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Ex. 4. Find pairs of words with the same meaning:

1) hazardous






to drive

2) craft







3) type



10) to operate


to run

4) personnel


machinery space

11) to draw

k) to suck

5) engineer



12) to propel



6) engine room



13) confine

m) cool

7) pressure



14) cabin



Ex. 5. Read the text “ENGINE ROOM”.
In a ship, an engine room is where the main engine(s), generators, com-pressors, pumps, fuel-lubrication oil purifiers and other major machinery are lo-cated. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘machinery space’. Engine rooms are typically towards the stern, or rear, of the boat from the crew’s living accommo-dations. On modern ships, a sound- proofed, air-conditioned engine control room is situated next to the engine room, for − the ship’s machinery control systems.
The engine room of a motor vessel typically contains several engines for different purposes. Main or propulsion engines are used to turn the ship’s pro-peller and move the ship through the water. They typically burn diesel oil or heavy fuel oil, and may be able to switch between the two. There are many pro-pulsion arrangements for motor vessels, some including multiple engines, pro-pellers, and gearboxes.

There are also large engines driving electrical generators which provide power for the ship’s electrical systems. Large ships typically have three or more synchronized generators to ensure smooth operation. The combined output of a ship’s generators is well above the actual power requirement in order to accom-modate frequent planned maintenance or the loss of one generator.
On a steamship, power for both electricity and propulsion is provided by a large boiler. Superheated steam from the boiler is used to spin powerful turbines for propulsion and turbo generators for electricity. Besides propulsion and auxil-


iary engines, a typical engine room contains many smaller engines, including generators, air compressors, feed pumps, and fuel pumps. Today, these ma-chines are usually powered by small diesel engines or electric motors, but may also use low-pressure steam.
The engines get their required cooling by means of heat exchangers con-nected to fresh seawater or divertible to recirculate to tanks in the engine room which are also full of sea water. Both devices are used to draw heat from the en-gines via the coolant and oil lines.
In addition to this array of equipment is the ships thruster system, typical-ly operated by electric motors controlled from the bridge. These thrusters are laterally mounted propellers that can suck or blow water from port to starboard (i.e. left to right) or vice versa. They are normally used only in maneuvering, e.g. docking operations, and are often banned in tight confines, e.g. dry docks. Thrusters, like main propellers, are reversible by hydraulic operation.

Engine rooms are hot, noisy, sometimes dirty, and potentially dangerous. The presence of flammable fuel, high voltage electrical equipment and internal combustion engines means that a serious fire hazard exists in the engine room, which is monitored continuously by the ship’s engineering staff and various monitoring systems. That is why fire precautions are to be kept thoroughly.
If equipped with internal combustion or turbine engines, engine rooms employ some means of providing air for the operation of the engines and associ-ated ventilation. If individuals are normally present in these rooms, additional ventilation should be available to keep engine room temperatures to acceptable limits. If personnel are not normally in the engine space, as in many pleasure boats, the ventilation need only be sufficient to supply the engines with intake air.
Ex. 6. Translate from English into Russian:

major machinery − _______________

crew’s living accommodation − _____

air-conditioned engine control room −



next to the engine room − _________

to move through the water − ________

for different purpose − ____________

to provide power − _______________

propulsion arrangements for motor

to ensure smooth operation − _______

vessels − _______________________


frequent planned maintenance − _____

both electricity and propulsion − ____



low-pressure steam − _____________

required cooling − ________________

full of sea water − ________________

in addition to − __________________

to be used in maneuvering − ________

flammable fuel − _________________

electrical equipment − _____________

to keep room temperature − ________

intake air − _____________________


Ex. 7. Find English equivalents to the following Russian ones in the

топливно-смазочный фильтр − ____

основное оборудование − ________

называется − ___________________

жилые помещения команды − _____

звуконепроницаемый и проветрива-

рядом с машинным отделением − __

емый − ________________________

несколько двигателей для различ-

вращать движитель − ____________

ных целей − ___________________

двигать судно по воде − __________

сжигать судовое топливо − _______

переключаться с одного на другое −

тяговые размещения − ___________


многочисленные двигатели − _____

приводить в движение электричес-

обеспечивать энергией электро-

кий генератор − _________________

систему судна − ________________

синхронные генераторы − ________

обеспечивать плавную работу − ___

общая мощность судовых генерато-

запланированное обслуживание − __

ров − _________________________


использовать пар низкого давления

обеспечивать мощностью малыми

− _____________________________

дизельными двигателями − _______

отводной для рециркуляции − _____

требуемое охлаждение − _________

управляемый с мостика − _________

кроме этого комплекта оборудова-

установленные по бокам гребные

ния − _________________________

винты − ______________________

использовать при маневрировании

сжатые плотными границами − ____

− ____________________________

грязное и шумное машинное отде-

реверсивная гидравлическая работа

ление − ________________________

− ____________________________

серьезная пожароопасность − _____

электрическое оборудование высо-

обеспечивать доступ воздуха для

кого напряжения − _____________

работы двигателей − _____________

проверяться техническим персона-

присутствие персонала − _________

лом − _________________________

впуск воздуха − ________________

дополнительная вентиляция − _____

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the Gerundial Construc-tions (see Appendix 5, Герундий).

  1. Air compressors are used to supply compressed air for starting engines.

  2. Coolers are used for cooling either oil or water.

  3. Besides running and maintaining the main propulsion machinery of the ship, the ship officer has a great deal with auxiliary machinery to look after.

  1. Water for the boilers is also heated before being admitted into the boiler by feed water pump.

  2. A lot of equipment is duplicated, so that one generator can be over-hauled without cutting off the supply of electricity to the ship.


  1. Engineer officers on tankers are also busy with operating the cargo pumping machinery.

Ex. 9. Render into English.

  1. В машинном отделении размещаются генераторы, компрессоры, насосы, топливно-смазочные фильтры и другое технологическое оборудо-вание.

  2. Само машинное отделение находится в кормовой части судна, отдельно от жилых отсеков команды.

  1. В машинном отделении, как правило, располагаются двигатели, предназначенные для различных целей.

  2. Для работы всей электросистемы судна используется большой двигатель, запускающий электрогенератор.

  3. Чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную работу на больших судах име-ется по три и более синхронных генератора.

  1. На пароходах тяга и электроснабжение обеспечиваются большим


  1. Система охлаждения двигателей осуществляется с помощью теп-лообменников.

  2. Через хладагент и маслопровод втягивается тепло из двигателя.

  3. Электромоторы приводят в действие стартовые ускорители. По-следние используются при маневрировании в доках.

  1. Наличие воспламеняющих веществ, высокого напряжения в элек-трооборудовании и в двигателях внутреннего сгорания обязывает соблю-дать меры предосторожности.

  2. Система вентиляции обеспечивает впуск воздуха в жилые поме-щения, а в машинном отделении поддерживает соответствующий темпера-турный режим.

Ex. 10. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What is the engine room?

  2. Where is it typically located?

  3. What engines does the engine room contain?

  4. What are propulsion engines used for?

  5. Are there any propulsion arrangements for motor ships?

  6. What is the ship’s electrical system provided by?

  7. What is the main peculiarity of a steamship’s propulsion and electrical


  1. What is the main working principle of the engine cooling system?

  2. What is the thruster system?

  3. What is its main objective?


  1. Why is the engine room considered to be potentially dangerous?

  2. What safety means of precautions are used aboard?

  3. Why is ventilation necessary for the operation of the engine room?

Ex. 11. Make up a plan to the text. Compare the plan of your own with your group-mates’ plans.
Ex. 12. Discuss the following items:
location of the engine room; safety means; engine cooling process;
engines and equipment; thrusters; ventilation.
Ex. 13. Prepare a speech on engine room and its equipment.