer again in Task 2. Label the paragraphs of the essay (A-E) with phrases in the box.

Introducing topic Justifying opinion (x2) Starting opinion
Summarizing point of view

Task 4. Write an essay on the topic:
Some people believe that managers are responsible for the organization’s success, while others think different features of the organization play a vital role in it.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?


Task 1. Read the article and then discuss the following questions.
1. What is the difference between leadership and management?

2. Do you think that all managers must be leaders? Why?

3. Discuss the main arguments for appointing someone as a manager.

4. Do you see yourself as a leader or a manager?

5. How can you identify and improve your leadership qualities?
Management is about getting things done with the aid of people and other resources or more specifically it is the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, through the deployment and manipulation of resources (people, technological, financial, material, intellectual or intangible). It concerns the effective utilization and coordination of resources to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency. Yukl (2006) defines leadership as the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. Typically associated with the concept of influence is motivation; leadership may be considered as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organization. Yukl (2006) notes that a person can be a leader without being a manager and a person can be a manager without leading. He notes a continuing controversy about the difference between leadership and management with some writers treating them as different to the point of being mutually exclusive that management and leadership cannot occur in the same person. Other scholars view leading and managing as distinct processes that do not assume leaders and managers are different types of people. Both processes are necessary for the success of an organization. The relative importance of the two processes and the best way to integrate them depends upon the situation at the time. Leadership is essentially an influencing process; the process is ultimately aimed at goal achievement. The function of the leader is to ensure the organization does the right thing (effectiveness) whilst the manager ensures things are done right (efficiency); the leader is concerned with establishing direction, the vision and organizational goals and influencing followers to obtain commitment. Consequently, the leader must be a good communicator and able to influence others-motivating and inspiring. The manager ensures goals are attained through plans, budgets, resource allocation, organization and problem-solving. Managerial activity can be described in terms of several general processes: relationship management, information management, decision-making and influencing people.

(Adapted from://www.researchgate.net.publication)
Task 2. Write the similarities and differences between managers and leaders in the chart below.



Task 3. Read the first part of the case and then discuss the following questions.
1. What is Laura’s job?

2. What are the things she is responsible for in the workplace?
Laura is the associate director of a nonprofit agency that provides assistance to children and families. She is the head of a department that focuses on evaluating the skill-building programs. She reports directly to the agency leadership. As a whole, the agency has been cautious in hiring this year because of increased competition for federal grant funding. However, they have also suffered from high staff turnover. Two directors, three key research staff, and one staff person from the finance department have left.

Laura is given sufficient authority to carry out the work assigned to her. She has a demanding schedule that requires frequent travel; however, she supervises two managers who in turn are responsible for five staff members. Both managers have been appointed within the last six months. The executives are given sufficient authority to carry out the work assigned to them.
Task 4. Read the second part of the case and then discuss the following questions.
1. How can you describe Kelly’s and Linda’s current duties?

2. How do Kelly and Linda demonstrate their organizational skills in the workplace?

Manager 1: Kelly has a specific background in research. She manages the staff that provides research support to another department that delivers behavioral health services to youth. Kelly supports her staff and is very organized; however, she often takes a very black and white view of issues. Upper level leadership values Kelly’s latest research on the therapeutic division’s services. Kelly is very motivated and driven and expects the same from her staff.

Manager 2: Linda has a strong background in social science research and evaluation. She manages the staff that works on different projects within the agency. She is known as a problem solver and is extremely supportive of her staff. She is very organized and has a wealth of experience in evaluation of family services. Linda is very capable and can sometimes take on too much. She keeps a close watch on their individual performance in order to ensure that they are in accordance with the standard set and takes corrective actions whenever needed.
Task 4. Read the third part of the case and then discuss the questions below.
The managers are sensing that the staff is becoming overworked as everyone takes on increased responsibilities due to high staff turnover. The staff has also mentioned that Laura’s "glass half-empty" conversation style leaves them feeling dejected. In addition, Laura has not shared budgets with her managers, so they are having difficulty appropriately allocating work to the staff. Laura said she has not received sufficient information from the finance department to complete the budgets. The finance department states they have sent her all the information.

As the staff becomes distressed, the managers are becoming frustrated. They feel like they are unable to advocate for their staff or solve problems without key information like the departmental budget.

(Adapted from https://Leadership and Management Case Study #1 | CYFAR )
Discussion Questions:
1. How can Laura most efficiently use both management and leadership skills in her role as the associate director of the nonprofit agency?

2. What steps should be taken to build staff confidence?

3. What advice would you give Laura on improving her leadership skills?

4. What advice would you give managers on improving their management skills?

5. Which leadership style do you think a leader would need to be effective in this situation?

6. Identify and describe the functions of management that Laura and other managers perform.



Task 1. Discuss the following questions.
1. Are you socially responsible in your community and how?

2. How are you ethical in an organization?

Task 1. Match the terms in Column A with the correct definitions in Column B.



1. Social responsibility

  1. are essential elements in sustaining successful and profitable business relationship.

  1. Ethics

  1. is an act organization’s obligation to act for the benefit of society at large.

  1. Integrity and trust

  1. is a code of moral principles and values that govern the behaviours of right or wrong.

Text A.
Task 2. Read the text below and then discuss the following questions.
1. What is ethics and social responsibility?

2. Is social responsibility important in an organization? Why?

3. Why should managers be socially responsible?
Social responsibility is defined as the obligation and commitment of managers to take steps for protecting and improving society’s welfare along with protecting their own interest. It is an ethical theory, in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty; the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment.

Any organization, whether public or private, with purely economic or social objectives, designs strategies, builds structures, develops policies and undertakes actions that affect many people and institutions. All of this goes to define its SR according to its impacts on society. As is logical, all this needs managers to guide, coordinate and control it. Within an organization, social responsibility consists of a series of instruments or technical resources: management systems incentives, indicators, reports, audits, codes of conduct, training programs, etc., which are necessary if SR is to move beyond good intentions or a series of disorganized and ineffective actions. This is the instrumental dimension of SR.