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Ship pollution is the pollution of air and water by shipping. It is a problem that has been accelerating as trade has become increasingly globalized, posing an increasing threat to the world’s oceans and waterways as globalization con-tinues. Because of increased traffic in ocean ports, pollution from ships also di-rectly affects coastal areas. The pollution produced affects biodiversity, climate, food, and human health.
1. Oil spills
Oil spills have devastating effects on the environment. Crude oil contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in the sediment and marine environment. Marine species con-stantly exposed to PAHs can exhibit developmental problems, susceptibility to disease, and abnormal reproductive cycles.
By the sheer amount of oil carried, modern oil tankers must be considered something of a threat to the environment. The International Tanker Owners Pol-lution Federation has researched 9,351 accidental spills since 1974. According to this study, most spills result from routine operations such as loading cargo, discharging cargo, and taking on fuel oil. Spills resulting from accidents like collisions, groundings, hull failures, and explosions are much larger.
The United States passed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA-90), which included a stipulation that all tankers entering its waters be double -hulled by 2015. The European Union passed its own stringent anti-pollution packages, which require all tankers entering its waters to be double-hulled by 2010.
2. Ballast water
When a large vessel such as a container ship or an oil tanker unloads car-go, seawater is pumped into compartments in the hull to help stabilize and bal-ance the ship. During loading, this ballast water is pumped out from these com-partments. One of the problems with ballast water transfer is the transport of harmful organisms.
Ballast and bilge discharge from ships can also spread human pathogens and other harmful diseases and toxins potentially causing health issues for hu-mans and marine life alike. Discharges into coastal waters, along with other sources of marine pollution, have the potential to be toxic to marine plants, ani-mals, and microorganisms, causing alterations such as changes in growth, dis-ruption of hormone cycles, birth defects, suppression of the immune system, and disorders resulting in cancer, tumors, and genetic abnormalities or even death.
3. Exhaust emissions
Exhaust emissions from ships are considered to be a significant source of air pollution. Seagoing vessels are responsible for an estimated 14 percent of emissions of nitrogen from fossil fuels and 16 percent of the emissions of sul-phur from petroleum uses into the atmosphere. In Europe ships make up a large percentage of the sulphur introduced to the air, as much sulfur as all the cars, lorries and factories in Europe put together. By 2010, up to 40% of air pollution over land could come from ships.
4. Marine fuel management
Marine fuel management (MFM) is a multi -level approach to measuring, monitoring, and reporting fuel usage on a boat or ship, with the goals of reduc-ing fuel usage, increasing operational efficiency, and improving fleet manage-ment oversight. MFM has grown in importance due to the rising costs of marine fuel and increased governmental pressures to reduce the pollution generated by the world’s fleet.
Effective MFM requires that you know: how much fuel is used? how the fuel was used? what things impact fuel usage? and by how much?
MFM allows a fleet owner to track actual fuel consumption and relate fuel consumption to the work performed by the vessel. It supports the analysis of the effectiveness of operating strategies and helps develop a clearer understanding of how well a vessel uses its fuel.
Ex. 7. Translate from English into Russian:
ship pollution − __________________ | as trade has become globalized − ____ |
the world’s oceans and waterways − | pollution affects coastal areas − _____ |
_______________________________ | human health − __________________ |
oil spills − ______________________ | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon − ___ |
to clean up − ____________________ | _______________________________ |
marine species − _________________ | the sediment and marine environment |
to exhibit developmental problems − | − _____________________________ |
_______________________________ | susceptibility to disease − __________ |
accidental spills − ________________ | abnormal reproductive cycle − ______ |
discharging cargo − _______________ | loading cargo − __________________ |
double-hulled tankers − ___________ | taking on fuel oil − _______________ |
to help stabilize and balance the ship − | ballast water − ___________________ |
_______________________________ | the transport of harmful organisms − |
human pathogens − _______________ | _______________________________ |
to cause alteration − ______________ | harmful diseases and toxins − _______ |
disruption of hormone cycles − _____ | changes in growth − ______________ |
suppression of the immune system − | birth defects − ___________________ |
_______________________________ | exhaust emissions − ______________ |
emissions of nitrogen from fossil fuels | a significant source of air pollution − |
_____________________________ _______________________________
marine fuel management − _________ | | emissions of sulphur from petroleum − | |
multi-level approach − ____________ | ____________________________ | | |
increasing operational efficiency − ___ | | improving fleet management oversight | |
the rising costs − _________________ | | − _____________________________ | |
