Файл: Английский язык Пособие для студентов.doc

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1. Look through the short information about sport games.
Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interests: this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are cricket, volley-ball, basket-ball, and so on. Badminton is also very popular both with young and old.

Among indoor games which one can go in for all the year round are billiards, table tennis, draughts, chess, of course. The results of chess toumamets are studied and discussed by enthusiasts in different countries.
1. Look through Text 1 and do comprehension tasks below.
Tennis, original name lawn tennis, game in which two opposing players (singles) or pairs of players (doubles) use tautly strung rackets to hit a ball of specified size, weight, and bounce over a net on a rectangular court. Points are awarded to a player or team whenever the opponent fails to correctly return the ball within the prescribed dimensions of the court. Organized tennis is played according to rules sanctioned by the
International Tennis Federation (ITF), the world governing body of the sport.

Tennis originally was known as lawn tennis, and formally still is in Britain, because it was played on grass courts by Victorian gentlemen and ladies. It is now played on a variety of surfaces. The origins of the game can be traced to a 12th–13th-century French handball game called jeu de paume («game of the palm»), from which was derived a complex indoor racket-and-ball game: real tennis. This ancient game is still played to a limited degree and is usually called real tennis in Britain, court tennis in the United States, and royal tennis in Australia.

T he modern game of tennis is played by millions in clubs and on public courts. Its period of most rapid growth as both a participant and a spectator sport began in the late 1960s, when the major championships were opened to professionals as well as amateurs, and continued in the 1970s, when television broadcasts of the expanding professional tournament circuits and the rise of some notable players and rivalries broadened the appeal of the game. A number of major innovations in fashion and equipment fueled and fed the boom. The addition of colour and style to tennis wear (once restricted to white) created an entirely new subdivision of leisure clothing. Tennis balls, which historically had been white, now came in several hues, with yellow the colour of choice. Racket frames, which had been of a standard size and shape and constructed primarily of laminated wood, were suddenly manufactured in a wide choice of sizes, shapes, and materials, the most significant milestones being the introduction of metal frames beginning in 1967 and the oversized head in 1976.

While tennis can be enjoyed by players of practically any level of skill, top competition is a demanding test of both shot making and stamina, rich in stylistic and strategic variety. From its origins as a garden-party game for ladies in whalebone corsets and starched petticoats and men in long white flannels, it has evolved into a physical chess match in which players attack and defend, exploiting angles and technical weaknesses with strokes of widely diverse pace and spin. Tournaments offer tens of millions of dollars in prize money annually.


1. Speak about tennis with your patner. Translate the following questions and ask them to him:
1. Кто играл в России в большой теннис, когда игра еще только зарождалась?

2. В каком году был образован первый теннисный клуб? Как он назывался?

3. Почему теннисные клубы в России существовали только в Москве и Санкт- Петербурге?

4. Когда и где были заложены теннисные корты?

5. Вы умеете играть в теннис?

6. Вы следите за соревнованиями и чемпионатами по теннису?

7. Вы знаете самых известных победителей Уимблдона?

8. Кто является первой ракеткой мира сегодня?

Их существует очень много, но мой любимый — Уимблдон, потому что в нем старые теннисные традиции сохраняются такими, какими были. Некоторые из самых известных Джон Маккенрой, Борис Беккер, Штеффи Граф, Моника Селеш.
2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where is tennis played?

  2. Is the court divided into two parts by a net?

  3. What is it played with?

  4. Do you know how many players make a team?

  5. What is the object of the game?

  6. How many strokes are there in tennis?

  7. What chief strokes do you know in tennis?

  8. What kinds of play are there in tennis?

  9. What qualities does tennis develop?

  10. What famous tennis-players do you know?


1. Look through Text 1 and do comprehension tasks below.
T he history of football goes back almost as far as that of cricket.

Games similar to football were played in China as early as 400 ВС. Egyptians played a kind of football too. They played games involving the kicking of a ball.

In about 200 AD the Romans played a game in which two teams tried to score by advancing a ball across a line on the field. The Romans passed the ball to one another but they never kicked it. They called the game «harpastum».

Football in the Middle Ages in England was played by teams formed of whole villages, and there were no very clear rules. With as many as a hundred people on each side, the teams struggled to score goals with a ball made of the inflated bladder of a pig. You could attack the ball, or you could attack members of the opposite team instead. In some villages the annual football match was regarded as a perfect opportunity to settle grievances against neighbours, who during the course of the game could be thrown into the duck pond. There were many injuries, some of them serious, and several times laws were passed to forbid the game, not only because of these injuries but because it interfered with practice for archery, which in those days was not so much a sport as an essential part of national defence.

Many rules changed and each person interpreted the rules differently. The modern version came from England. Football became a more orderly game in the nineteenth century, and eventually a group of keen players met to form the Football Association, the parent body of Associations all over the world and of the International Football Association, which sees that rules are universal, and also runs the World Cup Competition every four years.

The rules of are simple. The referee makes most of the decisions and attempts to encourage fair play. The game starts off with a kick off and the teams are allowed to pass, dribble, juggle, head, kick and shoot the ball to place it down the field, and (hopefully or eventually) into their opponent's goal.

If the ball is kicked off the field over the length of the field, the other team is given a throw-in, where the ball is thrown over the player's head, and back onto the field.

If the ball is kicked over the goal or across the width of the field, either a corner kick results, realizing by the offensive team, where the ball is placed on the corner of the field and kicked into play or the defensive team is awarded a kick, where the ball is placed on the corner of the goal box, and kicked back into play.

If a goal is scored, the ball is taken back to the centre of the field and the team, scored against, kicks off and keeps playing.

Today football is played at a professional level all over the world, and millions of people regularly go to football stadium to follow their favorite team, whilst millions more avidly watch the game on television. A very large number of people also play football at an amateur level. In many parts of the world football evokes great passions and plays an important role in the life of individual fans, local communities, and even nations; it is therefore often claimed to be the most popular sport in the world.

There are many worldwide international competition of football. One of the major international competitions in football is the World Cup organized by Fédération Internationale de Football Association. The first World Cup Championship was in Montevideo, Uruguay. Over 190 national teams compete in qualifying tournaments within the scope of continental confederations for a place in the finals. The finals tournament, which is held every four years, now involves 32 national teams competing. Also there is League of Champions and FIFA Cup competitions which take place every year in Europe.

So football is the national sport of most European and Latin-American countries and of many other nations.


1. Finish the sentences:
1. The history of football goes back ... .

2. Football in the Middle Ages in England ... .

3. You could attack the ball ... .

4. In some villages the annual football match was regarded as ... .

5. There were many injuries, some of them serious ... .

6. Football became a more orderly game in the nineteenth century... .
2. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Футбольная команда состоит из 11 игроков: вратарь, защитники, полузащитники и нападающие.

  1. Капитаном команды, как правило, является самый старший или самый лучший игрок.

  2. Я рад, что сегодняшняя игра закончилась вничью. Мы могли проиграть, многие из нас не в форме.

  3. Футбольное поле должно быть от 100 до 130 метров в длину и от 50 до 100 метров в ширину.

  4. Я едва мог поверить своим ушам, когда мне сказали, что команда нашего института выиграла со счетом 6:0.

  5. Он был страш­но расстроен, когда ему сказали, что его команда проиграла.

  6. Никто не ожидал, что они выиграют со счетом 2:0.

  7. Игра в футбол обычно длится в течение полутора часов.

  8. В перерыве, команды меняются сторонами площадки.

  9. Я болею за футбольную команду «Спартак».

  10. Кто первым забил гол?

  11. Вы пойдете на этот матч?

  12. Женщины не играют в футбол, правда? – Играют, но редко.

  13. Футбольное поле делится на две половины по средней линии.

  14. Финал чемпионата по футболу в Англии проходит ежегодно в мае на знаменитом стадионе «Уэмбли» в Лондоне.


1. Look through Text 1 and do comprehension tasks below.
Cricket is England's national summer game. Nobody knows exactly how old the g ame is, but some form of cricket was being played in England in the 13th century.