governmental pressure − ___________ | | to track and relate fuel consumption to | |
reducing fuel usage − _____________ | | the work of the vessel − ___________ | |
Ex. 8. Render into English: | | | |
загрязнение от судоходства − _____ | | загрязнение воздуха и воды − _____ | |
| | ||
рост проблемы − ________________ | | представлять растущую угрозу ми- | |
увеличение движения в портах − ___ | | ровому океану − ________________ | |
влиять на биологическое разно- | | нефтяные пятна − _______________ | |
образие − ______________________ | | разрушительный эффект на окру- | |
оставаться на многие годы − ______ | | жающую среду − ________________ | |
восприимчивость к болезням − ____ | | проблемы развития − ____________ | |
неправильный репродуктивный | | по явному количеству − __________ | |
цикл − _________________________ | | перевозимая нефть − _____________ | |
владелец танкера − ______________ | | международная федерация владель- | |
исследовать случаи разлива нефти − | | цев танкеров по вопросам загрязне- | |
_______________________________ | | ния − __________________________ | |
столкновение − _________________ | | посадка на мель − _______________ | |
| | ||
взрыв − ________________________ | | повреждение корпуса судна − _____ | |
соглашение − ___________________ | | танкер с двойным корпусом − _____ | |
балластные воды − ______________ | | пакеты документов по вопросам | |
откачивать морскую воду − _______ | | строжайшей защиты окружающей | |
способствовать равновесию и ба- | | среды − ________________________ | |
лансировке корабля − ____________ | | перевозка вредных организмов − | |
балластная и льяльная разгрузка − | | _______________________________ | |
_______________________________ | | распространение человеческих бо- | |
вызывать проблемы со здоровьем − | | лезнетворных организмов − _______ | |
_______________________________ | | сброс в прибрежные воды − _______ | |
приводить к заболеваниям рака и | | источники загрязнения − _________ | |
различным опухолям − ___________ | | выхлопная эмиссия − ____________ | |
управление морским топливом − | | выброс серы в воздух − __________ | |
_______________________________ | | многоуровневый подход − ________ | |
цель снижения потребления топлива | | использование топлива − _________ | |
− _____________________________ | | улучшать надзор за потреблением | |
повышать затраты − _____________ | | топлива − ______________________ | |
отслеживать потребление топлива − | | увеличить правительственное дав- | |
_____________________________ | | ление − ________________________ | |
Ex. 9. Explain the meaning of the following words and word-combi-nations:
biodiversity, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, pollution, susceptibility to disease, double-hulled, harmful organism, disruption of hormone cycle, marine fuel management.
Ex. 10. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary (see Appendix 5,
Table А5.2):
because of, into, with, of, on, by, to, in, from
Ship pollution is the pollution ___ air and water ___ shipping. -
Pollution _____ ships directly affects ___ coastal areas ___ increased traffic ___ ports. -
Oil spills effect ___ the environment. -
Marine species exposed ___ PAHs can exhibit developmental problems.
Modern oil tankers must be considered something ___ a threat ___ the environment ___ the sheer amount ___ oil carried. -
___ 2015 all tankers must be double-hulled. -
___ stabilize and balance the ship seawater is to be pumped ___ com-partments ___ the hull.
The transport ___ harmful organisms is one ___ the problems ___ bal-last water transfer.
Ballast and bilge waters ___ ships can spread human pathogens and other harmful diseases. -
Exhaust emissions ___ ships is a significant source ___ air pollution.
Ex. 11. Make up a plan to the text.
Ex. 12. Answer the questions to the text:
What is ship pollution? -
What does pollution affect? -
What effects on the environment do oil spills have? Give examples. -
What stipulations are necessary for oil tankers? -
Ballast and bilge waters are potentially causing human health prob-lems and adversely affecting sea animals, aren’t they?
What do exhaust emissions result in? -
What is the average percent of air pollution coming from ships? -
What is the major goal of MFM? -
What does effective MFM require? -
What does MFM allow a fleet owner? -
What analysis does MFM support?
Ex. 13. Write down key words and word-combinations from the text ac-cording to the plan.
Ex. 14. Write a summary of the text. Use the key word-combinations.
Ex. 15. Read the dialogue.
Inspector: Good afternoon. I am an inspector of Marine Pollution Con-trol Department1. The point is that we have found a big oil spill on the water surface not far from your ship.
Chief Engineer: I’m afraid, you’re mistaken, Inspector. Out ship has got all thenecessary facilities to prevent any pollution.
Inspector: It’s all very good. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I’m on duty to check all the possible sources of pollution. D’you keep an Oil Record Book2?
Chief Engineer: Yes, certainly. Here you are.
Inspector: Oh, yes, according to your entries3 you have had no spillage for a long time.
Chief Engineer: By the way, I can show you our International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. And you can make a tour of the ship to
| make sure that there are no traces of oil spill or oil leakage. | |
Inspector: | Have you taken oil samples from that area? | |
Yes, we have. | | |
Chief Engineer: | Then I’ll ask you to take samples of oil from our tanks and the | |
Inspector: | analysis will show you if those samples are identical or not. | |
Thank you for your assistance, Sir. | |