That game was probably quite different form the one which is known, as the rules of the game changed over the years. Cricket is a bat and ball sport played between two teams, usually of eleven players each. A cricket match is played on a grass field (which is usually roughly oval), in the centre of which is a flat strip of ground 22 yards (20.12 m) long, called a pitch. At each end of the pitch is a set of three parallel wooden stakes (known as stumps) driven into the ground, with two small crosspieces (known as bails) laid on top of them. This wooden structure is called a wicket. A player from the fielding team (the bowler) bowls a hard, fist-sized cork-centred leather ball from one wicket towards the other. The ball usually bounces once before reaching a player from the opposing team (the batsman), who defends the wicket from the ball with a wooden cricket bat. The batsman, if he or she does not get out, may then run between the wickets, exchanging ends with the other batsman (the «non-striker»), who has been standing in an inactive role near the bowler's wicket, to score runs. The other members of the bowler's team stand in various positions around the field as fielders. The match is won by the team that scores more runs.

T he period during which each team bats is called an innings. Most matches last one day, and each side has one innings, but important matches (such as international ones) can last six days. The oldest series of international matches (Test Matches) is between England and Australia, and the team that wins, takes home a famous trophy, The Ashes called. The trophy has this odd unusual name because it contains the ashes of the stumps and bails that were used in Test series of 1882, and then burned. And even today for cricket lovers winning The Ashes is like winning The World Cup for football! In England cricket is played in schools and universities, and almost all villages and towns have their cricket teams which play regularly at least one match a week during the season – from May to September. There are many thousands of cricket grounds all over England.

In the countries of South Asia, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, cricket is the most popular sport. It is also a major sport in places such as England and Wales, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Bermuda, and the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean, which are collectively known in cricketing parlance as the West Indies. There are also well established amateur club competitions in countries as diverse as the Netherlands, Kenya, Nepal and Argentina, among others; there are over one hundred cricket-playing nations recognised by the International Cricket Council. Cricket is arguably the second most popular sport in the world.

The sport is followed with passion in many different parts of the world. It has even occasionally given rise to diplomatic outrage, the most notorious being the Basil D'Oliveira affair which led to the banning of South Africa from sporting events. Other examples include the Bodyline series, played between England and Australia in the early 1930s, and the 1981 underarm bowling incident involving Australia and New Zealand.


2. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Крикет – командная игра с использованием бит и мяча.

  2. Первые документальные упоминания о прообразах крикета относятся к началу XVI века – в это время появились сообщения об игре, участники которой ударяли по мячу изогнутыми битами, напоминающими клюшки.

  3. Самые ранние сведения об игре под названием «крекетт» датированы 1598 годом.

  4. Исследователи полагают, что корни этой игры могут быть английскими или фламандскими.

  5. По одной из гипотез, название игры произошло от древнеанглийского существительного cricc (cryce), обозначавшего палку или костыль.

1. Say in what countries the following sports and games are popular:

cricket, surfing, karate, reindeer racing, rugby, baseball, judo (jujitsu), lacrosse, lasso-throwing, soccer, croquet

2. Which is better – to be a specialist or a generalist? Match each specific term in column I. with the generic term in column II.


























weight lifting

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Thousands of people devote their leisure time to outdoor and indoor games.

2. The number of participants and spectators shows that the most popular of the team games are football and cricket.

3. Games in which individuals or couples try their skill are lawn-tennis and golf.

4. Lawn tennis is a game played with rackets and a light ball by two players or two pairs of players on a rectangular court, as of grass, clay, or asphalt, divided by a net.
4. Correct the wrong statements. Add a few more sentences to make up a short dialogue:
1. There is no difference between «soccer» and «rugby». 2. Badminton can be played only indoors. 3. The goal-keep­er acts as a judge in football. 4. Ice hockey is popular with women. 5. A tennis ball is struck with a club. 6. Women are good football players as a rule. 7. People who play draughts are called draughtsmen. 8. We use balls when playing bad­minton. 9. Golf is played on ice fields. 10. Hockey is one of the most popular summer games. 11. Table-tennis and lawn-tennis are one and the same game. 12. In hockey a hand­ball and rackets are used. 13. You may touch the ball with your hands when playing football.